Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Video: The World's History Of Gun Control In The 20th Century...History which Is Not Mentioned In Public

Video: The World's History Of Gun Control In The 20th Century...History which Is Not Mentioned In Public
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Wednesday, 23-Sep-2015 10:11:41

If you believe the FUSA and this time is 'different and caring', you are destined to be the subject of the new documentary of the 21st century.. 

Uploaded on Oct 3, 2011
Learning to 'Live Free' comes from experience and personal growth ... Lets break our conditioning!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We don't send Soldiers to war with pitchforks. Why do you think that is? It's because when a person with a pitchfork goes to battle with a person with a rifle you can just about figure out which one will win especially if there is more than one attacker.

Our Second Amendment was to give us to have as good a weapon as our attacker has whether a foreign government or our own out of control government. It sure also helps in the case of self defense.

We have a God given right to defend ourselves, our families, and our Country.

Ok so you don't believe in God Almighty and don't believe in guns and self defense , then don't buy a gun I don't care or just stuff it.

Just don't tell me what I should or should not buy to protect my own.

Why does Obama want us to be disarmed when if attacked on our soil we could defend ourselves, family and country?

Could it be those 30,000 guillotines he has waiting for us at the Fema Camps? He is a Muslim by admission and that is what they do.