Monday, November 16, 2015

Abel Danger ... Psyop in Paris


Sunday, November 15, 2015

Psyop in Paris - Bombing/Shooting Hoax - « Je Suis Crisis Actor » - Multi-Site SAMU (EMT) Exercise on Nov. 13 - NATO–Gladio–Zionist Strategy of Tension - Trauma-Based Mind Control for the Masses - Manufacturing a Pretext for More Domestic Repression & Foreign Wars - Western "Intelligence" Agencies & "Security" Services Steeped in (Rothschild) Fraud and State Criminality - Stratégie Triangulaire, Sous Faux Drapeau (False Flag)


Paris Attacks: Staged Bombing Shooting Hoax for Syrian Invasion Exposed (Redsilverj) 

Paris Terror Hoax False Flag Fake Explosions in Stadium 

Paris Terror - Loads of men in orange jackets doing NOTHING 

Paris France Bombing "Terrorist Attack" Hoax - Death Metal Concert Alleyway Staged Scene Exposed


Paris France Bombing "Terrorist Attack" Hoax - Bionic Woman & Lonely Cell Phone Man


Paris France Bombing Hoax Exposed - French EMT Says Live Drill Planned on 11/13 



Paris France "Terrorist Attack" Psyop Hoax - Cafe Suicide Bombing Scene "Forensic Experts" Exposed


Geraldo Rivera Plays Along With Paris Bombing Hoax! Daughter Was There! (Redsilverj)


Jeannette Bougrab EXPOSED! Paris Shooting Hoax Crisis Actor FULLY REVEALED

Jeannette Bougrab Rothschild Connection FULLY EXPOSED! Crisis Actor Charlie Hebdo


Alain Soral - stratégie du chaos et opérations sous fausse bannière (false flag) 

Alain Soral vs Dynovisz : l'origine hébraïque du false flag


Related: Another French false flag?
Paris Terror Scam - Hoax, Not Blowback - "Dead" Vicsims - Audio Soundtrack Is an Obvious Studio Job - Prepositioned Camerapersons - Mind the Cue Lines! - Hollywood-Style Script for Max Effect - Tasteless Satirical Rag "Charlie Hebrew" Produced Anti-Islamic Cartoons - I Am NOT Charlie - « Charlie Hebdo, C'est de la Merde ! » "Conspiracy Theories: Current Status" - Political Radicalism Observatory of the Fondation Jean-Jaurès (French Socialist Party Think Tank) - Denunciation of the "Jewish Conspiracy" - Competing With the "Official Version" of an Event - François Hollande's Pétainism and Inversion of Values - The State Is a Leviathan Which, by Nature, Abuses Those It Governs - The "Rothschild Myth" - Cromwell, Disraeli, Rhodes, Herzl… and Rothschild Dieudonné, Soral, and the French Resistance - Struggle Between the French People and the Zionist Plutocracy - Media Censorship or Free Speech? - Inserting a Quenelle Into Zionism's Butt - Anti-Establishment Gesture - A Political Earthquake in France - Equality and Reconciliation


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sane people had better arrest and bring to trial these mind-controlled actors to prevent them from murdering more harmless and innocent people.