Saturday, November 14, 2015

Koenig Interview on Lawless America

RICHARD'S STORY:  Oregon's Top Vehicle Code Expert, Richard Koenig, Interview on Lawless America 

Stupid Amerkin on January 21, 2013 at 8:23pm

Here is a man that has a story you won't believe, but true none the less. This man has the proof and evidence to blow the lid off of the corruption here in Oregon all the way to the governors office. He is considered one of the top experts on the Oregon Motor Vehicle Code and has spent the last 17 years of his life including almost 3 of these years in jail or the state hospital at $17,000 a month trying to keep him quiet, investigating corruption in government. He is fortunate to still be alive, but only because he has had the support of his friends and associates who know Richard for who he really is and his cause that includes all the people of Oregon.

"One who breaks an unjust, (or mythical)  law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for law."
Martin Luther King, Jr. 

(For those who know who Freewill is, this statement by Martin Luther King, Jr. applies also to Freewill.)
When armed force compels compliance with mythical laws and money is demanded for its violation, power will corrupt and greed will never be satisfied.
Richard L Koenig

(For those who know who Freewill is, this statement by Richard Koenig applies also to Freewill.)

Richard may finely get his day in court, (den of corruption) with a jury trial the 7th of March at the Clackamas County Municipal Court in Oregon City 9AM (this was early 2015).   His hope is to have as many witnesses as possible to make sure the criminals disguised behind respectability in the den of corruption do not get too far out of control and play by the rules.

If Richard gets his opportunity to put the evidence he has on the record, there will be several high officials that will definitely go to jail for a long time if there is any honest men and real justice left. Richard has been railroaded, abused physically enough to affect his health for the rest of his life and run through the system with no due process beyond imagination all because of what he knows and can prove.
Here is Richard's story  ...................... 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you - Excellent interview. . . . . . .highlights include - follow the flow of unlawful revenue, connect with like-minded ones in your community and expose