Saturday, November 14, 2015

Muslims declare war on France


Thierry Chesnot/Getty Images
Pamela Geller13 Nov 2015


High powered weapons, suicide bombers and grenades. This is war.

“Allahu akbar!” That all-too-familiar battle cry kicked off six Islamic acts of war on the people of France. Muslims set off on a murderous rampage in Paris Friday night, killing at least 166, including at least 100 concertgoers at a music hall featuring an American rock band. The death toll spread across six sites in the city.

Devout Muslims were celebrating the attacks on social media.

One of the apprehended jihadists reportedly stated, “I am from the Islamic State.” Hundreds of thousands of these savages have invaded the continent.

“Terrorist attacks of an unprecedented magnitude are in play in Paris. It’s horror,” French President François Hollande said. “We have mobilized all forces possible to neutralize the terrorists.”

At the concert hall, the merciless jihadis murdered their hostages one by one, as the non-Muslims begged for the lives of their loved ones. Paris police said that the siege ended when French forces killed at least two of the jihad murderers inside the hall.

Hollande ordered a state of emergency in Paris. He also closed the country’s borders. Too little, too late. After the Charlie Hebdo massacre and the subsequent murders at a Jewish grocery in Paris in January, what more warning did Hollande need?

The massacre took place at several different locations in Paris — near the site of the massacre of Muhammad cartoonists at the Charlie Hebdo offices in January. The jihadis focused on what would be prestige targets for them. They murdered several people in a restaurant, as well as at the concert hall. Some were killed in suicide bombings – a hallmark of jihad attacks. There was another bombing near the Stade de France, north of Paris.

One eyewitness said: “I’ve seen two terrorists from my point of view with AK-47s entering the concert room and firing randomly into the crowd. People yelled and screamed.” This witness said that the Muslim murderers calmly reloaded their weapons, then began killing again: “It lasted for 10 minutes. 10 minutes. 10 horrific minutes where everyone was on the floor covering their heads. We heard so many gunshots. And the terrorists were very calm…and they reloaded three to four times their weapons.” This recalls the Allah-worshiping young man who stabbed four people at the University of California Merced last week.

The witness added:
They didn’t shout anything. They didn’t say anything. They were in masks. They were wearing black clothes… And they were shooting at people on the floor. And I was luckily at the top of the stage. The front of the stage. So people tried to escape…and I found an exit when the terrorists reloaded their guns. And I climbed on the stage and we found an exit. And when I went on the streets I see 20 to 25 bodies lying on the floor. And people were very badly injured with gunshot wounds.
Most chillingly of all, the witness said: “I have some friends who are still inside… who are hiding… they are hiding in some kind of room in the dark. They text me and they are very afraid.”

Despite all this horror, the European Union elites are bringing into Europe millions of these savages. I have warned for years about this coming jihad. For doing so, I was attacked, smeared, and marginalized. We were right about it all, and yet still my colleagues and I are blacklisted. Hundreds are dead, and the war has just begun. We did everything in our power to save lives. But the political, media, and academic elites aligned with the savages. And now hundreds more are dead in Paris — and you ain’t seen nothing yet.

This Paris jihad massacre casts into a new light the desire of New York State Senator Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) to bring 1.5 million Muslim migrants from Syria to New York. 

Obama wants to accelerate the entry of Syrian refugees into the U.S. I can promise you this: I will lead a march against this woman if she pursues this. All attendees will be required to bring pitchforks and torches. If she wants to kill New York State and bring these jihadis into the U.S., she better be prepared for a knock-down, drag-out fight.

Incredibly, Obama said today that the Islamic State (ISIS) is not getting stronger: “we have contained them.” He is either in an early stage of dementia or he is one of them. I submit that it is the latter. In either case, Americans must be ready: lock and load. It’s not just in Paris, it’s here: Garland, Texas, Chattanooga… yesterday, an Ohio Muslim was arrested for plotting to kill U.S. soldiers and bomb churches and schools.

“I’ll be proud when I shed American blood,” Muslim convert Terrence McNeil said, according to prosecutors. He allegedly posted messages advocating jihad against the United States: “I would gladly take part in an attack on this murderous regime and the people.” This was one of their jihad fighters in the US. And Ohio is crawling with them.

These are not idle threats. This is a world war. I have exposed hundreds of Islamic State social postings which name names and provide addresses and photos of U.S. soldiers here in the States, urging American Muslims to slaughter our boys and girls.

Right now, nothing is being done to stop jihad recruiting in U.S. mosques, even as several hundred young Muslims from the U.S. have gone to wage jihad for the Islamic State. And now they seek to wage jihad here at home.

In the wake of this jihad war in France, terror groups like the Hamas-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) will hold press conferences that their running dogs in the media will clamor to cover, hand-wringing about a non-existent “fear of reprisals” and “backlash” against innocent Muslims.

And the jihad machine steamrolls on.

The Muslim migrant stream into Europe is a Muslim invasion. Back in February, the Islamic State warned that they would send millions of Muslim fighters into Europe. They have made good on their every pledge. And now the attacks in Paris demonstrate that Europe is at war.
It’s coming here. Stop Muslim migrant immigration. Now.

Pamela Geller is the President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), publisher of and author of The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance.



Anonymous said...

I'm already convinced this Paris incident was a false flag. But has anybody seen any evidence of actual deaths this time?

Anonymous said...

This is the Governments fault in France for letting Muslims come into their country in the first place.

Then they disarmed the French population except for the Muslims and criminals. Muslims and criminals do not follow your silly gun laws.

So the morons in governments of the world disarm the trust-worthy people and let Muslims and criminals have guns.

Muslims and criminals can always get guns when they want to kill someone.

If the Government leaders don't let the people of France arm themselves they are part of the problem and the NWO Cabal crowd wanting 90% of us dead, or are morons, or both.

The people on the news stations are saying we need to find out why this happened. It happened because France has Muslims in their country that can never follow French laws because it is against their belief system and this is what they do, kill the infidels, Duh!!

The people of France need to replace Government leaders with people with some common sense that will let their people arm themselves to defend themselves and kick all of the Muslims out. That may mean war but you are going to have war without a doubt one way or the other and one of two ways, with your public armed or with them helpless.

I'm sure most of the leaders of the world know they are scum bags and if they don't, they are IMHO. You all have a chance to change before you end up in prison or executed by the people you have betrayed. And that statement you can count on. Ken T.

Anonymous said...

It goes without saying that radical Islam, the Turkish caliphate and the globalist israeli bankers who shield them need to go and be wiped off the planet yesterday. I think anyone alive knows the treason netanyahu and the turkish sultans are guilty of for spreading that virus.