Thursday, November 19, 2015



A grim Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today warns that the United States is facing a “potential bloodbath” during next weeks Thanksgiving Holiday period at the hands of Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) terrorists—the leaders of whom are now being actively searched for after they were secreted into America by a top US Army General fired by President Obama just hours before the Friday the 13th Paris Massacre.  

According to SVR intelligence analysts, and as we reported on in our report titled Only Jews Were Saved After France Ignores Russia-Israel Warning Of Paris Massacre, the Federation issued a 12 November warning bulletin to the French General Directorate for External Security (DGSE) that a terror attack was about to take place—a warning that was, shamefully, ignored. 

Causing this extraordinary warning to be issued to be issued by the SVR to the DGSE, this report explains, was the tracking of movement and communications of Islamic State terrorists known to be planning attacks—4 of whom were secretly transported from Syria to the Incirlik Air Base in Turkey where they then boarded a US Army cargo flight bound for Joint Base Andrews located near Washington D.C.

Authorizing the transport of these Islamic State terrorists to America, this report continues, was US Army Lieutenant General Ron Lewis—who aside from being the top Pentagon aide to Defense Secretary Ashton Carter, had also been the main liaison between the Pentagon and France last week for a massive terror exercise that took place the morning of the Friday the 13th Paris Massacre.

Hours before the beginning of this mass-shooter exercise in Paris the morning of 13 November, this report says it’s important to note, the 4 Islamic terrorist leaders who were secreted out of Syria to Washington D.C. were brought to the Pentagon to meet with General Lewis (who himself had just returned from Paris) immediately after which Defense Secretary Carter fired him, the man just a month ago he had praised by stating:  “It’s my privilege, also, to work closely with some of the terrific soldiers, and I want to take a moment to recognize some of them who are right around me every day, starting with my senior military assistant, Lt. Gen. Ron Lewis. Time after time, whenever I’ve needed Ron’s counsel and vision, I’ve been able to count on him. Thanks, my friend.”  

As to the whereabouts of the 4 Islamic State terrorists General Lewis secreted into America immediately before his firing, this report says, it is not known at this time but a secret internal US police bulletin for them has been issued, which was subsequently made public after this grave notice was leaked by “unnamed/unknown” sources to WTTG-TV reporter Emily Miller

The SVR, however, in their tracking of these 4 Islamic State terrorists since they last appeared on camera at the Pentagon metro station, this report continues, shows them traveling to the Boston, Massachusetts, region where, coincidentally”, a US Army armory was reported to have been broken into where a substantial amount of weapons and explosives were stolen. 
Combined with these 4 Islamic State terror leaders now in the United States, this report further notes, continuing reports of Syrian terrorists entering into America continue to flood in—including the 8 Syrian terrorists captured on the Texas border and another 5 arrested in Honduras caught traveling to the US using stolen Greek passports.    

Not to the captured Islamic State terrorists entering into America is the SVR concerned about either, this report states, but rather it is those terrorists that haven’t been caught—such as the Islamic terrorists invading the US found residing in Kentucky last year after they entered into the United States via their refugee programme.

As to why the United States is preparing to attack itself again in yet another false flag “event, this report says, was best articulated earlier today by Foreign Minister Lavrov who said: “NATO is now actively looking for an enemy, because it has once again started searching the purpose of its existence after the Afghan campaign failed.”

And not just looking for an enemy either, this report explains, but actually creating one as many world experts are wondering why the United States still hasn’t cut off the Islamic States funding sources—and which President Putin warned about this week in his noting that these terrorists are being funded by 40 nations, including those belonging to the G-20

Not playing the United States “game” with these Islamic State terrorists though, this report continues, now includes China after these barbarians executed one of their citizens they had previously put up for sale.

With the Friday the 13th Paris Massacre, also, now being confirmed to have been Western led and directed, this report says, French President Hollande has now broken with the United States telling President Obama his nation won’t wait for America’s lead in fighting these Islamic State terrorists—a stance that was quickly welcomed by the Federation and causing President Putin to issue orders telling the Russian Navy to work with their French counterparts in conducting this war

And now with the Federation, France and China devoted to waging total war against the Islamic State, this report grimly warns, all that remains is for the United States to suffer a crippling attack like Paris—which SVR analysts note could occur as soon as next week during that nations Thanksgiving holiday, which will, undoubtedly, plunge the Americans into further terror.

But to the greatest concern of the SVR, this report concludes, is that by the Islamic State expanding this war by acts of terror may seem like a self-destructive move—it is squarely in keeping with what these barbarians advertise as its overriding, apocalyptic mission: to lure the world’s unbelievers into Syria for a final, Armageddon-like battle.


Sorcha Faal 
Nov 19 2015


Anonymous said...

People, Be careful spewing out anything Sorcha Faal posts. While there may be some truth in there, it will be hard to find and will likely be stretched til you can see through it.

When I started reading this article, I got to the end of the very first paragrahph, and thought to myself, "This sounds like a Sorcha Faal article."

I then scrolled to the bottom of it and sure enough, Sorcha Faal.

Pretty much fear porn and disinformation.

As I said, there may be some truth in there and we do need to be diligent about what could happen, but drive carefully with anything Sorcha Faal.



Popeye said...


carolinemack said...

Thanks for keeping it up to date with the latest.
Just checking out your article on my new Samsung Phone , and I wanted to check if it would let me comment or if it was going to me go to a full pc to do that. Ill check back later to see if it worked.
Great blog, I have just bookmarked it
Hi there I like your post

Anonymous said...

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I, for one, have been involved with some deep 'intel' sources since the 80's and have found through recent years that there is allot of 'meat' in the Faal reports - perhaps one has to have more informed 'contacts' to be able to connect the dots correctly. One should be careful about any and all reports, but having an open mind and keeping track of various reports more often than not proves out to be correct. Just hang in there - won't be long and the info given in this and other articles will either prove out or not. Just because it is a Faal post does not mean it is not worth considering any more than many other net 'sources' of info. .

Anonymous said...

The website you included does not pull up.