Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Next Jade Helm?

The  Next  Jade  Helm?    “Unconventional  Warfare  Exercise  2016″  Coming  Soon


“Apparently the quiet streets of Bastrop County worked so well for the U.S. military and their Jade Helm exercise this summer that they’re coming back. This time Special Forces has an unconventional warfare exercise with a catchy acronym,” KEYE TV reports.

A new military exercise has just been approved in Bastrop County, Texas. It’s known as “Unconventional Warfare Exercise 2016″ or UWEX16 for short.

The report claims if citizens in the area didn’t see or hear anything as expected during Jade Helm, there will be even less to witness during UWEX. 

The entire affair will be relegated to Camp Swift and private property in the area.
Judge Pape says, “I did ask them to not have a catchy acronym as the title and to not have a map that labeled Texas as enemy territory.”
In other words he’s hoping the UWEX map doesn’t label Texas as hostile… again.
Yeah. Gee. That would be real swell.

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Anonymous said...

Well we go with more bull s%#t again

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:51 am: Well well................ You claim the author's concern to report this next exercise is "bull s%#t"??? The rogue PRETEND 'US federal government' which took over this nations rightful Republic government by coupe in 1913 and the military that WAS the military of the united States was subsequently turned over to NATO / UN / NWO and serves the criminal cabal now again sends their troops to the selected states for this next 'exercise'. Do you have ANY idea as to what the TRUE purpose of this ‘exercise’ is? Many of those troops will be foreign. They will learn the terrain, how American cities function, how to perform door to door 'visits', how to perform gun confiscation, and how to carry out the red and blue list pickups - and you call that bull s%#t??? Consider that the door that will get busted in and the body hauled off - if not shot on sight - just may well be yours in the coming days. You believe that a phony bankrupt criminal cabal enemy 'federal government' operating out of the district of criminals has the 'right' to override state governments, coercing the governors to 'cooperate' with the UN / NATO / NWO ‘federal government military’ agenda which has the death and destruction of America as its goal to be alright with you?? Perhaps those who are well schooled in 'federal' vs 'state sovereignty' law can educate all of us on that subject. Readers, why not lend us your knowledge on the subject? I’m sure the blog would be more than happy to post your research for all to learn and profit by.

Anonymous said...

Yeah and where are they getting this authority from exactly?? Who owns the militias!? The states do, who have all the legal authority that these bankrupt federals lack.

Kick their asses where the sun don't shine and start locking them up in mass, just like the original ones.