Wednesday, January 20, 2016

A message to America from Sheriff Joe



I have made a major decision, and it was a very tough one, but I knew you deserved to be the first to know.

After hours of prayer, and countless frank discussions with my wife Ava and other trusted advisors, I have decided my time as Sheriff is over, unless I can count on you to stand with me this election.

So Patriot, I have to ask you – do I have your support?

The reason I need to know if you are still with me is because this is going to be the toughest election I have ever faced. Pollsters and pundits all agree that my hard-line stance against illegal immigration, my outspoken support of 2nd amendment rights, and my unflinching toughness on criminals has made me a target of special interest groups and left-wing politicians across the nation.

Left-wing elites are counting on the crowded Presidential election to distract my loyal supporters from my race so they can finally replace me with a sheriff who fits into their agenda.

But I know that if I still have your support, we can defeat those who are hoping to replace me with someone willing to look the other way when it comes to the laws of our land. Do I still have your support?

I've already seen my opponents crossing lines I never thought they would in hopes to tear me down, and as we come closer to the election they are pulling out all the stops to unseat me.

From entirely unfounded charges of racism in my office, to public attacks by Hollywood celebrities, and countless lawsuits rolled out by the Obama Justice Department, the leftist establishment and media will stop at nothing to bring me down.

My advisors tell me that this re-election battle is only worth it if I can count on your support, and as of right now, I am not sure if I still have it. That is why I'm asking you to take this immediate opportunity – CLICK HERE – and let me know if you are still with me by signing your personalized "I STAND WITH JOE" re-election support pledge immediately.

Moreover, going up against Barack Obama's political machine, Hollywood leftists, and the local and national media is extremely expensive. Since we are still fighting the multiple unfounded lawsuits that have been rolled out by the Obama Justice Department, the leftist establishment knows my financial resources are drained – and they are going to capitalize on it.

That's why I also need your financial support, Patriot. After you take the "I STAND WITH JOE" re-election pledge, please make a generous contribution of whatever you can afford.

For some of you $5 is all you can spare today. But for others $500 or even $1,000 is a sacrificial gift you are willing to make. My team has told me that because our reserves are almost completely drained I will need to raise at least 5 million dollars to have a fighting chance, so every single dollar helps.

Whether its $5, $50 or even $500 . . . I solemnly pledge to you that I will faithfully use your contribution to win re-election so I can continue to enforce the laws of this great country as I always have.

I hope I can count on you to stand with me and show your support today.


Sheriff Joe Arpaio
Maricopa County, Arizona 


Karl H. Goesele said...

To the Honorable Joe Arpaio. Know Former Sheriff Richard Mack from Arizona after he graduated from the FBI Academy in Washington. Am well aware of the THIRTEENTH AMENDMENT over which the war of 1812, through which our Founding fathers defeated the British empire. Sending you very important informationas you intent to be elected.What I am sharing with you is the tip of the Iceberg. Thank you for reading this most important information.In the year 2000 AD President Clinton was overwhelmed when Navy Seals and Delta Forces stormed into his Oval Office under the protection of the THIRTHEENTH AMENDMENT these 15 men were given the order to tell President
Clinton to sign that Document which he already had received long ahead of time. That so important Document is as of October 2015 the new Law of our Republic known as NESARA. Nesara means : National Economic Security and Reformation Act Nesara is being implemented by General Dunford as Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He is our interim President for the next 120 days after which General Dunford will turn NESARA over to a benevolent Civilian Government.For your information the CMMM the Controlled Mass Media is already informed to stop feeding propaganda to the American people. Watch Anderson Cooper on CNN how he will respond under NESARA. It will take about two to four years before the NESARA Government will be operating appropriately. A special Trust Fund is savely protected for several hundred years in the Department of the United States Treasury in the trillions of dollars principally
with precious metals.Can back this up who is behind these changes. It is the same source who told our founding fathers, especially the 56 who were afraid to risk their lives to sign the Declaration of Independence when the heard the voice, " sign that document ". For your information at 81 years of age and Korean war Veteran born in Philadelphia by German parents.
My parents took me with them to Germany when I was 3 1/2 months of age in January 1935. Lived from that time on in Germany not knowing that I was a native American until 1947. At 11 years of At that time having gone many times through these years in getting killed, our good Lord Jesus Christ kept me alive. Now you know a little about my life, searching for the truth which has taken me to many countries in Southamerica
and Europe. Thank you for reading this message ! With greetings and best of health, Karl H. Goesele

Karl H. Goesele said...

It is my hope that many people will wake up from their drunken stupor and do something constructive and beneficial for Humanity.

Anonymous said...

And when this never happens, what will your excuse be?

CNN and all lamestreet media still fill airwaves with propaganda.

Anonymous said...

You're getting too old Joe. Besides you are still stuck in statutory, color-of-law, and not common law.