Sunday, January 3, 2016

Hammond Ranch standoff moves up to higher alert level

'Bring your guns and come': Militiamen including Cliven Bundy's three sons take over Oregon federal building and call 'U.S. patriots' to arms in protest at pending imprisonment of two ranchers

  • Militia members claimed to have as many as 150 supporters with them at the Malheur National Wildlife refuge building in Princeton, Oregon
  • The group said they were not looking to hurt anyone. They would not rule out violence if police tried to remove them
  • The occupation came shortly after a few hundred marchers paraded through Burns, Oregon
  • The marchers were protesting the prosecution of father and son, Harney County ranchers Dwight Hammond Jr, 73, and Steven Hammond, 46
  • The Hammonds were ordered returned to prison by a 'federal court' which ruled their original sentences for setting public fires were insufficient 
  • The group is demanding that the Hammonds be released and that the 'federal government' give up control of the Malheur National Forest
  • 'Occupiers' include Ammon and Ryan Bundy, sons of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, who was involved in a 2014 standoff over grazing rights (BLM attempting to STEAL their ranchland for a 'gov' 'deal' with China)

A group of militiamen on Saturday occupied the headquarters of a national wildlife refuge in Oregon in support of two brothers who are slated to report to prison on Monday on arson charges - and the protesters don't plan on leaving any time soon, saying it's 'kill or be killed' time.

Militia members claimed to have as many as 150 supporters with them at the Malheur National Wildlife refuge building in Princeton, which is federal property managed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service that was closed for the holiday weekend.

They later rescinded the number and said they would not disclose how many people were in the building, because of 'operational security'. Local reporters have said that there only appears to be a dozen cars outside of the building.

'We're planning on staying here for years, absolutely,' Ammon Bundy, one of the occupiers, told the Oregonian via telephone. ‘This is not a decision we've made at the last minute.' 

Ammon Bundy and his brother Ryan, who is another occupier, are the sons of of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, who was involved in a 2014 standoff with the government over grazing rights.

The occupation came shortly after 300 marchers paraded through Burns, Oregon, about 50 miles away, to protest at the prosecution of father and son Harney County ranchers Dwight Hammond Jr and Steven Hammond, who were ordered returned to prison by a federal court which ruled their original sentences were insufficient.

The group is demanding that the Hammonds be released and that the federal government give up control of the Malheur National Forest. 

Scroll down for video 
Protesters march on Court Avenue in support of an Oregon ranching family facing jail time for arson in Burns, Oregon, on Saturday. Soon after, they occupied Malheur National Wildlife refuge building in Princeton, Oregon
Protesters march on Court Avenue in support of an Oregon ranching family facing jail time for arson in Burns, Oregon, on Saturday. Soon after, they occupied Malheur National Wildlife refuge building in Princeton, Oregon
Ammon Bundy chats with a protester on Saturday during a march on behalf of the Hammond family in Harney County, Oregon
Ammon Bundy chats with a protester on Saturday during a march on behalf of the Hammond family in Harney County, Oregon
The protesters said they plan on staying at the Malheur National Wildlife refuge building in Princeton, Oregon for as long as possible
The protesters said they plan on staying at the Malheur National Wildlife refuge building in Princeton, Oregon for as long as possible

Dwight Hammond, 73, and Steven Hammond, 46, said they lit the fires in 2001 and 2006 to reduce the growth of invasive plants and protect their property from wildfires.

The two were convicted of the arsons three years ago and served time — the father three months, the son one year.

But a judge ruled their terms were too short under federal law and ordered them back to prison for about four years each.

Ammon Bundy, an Idaho militia leader, said that while the occupiers were not looking to hurt anyone, they would not rule out violence if police tried to remove them, the Oregonian reported.

Bundy's brother Ryan Bundy, who is also an occupier, told the Oregonian that they're 'willing to kill and be killed' if necessary, adding that the federal officials' actions have been 'in violation of the constitution'. 

Militiamen and activists occupy Oregon Wildlife Refuge


'The best possible outcome is that the ranchers that have been kicked out of the area, then they will come back and reclaim their land, and the wildlife refuge will be shut down forever and the federal government will relinquish such control,' Ryan Bundy told the Oregonian. 

He added: 'What we're doing is not rebellious. What we're doing is in accordance with the Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land.'

The brothers said, however, that their real goal is to simply start a movement. It is unknown what types of weapons are now at the refuge building, but there are no hostages in the area. 

'The facility has been the tool to do all the tyranny that has been placed upon the Hammonds,' told the Oregonian.   

Ammon Bundy posted a video on his Facebook page asking for people to come help him. Below the video is this statement: "(asterisk)(asterisk)ALL PATRIOTS ITS TIME TO STAND UP NOT STAND DOWN!!! WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! COME PREPARED." 

Ammon Bundy said the group planned to stay at the refuge indefinitely.

'The facility has been the tool to do all the tyranny that has been placed upo
n the Hammonds,' the Oregonian quoted Ammon Bundy as saying.

Ryan Payne, an Army veteran from Montana, participates in a community meeting in Burns, Oregon. He is among key militiamen who seized control of the refuge on Saturday
Militia group outlines Oregon building takeover strategy

Facebook by Sarah Dee Spurlock, two men - one donning camouflage gear - explain why they are taking the measures they are. 

FIRST MILITIAMAN: 'This will become a base place for patriots from all over the country to come to be housed and live here.

'We're planning on staying here for several years.And While we're here, what we're going to be doing is we're going to be freeing these lands up, getting the ranchers back to ranching, getting the miners back to mining, getting the loggers back to logging, where they can do it under the protection of the people. 

'And not be afraid of this tyranny that's upon them. And what'll happen is Harney County will begin to thrive again. 

'One time they were the wealthiest county, now they're the poorest, and we will reverse that in just a few years by freeing up their land and resources. 

'And we're doing this for the people. We're doing this so the people can have
and and their resources back where they belong.

'We're calling people out here to come and stand. We need you to bring your arms and we need you to come to the Malheur National Wildlife refuge.'

SECOND MILITIAMAN: 'Until that line is drawn to say "We've had enough of this tyranny, you are going to leave us alone, it will not change". 

'This is the power of America right here. People got together for this and it doesn't have to stop here.

'This could be a hope that spreads through the whole country. Everybody's looking for this hope because the government has beat us, oppressed us and took everything from us. They will not stop until we tell them no.'

The stand-off gained nationwide attention as the agency sought to seize cattle because the elder Bundy refused to pay grazing fees.

The federal agents ultimately backed down, citing safety concerns, and gave back hundreds of Bundy cattle which they had rounded up.

In a video posted to Facebook by Sarah Dee Spurlock, two men - one donning camouflage gear - explain why they are taking the measures they are. 

'This will become a base place for patriots from all over the country to come to be housed and live here. We're planning on staying here for several years, the first man said. 

He added: 'One time [Harney County] were the wealthiest county, now they're the poorest, and we will reverse that in just a few years by freeing up their land and resources. 

'And we're doing this for the people. We're doing this so the people can have their land and their resources back where they belong.'

He appealed to the public for people to join the group in Oregon.  

'We're calling people out here to come and stand. We need you to bring your arms and we need you to come to the Malheur National Wildlife refuge,' he said. 

The second man, dressed in camouflage gear, said the group is challenging the government. 

'Until that line is drawn to say "We've had enough of this tyranny, you are going to leave us alone", it will not change,' he said. 'This is the power of America right here. 

'People got together for this and it doesn't have to stop here. This could be a hope that spreads through the whole country. 

'Everybody's looking for this hope because the government has beat us, oppressed us and took everything from us. They will not stop until we tell them no.' 

In another video, Jon Ritzheimer, a Phoenix-based anti-Islam activist and militiaman, says goodbye to his family, suggesting he plans to occupy the federal lands as well.

'The oppression and the tyranny that's taken place in Oregon - we know it's taken place all across the US - the Bundy Ranch was prime example. And we the people need to take a stand,' he said in the 13-minute video.

He goes on a lengthy rant about the legal system and how it treated the Hammond family.

A sign tacked outside a Burns. Oregon, home reflects growing community sentiment that outsider militia aren't welcome, in mid-December 2015. The prosecution of Dwight and Steven Hammond for burning public lands has brought fresh focus to the debate over how federal land is managed
A sign tacked outside a Burns. Oregon, home reflects growing community sentiment that outsider militia aren't welcome, in mid-December 2015. The prosecution of Dwight and Steven Hammond for burning public lands has brought fresh focus to the debate over how federal land is managed
Militia members claimed on Saturday to have as many as 150 supporters, like the one pictured above, at the national wildlife refuge in Oregon
Militia members claimed on Saturday to have as many as 150 supporters, like the one pictured above, at the national wildlife refuge in Oregon
A private sign welcomes visitors to the Diamond Valley, part of the Harney Basin in southeast Oregon, in mid-December 2015. The valley is home to large cattle ranches that rely on both private and public land for grazing.
A private sign welcomes visitors to the Diamond Valley, part of the Harney Basin in southeast Oregon, in mid-December 2015. The valley is home to large cattle ranches that rely on both private and public land for grazing.
'They are not terrorists....This oppressive, tyrannical 'government' who really has no jurisdiction here - this is Hardy County's land,' he said.

He added: 'The Hammonds were not tried by a jury of their peers. There's an indictment with no signatures on it.

'This is a cruel and unusual punishment. But this 'federal government' comes in here and says no, that's not enough, they need to do a minimum of five years.'

Ritzenheimer then makes a call to arms.

He said: 'It's real simple, Dwight. Do you want to die in prison labeled a terrorist by these oppressors or do you want to die out here with us as a free man? I want to die a free man.'

'If you do not spearhead this and take a stand, it's going to set a new precedent across the US.

'They get stronger and think they can continue to go around and bully we, the people. But when we unite and you take that stand there's no stopping us.'

Beth Anne Steele, an FBI spokeswoman in Portland, told The Associated Press that the agency was aware of Saturday’s situation at the national wildlife refuge. She made no further comment.

Harney County Sheriff Dave Ward released a statement late on Saturday night. 
Ward said: 'After the peaceful rally was completed today, a group of outside militants drove to the Malheur Wildlife Refuge, where they seized and occupied the refuge headquarters. 

'A collective effort from multiple agencies is currently working on a solution. For the time being please stay away from that area. 

Militiaman Jon Ritzheimer posts 'goodbye' video to family 



In one YouTube video, Jon Ritzheimer, a Phoenix-based anti-Islam activist and militiaman, suggests he is going to join the occupied federal lands and says goodbye to his family.

Ritzheimer wipes tears from his eyes he speaks about his wife before going on a lengthy rant about the legal system

Ritzheimer wipes tears from his eyes.  He speaks about his wife before going on a lengthy rant about the 'legal system'.

'More information will be provided as it becomes available. Please maintain a peaceful and united front and allow us to work through this situation.'

Some local residents feared the Saturday rally would involve more than speeches, flags and marching. But the only real additions to that list seemed to be songs, flowers and pennies.

As marchers reached the courthouse, they tossed hundreds of pennies at the locked door. Their message: civilians were buying back their government. After the march passed, two girls swooped in to scavenge the pennies.

A few blocks away, Hammond and his wife Susan greeted marchers, who planted flower bouquets in the snow. They sang some songs, Hammond said a few words, and the protesters marched back to their cars.

Dwight Hammond has said he and his son plan to peacefully report to prison January 4 as ordered by the judge.

The decision to extend the Hammonds’ prison terms has generated controversy in a remote part of the state.

In particular, the Hammonds' new sentences touched a nerve with far right groups who repudiate federal authority.

Ammon Bundy and a handful of militiamen from other states arrived last month in Burns, some 60 miles from the Hammond ranch.

In an email to supporters, Ammon Bundy criticized the 'US government' for a failed legal process. 
Two of the main occupiers, Ammon and Ryan Bundy are the sons of Rancher Cliven Bundy (pictured here in 2014), who was locked in a decades-long dispute with the Bureau of Land Management over grazing rights
Two of the main occupiers, Ammon and Ryan Bundy are the sons of Rancher Cliven Bundy (pictured here in 2014), who was locked in a decades-long dispute with the Bureau of Land Management over grazing rights
Protesters gather at the Bureau of Land Management's base camp, where cattle that were seized from rancher Cliven Bundy are being held, near Bunkerville, Nevada, in 2012
Cliven Bundy, pictured center holding the hand of his grandson, had his cattle rounded up by Bureau of Land Management over grazing rights on public property


Anonymous said...

Charged with arson? Who and where are the injured parties or victims in this picture??

Anonymous said...

This is all about control of in ground assets for the purposes of backing currency to compete with BRICS. If the Fed would have acted in an honorable fashion the outcome may have been different. However, legally, private property rights were abolished in America under the seventh senate. The UN/IMF owns all land in "fee simple". I can about guarantee the Hammonds do not have a UCC-1 filed with the Secretary of State on the property or the in ground assets. If the Hammonds have or use an SSN then they are under the jurisdiction of the corporate court through adhesion contract. The Constitution does not apply to them as they were not a party to the contract. The Hammonds have not filed their Articles of State with the Fed asserting sovereignty. The Federal Government is not a government for America at all but a conglomerate of private for profit corporations operating under Chapter 11 receivership. America lost its Government when the USA completed its third term of international bankruptcy and ceased to exist as a sovereign nation. Presidential Executive Order 12803 dissolved the lawful Federal government and privatized all functions of government to private contractors paid through the IMF. I believe Executive Order 12804 continued the bankruptcy of the Corporate US for another 64 year term. Yes, the charges are null and void as the prosecuting attorney is not a trustee in bankruptcy that can lawfully represent the corporate Fed. He is also a foreign agent un American soil. The Hammonds never made the assertion in initial pleadings that they were not the nom deguerre U.S. corporation, so it is assumed that they are the corporate defendants. Otherwise the Court would lack subject matter jurisdiction over them and the case. If they try to use U.S. code or Oregon code in their defense they are screwing themselves as they have not put any "Law" before the Court for it to consider in their defense and the burden of proof now shifts to them. Guilty until proven innocent. The fact that the SSN used on the court documents is an "IMF entity account I.D. number" is prima facia evidence of the identity fraud perpetrated on the Hammonds. The whole case is BS, but was poorly handled from inception because of the Hammond's lack of legal knowledge and I am sure they had an attorney representing them as U.S. corporations, Wards of the State, or persons of unsound mind which negated any lawful standing they had in the corporate court to satisfy getting the charges against the IMF accounts discharged by them as assumed trustees over the accounts. The Hammond family accounts must be worth a lot of money for the Fed to go to these lengths to steal money from their IMF holdings and securities held in receivership. If they die in prison then the Death certificate releases the funds and the assets to the U.S. Treasury for their use in entirety as abandoned funds. This is why the father and son are in jail. No one left to claim the securities. The truth hurts, but these are the facts. Everyone's heart is in the right place but there is not a lawful leg to stand on due to contract law and International contracts. I am sorry but the Militia better stand down as they have waged war and stolen the UN corporations property. There are better ways to accomplish our goals to restore justice. This one instance is a battle that has already been lost. The battlefield needs to be vacated so they can live to fight another day. War is coming!!! I apologize if the truth hurts.

Anonymous said...

The Bundy's are thieves. They have grazed their cattle on public land for years without paying the fees that all other ranchers pay.

Anonymous said...

The injured parties are the firefighters who risked their lives to control the fires lit by the Hammond's to cover their criminal slaughter of deer.

Anonymous said...

HOW do you KNOW this? Provide your source of evidence as, without it, your statement is not credible. HOW do you KNOW there were firefights involved? HOW do you know they were 'slaughtering' deer? These people have the right to shoot a deer for their meat on their own property. W ind blew some cinders across the property line. AND, the 'government' cannot own property such as parks, lakes, etc - it belongs to the people of the nation and CANNOT be SOLD or GIVEN to China or any other nation or entity. PROVIDE YOUR PROOF OR BE SEEN AS UNINFORMED AND AN IDIOT.

Anonymous said...

Don't know who you are and it wouldn't matter. But what all of us DO know now is that you are grossly misinformed. Not the best thing to do to open mouth, utter nonsense and show your lack of information and lack of judgment and wisdom. Do your research. You must be the same AHO as Anon 9:20 AM. No wonder this nation is in such big trouble. Too many ignorant people who are so stupid that they are part of the reason for the loss of our nation. So sad. Hope you get the 'best' cell at the camps - you deserve it.

Anonymous said...

All these BLM crises are about taking over the land for gold and uranium, etc for State congressmen's foreign buds deals. See this: "BLM ... is a foreign corporation":