Saturday, January 9, 2016


JANUARY 12 2016

Please call Senator Cruz today at 202-224-5922 and tell him to stay in D.C. long enough to vote for Audit the Fed

Campaign for Liberty

Saturday, January 9, 2016 1:17 AM
Norm Singleton
On Tuesday, the U.S. Senate will vote on Audit the Fed.  This historic vote could be decided by just a handful of senators.

EVERY “Yes” vote is needed.  And it’s especially crucial that those senators who’ve cosponsored the Audit the Fed bill show up to vote Tuesday!

That’s why I’m so disturbed to hear that Senator Ted Cruz, who’s been a vocal proponent of Audit the Fed, may miss the Audit the Fed vote in order to campaign in New Hampshire.

Please call Senator Cruz at 202-224-5922 and demand he show up in the Senate on Tuesday, January 12, and cast his vote in favor of Audit the Fed.
Let him know we expect him to show he was serious when in a 2014 Op-Ed for USA Today, Senator Cruz listed Audit the Fed as one of his “Ten Priorities” for the Republican-controlled Senate.

You and I’ve worked too hard for too long to see this fail because a handful of Audit the Fed supporters don't show up to vote.

I’m concerned about Senator Cruz, in particular, because this would not the first time he missed an important vote on a matter he’d previously been outspoken about.

Last year, Senator Cruz joined Campaign for Liberty activists like you in opposing President Obama’s nomination of the Queen of civil asset theft, Loretta Lynch, for Attorney General.

Senator Cruz made numerous statements against Lynch, even penning an op-ed saying that senators who voted for Lynch were making of mockery of their oath to uphold the Constitution.

Yet when the time came to actually vote on Lynch, Senator Cruz was AWOL…

After making an impassioned plea on the Senate floor, he walked off and went to a fundraiser, instead of sticking around to vote against Lynch.

I’m concerned it may happen again unless we show him that grassroots liberty activists expect him to stay in D.C. on Tuesday and DO HIS JOB!

So please call Senator Cruz today at 202-224-5922 and tell him to stay in D.C. long enough to vote for Audit the Fed on Tuesday, January 12.

In Liberty,

Norm Singleton

P.S. On Tuesday, January 12, the Senate will vote on Audit the Fed.  Every vote is critical.

Despite being an original co-sponsor of Audit the Fed, Senator Ted Cruz may not be there Tuesday for this important vote. 
Please call Senator Cruz today at 202-224-5922 and tell him to stay in D.C. long enough to vote for Audit the Fed.

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