Sunday, January 3, 2016



 “There are entities that are working behind the scene destroying our market… we’re just a family farm. They’re spending far more money to do it than we would ever make.”   Mark Baker

Since the appointment of an entire muslim advisory council around bozo, and the financial contributions of CAIR and other organizations supporting recruitment of muslim men and families in to the USA, now there suddenly is a 'problem' with having hog farms across the nation. America, are you going to stand for this? Along with the BLM intrusions against our ranches and grazing lands?  DO YOU GET THE PICTURE OF THE 'PLAN' AGAINST AMERICANS AND OUR NATION?

 (Mark Baker explains his decision to sell their family farm.) 

“For the Peace and Safety of My Family”

Mark and Jill Baker of Bakers Green Acres have announced they are closing and selling their 80 acre family farm in Northern Michigan. Their markets for their Mangalitsa Hogs have been “roadblocked at every corner,” according to Mark. 

Mark says, "There are entities that are working behind the scene that are destroying our market and really running very negative campaigns against us. We’re just a family farm. They’re spending far more money to do it than we would ever make."

See original news coverage here:

Michigan DNR Attacks Free-range Family Farms to Protect Pork Industry.

Now Mark, a retired U.S. veteran, must seek other means of income and way of life for his family of eleven. Mark explains,
Let me explain why we’re doing this. First and foremost, I have a responsibility to my family–to maintain their safety and their security and peace. We need peace in our home. And I have not been able to do that, even after we finished our court case with the DNR [Department of Natural Resources] it’s still been very unpeaceful.
Mark also says,
The majority of you [in the small farms community] have always been there for me and helped through the entire court case, with everything. We could not have survived through that. There’s no way that we could have made it through that whole thing. And then putting the herd back together over the last year and a half. We had a lot of help with that. Now we have this big herd and no place to go with it because we’ve been roadblocked at every corner.
If any of you need some pigs, please message me and we can go from there. Everything has to be out of here as soon as possible. It appears as though our adversaries have pulled the stops and are going to go to great lengths to make this look ugly and to diminish our effectiveness.
Watch Mark’s entire December 28th announcement here:

4th Amendment Violations Against Farmers?

Prior to Mark Baker’s announcement on December 28th that he and his wife Jill are selling their farm, he posted another video detailing some of the recent alleged harassment they have endured including an unwarranted-search of his property by the Department of Natural Resources while he and his family were not at home.

Mark says, "They have a job to do to ensure food safety. I totally understand that, but if I’ve gone outside the white line a little bit, give me a phone call. We play by the rules. …but they didn’t do that."

Watch Mark’s entire December 23rd update here:

What Can You Do?

If you are interested in the Baker’s 80 acre farm for sale, see here.

If you are interested in the hogs for sale, see here.

If you wish to contact Mark and Jill Baker, see here.

See Also: 

State of Michigan Threatens Family Hog Farmer and Veteran Who Stood Up for his Rights 

How Government and Industry Is Trying to Eliminate Farm-to-Table Operations 

Government Abandons Attacks Against Michigan Family Farm Due to Public Pressure

Family Farm in Michigan Threatened with Armed Enforcement from DNR for Raising Heritage Pigs 

Prosecution of Peaceful Farmers Continues Across U.S. 

Farm Family Threatened with $700,000 Fine for Raising Pigs 

Michigan Attorney General Threatens Family Farm in Pastured Hog Production

Bakers Green Acres vs Michigan DNR – Family Farm Under Attack

USDA Opposition to Baker Family Farm and Heritage Pigs Continues 

HOGWASH – Bakers Green Acres vs. Michigan DNR & Michigan Pork Producers Association 

Michigan DNR Raids Family Hog Farms

Michigan DNR Attacks Free-range Family Farms to Protect Pork Industry 

Surely the muslim influence is involved in this.  They have been placed in all key offices in and around the 'gov', including the creation of positions and offices that never existed before bozo was put in 'office'.  Hog ranching has never been an issue in our nation until now.  




Anonymous said...

They need to leave their slaughtered pigs as offerings in all their mosques and other places frequented by muslims.

Anonymous said...

It is up to the people of the state to determine whether this will continue. Either stand together or become muslim.