Monday, January 4, 2016

NRA mocks Hillary Clinton for her positions on gun control

NRA Releases New Year’s Ad Mocking                              Hillary Clinton

The National Rifle Association’s lobbying arm released an online ad on New Year’s Eve mocking Hillary Clinton for her positions on gun control

The National Rifle Association’s lobbying arm released an online ad on New Year’s Eve mocking Hillary Clinton for her positions on gun control.

The gun rights organization’s video features the Democratic presidential candidate writing out her New Year’s resolutions while “Auld Lang Syne” plays in the background. 

The resolutions include “stop trying to ban guns,” “read the Constitution,” and “meet an actual gun owner in person.”

The ad then shows Clinton drawing an x over the resolutions, crumpling up the paper, and laughing

The ad then asks viewers to help the NRA achieve its New Year’s resolutions by donating to the group. 

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