Monday, January 25, 2016

Vatican: Over 8,000 Pedophile Priests

Vatican Reeling As Pope Francis Admits There Is An Army Of Over 8,000 Pedophile Priests



(Now the End Begins) In a BBC interview that the Vatican is struggling to spin, Pope Francis took the highly unusual step of actually admitting that there are thousands and thousands of pedophile priests in the Catholic Church worldwide. By their estimates about 8,000. This mind-numbing admission has sent shock-waves through the highest levels of the Vatican system.

In the interview, Pope Francis was quoted as saying that the 2% estimate came from advisers. It would represent around 8,000 child-abusing priests out of a global number of about 414,000. 

While the incidence of pedophilia as a psychiatric disorder in the general population is not accurately known, some estimates have put it at less than five percent.
“Among the 2% who are pedophiles are priests, bishops and cardinals. Others, more numerous, know but keep quiet. They punish without giving the reason,” Pope Francis was quoted as saying.
Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi denied that Pope Francis had said that there were cardinals who were pedophiles. Father Lombardi also denied that these were the Pope’s exact words.

Source: Now the End Begins


holy cross said...

Let's make this PERFECTLY clear - this is NOT the TRUE Catholic church. These are the ones who infiltrated it as communists/freemasonics (wolves in sheeps clothing) for the last two centuries with the SOLE intent to destroy it. They have succeeded in practicality but not in reality. There are still those pre-Vatican II priests who preserve the True Faith by living, teaching and praying the MASS of ALL TIME in private homes and They will end up being the ones who lead the world once God destroys all the EVIL done to HIS Church and People. To learn more visit behind the scenes at what we are doing at and other traditional sites. Blessings.

Anonymous said...

Yes - let's do my friend. Original or not, the 'church' you speak of is a cult and has been from the beginning. The idols worshipped represent the Greek/Roman gods - just the names have been changed. The entire catholic routine and practices are diametrically oposed to the true word of God. Let's start with one simple example: Mt 23:9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. Also, there is the 'confessing' to the priest whom you call father - that, too, is an incorrect practice. There are many more but let's not 'debate' the issue any longer. You are intent on defending your rites, practices and belief system and others simply don't care what you believe. Each 'man' will answer to the Father at their own appointed time for what they practiced and what they believed. Be blessed brother.

Anonymous said...

Is this suppose to be shocking? What about the FBI's report claiming that they know of 42% of CONgress are active practicing pedophiles,
We live in a sick sick world.

Anonymous said...

When people in the world are made whole again
in the basic ways necessary, there will NO longer
be a need for a conquering Caesar to ravage us
and demand tribute. Nor any reason to think
there is sound enough cause to re-enact
a 'daily' crucifixion.
The 'Vatican' received their formal end time
notice in February 2013 when lightning struck
the spire on top of the basilica, twice.

I bet the 'Lucifir' telescope
didn't see that coming...