Hillary Clinton Placed In Hospital As “Blackout Of Truth” Descends Upon America
Mysterious piece of metal flings out of Hillary's pant leg
According to this report, on 18 August the SVR reported that 3 specialized teams of US Secrete Service (SS) agents had “swarmed” a number of top American hospitals for what these intelligence analysts believed was for the purpose of Hillary Clinton needing urgent brain surgery—and was believed to have been scheduled for this weekend after it was reported on 10 September that Hillary Clinton was preparing to disappear from public view for 5 days: “Late yesterday, D.C. Whispers indicated Hillary Clinton’s intention to withdraw from public view for the next five days – a report that has been subsequently confirmed via other media outlets.”
With yesterday, however, being the 15th anniversary of the 11 September 2001 (9/11) terror attacks upon the US, SVR analysts that Hillary Clinton choose, instead, to attend a New York City ceremony honoring this event prior to her entering the hospital but quickly became a catastrophic health emergency after she was rushed to the street to await her motorcade (who had no advance warning of her coming) leaned against a security bollard, and then buckled towards the ground as her security guards and aides rushed to keep her from collapsing.
This report further notes that on 30 August the SVR had reported on the US media’s covering up Hillary Clinton’s colostomy bag, and also warning, on 6 September, that she was just months away from a “heart failure event” that could very well claim her life in the next few months.
As the US media has continued to cover up Hillary Clinton’s grave health issues, yesterdays actions by them in this massive cover up were “beyond shocking” as they first reported Clinton’s personal physician, Dr. Lisa Bardack, saying all was well and she was just overheated, then later saying she had pneumonia—after which she stunningly greeted a girl child on the street coming into physical contact that SVR medical analysts in this report say should never be allowed to happen with someone having such a contagious disease.
Hillary Clinton Leaves Chelsea's Manhattan Apartment, Suddenly Feels Better
SVR analysts in this report note that Hillary Clinton’s “pneumonia excuse” has long been used by the propaganda US media to cover up her grave health issues since 2012—but have not been able to hide from the American public her “congestive heart failure coughing fits”, nor her “stroke like behavior” related to the blood clots her failing heart keeps sending into her brain.
Hillary Clinton is very ill---watch her severe coughing fits.
The Truth About Hillary's Bizarre Behavior
This report concludes by noting that the US propaganda media is not only covering up Hillary Clinton’s grave health issues, but is, also, subverting the American presidential election by failing to tell these people that Donald Trump’s campaign stops out preformed Clinton campaign stops in August by an astonishing 100,000 more attendees, the MSNBC news network taking whites out of poll results to show Clinton leading, and the Washington Post-ABC news networks oversampling by 140% of Democrats in their new polls showing Clinton leading the race:
“A thorough analysis of the poll which found Trump trailing Clinton 46% to 41% among likely voters and 45% to 35% among all registered voters seems to confirm the suspicion that a particular result was produced by design with the 'news' outlet even ghost editing out a link of the poll’s full demographic cross tabs after a number of readers examined the findings with more scrutiny.
The full poll’s 23rd page shows a startling irregularity in party affiliation among those selected for the poll with 34% of the respondents identifying as Democrats, 24% identifying as Republican, 33% as Independent, 5% as other, and 3% declining to say.
Yet the most recent data on party affiliation shows that 26% of American voters identify as Republicans, 29% as Democrats, and a haltingly high 42% identify as Independents calling into question the veracity of the party affiliation mix of the poll in a way that undercuts Trump’s dominance among both Republicans and Independents.”
September 12, 2016
Oh well; if she dies she dies. I don't have a problem with that. The FBI and DOJ wont be able to save her there!
Guit can KILL
concerning Hillary Clinton and the driving force behind American politics and most everything else
... when the Banksters became supreme ...
"When the incestuous royal blood line of a Bush sibling is given his marching orders, even the most fascist of regimes is only too eager to further the demands of the banking junta. While blood lines might get you to the oval office, only the orthodox money rabbis’ wheel the power to institute ultimate government action.
The only rational way to view politics is through the lenses of money manipulation. A politically correct society requires avoidance from any analysis of the systemic criminals, who are the masters of international finance.
People are deliberately deceived into believing that the Federal Reserve is a benign instrument of national economic protection. Only the dumbest of the dumb buy into this newspeak. So when a Scholarly Library of Facts about Domestic & Worldwide Zionist Criminality publishes The History of the House of Rothschild, most will ignore the documentation out of fear of being isolated as a fringe element.
Well the true extremists are the financial thugs that game their money system and the despicable apologists who defend their practices and crimes. When Newt Gingrich stated: Establishment Scared of Trump Because He "Didn't Belong to the Secret Society", he is really saying that the financial elites fear that an outsider could gain the support of the public and get elected over the controlled candidates.
Since Trump is from the same regal blood line, and has pledged his allegiance to Zionist interests, one might reasonably conclude that the Banksters should not lose sleep. However, Trump has not taken their money (according to his admission), and is acting independently in opposing the TPP betrayal.
Hillary is a known collaborator and lusts for more Banksters bribes, so the outcome should be readily telegraphed. Citizens need to view the political landscape in the most basic and raw terms. The king makers have not changed one bit from when President Andrew Jackson called them a "den of vipers & thieves"."
So if all those clone stories are true, why hasn't sick Hillary been replaced?
A colostomy bag is glued to a stomach, not down a leg with tubes and metal pieces. Your medical supply knowledge is showing you are terribly uninformed and you're ruining your own credibility. Maybe something else, like a catheter for urine maybe, but NO METAL INVOLVED IN GLUING a bag to the stomach. Stop saying colostomy bag down her leg, doesn't work like that!
HC is suffering from Katagelasticism
The HC laughing compilation CD
Hillary Clinton We Came We Saw And He Died Music Video
A recent “Matthew Message” said Sanders may be the next Prez. That would mean that Hillary gets taken out of the race. And Benjamin Fulford recently wrote that they plan to throw Hillary under the train. So this article may be reporting yet another step toward her being declared a train wreck....
It may be a tactic to get Hillary out, and an excuse to stop any election and to keep Hitler-wannabe Obama in for a 3rd term??? Hopeing not, but consider all options in this crazy voting crap-shoot game.
The Dahboo clip may just be a sentence cut-short. The other is about body doubles and clones, which if you just look at the body shape and face of these Hillary's makes for a good arguement.
1: Dahboo777 'Hillary Clinton Dead': New York News Station Reports of Her Death In Error?
2: https://theguttertrash.com/2016/09/12/exclusive-is-hillary-clinton-already-dead/
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