Wednesday, November 9, 2016

As Trump amasses wins, his supporters chant ‘Lock her up’

As Donald Trump continued to outperform expectations Tuesday night, his supporters on Twitter and at gatherings celebrated his success with cheers of “Lock her up.”
Outside the Trump Hotel in Washington, a huge crowd of Trump supporters broke out into the chant – wildly popular at Trump rallies – after he was declared the victor in North Carolina, a key battleground state that put him on the path to the prized 270.
On Twitter, people shared photos of Hillary Clinton in an orange jumpsuit and declared that their chant would soon be reality. Trump has said if he wins he would appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Clinton’s email use.
Meanwhile, at Trump’s victory party in a hotel ballroom a few blocks from Trump Tower, the excitement was palpable.
Supporters glued to their smartphones high-fived each other as the results came in.
“If we win Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota, this place is going to go crazy,” added an excited Lucy, who wore a red “Make America Great Again” hat.
A chant of “Drain the swamp!” broke out a few minutes earlier, when Fox News called North Carolina for the GOP nominee.
With Sean Sullivan reporting from New York.


Anonymous said...

Now one thing needs to be made perfectly clear. M- I mean, Trump's first order on the agenda is to recruit a tough militia to guard Trump's six around the clock as these votes are all confirmed here.

Then, we'll get to draining the swamp. Loretta Lynch sees jail time. The heads of all departments will be Fired, and the FBI will be entirely revamped. And I'm very much guaranteeing the State Department will be given a root canal. A special prosecutor lets call him Trey Growdy is going to town on the Clinton's classified email fiasco. I'd say a good six to eight month or so prison sentence will start straightening them out real fast.

I personally, err Trump personally fears for Bill Clinton's own health because he has aids. So taking that into account, Bill Clinton will either get life in prison or a punishment as the public deems fit. The thing is we have just entered the woods now, Rothschild is going to desire to blow Trump's head off at some point so I ask all of you to pray he gets the best security detail in the business. The really bad Soros and Bush Senior will also be going up for possible capital punshment as the public deems it....

Watch these votes like a hawk and remember, this means the 9-11 investigation will be re-opened big time to put an end to this absolute treason done by some of these frauds. As for Obama, he will get a light sentence eventually since I have to admit as many bad things as he did the man didn't also suspend the rule of law through Martial Law either. All these things Trump will take into account when making decisions.

Stand strong as we count every vote and Make America Great!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Yeah right Bill Clinton will get kid glove treatment, slap on the wrist.
Smellary will get 6 to 8 months for her traitorous selling and making available secret, classified info. to anyone capable of sweeping it up while it is purposelyleft available to the world of international espionage...b.s., fema camps, guillotine for Bill and Hill and their bud O'What him worry sub human criminal. These pukes haven't been playing games, they've been responsible for the murder of literally millions of men women and children, doing the bidding of their monstrous, psychopathic masters????. No coddling monsters, flush 'em.