Tuesday, November 8, 2016


WikiLeaks  Under  Attack  After  New  Release  of  Information  Targeting  Clinton,  Democrats

"... targeted attack ..."

As WikiLeaks churned out more revelations about the Democratic Party and the Clinton Foundation, the whistle-blowing web site announced it was under a cyber-attack.

“Our email publication servers are under a targeted DoS attack since releasing #DNCLeak2,” WikiLeaks tweeted Monday.

Our email publication servers are under a targeted DoS attack since releasing

You can increase capacity: https://shop.wikileaks.org/donate 

Twitter’s website was also down briefly Monday at around the same time, 1:30 a.m. ET on Monday.

Twitter went down because Wikileaks released

It has begun! They're trying to suppress the truth from coming out!!!

WikiLeaks posted a message to its Facebook account claiming an ongoing denial-of-service attack on its servers after reporting a brief outage.

“We are still under a DoS attack on our e-mail publication servers and it appears that Twitter is down as well, we are unable to confirm if this is an attack on twitter at this time,” the post read.

Few doubted this was a coincidence.

Wikileaks and twitter were both shut down briefly after Wikileaks dropped info that can get Hillary imprisoned! Coincidence? Russia? NOT

MASSIVE DDoS attacks on WikiLeaks. Also took down Twitter/Reddit. Others as well. Get out and vote! They can't win!

The announcement came as WikiLeaks achieved its goal on Sunday of publishing 50,000 emails from the Gmail account of John Podesta, chairman of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Among the revelations from WikiLeaks:

An internal research document said as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton “disregarded ethics guidelines” in 2010 when she raised more than $72 million for the U.S. Pavilion at the World’s Fair in Shanghai in 2010. 

The document said Clinton took money from contributors who later “received favorable treatment” from the State Department and also donated to the Clinton Foundation, according to a 2015 internal Clinton research document revealed Sunday by WikiLeaks.

In April 2016, the Clinton campaign compiled questions for CNN reporter Wolf Blitzer to ask in an upcoming interview with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Some form of agreement existed between the Bernie Sanders and Clinton campaign based on information the Clinton camp had on Sanders. 

It was referenced by Clinton campaign manager Robbie Mook in a 2015 email that read, “This isn’t in keeping w the agreement. 

Since we clearly have some leverage, would be good to flag this for him.”



Anonymous said...

Whatever the case, Trump should be prepared to fight the vote fraud done my mis-calibrated machines in states such as Florida where he clearly won. Both by going to court and force of arms.

I think it will matter quite a lot to fight this fraud in those states. Vote fraud shouldn't be tolerated anywhere, for any candidate. Given the cloth he's cut from he better be preparing his contestment forces.

Anonymous said...

Whether it's a win or a loss, states like Florida and North Carolina should be contested due to the amount of fraud they caught on video with mis aligned machines. The exit polls already confirmed that Florida was won by him so perhaps he has a much stronger place to attack from than candidates past. A lot of the fraud favored Clinton and actually a good bit of it favored Trump as well. My point is every area where fraud is present deserves to be contested, that will tell everyone how sincere Trump is with setting things right.