Sunday, November 20, 2016

Craigslist Ad - STOP TRUMP - up to $1500/week

I think I will subscribe that phone number to many X rated websites and advertising agencies.


Anonymous said...

Great idea!! Don't forget the I.R.S. and ALL the credit company offices that Soros' credit number and information are under,and all 1-900 sex numbers, and make sure it racks up 100,000,000,000 a day -Also, send it to Obama's wife, and ALL bogus hires in the white barn-@ 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C., and with any luck, The International Criminal Court in the Netherlands,and finish him off for good, unless he's dead already-!!!!!!!! Wreck his credit, and make sure all his money is blown, and hope there is nothing left-

Anonymous said...

We are taught as Christians in the Bible, never to repay back evil with evil.
You want to stop all the corruption, pray boldly with confidence to our heavenly Father, that's what He wants us to do, and over time, you will see the changes you have asked for. Mark 11:24 " When you pray and ask, believe you have received it and it will be given unto you".

Jackie Blue