Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Hillary Rigged Everything!

Wikileaks Breaking!
No U.S. 'Election'
Hillary Rigged Everything!


Anonymous said...

Links to stories found on Homepage:

US Military Notifies Russia Of “Sustained Alert Status” Due To “Presidential Election Threat”
FBI Orders New York City Police Not To Arrest “Cooperating Witness” Huma Abedin
Clinton Foundation CEO Goes Missing After Trump’s Top Money Guru Found Dead

Anonymous said...

Killary is George Soros' puppet, and Killary manipulated the democratic convention with anyone that was basically forced to go along with it,{ and, yes, Debbie Wasserman Shultz} and all the while, Soros is THE culprit of elections, as he was the one that introduced the 'Smartmatic' voting machines that were computer card programmed to change the Trump votes to Killary- Trump has won, hands down the republican convention for POTUS,and the popular vote, But, Soros had it 'rigged', so that the Collegiate and electoral votes were all talked over, no matter who the voters wanted- Soros needs to be charged with treason, and crimes against humanity, while his fat ass sits in his 'comfy' chair, at his 'plush' mansion in Hungary-Look at how many states had these machines- 16 of the states, along with Texas, and the 307 counties within these states- Now,what is fair about that? At this point in time, I do not believe for one minute that there will be an election, and IF there is, Killary will last just long enough to watch herself walk to the prison system of the government's choice- Life at Alcatraz, or some where that is equal, for the rest of her natural days, along with the 2.2 million other coverts and cadres involved, world wide-