Wednesday, November 9, 2016

OPA – Finally, the Elections are over!

OK, Dunford & Elders & Royals
We are finally done with the Donkey & the Elephant show.  Hooray!  
Secondly, nice job by the Intelligence agencies for releasing the TRUTH on Hilary.  So I have to ask the Intelligence agencies a question: are you guys still solid or did you melt for telling the TRUTH?  Special thanks about election fraud, voter fraud, election manipulation, political corruption and all the fraud that DNC has been doing for years!  RNC is probably also dirty …
OK, since the bullshit is done, I got to ask this question - why before the election results where final that:
Air Force 1 with O was in the air,
Air Force 2 with B was in the air,
Another Air Force plane had their families in the air,
JK was heading to Antarctic, to the secret base meeting with Nazi & ruling 13 bloodlines.  
Moreover, Military command was in the air …  
Did you catch the phrase last night by the media corporate controlled broadcasters, that the Electoral College has accepted TRUMP as president … did you catch that?
Now, the moment of truth!
To the duly elected President Trump, General Dunford, UN General Secretary Ban Ki-moon, Chinese Elders & Royals:  
no more bullet trades, no more delays, just release the gold backed money now into the system and make the announcements so all the people on planet earth can either exchange, get paid on old claims, get paid for investing into prosperity packages, get project money and help change this planet back to health, along with all of us.  
You want to jump start the economy, right now, release the funds, you got holiday time in the next 8 weeks happening and with that money lots of spending will go on that would be new to the system and all will benefit. Don't be a Scrooge this year!
Plus, arrest those treasonous bastards and get them out of public purview … OK, right now could not be soon enough!
As we see it, you have used up all your excuses for delays and our patients, JUST FINISH!
One Pissed Off America, signing off for now.  Remember, you too believe the same way, just too scared to say or do anything, time to buck up and man-up, so let us change this together!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obama was not in the air ! He gave a speach at the White House Wednesday morning. Biden was with him.