Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Peasant Revolt Trumps Globalist Establishment

Trump's corporate tax cut is a gift to himself like his corporate jet.
They awakened the sleeping giant, the great middle class of America. On this historic night, the average citizens of the United States roared and joined Brexit in voting against globalism and in favor of nationalism. To empower Trump, the middle class also handed him a completely Republican-controlled congress.
They tore down President Barrack Obama’s legacy. Obamacare will be repealed. The Iran nuclear agreement, which was established only by executive order, can be easily ended by executive order. Numerous legacy achievements that Obama thought he could do unilaterally by executive order can now all be undone in a day. (Though I’m sure Trump will give them much more careful thought that that, but such are the possibilities when you ignore the people’s house and act on your own.)
For liberals and globalists, for the establishment on Wall Street, the world is a different place at the end of the day than it was at the dawn. Many liberals scoffed derisively at the notion that Trump could win. Democratic talking heads like Alan Colmes brazenly told Trump supporters to call him after the election because Hillary was going to win for certain, and they could eat their words; but Trump destroyed the Democratic establishment, giving the entire GOP a victory that even the GOP didn’t believe was coming its way. It wound up being a good thing for them that Trump was on their side….

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Social media and sites like this, and the minds of those who read these sites, has had an impact on the collective consciousness.

‘Trump won White House via social media; mainstream media never saw it coming’

‘I don’t vote with my vagina’: Susan Sarandon on not backing Hillary Clinton – BBC Newsnight ..