Wednesday, November 16, 2016

“Pizzagate”: How 4Chan Uncovered the Sick World of Washington’s Occult Elite

I didn't want to copy the article and put it here for reasons of it's nature. Instead I am just linking it here. Use discretion. Pretty horrible.


slaveman said...

The Washington elite who engage in this type of sickness are not human,... and the senate and congress are 'riddled' with these sub-humans,... as is Hollywood. This is prevalent in other nations governments as well. But now, finally these vermin will be brought to account for this sickness,... and so very sad for the children involved. Disgusting. Expect 'crickets' from the MSM.

Seeker said...

We were always told that we would be near the "end" when the pedophile information surfaced implicating those at the top. We've already seen their arrest warrants. Now we just need to see some action. They all need to go to Guantanamo or worse!

Anonymous said...

They'll be sent to hell, since these are the end times. And they will follow after many of the Soros clan who survived.