Monday, November 7, 2016

"Serious dirt" on Paul Ryan

"Serious dirt" on Paul Ryan


Anonymous said...

This son of a b***h is no less than the Merovingian from this MATRIX!!!

His wife is the spitting image. Don't trust anything about this snake, he is the definition of the worst viper ever seen. Do not take your eyes off this SOB!!!

Anonymous said...

Show me just one politician in CONgress that is truly honest, ethical an hasn'r committed treason on some level. JUST ONE!
The dumbing down of America has been a total success and all the sheeple will get exactly what they wanted.
The new national anthem should be titled, That's the way we like it by KC.

TheGateKeeper said...

There comes a time where the tree of liberty has to be watered with the blood of its patriots and enemies. Im afraid that time has come again my brothers and sisters. It breaks my heart to see how low our country has stooped, all for the desire for power and money. We the people have been taken over by a dark and powerful communist based Fascist Party. I am at a loss of words as to how i feel right now about all of this. Its so unbelievable. This, what they are doing is right up in our faces up close and personal. Cant you hear them all laughing at we the people at their $100,000.00 a plate dinners? Loretta Lynch, Paul Ryan, James Comey were all put in by the Obama Administration. Look it up if you dont believe me. Yes, Paul Ryan is a republican when the cameras are turned on, but he is a democrat posing as republican. If one goes down, they all go down. Thats why you wont see justice done. Because there is no justice among the powerful, rich and corrupt. If there is truely a God watching over us, we need him more now than ever to step in and help us clean this mess up. It just keeps getting worse by the day. I feel that God isnt going to do anything. If he does, it will be by pushing the reset button on mama earth and everyone gets the axe. Just like in the days of Noah. Ive never in my life have been so ready to leave this world. Our military has been defanged by the Bush and Obama administrations. They are a pitbull with no teeth. So.....its left up to we the people to take out the trash. How can that happen? We are more divided now than we ever was in the past. And its all by design folks. We've all been hoodwinked. It sickens me to the core what this place we call home has become. May God have mercy on all of us.

Reaper said...
