Wednesday, May 9, 2018

BREAKING! Israeli Airstrikes On Syria Could Trigger New Middle East War


Anonymous said...

Let them kill themselves IF that is what they want to do- They've been doing this for centuries, since Christ swapped in his sandals for Skechers, and will go on LONG after we're dead and gone....

just some dude with dsl said...

US MSM is reporting this as a strike from Iran. Israel struck first and is using fake news to look like the victim. Wage war through deception, hello???????

Anonymous said...

Response to prick at 6:23 PM: How about providing us readers the information PROVING that Israel struct first????? Because reports in the MSM state that Iran has been shooting missiles at Israel and with Israel's 'Iron Dome' in place, these missiles have been thwarted and thus causing no harm to Israel. However, to put Iran on notice to discontinue their attacks, Israel did shoot missiles at the Iranian military position in Syria. Get your facts straight guy. Again provide the proof that Israel shot missiles at Iran or whatever the heck you are claiming. Enough is enough. You must either be an ignoramus or a cabal disinfo agent. Either way, your statements are totally bogus and you are being exposed. ; ; ;

just some dude with dsl said...

I must be a cabal disinfo agent? you realize Israel fights wars by using deception and they are the cabal? Your an idiot...

Anonymous said...

5:12PM - one sided biased uninformed thinking. You speak in generalities about Israel. Your comment applies to every nation on this planet DSL, not just to 'Israel'. You are grossly mistaken on Israel's account. Some are teachable and want to learn and to possibly correct their incorrect thinking if/when not correct. You obviously are definitely NOT one of those, so why waste the time attempting to give you insight. Perhaps you will figure this out as events continue to unfold. Then again, maybe not. That's the way it goes some times. c'est la vie