Sunday, July 10, 2011
POOF for JULY 10th: The Moment
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 10-Jul-2011 17:41:32
In Response To: Reader: "CASPER, PLEASE ANSWER" (hobie)
Hi, Folks -
Received via e-mail:
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Subject: The Moment
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2011 17:26:08 -0400
George Strait - A Father's Love
I got sent home from school one day
with a shiner on my eye.
Fightin’ was against the rules
and it didn’t matter why.
When dad got home I told that story
just like I’d rehearsed.
And then stood there on those tremblin’ knees
and waited for the worst.
And he said,
let me tell you a secret about a father’s love,
A secret that my daddy said was just between us.
He said,
daddies don’t just love their children
every now and then.
It’s a love without end, amen,
it’s a love without end, amen.
When I became a father in the spring of ’81
There was no doubt that stubborn boy
was just like my father’s son.
And when I thought my patience
had been tested to the end,
I took my daddy’s secret
and I passed it on to him.
And he said,
let me tell you a secret about a father’s love,
A secret that my daddy said was just between us.
He said,
daddies don’t just love their children
every now and then.
It’s a love without end, amen,
it’s a love without end, amen.
Last night I dreamed I died
and stood outside those pearly gates.
When suddenly I realized
there must be some mistake.
If they know half the things I’ve done,
they’ll never let me in.
And then somewhere from the other side
I heard these words again.
And he said,
let me tell you a secret about a father’s love,
A secret that my daddy said was just between us.
He said,
daddies don’t just love their children
every now and then.
It’s a love without end, amen,
it’s a love without end, amen
Greetings and Salutations;
The moment has remained a secret and I would never tell it even if I knew, but someone likes to stuff words in my mouth regardless. So when you see words floating out here, that I called it, understand it's crap. Poof said, poof said...I thought I was crazy...make up your mind, why would you want to quote a crazy person? Unless there's another making people crazy, or to destroy hope, as the less then nice guys have been doing for years. How many years have you heard, 'they' were planning to wipe out the middle class and have only the rich and poor be around? What do you see going on in DC right now? What do they mean the poor need to share some of this burden, Orin Hatch, what do think has been going on for years now? Your august position does not insulate you from insane statements. You sir, are a plutocrat. One of these days the media will pick that up and use it in broadcasts, unless they are chickens.
Money has been green in this country, not red and blue. The big fear they have is finally the people are waking up, as the japanese gentleman spoke a few years ago, 'beware of the american giant' and he made it clear, he wasn't talking about the us military. He was talking about the people when they understood what their government was up to. Even GHWB made the remark, 'they'll hang us from the nearest lamp post if they ever figure out what we've done...words, I'm sure are coming back to haunt him now. Any idiot knows you can't starve the people....where do they think they are going with those trillions they've had in their back pockets? God doesn't need their money so, there's no bribing thru the pearly gates, as they say.
Word has come to me, from way above the dragons, time has run out. This must be done NOW. People who I like to call the 3 musketeers, have come out of the holes they have been hidden in and signed off. The earth is about to go thru a change unheard off in history, and many of the folks who believed they were running things, will be shocked at the sudden loss of power and prestige. This is a 'no down no return' situation, it require retooling of how one thinks and what one believes is true. The most powerful media giant Rupert Murdoch is getting one of those lessons right now, money will no longer buy safety from come uppance. The tide has truly turned and it isn't in the favor of the rich and powerful. The greedy who never wanted to share. Suicides will rise as folks decide to off themselves rather than face the fruits of their positions. Something this way comes, pay attention. The plan of the ages, can not fail.
Btw, you know who the real whites hats are? It's those military guys who were working on collecting all this stolen money years ago. Most retired now but in the back ground none the less.
Much to the chagrin of those who would have it other wise, there won't be a nazi 4th reich to lead the world into the future. They won't turn this earth into a prison planet, it is not theirs' to do as they see fit. The dark doesn't have the power it projects out here. As Bob Marley once said in a song, 'only ourselves can free our minds', remember that when people tell you, we will never over come or be rid of the illuminati. Defeatists' attitudes never get anything done, they sit in corners and tremble. We do need those people with good hearts to help fix this planet and behind them is the real power that makes life worth living. My job was to get you to this door way, pass thru it and begin anew. Take your plans and engage them. They just needed to get the goons out of your way because they knew if people were given the chance, they would do the right thing, they would treat their neighbors as they themselves wanted to be treated. Novel concept, eh? Well just think about your self, what would you do if given the chance, waste your time sitting around thinking about revenge? Or going out and reversing situations in this world, there are millions like you across this planet, you have lot more power than you've been told or believe you have. YOU are who you've been waiting for! Go forth and change something, have confidence and courage, you will be supported. The tech is already here and coming off the shelf daily, ready to be engaged across the planet. Still around for consults till I get that knock on the door.
Love and Kisses,
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Radioactive FOOD in USA --video REPORT
The video linked below is NOT meant to instill fear into your lives.
It is to give you information, and a possible solution to contamination from the Japan nuclear disaster fallout.
What you do with this information is YOUR CHOICE.
Poisoning from nuclear contamination is insidious. You can't smell, taste or feel the poisoning.
You can't hear the poisoning, unless you have specialized equipment.
MOST geiger counters are ineffective.
The special geiger counter used in this video report came from Dr. Kokoschinegg, an Austrian nuclear physicist.
Detailed analysis was done of the actual "click" created by this special geiger counter.
Comparisons were made.
Two different forms of zeolite were used to determine if the food could be decontaminated.
I suggest those interested in protecting their health do research and understand what is happening.
Also, I suggest getting some zeolite, a natural mineral (or contacting RDFresh).
Link to video:
Be well.
Nancy Lazaryan
To Kill an American
*To Kill an American *
*You probably missed this in the rush of news, but there was actually a
report that someone in Pakistan had published in a newspaper, an offer of a
reward to anyone who killed an American, any American.*
*So an Australian dentist wrote an editorial the following day to let
everyone know what an American is. So they would know when they found one.
(Good one, mate!!!!) *
*'An American is English, or French, or Italian, Irish, German, Spanish,
Polish, Russian or Greek. An American may also be Canadian, Mexican,
African, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Australian, Iranian, Asian,
Arab, Pakistani or Afghan. *
*An American may also be a Comanche, Cherokee, Osage, Blackfoot, Navaho,
Apache, Seminole or one of the many other tribes known as native Americans..
**An American is Christian, or he could be Jewish, or Buddhist, or Muslim.
In fact, there are more Muslims in America than in** **Afghanistan** . The
only difference is that in America they are free to worship as each of them
chooses. **
*An American is also free to believe in no religion.. For that he will
answer only to God, not to the government, or to armed thugs claiming to
speak for the government and for God..*
**An American lives in the most prosperous*
*land in** **the history of the world..
*The root of that prosperity can be found in the Declaration of Independence
, which recognizes the God given right of each person to the pursuit of
**An American is generous.. Americans have helped out just about every other
nation in the world in their time of need, never asking a thing in return. *
**When Afghanistan was over-run by the Soviet army 20 years ago, Americans
came with arms and supplies to enable the people to win back their country!
**As of the morning of September 11, Americans had given more than any other
nation to the poor in Afghanistan ..*
*The national symbol of America , The Statue of Liberty , welcomes your
tired and your poor, the wretched refuse of your teeming shores, the
homeless, tempest tossed. These in fact are the people who built America **
**Some of them were working in the Twin Towers the morning of September 11,
2001, earning a better life for their families. It's been told that the
World Trade Center victims were from at least 30 different countries,
cultures, and first languages, including those that aided and abetted the
*So you can try to kill an American if you must. Hitler did. So did General
Tojo, and Stalin, and Mao Tse-Tung, and other blood-thirsty tyrants in the
world.. But, in doing so, you would just be killing yourself. Because
Americans are not a particular people from a particular place. They are the
embodiment of the human spirit of freedom. Everyone who holds to that
spirit, everywhere, is an American. **
God Bless
Al Tarkka
Dinar Intel Update 7-8-11
The status of the RV in my opinion is that it has happened and now we are waiting for the rate to show up on the screens worldwide. Then we will have a true revaluation of the Iraqi dinar and we will have instructions on how we are to cash in and information on any special taxes, regulations, etc. Until then all is rumor. Even intel is just information that hasn't been proven yet. I have confidence in the sources of intel I have found, who are depending on intel they have received from people in high levels of banking, government, and military, here and in Iraq. Even the iraqi news is controlled by the iraqi gov. so it can't really be depended on.
So be patient, folks. I know it is hard but it's all we can do. We can't make it happen any faster, it will happen when it happens. Hopefully it will happen in the next few days, and there is good reason to think it will, but let us put our trust in God for each our individual circumstances. He will carry us through this if we depend on Him. Make your post rv plans, find your professionals to help you with your finances and taxes, try to enjoy your life and the people in your life. If something significant happens, I will pass it on as soon as I can. If you hear something, let me know too. God bless you and have a great weekend! ~~s.
Iraq's banks now computerized and ready for world trade
Iraq's banks now computerized and ready for world trade
Here is another google-translated article from the Iraqi news. It says that the World Bank has finally finished its restructuring of the five state-owned banks in Iraq. If I am reading this correctly, it means that now the Iraqi banks are fully computerized and are able to wire money world-wide. Its currency can now be truly tradeable throughout the world by internet.
Baghdad, July 8 (Rn) – The World Bank announced on Friday that it had completed the plans and technical procedures, financial and legal to develop the good performance of the bank and state-owned Iraq and restructuring.
The director of the unit restructuring banks Majid picture of Kurdistan News Agency (Rn) that “the unity of the restructuring of the problem by the World Bank completed the plans and technical procedures, financial and legal that will improve the performance of a bank of good and Mesopotamia and restructuring in line with the electronic development in the work of international banks”.
Keep in mind that when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in August of 1990, and when the UN imposed trade sanctions on Iraq a few days later, there was virtually no internet at the time. Their banking system was primitive by today's standards. Because of trade sanctions, their banking technology was frozen along with their assets. When the US took over Iraq in 2003, they had to completely upgrade their computers and programs before they could feasibly restart world trade using their own currency (and banks).
This has now been "completed," says the World Bank.
Up to now, it would have done little good to remove the trade sanctions on Iraq, because they would have remained severely handicapped in trying to conduct world trade in dinars. It seems to me that this computer upgrade could well be the key to Iraq's emergence in the world, with a tradeable currency and listed on the FOREX.
Friday and Saturday the banks are closed in Iraq. It will be interesting to see if this completion was the final hindrance to the dinar's revaluation. Saturday may be too soon to watch, but Sunday is 7-10 on the calendar (as we write it). It correlates with 7-10 on the Hebrew calendar, which is the day of Jubilee.
A Psychologist's Evaluation of Obama
Subject: A Psychologist's Evaluation
Be sure to read all the way to the end.
Dr. Sam Vaknin is an Israeli psychologist. Interesting view on our president. Dr. Vaknin has written extensively about narcissism.
Dr. Vaknin States "I must confess I was impressed by Obama from the first time I saw him. At first I was excited to see a black candidate. He looked youthful, spoke well, appeared to be confident -- a wholesome presidential package. I was put off soon, not just because of his shallowness but also because there was an air of haughtiness in his demeanor that was unsettling. His posture and his body language were louder than his empty words. Obama's speeches are unlike any political speech we have heard in American history. Never a politician in this land had such quasi "religious" impact on so many people.
The fact that Obama is a total incognito with Zero accomplishment, makes this inexplicable infatuation alarming. Obama is not an ordinary man. He is not a genius. In fact he is quite ignorant on most important subjects."
Dr. Sam Vaknin, the author of the Malignant Self Love believes "Barack Obama appears to be a narcissist." Vaknin is a world authority on narcissism. He understands narcissism and describes the inner mind of a narcissist like no other person. When he talks about narcissism everyone listens. Vaknin says that Obama's language, posture and demeanor, and the testimonies of his closest, dearest friends suggest that the man is either a narcissist or he may have narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).
Narcissists project a grandiose but false image of themselves. Jim Jones, the charismatic leader of People's Temple, the man who led over 900 of his followers to cheerfully commit mass suicide and even murder their own children was also a narcissist. David Koresh, Charles Manson, Joseph Koni, Shoko Asahara, Stalin, Saddam, Mao, Kim Jong Ill and Adolph Hitler are a few examples of narcissists of our time. All these men had a tremendous influence over their fanciers. They created a personality cult around themselves and with their blazing speeches elevated their admirers, filled their hearts with enthusiasm and instilled in their minds a new zest for life. They gave them hope! They promised them the moon, but alas, invariably they brought them to their doom.
When you are a victim of a cult of personality, you don't know it until it is too late. One determining factor in the development of NPD is childhood abuse "Obama's early life was decidedly chaotic and replete with traumatic and mentally bruising dislocations,"says Vaknin. "Mixed-race marriages were even less common then. His parents went through a divorce when he was an infant two years old. Obama saw his father only once again, before he died in a car accident. Then his mother re-married and Obama had to relocate to Indonesia, a foreign land with a radically foreign culture, to be raised by a step-father. At the age of ten, he was whisked off to live with his maternal (white) grandparents. He saw his mother only intermittently in the following few years and then she vanished from his life in 1979. "She died of cancer in 1995."
One must never underestimate the manipulative genius of pathological narcissists. They project such an imposing personality that it overwhelms those around them. Charmed by the charisma of the narcissist, people become like clay in his hands. They cheerfully do his bidding and delight to be at his service. The narcissist shapes the world around himself and reduces others in his own inverted image. He creates a cult of personality. His admirers become his co-dependents. Narcissists have no interest in things that do not help them to reach their personal objective. They are focused on one thing alone and that is power. All other issues are meaningless to them and they do not want to waste their precious time on trivialities. Anything that does not help them is beneath them and does not deserve their attention.
If an issue raised in the Senate does not help Obama in one way or another, he has no interest in it. The "present" vote is a safe vote. No one can criticize him if things go wrong. Those issues are unworthy by their very nature because they are not about him.
Obama's election as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review led to a contract and advance to write a book about race relations. The University of Chicago Law School provided him a lot longer than expected and at the end it evolved into, guess what? His own autobiography! Instead of writing a scholarly paper focusing on race relations, for which he had been paid, Obama could not resist writing about his most sublime self. He entitled the book "Dreams from My Father".
Not surprisingly, Adolph Hitler also wrote his own autobiography when he was still a nobody. So did Stalin. For a narcissist no subject is as important as his own self. Why would he waste his precious time and genius writing about insignificant things when he can write about such an august being as himself?
Narcissists are often callous and even ruthless. As the norm, they lack conscience. This is evident from Obama's lack of interest in his own brother who lives on only one dollar per month.. A man who lives in luxury, who takes a private jet to vacation in Hawaii, and who raised nearly half a billion dollars for his campaign (something unprecedented in history) has no interest in the plight of his own brother. Why? Because, his brother cannot be used for his ascent to power. A narcissist cares for no one but himself.
This election was like no other in the history of America . The issues were insignificant compared to what is at stake. What can be more dangerous than having a man bereft of conscience, a serial liar, and one who cannot distinguish his fantasies from reality as the leader of the free world?
I hate to sound alarmist, but one is a fool if one is not alarmed. Many politicians are narcissists. They pose no threat to others. They are simply self serving and selfish. Obama evidences symptoms of pathological narcissism, which is different from the run-of-the-mill narcissism of a Richard Nixon or a Bill Clinton for example. To him reality and fantasy are intertwined.
This is a mental health issue, not just a character flaw.
Pathological narcissists are dangerous because they look normal and even intelligent. It is this disguise that makes them treacherous. Today the Democrats have placed all their hopes in Obama. But this man could put an end to their party. The great majority of blacks voted for Obama. Only a fool does not know that their support for him is racially driven. This is racism, pure and simple.
The downside of this is that if Obama turns out to be the disaster I predict, he will cause widespread resentment among the whites. The blacks are unlikely to give up their support of their man. Cultic mentality is pernicious and unrelenting. They will dig their heads deeper in the sand and blame Obama's detractors of racism. This will cause a backlash among the whites. The white supremacists will take advantage of the discontent and they will receive widespread support. I predict that in less than four years, racial tensions will increase to levels never seen since the turbulent 1960's.
Obama will set the clock back decades. America is the bastion of freedom. The peace of the world depends on the strength of America , and its weakness translates into the triumph of terrorism and victory of rogue nations. It is no wonder that Ahmadinejad, Hugo Chavez, the Castrists, the Hezbollah, the Hamas, the lawyers of the Guantanamo terrorists, and virtually all sworn enemies of America are so thrilled by the prospect of their man in the White House.
America is on the verge of destruction. There is no insanity greater than electing a pathological narcissist as president.
All Starts when Timmie Boy goes down
Well programs & White Knights - people are hurting big time and they need relief NOW! No more time for your polite negotiations. Suggest you get the political lawyers off the front line and take the gloves off!
Time to reveal the slime boys who are really blocking the dinar and prosperity funds going out.
The Treasury Bank and its Federal Reserve Bank 'controllers' who have been stopping all this. Suppose to be the other way around but the private Fed Reserve Bank have the Treasury Bank on there leash.
You want to find the REAL Culprit look at Timmie boy.
When Timmie goes down - It ALL OPENS UP
And anyone who supports the Federal Reserve is supporting the blockage.
FYI - the entire world has agreed to the Dinar RV and has return the proper pings for the RV with one exception --- Timmie's treasury bank.
Time to go boy!
John MacHaffie The old man with "True Grit"!
Friday, July 8, 2011
World Bank Proposals Update
OPC (Operation Compassion) was set up with the intent of assisting in the distribution of Blessings to the world.
To answer several inquiries----
1) The funding is coming from the Tier 2 of the Global Settlements which is already flowing. There is NO blockage at this level.
2) What is the fee?
I, John MacHaffie, the man with the LORD inspired vision, will be 64 years next month and care more than you realize about the welfare of my fellow brothers and sisters throughout the world. My personal goal is to help, help & help. Like to leave a trail of goodness as my gift to the world. Only have a few years left and it is dedicated to providing help.
OPC have no mandatory fee for providing this "connection service".
3) What is the procedure?
Proposals emailed to me are forwarded to my World Bank source. Those selected will be notified and all your contact information is on the proposal as submitted.
4) Why do this?
The intent is for OPC Operation Compassion to serve as an important service to provide assistance throughout the world on a one by one basis via the virtual internet.
"Old man gotta do what he gotta do" - the duke
GOD Bless,
John MacHaffie
Prosperity Programs - Needs Lists Intel Update
STILL ON WAITING MODE - waiting for the PP deliveries, especially the Freedom program which starts the ball rolling.
The Needs lists folks, the Bug Me program and the OPC program restart are all on standby ready to go.
That is all for now!
SaLuSa 8-July-2011
Message from SaLuSa 8-July-2011 by Mike Quinsey
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 8-Jul-2011 03:51:56
SaLuSa 8-July-2011
There is much of beauty upon the Earth and some is natural, and some man made as Man is inspired by his visions of a higher expression. In fact you still have subconscious memories of times when you were in the higher dimensions. The changes that we have told you about are also familiar to you, and why you accept them without much hesitation. Initially the aim is to plug the gaps that will appear as the old systems break down. That will be an immense improvement to what you have been experiencing, and ensure you have a comfortable run in to the time of Ascension. The real changes will commence with Ascension and continue for a great deal longer. Whatever your choice regarding your future, you will enjoy the benefits of being within the higher dimensions. We have paved the way for you as you prepare yourself for the personal changes you will experience, and finally you will claim your status as a Galactic Being. The difference to what you are now is monumental, and you will have your full consciousness restored.
We know it is difficult in your present situation to comprehend how much more alive you will become. You have been limited in both ability and expression, and not encouraged to develop your latent talents. On the contrary the dark Ones have deliberately held you back, which is why real education has been denied for so long to Third World Countries. Knowledge is power, and you will have seen how Dictators have invariably suppressed or destroyed those who were well educated. In the higher dimensions, the exact opposite applies and knowledge is shared and available to every soul. Clearly knowledge was never meant to be the sole ownership of any one person. Everything that is, ever was and ever will be, is God given for the benefit of every soul. The idea of possessing things purely for the sake of it will also change after Ascension. You can have anything you desire, and that creates a new outlook as you can change things whenever you like. In this case you are the creator and can also dissolve whatever is no longer required, through your power of thought.
As you are beginning to understand, life is going to be totally different to what you are used to now. It will be a joy to be alive and experience what can only be described as a heavenly existence. It will be the feel of everything around you that glows with Light, and gives out an energy that can only be described as exhilarating and uplifting. What you will notice is the purity and cleanliness of everything, and the colors are so bright yet restful to the senses. Your immediate concern is to press on with your own preparations, but how wonderful that with your upliftment there is so much to gain. It should give you the necessary incentive to keep your goal firmly in sight. These opportunities are few and far between, and in the unique circumstances given you it has been made far easier to achieve success.
As a civilization you have been subjected to the most severe tests, and many still find it difficult to shake off the shackles that hold them back. Their vibrations are low and the Light is hard pressed to enlighten them. However, there is always hope, and there is always help as soon as a breakthrough looks possible. The issue cannot be forced, as subjecting them to too much Light before they are ready, would result in a very uncomfortable experience. Although it would be nice if every soul could fully respond to the Light, it has to be borne in mind that there is no deadline involved. Each one has all the time they need, and constantly encouraged to turn to the Light.
When we show up on Earth people will see in us their true potential, as we are you in the future. We are, as you would say, the living proof of what is possible through Ascension. We know that some souls feel that to ascend they have to give up things that give them pleasure on Earth. It is true except that you have so much more to gain, and life becomes one great adventure that is so fulfilling and satisfying. You have to want to ascend for the right reasons, and in so doing have to apply yourself to the necessary disciplines that will get you there. It means dropping any attachments you have to anything that is strictly of the lower vibrations. Living out as best as possible the vision you have of what it is like to be a soul of Light and Love. It is also necessary to curb the emotions and be in control of them, as humans have a tendency to let them run wild. If you can start taking steps to bring such changes into your life, then help will come your way through your Guides. However, you must be prepared to respond to it, and it is necessary to find sufficient time in your life to listen to your inner promptings. These are not to be mistaken for your ego, which may well deter you from going ahead. Ego desires to keep the status quo with the way of life you are used to.
After all that we have said, as long as you have a firm intent to ascend we believe that you will be successful, and a path will open up for you that you can follow. Some of your tuition will occur when you are out of the body while asleep. Normally such experiences are forgotten by the time you awake, but you may feel an inner fulfillment and joy resulting from it. You are purposefully kept from remembering your astral travels, as it could well interfere with your daily life responsibilities. Some do of course and can even relate to that level, and know how much more pleasant it was than being in the earthly dimension. All of such glimpses are helpful, to show you how as you climb the vibrations your experiences become more pleasant.
Except in duality, life is meant to be one continuous great adventure, and you only have to look at our obvious enjoyment and fulfillment. God is our Father/Mother and provides all that we can possibly need, and we want for nothing at all. We have long reached that stage where we act responsibly, and never forget to express our gratitude for all that is provided. We also acknowledge the Oneness that we all live in, and see within all life forms the godliness that exists everywhere. Try to see beyond the outer cover as it can sometimes be misleading, as you will find when you eventually meet some of the non-human Space Beings from other Universes.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and the way we look at time, are just the blink of an eye away from taking a major step forward. So hold on as the wait is not much longer, and we are as anxious as anyone to get on with our projects.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Galactic Humans 101 Webinar Video Recording by Sheldan Nidle
Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Galactic Humans 101 Webinar Video Recording by Sheldan Nidle
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 8-Jul-2011 01:20:18
This webinar was created to help you share information with your family and friends who might be new to the concepts of disclosure, first contact, Galactic Federation of Light and our ascension to the 5th dimension. This presentation is 97 minutes long. In the first 30 minutes, Sheldan explains the meaning of phrases that may be unfamiliar to you or your friends, along with Sheldan's story~~how he became a messenger for the Galactic Federation. In the second half, Sheldan shares important information on what is happening to our physical bodies, the shift in our RNA/DNA, the energies flooding our planet and how they are raising our consciousness, why first contact is a Spiritual event, and much more. This is where you will find the juicy parts. We appreciate you sharing this video with your friends~~Together we are Victorious! AT LAST! What You've Been Waiting For...
Galactic Humans 101 Webinar Video Recording Easy Web Video |
Galactic Feseration Encounter Description
A Description Of A Galactic Federation Of Light Liason Mission in America
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 8-Jul-2011 00:54:07
A Description Of A Galactic Federation Of Light Liason Mission in America
Posted by Drekx Omega on July 5, 2011
In late 2009, the Sirian Star Nation put out some rather unorthodox diplomatic feelers to security reps in America, including the one invite described below...I place this reminder, as that individual has been a member here under the designation of "SC," which stands for "Space Cowboy." Out of respect for him I will not mentioned his real name, suffice to say I'm aware that he has taken up membership, albeit a low key one, with only one comment made, since joining in February, 2011...
This 2009 diplomatic liason mission failed to render fruit, but I would like to respectfully remind him of it and suggest that things could be different if mutual trust were upheld, between liasing parties...
This was written in early 2010 describing the Sirian liason team's process of meeting with SC:
My most recent mission has been arranging a Galactic Federation diplomatic protocol with an afpac conflict resolution peacemaker, at his 40 acres of mountain top property ranch, in the US…
He is going over this contact initiative with some permanent members of the UN Security Council, but needs to be reassured that the Galactic Federation are fully trustworthy….
I have arranged the preliminaries, but still require his preferred GPS co-ordinates for a touchdown t-mat at his desired location….Read the venue agenda:
Dear xxxxxx,
I’ll provide some gentle facts about the diplomatic mission that will allow a more settled prior-event imagining:
Upon seeing the glowing plasma mist you should wait until the craft fully materialises and you will note that the ionisation field around the hull will remain very bright white light for a few minutes, in which it would be better to avert your gaze, or wear sunglasses for the interval. As the colour tone changes from white to blue to turquoise to green, it will eventually stabilize as a soft violet hue and remain active as the door opens on the ground level side of the hull. This craft will be spherical, with a slightly protruding “skirting foil” around the centre, power units at the base and stand about 100 feet in height…
The hatchway will seamlessly open and out will step the Commander (Vashtar,) who will beckon you to approach the craft and the 9 foot high embarkation hatch. Do not touch the glowing hull as you enter, or you may feel some static electricity effects (nothing dangerous) upon hair and clothing.
Commander Vashtar will be wearing a blue shiney “jump-suit,” boots and gloves. He is 7 feet in height and wears long golden hair. Although over 1000 years in age, he will appear to you to be in his early twenties…
He will introduce you to his flight crew, who serve in the diplomatic mission also.
As I intimated in my previous post, and a reminder, that when you meet with Federation personnel, you will not be presented with non-humanoid representatives, but rather the Sirians within the Scout Ship, four-man crew, who will welcome you with the telepathically relayed words; “selamat balik!!” which is a customary welcome. Upon receiving this message inside your mind, please return the courtesy with the SPOKEN response; “selamat ja..!!” clasping both flat palms together, not unlike the Hindu greeting..
Then the Commander will move forward and invite you aboard the spherical (100 feet diameter) scout-ship, where you will be shown to a reception hall, within which, a seat for transit will be offered. This seat will be high-backed, round and fully adjustable to your body’s shape, height and any imperfections and/or ailments, rendering perfect comfort for the brief journey into space…..
At this stage you will be presented with a small device which allows spoken and clearer telepathic communication, which is a universal translator. It is circular, flat and 2 inches in diameter and will be attached to your clothing..Indeed, you will hear your own voice from those communicating with you, in perfect English, unless removed.
The trip from scout-ship to mother-ship will take less than a minute and will be part teleportation, part space-vectoring and entry through the top embarkation port of the much vaster, mothership…
Then transit, no g-force stress, no inertia, no violent shocks will be experienced, at all…
An instantaneous T-mat jump to the ionosphere and then a re-materialisation and quick higher atmospheric transit made to the Mothership in space, where you will be moved from the hanger bay to the visitor receiption room and there, allowed to meet other Federation personnel, including Andromedans and Pleiadians…who are also humanoid in appearance…
But primarily, you will be negotiating with the Sirian Star Nation “Akanowai Dajoie,” within the conference facility aboard the vast 300 miles diameter mothership, in Earth orbit and for the duration, cloaked. A point of interest is that each mothership has capacity to store 500 fully operational scout ships.
In spite of all your described ailments suffered, while aboard the ships, you will enjoy temporary relief and no pain at all….
And in spite of the conference duration continuing for some hours, you will be subject to a higher than usual oxygen content and find that you do not tire at all….The conference completed, you will be returned to your ranch and a duration of 2 minutes will have elapsed only, in relative Earth terms……….
Selamat kasi da selamat gajun...! (Sirian for "in loving service~be one!")
Drekx Omega, Cmdr, GFL Ground Crew
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Thursday, July 7, 2011
July 5, 2011 – White Hats Report #22
July 5, 2011 – White Hats Report #22
Progress Update: The Cabal’s World Is Falling Apart; Obama and Geithner Breach of Duty on the Global Settlements; Bush, Sr., Clintons & Bush, Jr. Secret Closed Files Under Heavy Review.
We are finding that being the lead in any effort is difficult but if you are truthful, fair and balanced in your reporting then over time, people listen, investigate, evaluate and respond. This has been a long drawn out journey for the White Hats but thankfully what we have been stating for months has intertwined with other domestic and international news and activities. Being in the lead position also creates opportunity to push the agendas, reopen closed, long forgotten files and to welcome new members to the White Hats community ... yes, we have grown into a community. Our people, from the lowest level to the highest level, both domestic and international, have discovered that what we have stated from the beginning is absolutely true. Some knew we were correct in our thinking, others not so sure, but what they all know now is that we have a common cause and fight.
We know about the Bush family, the Clintons and now Obama trying to usher in and implement the New World Order (NWO). Many say this is not news and others are thankful that we are facing it head on. But why hasn’t the public at large heard about it? The answer is simple; total, complete and unimpeded control of the media. It has been their unequivocal arrogance and their unrelenting harassment of what they perceive as “the little people”. People they thought did not have the ability to do anything to curtail their plans ... people they never thought in their wildest dreams would have ever had the ability to disseminate a concept and speak to the issues with such exacting measure that other of the world leaders have committed their beliefs and resources to taking down this administration and all it stands for which includes the finest Puppet Master ever known to man – George Bush, Sr. As we have learned from our past mistakes, history does repeat itself; it is sad to admit that most of us were sleeping at the wheel and were taken on the proverbial ride on this one. When the ride stopped, we never thought we’d find the villains in America under American leadership.
Now, the tide is turning in America and along with the support of the International Community, the heat is being turned up on these individuals. From our standpoint it is easy to say that we are closing them down but we still have prominent individuals ... like current Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney and Texas Lt. Governor David Dewhurst ... that have participated in the theft of large amounts of investor monies and the cover-up that surround it. We also have Presidential Appointees that hope they will never be exposed for their past actions regardless if it was due to political pressure or other reason ... to us it doesn’t matter. If they weren’t strong enough to stand up to the pressure in the past, then they are not strong enough to stand up to the pressure in the present. If they were dirty in the past, then they will be prone to corruption in the future. It’s difficult to believe these people have been elected to office to represent the people. They have failed us, they have lied to us, they have tried to circumvent us and they have held the American citizens, “We The People”, hostage to their own empire building schemes, bribery and corruption rackets.
But there is an awakening, a light beaming into the dark closets of the past and present. As we speak, the past is catching up to the Bush family and both Clintons. Many files that have been “officially closed” are now being “officially opened” to be reviewed one more time. Files like the Vince Foster death, the Ron Brown death, the Noriega files ... even the Prescott Bush files ... everything is being opened up to look for the patterns and the depth of the intended NWO takeover.
Why all of the sudden is the world interested in these files? Well, as you move through your daily existence it is difficult to see someone else’s short term goals and ultimate long term goals as they are developing. After a long string of events, especially over 50 years of political actions, it is easy to see how a plan takes shape. In the same ilk, now that we are here with the past seemingly forgotten, the shame is starting to come upon us ... as a people. Embarrassingly, we have left our guard down and we have forgotten.
There are many issues that for the sake of our country will not be disclosed but are currently under review by the people on the inside, some things are better left unsaid, but for all of us in the inner circle worldwide the patterns of activities need to be reviewed ... we, as professionals, have been purposely led astray and lied to in our duties to serve and protect. Now, we are doing the clean up and will not quit until justice prevails. As the saying goes “The Jig is Up!”. Now, all of our former leaders are the targets of the investigations. They should be feeling the heat of the fire as we speak ... the empire is burning and will never have the opportunity to reconstruct itself ... so help us God!
In that light, in Germany, Saturday, July 1st at 1am est, the strongest public indictment of the Cabal has been issued. This includes our current Administration, the Bushes, the Clintons, Greenspan, Geithner, Goldman Sachs, Josef Ackermann, and all of the minions including those currently controlling and sitting as members of the Bilderbergs and other elitist families and groups. This release has already grown long legs and is getting quite the force of speed behind it in the international community. But did anyone notice our very own media outlets, and the international media oultets after initially reporting, they were forced to drop it. Why? The Answer: The Bilderberg Society has come to the aid of the group. This information is very explosive and control from the group to containerize it was required before it got out of control. Expect much more on this.
With their power base crumbling around them, the following additional activities have occurred and are currently under continuing investigation. It’s no wonder why Geithner is so damn desperate to leave. Here’s why!
A) Despite the US Treasury assuring multiple Global Trust Paymasters of their long overdue payments last week, the payments again failed to materialize. Bush Sr, again ordered, his boys, Obama and Geithner to block any and all payments.
B) Although Bush, Sr. and Obama were able to prevent the release of the payments, a tremendous amount of progress has been made to further expose, prevent and halt their activities.
• On June 24th, Geithner made an illegal play to divert part of the Global Settlement funds to Josef Ackerman, Chairman of Deutsche Bank, with the plan of working the funds through the middle of July. Fortunately, the evening of June 24th a plane left the US travelling directly to visit Ackerman, with special enforcement personal from the group responsible for getting the Global Settlements completed. Ackerman's Plan was stopped. Upon their return from Germany, Geithner was visited by the same enforcement personal and, will again, if he continues to be a problem.
• By June 29th, it became public that Geithner is planning on resigning.
• On July 1st, Geithner was also contacted about the 700 Million Dollars he moved from his personal account in The Vatican Bank to other accounts, at many banks around the globe. Did Geithner actually think we wouldn’t know his movements with the cash? Does he really think we will allow him to keep that money and the other funds he has participated in stealing? This is not a reality.
• It has been determined that Congress does not have the guts to investigate all of the claims that have been put forth to them. We know in several instances that certain of the names on the list of Vatican Bank account holders and presumed pay-off recipients are the reason. Every one of the Congressional Leaders including Issa has the knowledge in front of them. Hemming and hawwing ... claiming to not want to rock the very delicate boat the United States is in at this time. We say bullshit ... the problem we are in is solely due to the garbage that is happening behind the scenes and not one of our senior leaders has the fortitude to confront the monsters that are dealing with head on.
Mr. Secretary, you have proven to be incompetent and a total failure, but Obama needs you as an expendable scapegoat ... you know the language, “to protect the Office of the President of the United States at all costs”. You don’t think they will let you resign do you? When you left the Treasury building on Friday and you shook everyone’s hands telling them you are gone {for good}, did you think the holiday weekend would be easy? You got hammered by the Administration begging you to stay by subtleties of the persuasion. It’s a very difficult spot. Putting you squarely in the hot seat.
Mr. Secretary, you have been well paid to strategically perform these criminal actions and to ruthlessly take all the heat, in the beginning, fronting for Alan Greenspan at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and then the US Treasury. You have been a good soldier but even you are not important enough to protect as a valuable asset, i.e. any of the Bush family members.
Mr. Secretary, the pressure is mounting and you can watch for yourself. In the last week, some old files are re-emerging on the international stage, i.e. the Vince Foster and Ron Brown cases. Both were in high level positions, but at some point they apparently needed to be dealt with. Why? At that point in time the issue was simple ... a man, his oral fixation, a cigar, an intern and a dress.
In a significant move, court documents have been unsealed by a Special Division of the United States Court of Appeals, which will prove the FBI and OIC covered-up in the Independent Counsel's probe into the Death of Deputy White House Counsel Vincent W. Foster, and it further exposes the criminal activities of past and present White House Administrations. If it can happen to them, it can easily happen to you. This time there is far more at stake, and do you really think they will allow you to just walk away when you know all the secrets?
You know that you have stolen for your Masters, from multiple nations to vast amounts of Investor funds, which have all been recorded. Are you really thinking you can escape justice and America will let you spend one dollar of the funds you were paid to perform these illegal activities? Your only option to lesson your punishment will be if you make a deal immediately, which we encourage you to do.
On June 22nd, a Writ was delivered to Phillip Rivett, Senior Statutory Auditor of Price Waterhouse Coopers LLP, London, who was officially put on notice as Auditors for Barclays Bank of illegal trade activity utilizing Mr. Falcone's investment funds on buy/sell programs that created billions of dollars for certain government officials, including key officials of Deutsche Bank and for special accounts held by the CIA at Barclays Bank. This litigation will materially impact Price Waterhouse Coopers LLP, Barclays Bank and Deutsch Bank. The lead attorney firm on record for Mr. Falcone is Fuerst Ittleman of Miami, Florida.
In addition, the litigation has already created panic with KPMG, the lead international accounting firm. We know that between the two firms each has expended significant amounts of time, energy and resources in the attempt to get their hands around the problem and the culprits. The culprits answer to the accounting firms is “We’ll take care of it”. Maybe in the past that would be a solid assurance but not currently. The world is falling apart and we are just waiting for either of these firms to believe that this is going away. You, Mr. Secretary, are the titular head of all of this ... you have the keys to the NWO’s Pandora’s Box.
This criminal audit trail, from Josef Ackermann to the Bushes, Biden, Herzog, Clinton, Romney and Geithner, is in the hands of a number of Law Firms, proceeding through Global Regulatory Legal actions including criminal investigations. Records have been filed with trustworthy Global Enforcement Agencies such as the FSA (Financial Service Association). China and the EU countries are all working together and have the full sordid unsavoury details of these betrayals. Bank Accounts from the Caribbean to the EU are all traced and records are on file for the courts. More Bank Officers are ready to attest when subpoenaed.
Mr. Secretary, do you think they care about the NWO? Not the smart ones. If you are worried about whether you are going to make it through all of this, you need to stop, talk to your attorneys, cut a deal and remove yourself from your post.
The Department of Treasury will survive without you, the Country will survive without you and the international community will survive without you. Obama and the others will be concerned but they will appoint someone else to be their puppet. If you want to lessen the damage to yourself and your family, you might consider turning into a White Hat and reverse all of the damage you have participated in and have knowledge of. It won’t be easy, but it will be easier for you. You will need to turn on your former employers. Yes, they have had their moment of power but right now, we are powerful as well. What side of the world do you wish to play on? Do you want to play on the side of the people, like where you started, or do you wish to be one of the extinguished one thousand points of light? They are not in control any longer. Their very foundation is deteriorating with all of the problems they’ve created and cannot stay in control of any longer. We know that much has been kept from you, you’re just another pawn in the big game and your whole side is experiencing checkmate. Just come clean before we take more actions like the ones that have hit your doorstep and the ones that you have personal knowledge of that are about to hit your doorstep. You know how to reach out to us. We promise to be there.
You might want to make up your mind soon as you are fast becoming a liability to your Masters. You are expendable and not in a position of trust, but you already know this. You know they will do anything to stay alive ... like a rat backed into a corner. So, realistically, we might be the best chance for survival, either literal or political or figuratively. Just think about it. Make the call.
What we want to know is what the two lone wild cards will do?
General Petraeus, are you willing to go along with this duplicitous conspiracy once appointed to the CIA or will you stand up and make the people that believed in your moral fiber so strongly that they gave you the support you needed to make the Academy? They and the world need you now ... not later.
General Colin Powell (Ret.), we ask of you the same. We need your specific leadership. In a meeting, you once stated that you would never allow your name to be placed in the presidential hat, “If the Trust is still in control.” Sir, this is the time we need you, your strength and your faith in America. We know your idealism has been challenged, your duty to your Country has been lessened by others and we know that you are mad as hell. Help us take control ... don’t hide in a fox hole while these men you were formerly employed by attempt to take control of the world. Help us take the ground back that is America instead of what the elitists are attempting to do.
Regardless of the trajectory of the political planets we need strength to lead us through the difficult times ahead of us in the short term and the long term. The world will need strong men of valor, not conniving snakes that will grasp on to the opportunities that will benefit them alone. You are highly respected men that led fellow Americans into war ... you have the strength to lead the world through the coming tough times. Our current leaders do not have the ability, nor have they shown they can accept the responsibility of their positions. It’s time to step forward and be counted before it’s too late. For God and Country ... and now, the people of the World.
Message from Wanderer of the Skies - July 6, 2011
Wanderer of the Skies - July 6, 2011
Greetings from the Federation:
The path to Disclosure has been a long and arduous one filled with set backs and disappointments for everyone concerned. We feel your disappointment because it is our disappointment as well. Just as desperately as you want Disclosure, we want to connect with you on a personal level so that we can share those things which we can give to each other in Love and understanding. In this respect, you must stay ever vigilant, as the time draws so much closer than you can imagine.
The activities of the Illuminati are decreasing as more and more of their minions move away from that path towards the good. Every day there are more who refuse to do their bidding. We see the most resistance to this change, however, in those of the Illuminati who control the underground facilities scattered across your world. They have lived in more or less a sheltered way for many years, becoming ever so more disconnected to you on the surface and ever more bold in their thinking that they are invincible. It is with this group that we find the most difficulty. Those that control your money on the surface have more capability to reason and have shown this in the recent past as more and more concessions are made towards the plans for Disclosure.
A new wave of energy has recently been “downloaded” into your world causing minor instances of anxiousness and restlessness among you. This is yet another in the steps towards Ascension that are part of a Divine plan.
Your media continues to divert your attention away from the very wonderful and sometimes troubling news around your globe that interconnects with our messages of Disclosure and Ascension. It becomes more apparent to those who are beginning to awaken. It will not last forever, and you will find as time draws close to Disclosure that more attention will be focused on pertinent issues, much to everyone’s surprise. That will be one among many signposts that Disclosure is occurring. It will happen and we will rejoice with you when it does.
For now, continue to focus your Love and Intention on those that have the power to make it so and this will help hasten the process that will insure maximum safety for all when Disclosure occurs. When we can be assured that we have reached such a level, the trigger will be pulled. It is our fervent hope that your leaders do it first to signify your willingness as a people to become Cosmic Citizens.
Be at peace.