Sunday, October 23, 2011

Chemtrails Are Troubling: Whistleblower Contacts IAHF With Inside Info On Chemtrails: How To Detox & Protect Ourselves

I just rec'd this --- Unconfirmed - use discernent

September 30, 20099 comments
(L-R: Chemtrails…………….HAARP Microwave Towers…….Sinister DARPA Logo with “All Seeing Eye”
IAHF List: Please print this out, you’re going to need the information and so will everyone you know.
Chemtrails Over New York
The ruling elite have devised chemtrails as a means of covertly microchipping us all in order to create antennas inside of us via nanotechnology so as to make us totally controllable via a “psychocivilized” (electronically mind controlled) society. Using HAARP microwave antennas, the National Security Agency (NSA) can establish a seamless computer link direct to our brains, but first they’re using chemtrails to get the nanoparticles into us which are reassembling in our bodies to form the antennas. WE CAN STOP THIS OUTRAGEOUS INVASION OF OUR BODIES & MINDS!
When people got angry and complained about the name and highly sinister logo (see above) of DARPA’s “Information Awareness Office”, the name of the office was “sanitized” by changing it to the “Terrorist Information Awareness Office”….
(Guess who the supposed “terrorists” are? (All of US….) IAHF is sick of this covert Nazi crap, and we’re putting an END to the New World Order’s little game right NOW via detailed derailment instructions provided in this email so that you can cleanse the chemtrail garbage from your body along with a plea for assistance from a whistleblower:
Through this chemtrail issue we see the real reason for Codex. The ruling elite are trying to BLOCK our access to the herbs discussed in this email which we can use to REMOVE the nano-particles from the chemtrails to keep them from being able to reassemble inside our bodies to form the ANTENNAs inside of us via which they intend to totally control our minds. They’re trying to kill off 90% of us and control everyone else remaining, but we don’t have to allow it, and we sure don’t have to play this game.
As explained in my last post, chemtrails contain a nasty mix of parasites, pathogens, toxic heavy metals including barium and aluminum, and worst of all- high tech nano engineered particles designed in a lab to assemble themselves inside our bodies into nanomachines which will microchip us from the inside unless we do cleanses to remove the particles to keep them from assembling inside our bodies.
Chemtrails Over Madrid
Chemtrails Over Madrid
Below you’ll see instructions on how to do a simple test that will prove to you that you have these nano particles in your body right now, and you’ll find information on how to detox this garbage and get it out of your body- this is very serious and is not a joke.
All of us will need to begin a process of herbal cleanses to detox this stuff, and in this message you’ll find complete information on how to protect yourself. I have already begun the process, and strongly urge all of you to as well and that you alert everyone you know to follow suit unless you don’t mind living in a psychocivilized society in which everyone is being totally controlled by electronic mind control and there is no more privacy whatsoever, of any kind.
Lest you scoff at this, and take the view that this is “not possible”, please know that I was just contacted annonymously by a whistleblower going by the name “Dr.Ian Revson” operating from inside a major defense contractor where he works as a pharmacologist in bioinformatics who posts on Curezone under the name “sunver”. See
He is writing an e-book about the immense threat posed by chemtrails and needs help disseminating information in advance of finishing his book to help protect his life. (See links to some of his articles below)
Chemtrails Over Los Angeles, California
Chemtrails Over Los Angeles, California
Here is a sample from one of Revson’s articles:”‘CHEMTRAILS’ are a component of an integrated atmospheric weapons system , which has multiple purposes, including weather modification, population control, advanced surveillance, biological warfare, and artificial intelligence. In North America and Europe, the program is run under the auspices of the Pentagon and NATO, obviously with help from the American and European defense contractors (Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Boeing, EADS, Honeywell, etc). Many others are involved (Monsanto).
1) ‘Chemtrails’ are presently in operation for weather modification (disaster induction).
2) ‘Chemtrails’ contain nano-engineered biologics. This is a weaponized parasite. Host saturation is 99%+ . This means we are all infected. Infection includes intracellular anomalies in both human macrophage and RBC (red blood cell), apparent soft tissue fungal infection, and ‘de novo’ synthesis of novel foreign protein crystals.”
Because he is not a pathologist, he wants our help to contact pathologists and microbiologists who can help piece the puzzle together. I have already put him in touch with one person who has a darkfield microcscope. If you can help him, please contact him at
He says: “As hard evidence and details can be accumulated , specifically about the biologics, it may be possible to provide information to employees in the defense network encouraging non-participation, as much depends on the cooperation and ignorance of the unwitting employees of the major defense contractors.”
He emails people annonymously via TOR: which allows you to sent untraceable emails. He told me he must protect his access to people who have TS: SCI clearances for as long as possible in order to try to wake up as many people as possible on the inside.
Chemtrails Over Paris
Chemtrails Over Paris
There is a simple diagnostic test for the infection (the biologics nanotechnology) which can be performed for approximately $10 in materials. This is not a joke, this is extremely serious.
Using a simple red-wine mouth rinse, you can yield complex nanofibers from your gums which appear to be of fungal form containing complex internal sub-micron filament structure. EVERYONE TO DATE IS POSITIVE FOR THIS TEST. THIS COULD POTENTIALLY INCLUDE BILLIONS OF PEOPLE. THE PATHOGENS MUST BE IDENTIFIED IMMEDIATELY. PLEASE HELP WITH THIS EFFORT WE NEED ACCESS TO DARKFIELD MICROSCOPES, CRYO-TEM, AND POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION (PCR).
Preliminary data indicates fungal form identity with similarity to fusarium solani and the ‘DRIP clade’, as well as possible association with weaponized mycoplasm and anodized aluminum oxide (AAO) nanotechnology. Further data indicates chemtrails infection mimics trypanosomiasis and protothecosis with synthetic features.
No one can be excluded from infection. Brush your teeth well. Rinse with water. Then Rinse your mouth vigorously for 5 minutes with 1 tsp peroxide, 2 tsp Merlot red wine. Prepare to be shocked and upset that the nanotechnology you spit out, and you may want to send a thank you note to Lockheed-Martin and their fellow war criminals.
Dr. Ian Revson’s articles:
Chemtrails parasites have infected all of us (red-wine/peroxide test):
Chemtrails weather modification overview:
Chemtrails – How ‘black’ programs are created:
Chemtrails biologics disease (questions/answers) pt 1:
Silentsuperbug (microscopy pictures/video/reference/therapy):
Clifford Carnicom’s and Gwen Scott, N.D.’s Work
Morgellons: Pathogens and the General Population
The Wine-Peroxide Test:
Aerosol Crimes (Video Documentary):
“I state clearly again that the pathogenic forms under investigation are repeatedly showing up in the general population, regardless of whether certain “skin anomalies” are present or not. The pathogenic forms were, however, first discovered as a result of examination of these same skin anomalies. The segregation of only certain individuals as having the “Morgellons” condition is completely and totally false; the general population is involved whether they would like to know of it or not. The pathogens found have now been discovered repeatedly across all major body systems and functions, including skin, blood, hair, saliva, dental(gum), digestive, ear and urinary samples.”
The pathogenic forms were, however, first discovered as a result of examination of these same skin anomalies. The segregation of only certain individuals as having the “Morgellons” condition is completely and totally false; the general population is involved whether they would like to know of it or not. The pathogens found have now been discovered repeatedly across all major body systems and functions, including skin, blood, hair, saliva, dental(gum), digestive, ear and urinary samples.”
-Clifford Carnicom, Mar 15 2008
Please do not hesitate to contact Ian Revson for clarification. This is not a joke.
To keep the nano particles in the chemtrails from being able to assemble in the body so that you can’t be microchipped from the inside and thereby mind controlled- and to protect from the parasites and heavy metals in the chemtrails, it is necessary to do the following herbal cleanses:
I can’t provide a “one size fits all” protocol for everyone on the IAHF list to follow when it comes to doing a parasite/bowel cleanse, a kidney cleanse, and a liver cleanse for the simple reason that there are thousands of people on the IAHF list with every imaginable health situation- but I can provide basic guidelines. Its up to you whether or not you think you need to consult a Naturopath or an MD when doing these cleanses but if you have any sort of serious health situation, I would strongly recommend it.
My starting point was to read this information on inner body cleanses/ detox protocols by Hulda Clarke, ND I don’t have cancer though, so I don’t need to do everything suggested here and odds are neither do most of you.
An herbalist/ Naturopath on the IAHF list has advised me to follow the instructions shown below, so this is what I’m going to do, but it might not be right for you, you’ll need to decide this yourself. If in doubt, please consult a professional:
1. Parasite/Bowel Cleanse-
You’ll need to get 4oz of an herbal tincture called “Clarkia” which is a combination of Black Walnut Green Hull, Cloves & Wormwood leaves and flowers! Those 3 herbs have been traditionally used as a herbal remedy against human parasitic animals, parasitic bacteria, parasitic viruses and fungi. Beside herbs, Clarkia contains purified water and 30% grain alcohol.
These three herbs must be used together. Black walnut hull and wormwood kill adults and developmental stages of at least 100 parasites. Cloves kill the eggs. Only if you use them together will you rid yourself of parasites. If you kill only the adults, the tiny stages and eggs will soon grow into new adults. If you kill only the eggs, the million stages already loose in your body will soon grow into adults and make more eggs. They must be used together as a single treatment.”
You can get Clarkia here Using tincture is better than capsules because it makes it easier to adjust by backing off a bit if you get headaches from the wormwood in it.
Instructions for doing Parasite/Bowel Cleanse:
Colon Cleanse via vegetable juice fast for 48 hours in beginning of parasite cleanse. Suggest drinking organic pineapple juice, also plenty of water, and add garlic which is an antifungal, anti parasitic agent.
You must maintain regular bowel movements throughout cleanse very important: at least one per day if not use coffee enema. 4 oz of Clarkia tincture will cover one person for full cleanse. Wormwood can cause headaches. If this happens when following the program below, back off by a few drops til headache stops and complete program at that dose.
The dose is 10 drops (not dropper full) 3 times daily diluted in small amount of water (bad taste) increasing up to 20 drops 3 times daily if no negative reaction. 7 day break after every 14 days of usage – 2 weeks – 1 week break, another 2 weeks then 1 week break, 2 weeks – 1 week break then last 2 weeks. (11 weeks total 8 active weeks) keep diet clean absolutely no added sugar, sugar substitutes or caffeine. Drink lemon water.
If you see any rice looking things or round worms that look like long pasta in toilet etc that continue to appear in each bowel movement through mid way point of cleanse then I would tell you to add 10 drops of Clarkia into Coffee and perform enema.
You can purchase enema bags at most pharmacy’s they allow for adding own ingredients. Yes you are able to self administer but wear gloves it is messy. Actually performed this task in the woods. Don’t laugh did not want mess in house carried bag for trashing gloves, bucket of fresh water and clean disposable cloth (baby wipes). If someone did see me going into woods would not think anything since I am avid hiker. Again, I do not think you are a chronic parasite case one enema is probably enough unless constipation begins.
2. Kidney Cleanse: Take 2 quarts of distilled water and a bunch of parsley. Simmer the parsley in the water and allow to cool. Drink two glasses per day until gone.
3. Liver Cleanse: Purpose is to loosen up and remove gallstones and remove intestinal parasites.
First one must complete steps 1 and 2 do preliminary parasite killing and cleanse your kidneys. Your liver can get infested with intestinal parasites. If you not kill these first liver purge will not be as effective.
Next, must soften liver stones before the purge. A week before liver purge drink as much apple juice as possible. Apple juice contains phosphoric acid that will soften stones helping them to clear during purge. Could cause rise in blood sugar and increase Candida if prone to yeast infections.
Can purchase ortho phosphoric acid tablets from health food store and take for a week if concerned about increase in blood sugar or yeast infections.
Choose a day when you do not have to be anywhere. Be warned——purging the liver releases lots of toxins. You will probably feel very sick. It will go away as soon as your body expels toxins.
You will need:
Epsom salt, 6 to 8 tablespoons
2 or 3 fresh pink grapefruits
Unrefined sesame, walnut or flax oil (1/2 to ? cup)
On the day of liver purge take no medications, herbs or vitamins- anything that will have to go through liver. Eat no fat of any kind that increases EFAs. In order for the purge to work you must build bile pressure. If you eat fat the liver and gallbladder will rebile to digest the fat lowering the bile pressure.
For breakfast have some fresh fruit or raw vegetables. Same for lunch.
Mix the Epsom Salt into 5 cups of water. Refrigerate improves taste.
6:00 pm It is time for first dose. Take 1 cup of Epson Salt. Drink some fresh water and a little taste of honey to get the bad taste out of your mouth.
7:00 pm Take your second dose of Epsom Salt 1 cup
8:00 pm Take another dose 1 cup
9:45pm Poor ? to ? cup of unrefined sesame, walnut or flax oil into jar. Squeeze the pink grapefruit by hand into cup should be ? to ? cup. Add to oil. Close and shake hard until watery.
Now go to bathroom. Finish anything you need to do before bed. Timing is critical.
10:00 pm the big moment has arrived. Plug your nose and down as quickly as possible the grapefruit mixture. Follow with plain water and a little bit of honey to remove bad taste. Down in 5 minutes or sooner.
Oil causes the liver to release a surge of bile. This is what forces the stones out. You will probably feel very nauseous shortly afterward. Just think about the way you feel now the next time you are tempted to eat a liver clogging food.
Lie down immediately. The sooner you lie down the better. Do ten very deep breaths will create a suction-type action in your abdomen.
You may be feeling stones roll down your bile duct. Now it is time to blast the little buggers out of the park. Need to create pressure on the liver located middle to right side of body in the top of your abdomen. Just below lungs & diaphragm. It should be completely full of bile right now.
Place both left and right palms down on your upper abdomen slightly to the right below ribcage. Press down with the fingers and palms like you?re pumping something should hear squishing sound. This is the sound of the bile being forced out of liver.
Note if you do not hear this sound do ten more deep breaths and wait fifteen minutes.
Now little more forcefully press down again. Continue this pumping action slowly to the left.
Continue to do this until you?ve forced all the bile out. You will be able to feel and hear when the bile has been forced into GI tract.
Time for bed. Sleep flat on your back. The next morning drink last cup of Epsom Salts. Wait a few hours then eat.
If everything worked you will find toilet bowl full of liver stones. Vary in size and color. Benefit with one purge but will see additional benefits of purging every 2 weeks until liver is completely clear. Then do this purge at least once a year for maintenance.
Please donate to IAHF- Your Help is Badly Needed to Bring This Mssg to the Masses:
IAHF 556 Boundary Bay Rd., Point Roberts WA 98281 USA or via paypal
For Health Freedom, John C. Hammell, President International Advocates for Health Freedom 556 Boundary Bay Road Point Roberts, WA 98281-8702 USA 800-333-2553 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 800-333-2553 end_of_the_skype_highlighting800-333-2553 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 800-333-2553 end_of_the_skype_highlighting N.America 360-945-0352 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 360-945-0352 end_of_the_skype_highlighting360-945-0352 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 360-945-0352 end_of_the_skype_highlighting World

RON PAUL WINS OHIO STRAW POLL: 53% for Ron Paul ->->-> CAIN 26% -> Romney 8%

Webinar with Sheldan Nidle: 2012 and the Mayan Calendar

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Webinar with Sheldan Nidle: 2012 and the Mayan Calendar
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 22-Oct-2011 23:01:16

Webinar with Sheldan: 2012 and the Mayan Calendar
Welcome to Webinar 20 with Sheldan Nidle
2012 and the Mayan Calendar
The 5125-year Mayan Calendar is reaching the end of its cycle:
• What was the Mayan Calendar's main purpose?

• On what date does the Mayan Calendar actually end?
• What is the significance of 2012 and how will it affect us?
• How will the end of the Mayan Calendar trigger a shift in our consciousness?
Sheldan will devote this Webinar to the timeline of the Mayan Calendar and explain how it pertains to the year 2012.
Sunday, October 23, 12 to 1:30 p.m. PDT (Pacific Daylight Time)
Thursday, October 27, 6 to 7:30 p.m. PDT(Pacific Daylight Tme)

For your convenience: Time Converter
Talk to Sheldan Live...
simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!
You won't want to miss it!
Cost: $15.00 U.S.

Sheldan Nidle Updates

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Banks owned by the Rothschilds.

Banks owned by the Rothschilds.  Repeat Posting for emphasis

Albania: Bank of Albania

Algeria: Bank of Algeria

Argentina: Central Bank of Argentina

Armenia: Central Bank of Armenia

Aruba: Central Bank of Aruba

Australia: Reserve Bank of Australia

Austria: Austrian National Bank

Azerbaijan: National Bank of Azerbaijan

Bahamas: Central Bank of The Bahamas

Bahrain: Bahrain Monetary Agency

Bangladesh: Bangladesh Bank

Barbados: Central Bank of Barbados

Belarus: National Bank of the Republic of Belarus

Belgium: National Bank of Belgium

Belize: Central Bank of Belize

Bermuda: Bermuda Monetary Authority

Bhutan: Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan

Benin: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)

Bolivia: Central Bank of Bolivia

Bosnia: Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Botswana: Bank of Botswana

Brazil: Central Bank of Brazil

Bulgaria: Bulgarian National Bank

Burkina Faso: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)

Cameroon: Bank of Central African States

Canada: Bank of Canada - Banque du Canada

Cayman Islands: Cayman Islands Monetary Authority

Central African Republic: Bank of Central African States

Chad: Bank of Central African States

Chile: Central Bank of Chile

China: The People's Bank of China

Colombia: Bank of the Republic

Congo: Bank of Central African States

Costa Rica: Central Bank of Costa Rica

C?te d'Ivoire: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)

Croatia: Croatian National Bank

Cuba: Central Bank of Cuba

Cyprus: Central Bank of Cyprus

Czech Republic: Czech National Bank

Denmark: National Bank of Denmark

Dominican Republic: Central Bank of the Dominican Republic

East Caribbean area: Eastern Caribbean Central Bank

Ecuador: Central Bank of Ecuador

Egypt: Central Bank of Egypt

El Salvador: Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador

Equatorial Guinea: Bank of Central African States

Estonia: Bank of Estonia

Ethiopia: National Bank of Ethiopia

European Union: European Central Bank

Fiji: Reserve Bank of Fiji

Finland: Bank of Finland

France: Bank of France

Gabon: Bank of Central African States

The Gambia: Central Bank of The Gambia

Georgia: National Bank of Georgia

Germany: Deutsche Bundesbank

Ghana: Bank of Ghana

Greece: Bank of Greece

Guatemala: Bank of Guatemala

Guinea Bissau: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)

Guyana: Bank of Guyana

Haiti: Central Bank of Haiti

Honduras: Central Bank of Honduras

Hong Kong: Hong Kong Monetary Authority

Hungary: Magyar Nemzeti Bank

Iceland: Central Bank of Iceland

India: Reserve Bank of India

Indonesia: Bank Indonesia

Iran: The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Iraq: Central Bank of Iraq

Ireland: Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland

Israel: Bank of Israel

Italy: Bank of Italy

Jamaica: Bank of Jamaica

Japan: Bank of Japan

Jordan: Central Bank of Jordan

Kazakhstan: National Bank of Kazakhstan

Kenya: Central Bank of Kenya

Korea: Bank of Korea

Kuwait: Central Bank of Kuwait

Kyrgyzstan: National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic

Latvia: Bank of Latvia

Lebanon: Central Bank of Lebanon

Lesotho: Central Bank of Lesotho

Libya: Central Bank of Libya

Lithuania: Bank of Lithuania

Luxembourg: Central Bank of Luxembourg

Macao: Monetary Authority of Macao

Macedonia: National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia

Madagascar: Central Bank of Madagascar

Malaysia: Central Bank of Malaysia

Malawi: Reserve Bank of Malawi

Mali: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)

Malta: Central Bank of Malta

Mauritius: Bank of Mauritius

Mexico: Bank of Mexico

Moldova: National Bank of Moldova

Mongolia: Bank of Mongolia

Morocco: Bank of Morocco

Mozambique: Bank of Mozambique

Namibia: Bank of Namibia

Nepal: Central Bank of Nepal

Netherlands: Netherlands Bank

Netherlands Antilles: Bank of the Netherlands Antilles

New Zealand: Reserve Bank of New Zealand

Nicaragua: Central Bank of Nicaragua

Niger: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)

Nigeria: Central Bank of Nigeria

Norway: Central Bank of Norway

Oman: Central Bank of Oman

Pakistan: State Bank of Pakistan

Papua New Guinea: Bank of Papua New Guinea

Paraguay: Central Bank of Paraguay

Peru: Central Reserve Bank of Peru

Philippines: Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas

Poland: National Bank of Poland

Portugal: Bank of Portugal

Qatar: Qatar Central Bank

Romania: National Bank of Romania

Russia: Central Bank of Russia

Rwanda: National Bank of Rwanda

San Marino: Central Bank of the Republic of San Marino

Samoa: Central Bank of Samoa

Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency

Senegal: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)

Serbia: National Bank of Serbia

Seychelles: Central Bank of Seychelles

Sierra Leone: Bank of Sierra Leone

Singapore: Monetary Authority of Singapore

Slovakia: National Bank of Slovakia

Slovenia: Bank of Slovenia

Solomon Islands: Central Bank of Solomon Islands

South Africa: South African Reserve Bank

Spain: Bank of Spain

Sri Lanka: Central Bank of Sri Lanka

Sudan: Bank of Sudan

Surinam: Central Bank of Suriname

Swaziland: The Central Bank of Swaziland

Sweden: Sveriges Riksbank

Switzerland: Swiss National Bank

Tajikistan: National Bank of the Republic of Tajikistan

Tanzania: Bank of Tanzania

Thailand: Bank of Thailand

Togo: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)

Tonga: National Reserve Bank of Tonga

Trinidad and Tobago: Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago

Tunisia: Central Bank of Tunisia

Turkey: Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey

Uganda: Bank of Uganda

Ukraine: National Bank of Ukraine

United Arab Emirates: Central Bank of United Arab Emirates

United Kingdom: Bank of England

United States: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Washington)

Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Uruguay: Central Bank of Uruguay

Vanuatu: Reserve Bank of Vanuatu

Venezuela: Central Bank of Venezuela

Yemen: Central Bank of Yemen

Zambia: Bank of Zambia

Zimbabwe: Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe

'Meltdown: The Men who Crashed the World,'

By popular demand, here are all 4 episodes of
the riveting documentary series,  'Meltdown:
The Men who Crashed the World,' produced by
the Canadian Broadcasting Company.

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

And in case you missed Part 1:

- Alexandra

P.S. Please share Forbidden Knowledge TV e-mails
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That's how we grow. Thanks.

Alexandra Bruce
Forbidden Knowledge TV
Daily Videos from the Edges of Science

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This Kingdom's King Is Come

Silverthorne, Colorado 80498

This Kingdom's King Is Come

October 21, 2011
   Be of good cheer. I have overcome the world. I have caused you to rise above the world and live on a different plane, a different dimension, a place between heaven and earth. And now the kingdom comes, the place where you really fit, really belong, and can be free to exercise your God-given gifts. I will be there beside you and in you as you do the kingdom works so necessary to remedy the world's ills.

   The Kingdom Age has come and all My beloved, those who are watching, will see it with their own eyes. Bewildered as the world will be, dismayed as the lukewarm "Christians" will be, distressed as the ungodly will be, you will see, and your heart will be enlarged with joy as this Kingdom's King is come.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Bank Of America Is Attempting To Rob America Blind With The Help Of The Federal Reserve

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Bank Of America Is Attempting To Rob America Blind With The Help Of The Federal Reserve
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 21-Oct-2011 19:37:28
Bank Of America Is Attempting To Rob America Blind With The Help Of The Federal Reserve
October 20, 2011
By Madison Ruppert

Bank of America Corp. (BAC) is in trouble and any other business which would just go under without any help; the corrupt banksters, with the help of the private Federal Reserve, are attempting to pass off their failures to the American people. Again.
Only three years ago the American people had massive debts piled on our heads by being forced to bail out the biggest lenders in the United States.
During this bailout, Bank of America received a whopping $45 billion and as of midyear had deposits numbering some $1.04 trillion.
Now Bank of America is attempting to protect itself from its derivative exposure through its Merrill Lynch unit by moving derivatives to a subsidiary replete with insured deposits.
This means that if the bank were to fail, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or FDIC, would be on the hook for paying for the moved derivatives.
If the derivatives remained in Merrill Lynch, which is not insured by the FDIC and thus the taxpayer, and the bank were to collapse, the money would be lost.
Unsurprisingly, the private Federal Reserve has absolutely no problem with the move, while the FDIC is objecting according to anonymous sources cited by Bloomberg.
Even more unsurprisingly, Bank of America thinks that no regulatory approval is needed, regardless of the fact that this is an openly fraudulent way of insuring items which should never be insured.
This is surreptitiously timed given Moody’s downgraded Bank of America’s long term credit ratings on September 21st, slashing both the holding company and the retail bank’s ratings by two notches each.
Section 23A of the Federal Reserve Act is supposed to act like a firewall, preventing the affiliates of lenders from gaining from the lenders’ federal subsidy and also to protect the bank from risks originating from the affiliate, according to Saule Omarova, a University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill law professor.
This section was created because, “Congress doesn’t want a bank’s FDIC insurance and access to the Fed discount window to somehow benefit an affiliate,” Omarova said to Bloomberg.
However, in September of 2010, Bank of America was officially given a letter of exemption from Section 23A, effectively ending what the Federal Reserve’s general counsel, Scott Alvarez, told Congress in 2008 “is among the most important tools that U.S. bank regulators have to protect the safety and soundness of U.S. banks”.
So, with the help of the Fed, Bank of America is already exempt from one of the most important impediments to banks going out of control.
And now the Fed is once again backing the Bank of America’s attempts to undermine what little regulation we have in the banking system by putting the American people on the hook for their derivative exposure.
Bill Black, a Professor of Economics and Law at the University of Missouri – Kansas City, summed the issue up nicely in an e-mail to Washington’s Blog:
1. The bank holding company (BAC) is moving troubled assets held by an entity not insured by the public (Merrill Lynch) to the Bank of America, which is insured by the public
2. The banking rules are designed to prevent that because they are designed to protect the FDIC insurance fund (which the Treasury guarantees)
3. Any marginally competent regulator would say “No, Hell NO!”
4. The Fed, reportedly, is saying “Sure, no worries” by allowing the sale of an affiliate’s troubled assets to B of A
5. This is a really good “natural experiment” that allows us to test whether the Fed is protects the public or the uninsured and systemically dangerous institutions (the bank holding companies (BHCs))
6. We are all shocked, shocked [sarcasm] that Bernanke responded to the experiment by choosing to protect the BHC at the expense of the public.
It is also worth noting that Bank of America has been guilty of refusing to let customers close accounts in what are essentially mini-bank runs. Unfortunately, this is not isolated to one branch as you can see in the following videos:
America’s poverty problem is worse than ever with 46.2 million Americans living in poverty in 2010 – the worst since record-keeping began over 50 years ago at the Census Bureau.
A record percentage of Americans are impoverished at 15.1% and even more disturbingly, 22% of children are living below the poverty line.
Hunger problems in America are already worse than China’s according to Gallup.
How long are we going to allow bankers to run roughshod over the American people?
How long are we going to allow the private Federal Reserve – which is rife with deception and corruption and can block internal investigations, audits and subpoenas by its own Investigator General via the Fed’s Chairman, Bernanke – to keep serving the banks while robbing the rest of us?
While the Occupy Wall Street movement is mostly accurate in targeting the criminals on Wall Street and in the banks, we must not forget that the private Federal Reserve is what makes it all possible.
We must not lose focus on the head of the snake as cutting off the tail will just allow the snake to wriggle away and strike again.
America needs to step up to the plate and fight back against the private Federal Reserve and their buddies in the “too big to fail” banks that continue to take every single penny from hungry Americans’ pockets.
I hope the Fed reads this and detects “an ongoing trend of negative sentiment” – if you’d like to help them get the picture you can plaster anti-Federal Reserve language on every social network you are a part of.
We need to make them get the picture one way or another: we are sick and tired of a criminal banking cartel controlling our country’s finances. We want freedom. We will no longer stand for corporatism or crony capitalism. We want the Federal Reserve to be dismantled as there is no other way to dig ourselves out of the hole they’ve put us in.

FORECLOSURES - Mass Supreme Court Rules Most Foreclosures VOID!

 BOMBSHELL - Massachusetts Supreme Court Rules That Most Foreclosure Sales From Previous 5 Years Are  


The Truth behind Gaddafi's murder

The Truth behind Gaddafi's murder

You all know better by now than to believe The U.S. News Media, the U.S. State Department, The CIA, The Pentagon, and The President of the U.S.

Libya was not a "dictatorship" in the traditional sense, and Momar Gaddafi was not the evil rogue portrayed by Western propaganda.

If fact, he was a hero. Gaddafi’s Gold Dinar Plan and Libya’s Public Central Bank would have changed the monetary system and freed all of Africa from the Private Central Bank System. Ultimately, it might possibly have freed the NATO host nations from their own parasites – Vampire Private Central Banks.

Gaddafi’s courage and pioneering efforts in trying to restore national sovereignty and making the government responsible to the people instead of to the Global Banking Elites is the reason why he was targeted and killed.

NATO terrorist attacks will not get the Western nations out of debt – only an honest Public Central Bank – like the attempted Bank of Libya – would.

But guess what? With Gaddafi now out-of-the-way, the IMF and The World Bank have moved in to Libya, and have reestablished their control and dominance there. And (black man) Obama was the ringleader in the effort to reassert the impoverishment of Africa.

There will be no independence, and there will be no freedom.

The only way for a Country to be Sovereign is to have sovereign control of its money.

The Bankers (and their corruption) won again!

BOA ---- In Trouble Again!

Yet, ANOTHER reason to be on this Monday Nights call at 9pm EST on!
Mitchell J. Stein and Company will be our Special Guest Speaker~!

Reuters) - A judge on Wednesday decided to keep a proposed $8.5 billion settlement over Bank of America Corp's (BAC.N) mortgage-backed securities in federal court, potentially dragging out the litigation.
The stakes are high for Bank of America, which had hoped the agreement would resolve uncertainty over potential liabilities tied to pools of soured loans sold to investors by Countrywide Financial Corp, the mortgage lender it bought in 2008.

Countrywide was the largest U.S. mortgage lender before being taken over by BofA, a disastrous purchase analysts say has effectively cost more than $30 billion after accounting for lawsuits and writedowns.
Any delay in resolving the case will add to uncertainty about the bank and could result in a higher payout to the mortgage-backed securities investors.

The proposed agreement also calls for Bank of America to improve its mortgage servicing practices, but lawyers for a class of homeowners argued the servicing changes called for would not be corrective.

A number of investors objected to the proposed settlement, which Bank of New York Mellon Corp (BK.N), the trustee for the mortgage securities, presented to a state judge in June for approval. A hearing to consider approving the deal had been scheduled for November 17 in New York State Supreme Court.

In Wednesday's written ruling, U.S. District Judge William Pauley in Manhattan agreed with one objector, institutional investor Walnut Place, that the case belonged in federal court.

"The settlement agreement at issue here implicates core federal interests in the integrity of nationally chartered banks and the vitality of national securities markets," Pauley's order said in part. "A controversy touching on these paramount federal interests should proceed in federal court."


The judge ordered the parties to appear in his court on November 3 to discuss management of the case.

Among others who sought to block the accord is New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. He accused Bank of New York Mellon of fraud for misleading investors about its role and saying the accord provided benefits that put that bank in a conflict of interest.

Danny Kanner, a spokesman for Schneiderman, had no immediate comment on Wednesday's ruling.

In response to the ruling, Bank of America spokesman Lawrence Grayson said, "We believe there are compelling reasons why the agreement should receive judicial approval in the court with appropriate jurisdiction."

Bank of New York Mellon spokesman Kevin Heine had no immediate comment. A lawyer for Walnut Place could not immediately be reached for comment.

In general, when complex financial litigation is removed to federal court from state court, it slows down the process, according to lawyers not involved in the case.

"The judge is going to want to look through the case, he's going to want to review what was filed in the state court, see new submissions and no doubt hear from counsel for the parties directly," said Mark Rifkin, a lawyer with Wolf Haldenstein Adler Freeman & Herz LLP in New York.

Last month, Pauley peppered lawyers for Bank of New York Mellon and Walnut Place with questions in the bid by Walnut for the case to be resolved under the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005. CAFA requires big-money class actions to be supervised by a federal judge.

The proposed settlement was filed in state court as a special proceeding known as Article 77 and not as a class action. Article 77 in state court usually covers family trust matters. The agreement covers 530 mortgage pools with $174 billion of unpaid principal balances.

Walnut Place argued in court papers that negotiations between the trustee and investors were held in secret.

But the trustee said it had given public notice of talks over eight or nine months with investors including BlackRock Inc (BLK.N) and Allianz SE's (ALVG.DE) Pimco.

The cases are re: The Bank of New York Mellon, New York State Supreme Court, New York County, No. 651786/2011; and The Bank of New York Mellon et al v. Walnut Place LLC et al, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, No. 11-05988.