Monday, October 24, 2011

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - October 24, 2011

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - October 24, 2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 24-Oct-2011 06:40:00

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - October 24, 2011
The speed at which matters are moving ahead, means that almost on a daily basis there is progress being made towards changes that will be for the betterment of all people. It will take time to manifest but the foundation has now been firmly laid in place. All issues apart from First Contact draw nearer and that gives our allies every opportunity to push for an early outcome. With the expected big increase in levels of consciousness following 11.11.11, the stage will be set for the outworking of the final needs to achieve success. It can no longer be delayed and you shall be aware of its commencement.
The dark Ones are clearly in retreat, but do not go gracefully and would rather have their last attempts to create chaos. However, they will not have that pleasure as we are already aware of their plans. They are no longer entitled to the level of freewill that they have previously enjoyed. It is with joy that we intercede in their actions, and they know that their freedom is soon to be taken from them. Our allies with our help are gradually putting the dark Ones where they can no longer carry out the heinous acts. They are effectively being taken out of your society so that you may proceed unhindered with the work of the Light.
We note that more people than ever are becoming aware of Ascension, and are seriously investigating what it will mean to them. Fortunately there are so many of you that are sufficiently enlightened, that they do not have to go far to find their answers. The fact that there is more than one time line allows them to consider a number of possibilities, and that will enlarge their outlook and understanding. Given time the whole picture will become clear, as we are also involved in making sure you all have a good idea of what is ahead of you. Changes there must be, but in the nature of advancement and progress to place you on the path to Ascension, and beyond. It is all part of your planned evolution, and deep down you know this to be true.
The period you are in now is for some unreal, as they are new to the idea of such far reaching changes. It matters not of which beliefs you hold, as the outcome will be the same, and you will learn more about the Supreme Creator and the Gods. They have also been creators of all you see in your physical existence, and we talk of the beginning of your journey into the lower dimensions. As you are beginning to understand, there have been other Beings in more recent times who have also presented themselves as Gods. In your history they are known as the Annunaki of the planet Nibiru, and responsible for much of the information that is held and used by religious bodies. This is another area that we will clarify, and in so doing it will enable people to come together with common beliefs that reflect the truth.
You do not yet fully realize how much you have been kept in the dark over thousands of years. Your reality has been fabricated by the Illuminati, who have led you to believe that you are so much less than what you really are. Yet to your credit, you have awoken to the Light that has steadily increased to bring you back to the true reality. As you can imagine you have a busy year ahead when the benefits will far out weigh any inconvenience you may experience. At least you have been warned as to what to expect, if by chance you find that you are in areas that will be subject to physical changes.
With all that will be happening please remember that the higher reason is for your spiritual evolution, and learn from your experiences as you go along. After all, you are still following your life plan and may yet have lessons to learn. However, after so many lives in the cycle of Duality, it would not be surprising if you had all but completed them. Ask yourself if you are able to live and work in the Light at all times, and can you look at another soul and only see the best in them. Treating others as your equal and acknowledging the Oneness of All Life. If you can, have no fears as to whether have lifted up your level of consciousness, as it would be quite apparent that you have.
Finding your true self is most satisfying and enables you to live in the midst of the lower vibrations with ease and without being affected by them. Indeed, your very presence has the effect of transmuting such energies. You and thousands upon thousands like you, are giving of yourselves in service in this way. A kind word or just a smile can lift up another person for quite a long time. That is the power you carry often without realizing the potential you have for doing good.
The financial woes continue to look serious in Europe, and those charged with finding a solution are not optimistic that they can find one. At best they can only put off the inevitable collapse that will quickly pass from one country to another, and to the other parts of the world. The answer does of course involve total change to a new system that puts a stop to the misuse of your money, and also safeguards its value. That is all waiting to come out as and when the right opportunity presents itself, and not before. So all we can ask is that you keep the solution in your mind, so as not to be distracted by any other happenings leading up to it.
Dear Ones, we are pleased that after all of this time we can talk of how near events are to happening, that eventually will totally change your lives. Those who have followed the developments for many years, will of course be better prepared for what is about to happen. With Disclosure should come the freedom we seek to start working openly with you, and access to your media to broadcast the facts as to why we are here. Many may know already, but equally many have little idea as to what is about to change their lives so completely. We must initially be aware as to how well we are received, and be sure we have the majority of you accepting our help for you. Clearly we would much prefer to work openly than at a distance. In any event a lot that we will do will be directly from our craft, as we have no necessity to actually be upon the Earth.
I am SaLuSa form Sirius, and ready to do my part as a member of the Galactic Federation teams that are poised to commence their work. We shall do everything as an act of Love, for you our Brothers and Sisters.
Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.

Accept the Deed and Be the Owner

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

CGI's Johneye: Accept the Deed and Be the Owner
Posted By: Susoni
Date: Sunday, 23-Oct-2011 23:36:55
Accept the Deed and Be the Owner
Is Robb Ryder the "Robin Hood" of our age? Seems so, if it's true that people are becoming the Sole Owner of their property, thereby eliminating all claims (mortgage loans) against it, by simply accepting the deed. (link below) This acknowledgment also removes the property from the tax rolls. How's that for a one-two punch.
There's also this short video from Robb, explaining how and why you can turn a certified copy of your deed into a public record.. eliminating their argument that they cannot record a certified copy of a deed...
Bye bye big banks...byebye national debt....hello Republic

Foreclosure - CA judges ruled conflict of interest

Hello Truth, Health, Wealth and Freedom Seekers,


The corrupt machine is crumbling....  we must help it fail ASAP!

Read, Watch, Act!


Subject: Judges Conflict of Interest - Superior Courts of Los
Angeles Served!!! - YouTube

Dear Friends: According to the info below: All California Judges
have a pension fund heavily invested (60%) in Bank Derivatives - the
very Securitization Trusts that are foreclosing on homeowners. That
is a conflict of interest.

Result: If true, No California Judge should be able to hear any
Unlawful Detainer complaint to evict a homeowner. or any complaint
filed against the bank or securitization trust. (this will probably
be true for most other states as well)

The attack against the judge would be by CCP 170.1(a)(6)(A)(iii)
in California

Watch the video at and
read more at and

Background info by me:

Most of you have heard how the people have started protesting against
the Banks' lawless activity, and how the people lose their homes,
but the perpetrators of the fraudulent schemes to defraud both the
homeowners and the investors in the securitization trusts - those
perpetrators are NOT prosecuted. The TeaParty people organized
Occupy Wall Street, in response to the Arab Spring that the CIA
started in most arab countries. Occupy Wall Street has moved to
other cities as well, including Los Angeles.

The Unions joint the Tea Party organisation, and the Socialists
have been trying to take over the movement. / / are some websites

Oathkeepers is trying to pull the focus from Socialist Agents to
the Banking Cartel fraud.
(Oathkeepers is an organization designed to help Police, Sheriffs
and government officials understand their oath to support the
Constitution, and to help them understand what they need to do to
protect the people from martial law.)

Meanwhile, many people have been pointing out how the current
corporate government is NOT for the people, and are working to
restore the true Republic required by the Constitutions.

Attorney Richard Fine pointed out how California Judges are to be
paid by California. When LA County pays them in addition, they are
"on the take". California Senate Bill SBX211 was passed to forgive
judges from criminal prosecution for taking county money

The current situation above and below appears to be discussing the
California Pension for judges, not the 2 LA County Pensions for
judges that Attorney Fine brought into question, although they may
also be in question.

(read more about what I am doing at )

The info from the email I am forwarding: Watch the video and read
more below:

This is not just for current cases.  This is going to impact ALL
cases that have occurred!

The first 2 minutes of the video is just the into.  The interview
with a gentleman who really understands the issue begins after
that and his information is right on point!  If you're still not
aware of the fraud that has been going on with the banks and home
mortgages needs to listen to his words very closely!!!

I typed out what he said as best as I could, as reading while
listening can help this information make a greater impact as well:

Filed Tuesday, October 11, 2011:

"Requires the chief judge to notify all the judges and supervisors,
to step down from office disqualify themselves, in any case involving
a bank or a bank issue.  The retirement benefit program for every
judge in the State of California is at least 60% invested in bank
product, which includes mortgage backed securities.  So everyone
who has come before a judge on a bank issue, for a lot of years, has
not received a fair trial, as their was a conflict of interest. And
when the judges knew they had a conflict of interest, or should
have known there was a conflict of interest, they committed judicial
corruption, which is cause for disqualification.

The papers were served on the chief judge, were served on governor
Brown and the attorney general on Tuesday.  It requires governor
Brown, under his capacity as the chief magistrate, the chief law
enforcement officer for the State of California, to investigate
every judge in the State that is receiving a benefit from the bank,
and sanction them by disqualifying them, and requires them to clean
up their own mess.  In other words, contact every person they have
"stolen" a homes from, and I use the word "stolen" qualifiedly, to
particularly state the cause of action, is straight up theft. When
you're being paid as a judge, by the bank, to your retirement benefit
system, to kick someone out of their home.  It's flat wrong. Everyone
in the country understands this concept, and that's why we chose
California because there are so many people, right now in California
that are suffering from this judicial corruption.

Any citizen of the State of California has the authority to serve
papers on any public official.  The issue is this and simply this:
We the People created the government.  We own the government because
we created it and we funded it.  We paid for everything.  We own this
building, we own the governors office, we own the governors building,
we have the right to make complaints to them, and they have the
public duty, the public obligation, which they're paid to perform,
very well as a matter of fact, if you listen to our complaints, and
investigate, they have failed to do so.  And Susan here is trustee
for the original State of California, and by trustee, what I mean,
is that Susan has stepped into the position that have been abandoned
by our current public officers.  They all now work for a public
Corporation called The State of California.  It has a separate EIN
number, and operates as a "for profit" business. The real republic
of the government that serves the people was abandoned, and Susan
(Not sure about middle name used) Hamway, an attorney locally here
in California, in LA in fact, stepped into that position because
it was abandoned.

The public trust is the government created by the people.  I believe
that the courts around the country have already received notice that
this is only the beginning and yes they will take action. Because
once the people understand, the level of corruption in their courts,
in relation to the mortgage issue, they're going to understand,
that when the banks can not produce the evidence of a loan,
there can be no debt that is collectable.  Let me repeat that:
When the American people understand, that in order for there to
be a collectable debt, that could kick them out of their houses,
the banks have to prove the loan took place, and they can not do
that because no loan ever happened, and they would destroy anyone's
situation complaining about the mortgage fraud, if they could one
time produce evidence of a loan.  They would destroy all of the
arguments, all of the complaints, they've failed to do so.

What about the robo signing that has gone on?  You're dealing with
the result, not the cause.  What we served today is "the cause of
the issue."  In the paperwork that was served, and you can get a
copy of the paperwork on a website called:

All of the documents that were served are available on that site
and what it says is: Without evidence and proof of a loan, there
is no debt that could be collected.  So that is the "cause" of the
issue.  All the other issues after that, whether they can produce
the note, whether they have robo signing, or whether the transfer
to the trustees were correct, are based on a fraud.  The core of
the fraud, the core of the theft, the core of the corruption is,
that judges all know, that no bank can produce evidence of the loan."

Again the site for this video is:

Related sites: The actual serving of the document (57 pages) and the
clerks doing their best to "not accept service" which is a whole
other issue, how clerks love to try to not accept.  Their job is
to take in what ever documents are brought to them!


YouTube - Videos from this email

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Big bumper sticker in Texas

 Submitted by Rich - Thanks


  Passing it along - - And fortunately creativity has not “YET” been stifled or regulated in America - - 

Those folks down in Texas have a way of getting their point across in a big way!


has got to be the biggest Bumper


In fact, I

suppose  we'd have to call it a


Gate  Sticker."  Great job!!



from Texas ..... this guy has got some 



Only in

Texas ! Good for I hear another




Message from Montague Keen October 23, 2011

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from Montague Keen October 23, 2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 23-Oct-2011 18:26:57

Message from Montague Keen October 23, 2011 

(Ephesians 6:12) 

My dear, the horrific events of last week will awaken many more to the real truth of what is going on. It shocked all decent human beings to the core. When such evil is directed at the masses, and technology is used to incite them, then this is the result. Is that the path you wish to go down? Where money rules and human life is brutally and publicly extinguished for GAIN. How can you ever see these countries as civilized ever again? 

This is not a time to hide away and hope that you and yours will be safe. Remember, "You are your brother's keeper". By your silence, you too, become the assassin. This is the Dark Cabal's effort to take and keep control; to remove all who were not indebted to them. It is so important to seek the truth, knowing that it will be your salvation. 

Tell Peter [Welsford] that he is right in his assumptions regarding his ancestors. They look forward to a joyous reunion with him when it is his time to join us. 

I know that these are difficult times to be on Earth. But it is important that you come together and support each other. You know in your soul that the light will extinguish the dark; then it is up to you to bring forward the young who are already equipped to live in the New Energy. You will act as guardians, ensuring that they understand their roles in the New World of peace and love. Your world will return to the religion of love that thrived in ancient Ireland. It was brutally removed by the Vatican. It is exciting, my dear, how Ireland is gradually giving up its secrets in this time of revelation. 

On the earthly plane, you are on different levels of consciousness. Some have a deep connection to what is happening. Others are as empty as shells, with no visible sign of light. They are the ones that are used by the Dark Cabal to carry out their orders. They recognize their own, just as you do. You see the light in others, you feel comfortable and at home with them. You and I, recognized each other when we met, just as you do today with the Light Beings around you. The Dark Ones come in all guises. Do not allow yourselves to be fooled by them. They will appear on the surface to be okay, but soon reveal their true selves. They have no hiding place. They cannot survive in truth and love. 

Those who work to reveal the truth are condemned and vilified, even if it is one of their own who is speaking out. God gave everyone free will. This is not enjoyed by many so-called religions, but it is everyone's right to live his life as he sees fit and not allow himself to be dictated to by dishonest and controlling sects. You do not arrive in your world with a label on your forehead. You are free to choose. 

On this side of life there is no religion at all because we know the truth. All that divided you on Earth becomes irrelevant. We do not need language or nationality and belief systems. They are all man-made differences, so are of no consequence when you pass to Spirit. It is how you lived your life on Earth that matters, nothing else. You cannot force another human being to be what he is not. Look with a critical eye at those who try to force their views or controls on you. Many laws have been passed that you are not yet aware of. This was done to impose more control on you, as they blindly follow The Plan. Food will be used as a weapon, to force you to comply. Parts of the United States are already trying to do this. 

Bless those who are protesting quietly without resorting to violence. Many have been planted among them who are desperately trying to incite violence and cause trouble. The protesters are an example to all of you as to how you can achieve our goals. Your media has tried to ignore them, to pretend the protests were not happening. But they have failed. The protesters are supported on both sides of life. We owe them a debt of gratitude. I observed your disgust at the misrepresentation of these people on radio and TV, and in the newspapers. You were shocked that the radio station that you have listened to for about 50 years is totally mind-controlled; they all read from the same script. Free speech has gone. Where are you supposed to go to get a true picture of what is happening? 

We are grateful to the people, who through their connection with Spirit, endeavor to show the real picture of what is happening. Do not allow the greed of the few to destroy any more of your world, no matter what implausible story they come up with, regarding reasons why they must invade other countries. You know that they are lying, but they are slaves to The Plan: they must carry it out otherwise they would be removed from office. 

Their world is coming to an end. Their reign of terror is almost over forever. They will not succeed in destroying your world or your people. Everything that they have lived for, and by, was stolen or forcibly obtained. Even their history is NOT theirs - that too, was stolen. 

The truth is being revealed and explained. The imposters will be removed. This will be done without resorting to violence or argument. They will use FEAR. It has always worked in the past. They do like their tried and tested formulas. But you are now wise to their LIES. You will not fall for them again. Do not allow FEAR into your lives. It is their weapon of choice to control you. 

Come together. Do not allow religion or race to deter you. Create the energy of love and hope wherever you go. You are the special ones, bringing about the change. Love will be the only 'weapon' used. Love is all that is needed. Love is everything. 

My dear, you feel the pain and distress of others. You find this time difficult. I have explained that once the soul leaves the body, it has no recollection of the suffering. It is reunited with its ancestors. The killing will stop. 

We have work to do, you and I. We will complete it ! Be assured that my love will guide you. I am your adoring, Monty. 

Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

Poof 10/23/11 The Kabuki Theatre

From: []
Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2011 3:22 PM
Subject: The Kabuki Theatre

The Promised Land

Lyrics By: Chuck Berry
Music By: Chuck Berry

I left my home in Norfolk, Virginia
California on my mind
I straddled that Greyhound and rode him past Raleigh
And on across Caroline (note 1)
We stopped at Charlotte, we by-passed Rockhill
We never was a minute late

We was ninety miles out of Atlanta by sundown
Rollin' 'cross Georgia State (note 2)
We had motor trouble that turned into a struggle
Half-way across Alabam'
And that 'Hound broke down and left us all stranded
In downtown Birmingham

Right away I bought me a through train ticket
Ridin' 'cross Mississippi clean
And I was on the Midnight Flyer out of Birmingham
Smokin' into New Orleans

Somebody help me get out of Louisiana
Just help me get to Houston town
There are people there who care a little 'bout me
And they won't let the poor boy down

Sure as you're born, they bought me a silk suit
They put luggage in my hand
And I woke up high over Albuquerque
On a jet to the promised land

Workin' on a T-bone steak a la carte
Flyin' over to the Golden State
When the pilot told us in thirteen minutes
We'd be headed in the terminal gate (note 3)

Swing low sweet chariot, come down easy
Taxi to the terminal zone
Cut your engines and cool your wings
And let me make it to the telephone

Los Angeles, give me Norfolk, Virginia
Tidewater four-ten-o-nine
Tell the folks back home, this is the promised land calling
And the poor boy is on the line

Greetings and Salutations,

 All readers across the planet, this is for you, take note. The world around us all is about to take a momentous shift is all aspects of existence. The strangle hold the dark ones have held on the population at least since babylon, is being wrested away from them. The hold covered every aspect of human pursuit. No one has been 'free' since this started. Politics, money, energy usage, food, the news, they had the population in their hands, anyone who tried to speak out against it, they were either marginalized or flat out killed. One has to be able to pierce the curtain and see the actors behind it, pulling the strings of the puppets on the stage. You are not using your god given gifts if you nod at the inconsistencies but blindly follow the 'party line', anyhow.  

 Your freedom is about to be handed back to you, what will you do with it? Big brother has conditioned you to accept all kinds of things since grade school. 'That's just they way it is' is what the adults told us. Who wants or needs 'black boxes, clandestine hardware and software, or homeland security, nosing into everyone's life? While we waited, what some have translated as 'glitches' was actually problematic computer things all thru the system in the us and in a few other countries..meant to start siphoning off your account when you accessed. Tho it was attached to the old system(FR) it was still dangerous and had to be removed before they effected delivery. No need to mention names out here, the folks in the rafters know who and the amount of orange jumpsuits will be passed out accordingly.

This may be hard to grasp, but try to understand, if you have been living that life for 100+ years, you wouldn't think any other way, you'd think was normal. Matter of fact you might wonder why everyone was so upset with you and your buds. Stupid is, you forget those people you have lived off of, may have an objection and they may act on those objections, that's called an 'arrogant blind spot'. The man in libya had that problem. His trouble was not realizing the folks that set him in power, were no longer in a position to keep the status quo. Someone in the us, made the statement, 'if they ever find out what we've done, they'll hang us from the nearest lamp posts. One principal was told to his face, 'you ain't never gonna see your money'...No wonder, they had installed a back stop on their plan to make sure they got the money, so you wouldn't....and they could get the 4th reich funded. Alas, the plan was foiled. Keep your eye on the  inscrutable ones, something the bad guys didn't. The art of war says the supreme general is he who wins the war without bloodshed. Hard to understand that concept in the west, where you just 'blow'em up' if they get in your way.

 There are much worse fates than death. Right now there's some folks losing control of their bowels now as their karmic justice approaches them. There's no running from yourself. I don't have a tear for them, it's not like they didn't get plenty of chances to 'go straight'. With this ground penetrating satellites now, they can't hide anymore either. In the coming days we will see all the tech that's been kept from the people that only served the elite. Clean fresh water will be brought to the surface and the atmosphere cleaned. Flowers will grow where only deserts exist now....none of this is farfetched if you understand what these clowns have been sitting on for a long time, only because they believed the rest of the people were 'worthless eaters'. Their plan was always to go down about a mile in the granite and ride this out, while the folks on the surface went thru whatever calamity that passed over the earth. Nice huh? The consciousness of the population has risen, it's mad as hell and they 'ain't gonna take it anymore'. They demand change to the status quo and there's nothing like an idea, whose time has come.

 This always had to happen, call it physics. Nature can't stand a vacuum. Lack is a vacuum and it is being filled so life becomes worth living. No longer will the few rule over the many. This is a brave new world, we enter now. You are protected before you even know you needed it. You have to do more then access and you're protect by a 5 star trust...anything you do after that will still be protected with no fee so the question you have to settle with is, fee or no fee. The person you access thru works for that trust so just ask them, whatever questions you have and have them set other things up, buying house or car...under the fee. The vultures will be hanging on the limb to get a taste of your money but who needs 'em. Live free of anxiety on trust. A marvelous concept these days don'tcha think. The world court has already issued orders on protecting the country during the transition, as they expect their will be folks who've lost this war to be out instigating unrest after the announcements. It'll be a bit choppy at first until people settle down to the new way things operate.

 Hang on here we go....

Love and Kisses, 



The Haircut
          One day a florist went to a barber for a haircut.
          After the cut, he asked about his bill, and the barber replied, 'I cannot accept money from you, I'm doing community service this week.' The florist was pleased and left the shop.
          When the barber went to open his shop the next morning, there was a 'thank you' card and a dozen roses waiting for him at his door.
          Later, a cop comes in for a haircut, and when he tries to pay his bill, the barber again replied, 'I cannot accept money from you, I'm doing community service this week.' The cop was happy and left the shop.
          The next morning when the barber went to open up, there was a 'thank you' card and a dozen donuts waiting for him at his door.
          Then a Congressman came in for a haircut, and when he went to pay his bill, the barber again replied, 'I can not accept money from you. I'm doing community service this week.' The Congressman was very happy and left the shop.
          The next morning, when the barber went to open up, there were a dozen Congressmen lined up waiting for a free haircut.
          And that, my friends, illustrates the fundamental difference between the citizens of our country and the politicians who run it.

Bix Weir on Derivatives

Word out of Europe is that the banks derivative books have been DESTROYED and they are trying to figure out a way to tell the world without causing major chaos...good luck with that!

Should be a fun week!

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir
10:29 AM

Hi All -

I've gotten a couple questions related to my last email statement "Word out of Europe is that the banks derivative books have been DESTROYED".

I did not mean that they have been physically destroyed (as in shredded) but rather there has been massive counter-party defaults causing a chain reaction in derivative defaults. You will begin to see it as banks announce "out of the blue" losses that nobody had any idea that specific risk was even in their portfolio because they were not reported.

I will be posting the second half of my Silver Summit speech next week but here's the part on derivative risk and how counter party failures can destroy financial markets. This is also the reason why Bank of America is trying to pawn their $50T derivative book off on the FDIC...

Silver Derivatives

*Definition - A derivative instrument is a contract between two parties that specifies conditions under which payments, or payoffs, are to be made between the parties. It's like a side bet. Futures, options, swaps, leases etc are all derivative contracts.

The concept behind derivatives is to allow a company to hedge their risk. For example, to hedge a credit risk of a bank loan a lender can purchase a Credit Default Swap contract that will payout if the borrower defaults. Hedging risk is a good thing right? Not always. In reality the risk of default does not go away but rather is transferred to another party and a new risk is created in the form of a counter party risk of the CDS issuer defaulting. The issuer of that CDS can hedge their new risk by purchasing a CDS from another issuer and so on. Although the initial concept of a derivative is to hedge your risk, the more and more derivatives that are created off the first transaction greatly increase the total risk is to the overall market.

In the last 20 years derivative contracts have ballooned into the hundreds of trillions of dollars on a notional value basis. In 2008 the inherent danger in this growth in overall risk became painfully apparent with the global crash of the financial markets.

Warren Buffet was correct in identifying derivatives as "WEAPONS OF MASS FINANCIAL DESTRUCTION".

If there was any one person to blame for the 2008 financial crisis it was a woman named Blythe Masters out of the JP Morgan "Financial Products Division" in London. She was the creator and promoter of the Credit Default Swap market and built it up over 15 years into a monstrous 50 Trillion dollar market by 2008 when it all fell apart. The destruction this amount of "risk hedging" ended up costing the world was almost incalculable. Today, even after all the losses and bankruptcies, the Credit Default Swap market stands at over 30 trillion dollars.

So what ever happened to this woman who destroyed the world's financial markets with derivatives...


The rest of the speech will be posted on the website next week.

Bix Weir

Obama is an Obsessional Pathological Liar! - Steve Pieczenik Reports

Obama is an Obsessional Pathological Liar! - Steve Pieczenik Reports

About 70% of all UFOs are made in America.

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

About 70% of all UFOs are made in America.
Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 23-Oct-2011 13:03:30
Note from Rayelan:
This is an email that appears to be an answer to an email sent about Joseph Farrell. That email is at the bottom. I found this interesting so I am sharing.

About 70% of all UFOs are made in America.
TRB-3, Triangle - Edwards Air Force Base
Blue Origin - Renton, Washington along the Freeway.
X-33 Aurora and X-22 I believe somewhere down by Sedona, Arizona
TAW-50, Boeing, but I am not sure where. They look just like the B-2 Bomber but have a top speed of around 72,000 MPH without disturbing the air.

See Wikipedia and You Tube for descriptions of these aircraft.
The early ones were powered by the Tacheon Generators or N-1 Generators but are now powered by the Portable Nuclear Generators, the same ones designed and built for the Ford Neutron. I met the builder of this car 4 years ago,
The Original US VRIL Craft - The "Sky Craft" I believe in Forrestal Research Center near Princeton, NJ.
Many are made in King's Mountain, Utah.
Modified Humans to look like Aliens are made, I believe, on the 7th or 9th floor under the CIA Headquarters at Langley.
Also - see 'Invisible Clothing", which was first shown at the 2003 Fashion Show. These craft can become invisible to the human eye now.
I just spoke to a Man who's parents worked at Roswell - the Remains on hte crash in 1947 were Human, not Aliens. The "Aliens" had Human DNA.
Remember - the underground network of rails found in "Map 404"
If you have a "Nerd Phone" (Motorola X, etc) type in Underground Rail in your application "Maps" and the rail stations are shown across the nation.
When I opened up the Embassy in Kiev I used to pay $1 per hour to use local computers and at the time Boeing had a page describing the Anti-Gravity Propulsion system on the SR-171 and it's flights around our solar system..
(Note from Rayelan: This is the craft that I have talked about. Gunther could fly to the moon and back in 90 minutes.)
Since I had worked for the Chief Engineer for this craft in the Army Reserves I was keenly aware of what it did - but Boeing was open about it on the Net four years ago..
The other 70% of the UFO's are of unknown origin, not from Earth.
My job is to try and stop this World War 3 long enough until - well - you can figure out the rest because I am not really sure.
To this end I post on PRAVDA and write stories on APFN - like the one today on Obama taking control of the hiring and firing of Church Clergy throughout the United States of America.
Form now on - Affirmative Action and Gay Priests, Bishops, Ministers, Reverends, and Preachers.
It's currently in the US Supreme Court. Read the story.
So now you know about most of tht UFO's Anyway.
Dr William B. Mount
Blacklisted Billy
You Deserve The Truth

Sent: Tue, Oct 18, 2011 12:01 pm
Subject: The control Grid!

Sorry Ken and others try the first hour, silly me!
Joseph Farrell - The Grid of the Gods
October 16, 2011
Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in Patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and “strange stuff”. Following a paradigm of researching the relationship between alternative history and science, Farrell has written a stunning series of books. In this interview, he will discuss his latest book, The Grid of the Gods. Consider the possibility that there is an alchemical cosmology in very ancient stone monuments. Consider the possibility that an ancient and hidden elite laid out an entire global construction grid, and then built it over millennia.

Also consider that the "elite" behind this alchemical agenda disguised an advanced science within religious myths and concealed a highly sophisticated physics. Finally, consider that when the first hydrogen bombs were tested, they might have tapped into the unknown sources of energy from that grid ... with runaway results! Don’t miss this hour as we talk about The Grid of The Gods.

This page has a lot of information about many of those secret-tech vehicles, but the TAW-50 is only briefly mentioned:

TAW-50 info is found on this page:

I will quote the excerpt on the TAW-50. It is quite mind boggling:
"The TAW-50 is a hypersonic, antigravity, space-capable fighter-bomber jointly developed by the Lockheed-Martin Skunk Works and Northrop. The TAW-50 is capable of moving considerably faster than 38,000 mph. The TAW-50 has a SCRAM (supersonic ramjet) propulsion system for passing through the upper atmosphere. The TAW-50 also utilizes electrogravitics to maintain its own artificial gravity while in weightless space, as well as to nullify the vehicle's mass during operations. The TAW-50 is armed with its own Kill Laser system. In addition, the TAW-50 is armed with micro-superexplosive HyperDart missiles. These are just a little larger than ordinary aircraft cannon ammunition, but travel at hypersonic speed for up to three minutes, and have enormous explosive capability. One HyperDart can blow apart a MiG fighter anywhere within 20 feet of the HyperDart. The TAW-50 carries several hundred HyperDarts. The performance of the TAW-50 makes it virtually impossible to defend against. It can hide in orbit many hundreds of miles into space, orbiting at times at 22,000 mph. Then, without warning, it can dive straight down through the atmosphere at over 38,000 miles per hour on an 80-degree attack vector, reverse direction within 150 feet of the ground with very little loss of motion and without a glide turn, and almost instantly go vertically straight up at over 38,000 mph until long after it leaves the atmosphere and resumes orbiting in space. The TAW-50's electrogravitics allow it to change its mass to almost nothing in a moment, and reverse direction in a second, then increase its acceleration to many times Earth's gravity, yet is able to virtually nullify the inertial and G-force effect on the pilots. As of 2002, the U.S. has 20 TAW-50s in its arsenal. But, as a contractor who helped build it commented, 'You could take out an entire nation in under 10 days with only 10 of these, doing three attacks a day. One can wipe out an entire city the size of suburban Cleveland in a single attack without having to use any nukes at all.'"