Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Concealed Carry ! IMPORTANT !

IMPORTANT AND INTERESTING.................... 

I had to visit a doctor other than my regular doctor when my doctor was on vacation.  One of the questions on the form I had to fill out was: Do you have any guns in your house?? My answer was None of your business!!  So it is out there!  It is either an insurance issue or government intervention.  Either way, it is out there and the second the government gets into your medical records (As they want to under Obamacare) it will become a major issue and will ultimately result in lock and load!!  ( Written by the person that originated this e mail to my friend)
               From a Vietnam Vet and retired Police Officer:
 I had a doctor’s appointment at the local VA clinic yesterday and found out
something very interesting that I would like to pass along.
While going through triage before seeing the doctor, I was asked at the
end of the exam, three questions:
1. Did I feel stressed?
2. Did I feel threatened?
3. Did I feel like doing harm to someone?
The nurse then informed me, that if I had answered yes to any of the
questions, I would have lost my concealed carry permit as it would have
gone into my medical records and the VA would have reported it to
Homeland Security.
Looks like they are going after the vets first.
Other gun people like retired law
enforcement will probably be next.
Then when they go after the civilians, what
argument will they have?
Be forewarned and be aware.
The Obama administration has gone on record as considering veterans and
gun owners potential terrorists.
Whether you are a gun owner veteran or not, YOU"VE BEEN WARNED !
If you know veterans and gun owners, please pass this on to them. Be very
cautious about what you say and to whom.

Health - Bloated?

Bloated?  Zip Your Pants Up -- Here's The Answer

Hi John
By far one of the most common problems my clients and readers ask me about is bloating.
I'm not talking about having a full stomach after eating a big meal or a woman's swelling with her menstrual period.
I'm talking about rock-hard, can't see your toes, beach ball gut, have-to-unbutton-your-pants-just-to-breathe B-L-O-A-T-I-N-G.
Bloating like this is extremely uncomfortable and is commonly associated with cramps, pain, gas and constipation. All you feel like doing is curling up in the fetal position and praying it will pass soon.
Occasional bloating is one thing...but many people have it a LOT, as in several days a week or even every day. This is chronic bloating and is nothing to take lightly.
If this sounds at all familiar to you, read on. You won't want to miss a word of this.
Little cause, BIG effects
There are several underlying causes for chronic bloating--major conditions like IBS, Crohn's and colitis are common offenders.
There's also a commonly overlooked cause that's VERY tiny--so tiny, in fact, that it's microscopic.
But its effect on your gut are HUGE.
It's called fermentation dysbiosis, which is a fancy term for having too many of the wrong kind of bacteria in your gut and too few of the right kind.
Here's the scoop:
The skinny on dysbiosis
In an ideal world, bacteria exist in our intestinal walls in a careful balance. Our beneficial bacteria (probiotics) make up about 85% of that balance and help to break down certain foods, strengthen our intestinal walls and keep potentially dangerous microbes in check.
This is called "symbiosis" which means living together in mutual harmony.
DYSbiosis, on the other hand, is an imbalance of bacteria which favors the UNfriendly organisms living in us.
Many factors can lead to dysbiosis including stress, environmental toxins, oral contraceptives and other medications (especially steroids and antibiotics).
But one of the most common is the standard American diet which is loaded with fat, sugar, processed and fast food, and very little fiber or very few naturally occurring nutrients.
These factors encourage an overgrowth of viruses, dangerous bacteria, yeasts and fungi in your gut wall which in turn can cause symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating, abdominal pain and poor digestion, as well as low energy.
But wait--there's more!
You see, the dangerous microbes produce toxins on their own which damage the villi, microvilli and cilia in your intestinal lining and lead to chronic inflammation, leaky gut and poor nutrient absorption.
All that trouble from some itsy bitsy microbes!
A special "breed" of dysbiosis
One specific "breed" of dysbiosis is fermentation dysbiosis.
People with fermentation dysbiosis are prone to poor digestion of carbohydrates including grains, fiber, sugar, fruit, beer and wine. It's common these days because of our typical carb-heavy diets.
It usually shows itself as an overgrowth of Candida fungi and other disease-causing microbes.
Typical symptoms include large amounts of gas, alternating constipation and diarrhea and...
A VERY hard, chronically bloated abdomen.
Now, Candida can be particularly nasty.
It destroys the small intestine's villi and microvilli which impairs your absorption of nutrients, can cause fatigue and eventually contribute to deficiency diseases such as osteoporosis.
Plus, since Candida can travel easily through the body, it can also manifest itself as a yeast infection in the mouth or throat (thrush) or a vaginal yeast infection in women.
Unfortunately, some of the most commonly prescribed drugs (anti-inflammatories, pain relievers and steroids) also are nourishment for Candida and can worsen and perpetuate a current overgrowth problem.
What to do: return to symbiosis
The good news is you CAN take some very effective measures to help combat fermentation dysbiosis and help ease the bloating and other health problems it causes.
Here are three that are particularly helpful:
1) Medication alternatives
Avoidance of medications as much as possible (especially anti-inflammatories and steroids) is crucial. These are one of THE most common factors leading to fermentation dysbiosis.
If you are on medications, talk to your doctor about alternatives and/or explore natural remedies.

2) Eat your way to a better balance
Eating a healthy diet of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meats and fish and avoid refined carbohydrates will nourish your gut's beneficial bacteria while starving out the harmful ones.
And if this sounds about as exciting to you as watching paint dry, you're in luck.
Because the Great Taste No Pain health system can make eating for a healthy flora balance (and no bloating) exciting and downright delicious.
Believe me, you won't feel deprived or like you're existing on "rabbit fare"--not when you try MY recipes and meal suggestions!
And it's so easy to do--just a few simple principles are all you need to know to start making a BIG difference in how you feel down below.

3) Supplement with both lactobacillus and bifidobacterium probiotics
Probiotic supplementation with species of both lactobacillus (for the small intestine) and bifidobacterium (for the colon) is very helpful in fighting dysbiosis.
Probiotics will help build up the population of friendly microbes in your gut, so the "good guys" can "crowd out" the bad guys and bring your balance back to where it should be.
Probiotics can also help decrease the permeability of the gut wall. This can help to avoid the leakage of poorly digested food particles and toxins into your abdomen and bloodstream that can lead to illness and food allergies.
Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula has not one, not two, but FIVE different powerhouse strains of bifidobacteria and SIX lactobacillus strains, plus two other super strains.
Talk about thorough!
When designing Super Shield, we knew we had to include a wide variety of different species of bacteria--that way, we stood the greatest chance of helping the largest number of people with various health challenges.
And Super Shield delivers time and again!
No other probiotic you can get anywhere has this many medical-grade strains.  Not one.

If you or someone you love suffers from chronic bloating (and some of the other health challenges I mentioned above), fermentation dysbiosis may certainly be a culprit behind your troubles.
See what a difference it can make to help balance out your intestinal flora. I bet you'll see some very nice changes FAST and will say goodbye to bloating for good.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: Marjorie is no longer bloated:
I have a friend who turned me on to your Great Taste No Pain plan. I immediately ordered your plan and started changing my whole way of eating.
I was so miserable. I was constantly bloated and had horrific gas. After reading your books and changing my habits, I have not had a problem since.
You make it so simple. I could not believe the difference it made. I feel like my old self and have told everyone I know and care about this. I hope they will get your info and start changing their lives.
Thank you for all the wonderful info you provide us all with. I know it is time consuming and your knowledge just keeps us all in touch with what we need to know.
PPS: Got low energy? Brain fog? CRS disease? You just may be low in in just one vitamin. One out of four people are. Read more about this deficiency and how you can help turn that around FAST:

Check out the expanding database of Great Taste No Pain success stories here.  Over 4,000 case studies, and miracle-like success stories.

Haven't taken the Great Taste No Pain test drive?  Why not?  Get over to
- http://www.greattastenopain.com/freereports/
and feel the power of Great Taste No Pain.

Want to read past articles? Here they are:
- http://www.greattastenopain.com/nl/10/04_06/04_01_10.asp

* Forward this email to the people you care about the most!

(c) copyright 2011 Holistic Blends
- http://www.greattastenopain.com/great.asp

Orders: 1-315-295-1236
**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
Pain-Free Living is a permission-based newsletter. The only way to receive it is to request it at - http://www.greattastenopain.com

The Girl With The Apple ~ (True story)

The Girl With The Apple ~ (True story)

August 1942. Piotrkow, Poland

The sky was gloomy that morning as we waited anxiously.
All the men, women and children of Piotrkow's Jewish ghetto
 had been herded into a square.

Word had gotten around that we were being moved. My father had only recently died from typhus, which had run rampant through the crowded ghetto. My greatest fear was that our family would be separated.

'Whatever you do,' Isidore, my eldest brother, whispered to me, 'don't tell them your age. Say you're sixteen.

'I was tall for a boy of 11, so I could pull it off. That way I might be deemed valuable as a worker.

An SS man approached me, boots clicking against the cobblestones. He looked me up and down, and then asked my age.

'Sixteen,' I said. He directed me to the left, where my three brothers and other healthy young men already stood.

My mother was motioned to the right with the other women, children, sick and elderly people.

I whispered to Isidore, 'Why?'

He didn't answer.

I ran to Mama's side and said I wanted to stay with her.

'No, 'she said sternly.

'Get away. Don't be a nuisance. Go with your brothers.'

She had never spoken so harshly before. But I understood: She was protecting me. She loved me so much that, just this once,
 she pretended not to. It was the last I ever saw of her.

My brothers and I were transported in a cattle car to Germany.

We arrived at the Buchenwald concentration camp one night later and were led into a crowded barrack. The next day, we were issued uniforms and identification numbers.

'Don't call me Herman anymore.' I said to my brothers. 'Call me 94983.'

I was put to work in the camp's crematorium, loading the dead into a hand-cranked elevator.

I, too, felt dead. Hardened, I had become a number.

Soon, my brothers and I were sent to Schlieben, one of Buchenwald 's sub-camps near Berlin ...

One morning I thought I heard my mother's voice.

'Son,' she said softly but clearly, I am going to send you an angel.'

Then I woke up. Just a dream. A beautiful dream.

But in this place there could be no angels. There was only work. And hunger. And fear.

A couple of days later, I was walking around the camp, around the barracks, near the barbed-wire fence where the guards could not easily see. I was alone.

On the other side of the fence, I spotted someone: a little girl with light, almost luminous curls. She was half-hidden behind a birch tree.

I glanced around to make sure no one saw me. I called to her softly in German. 'Do you have something to eat?'

She didn't understand.

I inched closer to the fence and repeated the question in Polish. She stepped forward. I was thin and gaunt, with rags wrapped around my feet, but the girl looked unafraid. In her eyes, I saw life.

She pulled an apple from her woolen jacket and threw it over the fence.

I grabbed the fruit and, as I started to run away, I heard her say faintly, 'I'll see you tomorrow.'

I returned to the same spot by the fence at the same time every day. She was always there with something for me to eat - a hunk of bread or, better yet, an apple.

We didn't dare speak or linger. To be caught would mean death for us both.

I didn't know anything about her, just a kind farm girl, except that she understood Polish. What was her name? Why was she risking her life for me?

Hope was in such short supply, and this girl on the other side of the fence gave me some, as nourishing in its way as the bread and apples.

Nearly seven months later, my brothers and I were crammed into a coal car and shipped to Theresienstadt camp in Czechoslovakia.

'Don't return,' I told the girl that day. 'We're leaving.'

I turned toward the barracks and didn't look back, didn't even say good-bye to the little girl whose name I'd ever learned, the girl with the apples.

We were in Theresienstadt for three months. The war was winding down and Allied forces were closing in, yet my fate seemed sealed.

On May 10, 1945, I was scheduled to die in the gas chamber at 10:00 AM.

In the quiet of dawn, I tried to prepare myself. So many times death seemed ready to claim me, but somehow I'd survived. Now, it was over.

I thought of my parents. At least, I thought, we will be reunited.

But at 8 a.m. there was a commotion. I heard shouts, and saw people running every which way through camp. I caught up with my brothers.

Russian troops had liberated the camp! The gates swung open. Everyone was running, so I did too. Amazingly, all of my brothers had survived;

I'm not sure how. But I knew that the girl with the apples had been the key to my survival.

In a place where evil seemed triumphant, one person's goodness had saved my life, had given me hope in a place where there was none.

My mother had promised to send me an angel, and the angel had come.

Eventually I made my way to England where I was sponsored by a Jewish charity, put up in a hostel with other boys who had survived the Holocaust and trained in electronics. Then I came to America, where my brother Sam had already moved. I served in the U. S. Army during the Korean War, and returned to New York City after two years.

By August 1957 I'd opened my own electronics repair shop. I was starting to settle in.

One day, my friend Sid who I knew from England called me.

'I've got a date. She's got a Polish friend. Let's double date.'

A blind date? Nah, that wasn't for me.

But Sid kept pestering me, and a few days later we headed up to the Bronx to pick up his date and her friend Roma.

I had to admit, for a blind date this wasn't so bad. Roma was a nurse at a Bronx hospital. She was kind and smart. Beautiful, too, with swirling brown curls and green, almond-shaped eyes that sparkled with life.

The four of us drove out to Coney Island. Roma was easy to talk to, easy to be with.

Turned out she was wary of blind dates too!

We were both just doing our friends a favor. We took a stroll on the boardwalk, enjoying the salty Atlantic breeze, and then had dinner by the shore. I couldn't remember having a better time.

We piled back into Sid's car, Roma and I sharing the backseat.

As European Jews who had survived the war, we were aware that much had been left unsaid between us. She broached the subject, 'Where were you,' she asked softly, 'during the war?'

'The camps,' I said. The terrible memories still vivid, the irreparable loss...I had tried to forget. But you can never forget.

She nodded. 'My family was hiding on a farm in Germany, not far from Berlin,' she told me. 'My father knew a priest, and he got us Aryan papers.'

I imagined how she must have suffered too, fear, a constant companion. And yet here we were both survivors, in a new world.

'There was a camp next to the farm.' Roma continued. 'I saw a boy there and I would throw him apples every day.'

What an amazing coincidence that she had helped some other boy. 'What did he look like? I asked.

'He was tall, skinny, and hungry. I must have seen him every day for six months.'

My heart was racing. I couldn't believe it.

This couldn't be.

'Did he tell you one day not to come back because he was leaving Schlieben?'

Roma looked at me in amazement. 'Yes!'

'That was me!'

I was ready to burst with joy and awe, flooded with emotions. I couldn't believe it! My angel.

'I'm not letting you go.' I said to Roma. And in the back of the car on that blind date, I proposed to her. I didn't want to wait.

'You're crazy!' she said. But she invited me to meet her parents for Shabbat dinner the following week.

There was so much I looked forward to learning about Roma, but the most important things I always knew: her steadfastness, her goodness. For many months, in the worst of circumstances, she had come to the fence and given me hope. Now that I'd found her again, I could never let her go.

That day, she said yes. And I kept my word. After nearly 50 years of marriage, two children and three grandchildren, I have never let her go.

Herman Rosenblat of Miami Beach , Florida

This story is being made into a movie called The Fence.

This e-mail is intended to reach 40 million people world-wide.

Susan Lindauer - The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Susan Lindauer - The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 25-Oct-2011 03:43:03
by Susan Lindauer
What if the government decided to invent a great lie to sell a disastrous war and a questionable anti-terrorism policy? What would happen to the Assets who know the truth?
Former CIA Asset, Susan Lindauer, provides an extraordinary first-hand account from behind the intelligence curtain that shatters the government’s lies about 9/11 and Iraq, and casts a harsh spotlight on the workings of the Patriot Act as the ideal weapon to bludgeon whistle blowers and dissidents. A terrifying true story of “black budget” betrayals and the Patriot Act, with its arsenal of secret evidence, indefinite detention and threats of forcible drugging, EXTREME PREJUDICE reveals one Asset’s desperate struggle to survive the brutal cover ups of 9/11 and Iraq. EXTREME PREJUDICE delivers a high tension expose of the real facts surrounding the CIA’s advance warnings of 9/11 and Iraq’s contributions to the 9/11 investigation. For the first time, it discloses the existence of a comprehensive peace framework before the War, which would have accomplished all major U.S. objectives in Baghdad without a single casualty. A true life spy thriller that goes inside the Iraqi Embassy and prison on a Texas military base, EXTREME PREJUDICE reveals the depths of deception by leaders in Washington and London to promote a questionable image of their successful anti-terrorism policy, and the shocking brutality used to suppress the truth of their failures from the American people and the world community.
Above all, EXTREME PREJUDICE offers a critical examination from the defendant’s chair of the Patriot Act’s assault on the most cherished Constitutional rights in a Court of law, when liberty and freedom to dissent from government policy are the highest stakes.
video+more here

Monday, October 24, 2011

U.S. military warns of plot by Federal Reserve bankers to have CIA mercenaries from Libya kill New York cops

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

U.S. military warns of plot by Federal Reserve bankers to have CIA mercenaries from Libya kill New York cops
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Monday, 24-Oct-2011 22:00:52
Unconfirmed--but wouldn't put it past the Whore of Babylon---
The Federal Reserve bankers have offered $billions to the CIA mercenaries in Libya to come to the United States and start a bloody rebellion. The Federal Reserve bankers sent Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to make their offer and terms. According to high ranking U.S. military officials the plot by the Federal Reserve bankers calls for Libyan mercenaries to enter the United States as guest of the Federal Reserve banks. Once on U.S. soil they are to hook up with CIA and DHS contacts and immediately prepare and execute their mission to start shooting New York City cops who are assigned to police the Occupy Wall Street protests.
link: http://presscore.ca/2011/?p=4808


The State Is the 1 Percent

by Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr. on October 24, 2011

The "occupy" protest movement is thriving off the claim that the 99 percent are being exploited by the 1 percent, and there is truth in what they say. But they have the identities of the groups wrong. They imagine that it is the 1 percent of highest wealth holders who are the problem. In fact, that 1 percent includes some of the smartest, most innovative people in the country — the people who invent, market, and distribute material blessings to the whole population. They also own the capital that sustains productivity and growth.
But there is another 1 percent out there, those who do live parasitically off the population and exploit the 99 percent. Moreover, there is a long intellectual tradition, dating back to the late Middle Ages, that draws attention to the strange reality that a tiny minority lives off the productive labor of the overwhelming majority.
I'm speaking of the state, which even today is made up of a tiny sliver of the population but is the direct cause of all the impoverishing wars, inflation, taxes, regimentation, and social conflict. This 1 percent is the direct cause of the violence, the censorship, the unemployment, and vast amounts of poverty, too.
Look at the numbers, rounding from latest data. The US population is 307 million. There are about 20 million government employees at all levels, which makes 6.5 percent. But 6.2 million of these people are public-school teachers, whom I think we can say are not really the ruling elite. That takes us down to 4.4 percent.
We can knock of another half million who work for the post office, and probably the same who work for various service department bureaus. Probably another million do not work in any enforcement arm of the state, and there's also the amazing labor-pool fluff that comes with any government work. Local governments do not cause nationwide problems (usually), and the same might be said of the 50 states. The real problem is at the federal level (8.5 million), from which we can subtract fluff, drones, and service workers.
In the end, we end up with about 3 million people who constitute what is commonly called the state. For short, we can just call these people the 1 percent.
The 1 percent do not generate any wealth of their own. Everything they have they get by taking from others under the cover of law. They live at our expense. Without us, the state as an institution would die.
"They do not comprehend that the real enemy is the institution that brainwashes them to think the way they do."Here we come to the core of the issue. What is the state and what does it do? There is vast confusion about this issue, insofar as it is talked about at all. For hundreds of years, people have imagined that the state might be an organic institution that develops naturally out of some social contract. Or perhaps the state is our benefactor, because it provides services we could not otherwise provide for ourselves.
In classrooms and in political discussions, there is very little if any honest talk about what the state is and what it does. But in the libertarian tradition, matters are much clearer. From Bastiat to Rothbard, the answer has been before our eyes. The state is the only institution in society that is permitted by law to use aggressive force against person and property.
Let's understand through a simple example. Let's say you go into a restaurant and hate the wallpaper. You can complain and try to persuade the owner to change it. If he doesn't change it, you can decide not to go back. But if you break in, take money out of the cash register, buy paint, and cover the wallpaper yourself, you will be charged with criminal wrongdoing and perhaps go to jail. Everyone in society agrees that you did the wrong thing.
But the state is different. If it doesn't like the wallpaper, it can pass a law (or maybe not even that) and send a memo. It can mandate a change. It doesn't have to do the repainting: the state can make you repaint the place. If you refuse, you are guilty of criminal wrongdoing.
Same goals, different means, two very different sets of criminals. The state is the institution that essentially redefines criminal wrongdoing to make itself exempt from the law that governs everyone else.
It is the same with every tax, every regulation, every mandate, and every single word of the federal code. It all represents coercion. Even in the area of money and banking, it is the state that created and sustains the Fed and the dollar, because it forcibly limits competition in money and banking, preventing people from making gold or silver money, or innovating in other ways. And in some ways, this is the most dreadful intervention of all, because it allows the state to destroy our money on a whim.
The state is everybody's enemy. Why don't the protesters get this? Because they are victims of propaganda by the state, doled out in public schools, that attempts to blame all human suffering on private parties and free enterprise. They do not comprehend that the real enemy is the institution that brainwashes them to think the way they do.
They are right that society is rife with conflicts, and that the contest is wildly lopsided. It is indeed the 99 percent versus the 1 percent. They're just wrong about the identity of the 1 percent enemy.