Monday, January 7, 2013



Subj: casper 1-7-13

There are many subjects worthy of attention right now and several recent weeks of events which WE could discuss but one current event takes precedence in our opinion so we will limit this update to this one very important subject.

New ‘players’ have appeared on the scene since last we wrote. I refer to The One Peoples Public Trust (TOPPT) folks, related announcements, audio interviews available at Rumor Mill News and subsequent ‘public’ conversation discussing the relevance from Prosperity Program Participants point of view. On the surface of it what their Trustee ‘Heather’ and other Trustees Randall and Caleb appear to have done and/or are attempting to do would certainly appear at first glance to be in the best interest of all Americans who wish to see an end to the ‘Corporation’, the Federal Reserve, the corrupt Cabal of Bankers and Politicians and an end to their use of the Legal Fictions known as our ‘Straw Man/Woman’ as the Capital Basis of the Corporation. And a return to Constitutional Law immediately and bad guys arrested and/or sent to the Hague and we are FREE and we all live happily ever after. What’s not to like? Would this not seem to be, if accurate and true, worthy of new history books praising those who have accomplished these things on behalf of all of us?

WE don’t profess to know what is accurate and true and what is not.

WE do have questions and observations and a report to make to those of you who have counted on us to bring you the current news and the best truth available as best we can identify it, all within our twenty year old caveat which says “WE don’t know everything”. And since WE don’t know everything but agree with those who are saying publically that we (we the people) have a right to know what is actually going on, then, on behalf of the several tens of thousands who follow our updates and the several hundred thousand who have an equity interest in the truth, THE WHOLE TRUTH, we address the following questions to TOPPT on our collective behalf.

Heather, if I may address you this way, are you using your real name? I ask because there is a rumor overseas that you are Chinese.

Have you and your allies been obstructing the funding/delivery of the Prosperity Programs for the last two years with the continuous filing of various claims and/or documents? Are you continuing to obstruct PP Deliveries with recent filings?

Are you co-operating with or in any way involved with the OITC?  With ‘Whistleblower’?

Are you and your allies attempting to control and/or direct the ‘Collateral Accounts’?

You and one of those interviewing you (‘D’/Removing The Shackles) say the Fed is down, was taken over or whatever, October 24, 2012. There is no public sign of this. Sources at UST say no, Bernanke is still scheduled to testify before Congress next month (regular schedule),  Regional Fed Bank Presidents are continuing to make speeches as recently as this weekend just ended, the St Louis Region President (Bullard) spoke openly this weekend about continuing to print money, the Fed is using thin air e-currency to buy 85 Billion of U.S. Sovereign and Agency Bonds each month, associated Central Banks (ECB, Bk England, Bk Japan) are continuing massive printing and distribution as announced publically by the various governments, in short the funny money funding of the hopelessly corrupt Status Quo continues without interruption with no visible sign that the Fed or the Corporation have any intention of changing their stripes. What are we missing/not seeing?

Why are your various documents virtually impossible to access, impossible to download/print or to forward and in many instances virtually unreadable? Do you intend to offer them in a more accessible way?

Our sources at the Hague say there have been no arrest, no one has been delivered there (you said 77 I think, or was it ‘D’ who said that)? Our Court Sources say they do not have the authority to arrest anyone in the U.S.. Why are they contradicting your reporting?

Over two decades WE have developed many sources in Law Enforcement, Marshalls Service, Military, Agencies, etc. all of which say they know of no unusual arrest going on now or in recent months. These arrest reports began 90 or so days ago and during that time WE have not been able to confirm any arrest other than those considered ‘normal’ as reported in the MSM. Why do you suppose none can confirm these 3 months of arrest reports?

We hear, again from overseas, that a scheduled meeting with attorneys investigating your claims and documents, scheduled later this week, has been cancelled by you or your attorneys. Why? You have made a very big deal of ‘transparency’ and expressed several times your willingness to answer questions. Have you changed your mind?

You said you have met WONG. Are you in any way involved with Wong and his recent delaying tactics?

I do hope you will see fit to answer these questions publically Heather. You have everyone’s attention here and ‘over there’. Many thousands of people have many many years and untold difficulties invested. If you and yours are ‘Wheeling and Dealing’ as interviewer ‘D’ asked, the people have a right to know don’t you think? If you have, over time, filed documents and continue to file documents which have the net effect of delaying deliveries, the people have a right to know don’t you think? If you are attempting to insert yourself into the twenty plus year old affairs of others regarding their funding and delivery the people have a right to know don’t you think?

WE (which means myself and those associated with me) much prefer to believe your description of your activities as delivered by you verbally (since we are unable to access the posted documents even after disabling security and fire walls, not even with adobe).  But WE can’t help but wonder why it has been made so difficult to access and assess your documents?  What a tremendous accomplishment it will be if in fact you have led ‘we the people’ in a successful assault upon the corrupt establishment resulting in the demise of the Corporation and our ‘Straw Man’.  A new group of ‘Founding Fathers’ and new history books.

Will you please address specifically Heather the rumors, stories and/or accusations that TOOPT is involved in delaying deliveries to Program Participants.

Thank you very much.



Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Saturday, 5-Jan-2013 19:28:17
My Line In The Sand Is Drawn Here!
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If Barack Obama and his gaggle of gun grabbers have their way, the American citizenry will have all of their firearms taken away. If their current attempt to outlaw semi-automatic rifles is successful, does anyone think it will stop there? Don’t be naïve! The goal of people like Barack Obama, Dianne Feinstein, Charles Schumer, et al., has always been total gun confiscation. In fact, Senator Feinstein is actually on record as saying so.
According to, “Senator Dianne Feinstein’s ultimate plan has always been to have Mr. and Mrs. America turn in their guns to the government, period. Feinstein’s bill would criminalize millions of Americans and completely eviscerate second amendment rights.
“She tells us a gun ban is about saving the children and reducing crime, but her comments on 60 Minutes in 1995 reveal her true plan is to target law-abiding American gun owners.
“On Thursday, Feinstein will introduce her dream bill to disarm the American people. The legislation is open-ended and includes provisions to re-register firearms and submit the fingerprints of law-abiding Americans as if they’re sex offenders.
“Feinstein’s bill will also include a buy-back provision that will allow the government to confiscate all firearms. Both Feinstein and New York governor Andrew Cuomo have said that is their plan.
“It is a gun confiscation bill.
“The proposed bill is open declaration of war on the Second Amendment.
“It’s no coincidence that the communist Chinese, the biggest holders of U.S. debt, have demanded the American people be disarmed. History tells us that it is the instinct of all tyrants to disarm the slaves.”
The report plays a video in which Senator Feinstein said, “If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States, for an outright ban, picking up [every gun]… Mr. and Mrs. America, turn ‘em all in.”
See the report at:
Writing for the National Association for Gun Rights, Dudley Brown said, “After reading Senator Dianne Feinstein’s new so-called ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban, I can only describe it as the effective END of the Second Amendment in America.
“The definition of an ‘Assault Weapon’ in this bill is so broad you can drive a truck through it!
They’re targeting EVERYTHING–rifles, shotguns and even handguns.

“You see, the gun-grabbers are going for broke.
“Even owners of supposedly ‘grandfathered’ firearms will be treated like common criminals.
“If passed, Feinstein’s so-called ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban would:
“–Ban the sale, transfer, importation, and manufacturing of 120 specifically named rifles, shotguns and handguns;
“–Ban the sale, transfer, importation and manufacturing of ALL firearms with a detachable magazine and at least one ‘military characteristic’–which could mean just about anything that makes a gun ‘look scary.’
“–Bans the sale, transfer, importation, and manufacturing of magazines holding more than 10 rounds;
“–Force owners of ALL ‘grandfathered’ weapons to undergo an intrusive background check and unnecessary fingerprinting;
“–Force owners of ALL ‘grandfathered’ weapons to federally register their guns after obtaining permission slip from local law enforcement showing their guns are not in violation of state or local law. That’s right. If you own a $10 magazine that’s more than 10 rounds, you’ll have to register it with the BATFE in their National Firearms Registry.
“And you and I both know registration is only the first step toward outright confiscation. So don’t be fooled.”
See the report at:
As I stated in this column last week, “The semi-automatic rifle is the vanguard of our liberty; it is the surest and most trustworthy means of our self-defense; and it is the primary companion of any man who would both protect and feed his family.
“Make no mistake about it: to take away an American’s right to a semi-automatic rifle is to FULLY DISARM HIM. There is no Second Amendment; there is no right to keep and bear arms; there is no citizen militia; there is no liberty without the semi-automatic rifle!”
In that column I also quoted Thomas Jefferson who rightly observed, “The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.”
See my column at:
And it is Jefferson’s observation that the “strongest reason” that the American people must always retain the right to keep and bear arms is “to protect themselves against tyranny in government,” that is universally ignored in the modern gun-control debate.
Throughout the United States, there are tens of millions of fully-armed citizens who are more than capable of defending themselves and their communities against any enemy–whether that enemy is an internal or external one. In fact, many millions of these citizens have been trained in the US armed forces. Firearms–especially semi-automatic rifles–in the hands of millions of American citizens is truly the only thing that stands between freedom and tyranny for the people of the United States. That Barack Obama and Dianne Feinstein want to disarm the American people should be considered an act of war against our liberties! In other words, ladies and gentlemen, this is a line in the sand that none of us can afford to ignore.
Here’s how we must fight:
1. We must literally inundate our US representatives and senators with the most vociferous protest.
We must make sure that every representative and senator in America is told that under no uncertain terms their reelection will be determined by how they vote on this issue. Obviously, people such as Senators Feinstein and Schumer come from liberal, anti-gun states–which is why they feel safe in proposing these draconian gun-control measures. However, the vast majority of US House members represent average God-fearing Americans to whom the right to keep and bear arms is sacrosanct. And make no mistake about it: the legislative battle will be won or lost in the US House of Representatives.
Here in Montana, however, our two US senators (both Democrats) proudly profess to be pro-Second Amendment. Montanans should be sending a strong message to both of these senators to hold the line for our right to keep and bear arms–including semi-automatic rifles. I cannot imagine that any civil magistrate from either major political party could hope to be reelected in the State of Montana who would support Senator Feinstein’s gun-grab bill. And I would hope and pray that there would be dozens of other states in which the Second Amendment is equally honored.
Folks, CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVES AND SENATORS NOW! If we expect to retain any semblance of freedom for our posterity, we must pick up the phones and barrage our representatives and senators with opposition to this gun-control bill. And we must do it NOW! Furthermore, we must let our elected officials know that under no uncertain terms there can be NO COMPROMISE, that only outright opposition to any new gun-control measures will be deemed acceptable. There are already far too many gun-control laws in this country. We cannot accept any more abridgements and restrictions to our right to keep and bear arms. NO MORE!
2. We must demand of our State governors and legislators that they resist any attempts of the federal government to outlaw our firearms.
Should the Republican-led House of Representatives in Washington, D.C., cave-in to the Obama gun-grab like they did on Obama’s tax increases, it will be up to the states to say NO! If there is a single issue for which individual, sovereign states would be willing to defy the federal government and protect the rights and liberties of their citizens, it will be this issue. If the states, and liberty-minded people of the states, do not stand as one on this issue, there is no issue for which they would stand. We either draw the line on this issue or our liberties are gone forever!
This means State legislatures should pass laws defying the federal gun ban and protecting the right of citizens to keep and bear arms within their states. Governors should be willing to utilize State law enforcement agencies to protect their citizens’ right to keep (and not register) their guns, and county sheriffs should stiffen their backs and refuse to allow any federal police agency from enforcing the gun ban. After all, the county sheriff is the highest law enforcement authority in his or her county, trumping even federal law enforcement officers.
3. Individual citizens like you and I must be willing to draw our personal line in the sand on this issue and refuse to comply with any law requiring us to register or surrender our firearms–including our semi-automatic rifles.
Ladies and gentlemen, whatever the consequences might be, and whatever anyone else does or doesn’t do, I am prepared to become an outlaw over this issue! I don’t know how to say it any plainer: I will not register my firearms, and I will not surrender my firearms. Period. End of story. It’s not just a saying with me: when my guns are outlawed, I will be an outlaw!
It is time RIGHT NOW for every American citizen to make up his or her mind on this issue.
There are many laws, which I personally find repugnant and even unconstitutional, to which I grudgingly submit. For example, while I very much understand, and even philosophically agree with, those who refuse to pay income taxes, I pay income taxes. Even though I believe the income tax to be unconstitutional, onerous, and maybe even nefarious, I have not drawn my line in the sand on that issue. I haven’t drawn a line in the sand on the requirement for all sorts of government licenses, i.e., marriage licenses, driver’s licenses, CCW permits, Social Security cards, etc., even though I personally believe that many requirements for licensure stretch the boundaries of legitimate government. And, again, even though I understand those who refuse to take them, I have a marriage license, a driver’s license, a CCW permit, and a Social Security card. There are many issues over which I am willing to be annoyed, but for the sake of perceived Christian testimony and/or perceived good citizenship, I reluctantly and grudgingly comply. But on the issue of taking away my right to keep and bear arms–including a semi-automatic rifle–I absolutely refuse to comply!
My line in the sand is drawn here!
Make no mistake about it: it is not just semi-automatic rifles that these gun grabbers are after. Ultimately, they want to take all of our guns. We either stop them now or there will be no stopping them at all.
It is no hyperbole to say that this attempt by people such as Barack Obama and Dianne Feinstein to make outlaws out of law-abiding citizens for simply exercising our right to keep and bear arms is the most important political battle of our lifetimes! I am not exaggerating when I say that the future of freedom and liberty for our children and for our country–not to mention the future of our own personal lives and freedom–hang in the balance.
And follow my updates by liking the following Facebook pages:
Also, follow me on Twitter:!/drchuckbaldwin
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© Chuck Baldwin

Golden Age Of Gaia Update 1/6/13

Hilarion: You are Completing a Great Transformation in Your Life and more...

In This Update...

Obama Chooses Hagel for Secretary Of Defense

Who Serves Who?

Who Serves Who?
Questions and Answers for American Soldiers and Nationals

Is the US Government a Republic for “We The People?” Or is it a Corporation?


First answer; the original and organic structure of the US Government is a Republic established “For the People of these several United States.” As such, each of us “Americans” are actually defined as an “inhabitant” of one of the several united States of America. As inhabitants, we are natural born “American Nationals” of these several united States.

Second answer; our current US Government is a “CORPORATION” that is a false overlay that has illegally usurped our original organic government structure and masquerades as the legal and lawful US Government. Additionally, one default and key mechanism of this manipulated fraud, is that each one of us previously defined “inhabitants or Nationals” has been be replaced with the term “US Citizen”. This term actually means means a “dead person or other entity; ie: a Corporation or other “non-living entity”.  US Citizen in this context refers to “non living property (dead), or other non living asset owned by the CORPORATION. This entire false and illegal overlay is designed at making the government the “Master” of the people, instead of the way it was intended and written as “We The People” as the Masters of the Government.

What is an Executive Order?

An Executive Order is an order given by the CEO (Chief Executive
Officer) of a corporation.

To whom does the Exectutive Order apply?

An Executive Order applies to all the employees of that corporation.

If the CEO of Acme Corporation gives an executive order that all
persons must wear pink ties with yellow shorts does that mean that
all Americans are subject to this Executive Order?

No, only employees of Acme Corporation are subject to this Executive Order.
All others may completely ignore this Executive Order.

If the CEO of the WHITE HOUSE Corporation issues an executive order that
Americans are to be dragged from their homes and detained, or that roadblocks
are to be set up to prevent freedom of travel, must soldiers and American
nationals obey this order?

First, this Executive Order (in fact any order or command from the WHITE HOUSE
Corporation) is only valid and applies only to employees of the WHITE HOUSE
Corporation, and absolutely no one else.

Second, Soldiers and American nationals are under no legal or lawful obligation to
obey Executive Orders from the WHITE HOUSE Corporation, nor soldiers in response
to orders from superiors that are based on Executive Orders from the WHITE HOUSE

What is the address of the WHITE HOUSE Corporation?

The address of the WHITE HOUSE Corporation is
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500-0004

Who is the CEO of the WHITE HOUSE Corporation?

At present, Barack Obama.

Is the CEO of the WHITE HOUSE Corporation the Commander-
in-Chief of the armed forces?

No, the CEO of the WHITE HOUSE Corporation is an appointed
position and he/she can not be the Commander-in-Chief of the
armed forces.

Can anyone be the CEO of the WHITE HOUSE Corporation?

Anyone who is appointed by the Board of Directors may be CEO of the
WHITE HOUSE Corporation. There are no particular requirements
such as being a natural-born citizen; anyone – even Vladimir Putin
can be CEO/President.

Who is the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces?

Both the question and the answer are very embarassing. Presently,
there is no Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces.

U.S. Government Using Terrorism Against the American People

U.S. Government Using Terrorism Against the American People

Washington’s Blog
January 7, 2013
We’ve documented that – by any measure – America is the largest sponsor of terrorism in the world.
But remember, terrorism is defined as:
The use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
The American government has also been using violence and threats to intimidate and coerce theAmerican public for political purposes.
For example, the U.S. government is doing the following things to terrorize the American public into docility and compliance:
U.S. constitutional law has taught for hundreds of years that chilling the exercise of our liberties is as dangerous to freedom than directly suppressing them.
For example, as we’ve previously noted, reporters censor themselves:
Initially, there is tremendous self-censorship by journalists.
For example, several months after 9/11, famed news anchor Dan Rather told the BBC that American reporters were practicing “a form of self-censorship”:
There was a time in South Africa that people would put flaming tiresaround peoples’ necks if they dissented. And in some ways the fear is that you will be necklaced here, you will have a flaming tire of lack of patriotism put around your neck. Now it is that fear that keeps journalists from asking the toughest of the tough questions…. And again, I am humbled to say, I do not except myself from this criticism.
What we are talking about here – whether one wants to recognise it or not, or call it by its proper name or not – is a form of self-censorship.
Keith Olbermann agreed that there is self-censorship in the American media, and that:
You can rock the boat, but you can never say that the entire ocean is in trouble …. You cannot say: By the way, there’s something wrong with our …. system.
As former Washington Post columnist Dan Froomkin wrote in 2006:
Mainstream-media political journalism is in danger of becoming increasingly irrelevant, but not because of the Internet, or even Comedy Central. The threat comes from inside. It comes from journalists being afraid to do what journalists were put on this green earth to do. . . .
There’s the intense pressure to maintain access to insider sources, even as those sources become ridiculously unrevealing and oversensitive. There’s the fear of being labeled partisan if one’s bullshit-calling isn’t meted out in precisely equal increments along the political spectrum.
If mainstream-media political journalists don’t start calling bullshit more often, then we do risk losing our primacy — if not to the comedians then to the bloggers.
I still believe that no one is fundamentally more capable of first-rate bullshit-calling than a well-informed beat reporter – whatever their beat. We just need to get the editors, or the corporate culture, or the self-censorship – or whatever it is – out of the way.
Former Fox News reporters say the same thing.
Any reporters who don’t censor themselves are harassedWhistleblowers are prosecuted … or eventortured by the government.
The fact that the government is spying on all Americans – and using the information to launch political witch hunts – makes us all watch what we say, and makes us careful about who we talk to. As the ACLUnotes:
Peaceful protesters should not be treated as potential terrorists nor spied upon by federal government agents. Not only is this a misuse of public funds that could be used to find real terrorists, it chills free speech activities and inhibits the public debate on important issues.
A federal judge found that the NDAA’s provision allowing indefinite detention of Americans without due process has a “chilling effect” on free speech. And see this and this.
The threat of being labeled a terrorist certainly dissuades and chills our willingness to exercise our rights.
Especially when power has become so concentrated that the same agency which spies on all Americansalso decides who should be assassinated.
The bottom line is that – like Stalin, Mao or Hitler – the U.S. government is using violence and threats to intimidate and coerce its own people for political purposes … to consolidate power and suppress dissent.
Postscript: fear of terror makes people docile and stupid … and the government has also intentionallywhipped up an exaggerated hysteria of terror by “others” in order to scare the people. This is anotherform of terrorism.

A Question for the Cold Case Posse

A Question for the Cold Case Posse

Some New Ground to be Plowed by Detective Zullo on January 15

“Frank E. Holman, an early partner in the Seattle law firm now known as Perkins, Coie (Obama’s law firm), was originally a supporter of the United Nations, but soon became an outspoken opponent of the United Nations… He continuously warned America about the dangers of treaty laws and the United Nations.

      Sheriff Joe Arpaio; Brian Reilly, an initiator and member of the Cold Case Posse and former Board member of Surprise
      and Sun City West Tea Party; Mike Zullo, Chief Investigator of the Cold Case Posse

Editor’s note:

For the uninitiated, the “Cold Case Posse” is the investigative unit that Maricopa County AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio turned loose to delve into Obama’s eligibility, initially focusing upon the so-called “birth certificate” and other vital documents, such as Selective Service Registration and Social Security numbers, all of which turned out to be fraudulent.

To date and to the best of our knowledge, this is, curiously, the only official investigation of Obama anywhere in the nation. Then, they also got into more legal aspects of Obama’s eligibility, which opens up another can of worms and is the subject of the January 15 meeting.

Obama has been pushing certain UN treaties very hard, which could seriously undermine our national sovereignty, Constitution and statutes, federal, state and local. Brian asks why this wasn’t brought out before the election. Why indeed?

A brief bio (Provided only to establish credibility.)

Brian Reilly is an Arizona political activist who currently is on the board of Waking Up America, a pro-Constitution Christian group. He is a former board member of the Surprise Tea Party and the Sun City West Tea Party. While he was with the Surprise Tea Party, Reilly developed and initiated the plan to request Sheriff Joe Arpaio to criminally investigate the authenticity of President Barack Obama’s Hawaiian Certificate of Live Birth. From April 17, 2012 to June 30, 2012, Reilly was a sworn member of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Cold Case Posse.

A Question for the Cold Case Posse

On January 15, at 6:30 PM, Investigator Mike Zullo of the Cold Case Posse has been scheduled to give a presentation to a joint meeting of the Surprise Tea Party and the Sun City West Tea Party. Zullo will, according to the Sun City West Tea Party website, be speaking about issues from the 1950s that have a striking similarity to current events such as Agenda 21, World Government etc. Specifically he will be speaking about the Bricker Amendment and the Connally Reservation.

Prior to my being sworn into the Cold Case Posse by Sheriff Arpaio on April 17, 2012, I provided information regarding the Connally Reservation and the Bricker Amendment and the abuse of treaty laws to Investigator Zullo, in February and early March of 2012. In addition, I provided the name of Frank E. Holman, former President of the American Bar Association, 1948-1949, and the location of Mr. Holman’s personal papers currently warehoused at the former Sandpoint Naval Air Station in Seattle, WA. Mr. Holman was a Member of the Special Committee for the Organization of the Nations for Peace and Law, 1944 and 1945. Mr. Holman was also a member of the Special Committee for Peace and Law Through United Nations, 1946 and 1947. Mr. Holman was a Rhodes Scholar and the Senior Partner in the Seattle law firm of Holman, Mickelwait, Marion, Black & Perkins. The firm in 2006 became, Perkins Coie and now represents President Barack Hussein Obama II.

Originally a supporter of the United Nations, Mr. Holman soon became an outspoken opponent of the United Nations and worked tirelessly at his own expense for ten years to expose the socialist and internationalist agenda to transform America into a socialist state through international agreements, conventions, and treaties associated with the United Nations.

The agenda to transform America through treaty law was best expressed by the Communist Party USA in their official journal, Political Affairs, April, 1945:

“Great popular support and enthusiasm for the [creation of the United Nations and] United Nations policies should be built up, well organized and fully articulate. But it is also necessary to do more than that. The opposition must be rendered so impotent that it will be unable to gather any significant support in the Senate against the U.N. Charter and the treaties which will follow.”  (my emphasis)

In 1952, in an address to the American Bar Association, Mr. John Foster Dulles, before he became Secretary of State, issued the following warning to the delegates:

“The treaty-making power is an extraordinary power liable to abuse. Treaties make international law and also make domestic law. Under our Constitution treaties become the supreme law of the land. They are indeed more supreme than ordinary laws for congressional laws are invalid if they do not conform to the Constitution, whereas treaty laws can override the Constitution. Treaties for example, can take powers away from the Congress and give them to the President: they can take powers from the State and give them to the Federal government or to some international body and they can cut across the rights given the people by the constitutional Bill of Rights.”

As a result of these warnings, Mr. Holman pushed forward with the need for a Constitutional Amendment which would, at a minimum, prevent a treaty or other international agreement that conflicts with any provision of the Constitution from being of any force or effect. Mr. Holman’s efforts with the help of the American Bar Association, lead to the proposed Bricker Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which was submitted by Senator John Bricker along with sixty-three other Senators, as
Senate Joint Resolution 1, in the 83rd Congress, 1st Session.

The text of the Article is as follows:

1.) A provision of a treaty which conflicts with this Constitution shall not be of any force or effect.

2.) A treaty shall become effective as internal law in the United States only through legislation which would be valid in the absence of treaty.

3.) Congress shall have power to regulate all executive and other agreements with any foreign power or international organization. All such agreements shall be subject to the limitations imposed on treaties by this article.

4.) The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

5.) This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years from the date of its submission.

The Eisenhower administration (Republican Party), and the previous Truman administration, (Democrat Party), worked feverishly to defeat the Bricker Amendment. As a result, the Bricker Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was defeated by 1 vote.

As a result of this vote, America, nearly six decades later, is now facing the prospect of a U.N. Small Arms Treaty which may lead to civilian disarmament in America. We also have President Obama, who under the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 21, is considered eligible to be President. Have you ever wondered why no court in the land has ever allowed discovery regarding President Obama’s eligibility? Look to treaty laws and other international conventions and agreements that the United States is obligated to follow with the United Nations.

Agenda 21? Look no further than the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights from December 1948. Everyone has the right to national healthcare, a clean, green environment, and the ability to freely migrate from country to country. Yes, even illegal immigrants from Mexico have the human right to come to the United States if they feel they are being persecuted in their homeland. Open borders are a direct result of the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

All of the sovereignty robbing, treaty encroachments on our domestic law that the United States currently faces can be traced back to our entry into the United Nations treaty of 1945.

Some would argue that international treaties can’t override the Constitution. In fact, in 1957, the Supreme Court in Reid v. Covert stated it has regularly and uniformly recognized the supremacy of the Constitution over a treaty. That being said, it becomes clear that our elected officials are not following the rule of law and are imposing international treaties on America, and changing domestic law, all contrary to our Constitution. United Nations Agenda 21 is a glaring example of how the Constitution is being ignored by elected officials and trumped by an international agreement.

With the United Nations came the formation of the World Court. According to Mr. Holman, in a 1961 speech to the Suffolk Law School Alumni Association he stated:

“The World Court is in no way bound or guided by any definite rules or principles of law. It is entirely free to make up its own rules and render any judgment it members can agree on, as influenced by each judge’s own particular legal concepts, and one may add, as influenced by his national pride or interest — and there is no appeal. It is against this heterogeneous court, largely made up of foreigners– a lawless court, because there are no established rules to govern its deliberations–that the Connally Reservation is designed to protect our American freedoms, both as individuals and as a nation.”

The Connally Reservation was introduced to the Senate by Senator Connally of Texas and was passed by the Senate by a vote of 51 to 12 on August 2, 1946. In essence, it avoided the absolute adherence of the United States to the compulsory jurisdiction of the World Court. The United States was free to determine whether a matter was domestic and not under the jurisdiction of the World Court. The Connally Reservation is the key to keeping the World Court out of American affairs. Look for continued efforts to seek the repeal of the Connally Reservation by socialists and internationalists.

Much of the preceding information I provided to Mike Zullo and the Cold Case Posse in late February, early March, 2012. Since February 2012, I have done what I could to get the information about the dangers of treaty laws and our sovereignty robbing entanglement with the United Nations disseminated to the public. On one occasion, on March 17, 2012 I had the rare opportunity to interview Mr. John Stormer on radio KFNX, thanks to A Call to Rights host, Mr. Steve Kates. Mr. Stormer wrote the now famous 1964 book, None Dare Call it Treason. On the air, Mr. Stormer confirmed my observations that I now offer here in this article. For those who have a copy of the DVD, Agenda, Grinding America Down, Mr. Stormer is featured in the film making several observations about the socialist plan for America.

My question for Investigator Mike Zullo and the Cold Case Posse is this:

Why didn’t you prominently publicize the Holman information about the Connally Reservation, the Bricker Amendment and Treaty Law abuse, prior to the November 6, 2012 election?

In my opinion, you were in a prime position to expose this information with major impact prior to the election. You had the opportunity to show how America is being transformed into a socialist nation through international agreements and treaties. You had the very key to the process that socialists and internationalists are using to transform America. The public has for decades questioned the unseen mechanism that is transforming America. The abuse of Article VI, of the Constitution and the unlawful utilization of international treaty laws by officials in government is the answer. Following the rule of man, instead of the rule of law has altered our Constitutional Republic.

While I applaud Investigator Zullo for now bringing this information forward, and I would encourage people to attend the presentation on January 15, in my opinion, this information should have been prominently presented on a continual basis, many months prior to the November 6, 2012 election. The Certificate of Live Birth investigation findings, along with Mr. Holman’s information about the dangers of treaty laws, the Connally Reservation as well as the Bricker Amendment should have been presented together. Had there been a sense of urgency to expose this additional information, it could have possibly saved us from an extension of the ongoing national crisis of the past four years.

I have always given credit to the good Lord for the idea to request Sheriff Joe Arpaio to criminally investigate the Obama Certificate of Live Birth. The good Lord also provided me with a 58 year old book I discovered on a dusty shelf that contained the name of Frank Holman on two pages within the book. Until the book was discovered, I had never heard of Mr. Holman. It didn’t happen by accident.

Frank E. Holman was a defender of the U.S. Constitution and American sovereignty. He continuously warned America about the dangers of treaty laws and the United Nations. He was a true American Patriot and he believed in the following words of Thomas Jefferson:

“In questions of power, let no more be said of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.”

Brian Reilly
Sun City West, Arizona

Source Information:

Selected Speeches and Articles
By Frank E. Holman, Past President of the American Bar Association
Story of the Bricker Amendment
By Frank E. Holman
The Life and Career of a Western Lawyer 1886-1961
By Frank E. Holman
None Dare Call it Treason
By John Stormer
But We Were Born Free
By Elmer Davis

The resources listed above may be available for sale on the out of print book website:

Alex Jones Detained By TSA

Alex Jones Detained By TSA

By Paul Joseph Watson
January 7, 2013
Radio talk show host and ardent Homeland Security critic Alex Jones was detained by the TSA at Austin-Bergstrom airport earlier today and threatened with arrest for refusing to take his shoes off at a security checkpoint.
Traveling to New York to appear on CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight, Jones had already showed his ID as he approached the metal detector. Jones and colleague Rob Dew noticed that a large number of people across all age ranges were not removing their shoes as they walked through the metal detector. The x-ray body scanners were not in use.
As soon as he approached security, Jones was addressed by a TSA screener who said, “Hello Mr. Jones,” indicating that she knew who he was, and immediately ordered him to remove his shoes.
When Jones refused, citing the fact that innumerable other people had not removed their shoes, the TSA screener claimed that only under 12s and over 75s were not mandated to remove footwear under TSA policy.
When Jones contested the point, arguing that numerous travelers in their 40s had not removed their shoes, other TSA agents ordered him to take off his shoes, before Jones was approached by a police officer who immediately got in his face and started threatening him with arrest.
Despite Jones’ protests that he was clearly being discriminated against because he was a known critic of the TSA (the rest of the TSA screeners also knew him by name), the officer growled, “Take your damn shoes off or I’m gonna arrest you.”
Not even giving Jones the option to leave the airport, the cop continued with threats to arrest Jones and prevent him from flying as the radio host threatened to file a lawsuit for civil rights violations.
One of Jones’ primary concerns regarding the removal of shoes was the fact that he had caught athletes foot from that very process in another airport years previously, meaning that he now carries a spare pair of socks to change into when he boards the aircraft.
Eventually agreeing to remove his shoes, Jones then walked towards the metal detector as the cop leaned over to talk to the TSA agents. After Jones had already passed through the metal detector, a ‘beep’ was sounded and TSA agents began laughing. Jones later said it was obvious that TSA screeners had set the metal detector off themselves, possibly by order of the officer, so that they could harass Jones further. Other travelers have reported that TSA agents routinely set off the metal detector themselves in order to manufacture a justification for further harassment.
The officer continued to detain Jones as he talked to other cops. Despite the officer seemingly wanting to take further action, TSA management, presumably aware of the potential scandal that could ensue, said they were happy to let Jones go on his way.
Jones is now considering a civil rights lawsuit against the TSA for discrimination. As we have previously documented, journalists who are critical of the TSA are routinely targeted for harassment.
CNN reporter Drew Griffin was put on a TSA watch list immediately after he filed reports critical of the organization back in 2008. Conservative radio host and Breitbart Editor Dana Loesch is also habitually groped by TSA screeners whenever she travels.
Following the national opt out day protest in 2010, the TSA was forced to admit that it had kept records on Alex Jones and Matt Drudge, another prominent TSA critic, but refused to release details even after a FOIA request by former Congressman Bob Barr.
Political figures who have been critical of the TSA such as Rand Paul and Ron Paul have also been singled out for harassment and interrogation by the federal agency.
Video of the entire confrontation was recorded and will be added to this story later.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.