Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Why Petreaus was sacrificed

 Subject: Why Petreaus was sacrificed -

Read all the way to the end. There should have already been an impeachment for many reasons before now. Here's another, but will it happen?

Sad to say, this doesn't surprise me in the least.....if this is true, it is sick.  If one of my children had

been there, I'd be raising holy hell with any of the press, congress,

etc. (would you be surprised at this happening, really?)

Received this from a retired Army officer colleague.
Can't vouch for its accuracy, but it sure raises hackles!


Petraeus was  sacrificed.

Well,well,well, -

if this anything close  to what really happened, it will be

one heck of a coverup or heads will roll. Hard to believe this

is what happened. Time  will tell.


message is from my cousin, now retired from Homeland 

Security. She has been a source of accurate  information so

far so I’ve decided to forward it to  you.

I forward

this knowing that most or maybe all of you  will refuse to

believe Obama would concoct such a hair  brained


I don’t believe all that I read but since so much

has  been happening regarding Obama and his administration

could this be true?

I received this message today. IF

this proves to be  true, it is impeachable grounds. It also

may help  explain why Petreaus was forced out a few days

before  the Benghazi hearings coming up. It explains a lot

of  behavior by Obama and his administration - the pulled

security, the "stand down" orders, and blaming that  stupid

video. The fireworks are coming. It will be the first of many

disasters ahead. Please share with our  email


According  to sources in the State Department

and the CIA, and  intercepted communications from the

Muslim  Brotherhood, Obama "staged" the attack in Benghazi

in order to create a monumental "October Surprise" that 

would guarantee him re-election.

Yes,  you read that

right, and no, I'm not making this up.  Obama, we now know,

is and has been working with the  Muslim Brotherhood

secretly to engineer the release of  the "Blind Sheik,"

Omar Abdel Rahman, the mastermind behind the 1993 World Trade

Center attack.

In  Obama's October Surprise, he

intentionally set up the  consulate to have no security so

that Chris Stevens  could be kidnapped, and held for ransom

by Al-Qaeda  (and the Muslim Brotherhood). Then, several

days  before the election, the plan was to trade Chris

Stevens for the Blind Sheik, making himself look like a hero,

and all but guaranteeing re-election.

This  was one

of the top reasons why Obama was so insistent  on the

Muslim Brotherhood getting $1.2 Billion in U.S.  Aid. They

were to have a primary role in getting Obama  re-elected.

That is why, even though they knew days before the attack that

it was going to occur, no  effort was made to bolster

security. It was intended  to be non-existent. The Libyan

security forces were  intended to quietly slip into the

night when the  attack began. And they did, just as

planned. That is  why, even though 2 C-130U gunships, which

were built  SPECIFICALLY for this kind of attack, and which

could  have saved the lives of our people there and were

a  mere 45 minutes away, were never scrambled at any

time  during the attack.

There  was to be no

resistance whatsoever. That is why there  were not one, but

TWO armed drones flying over the  consulate during the

conflagration...our CIA  operatives on the ground were

painting targets because  they knew air cover was

available. That is why, even  though requesting support and

backup three times,  their requests were NOT ignored, but

were intentionally, specifically DENIED three times, and 

they were told to "stand down," which basically means  to

"surrender." That was part of Obama's plan.


were not to fight back. That would potentially  undermine

the kidnapping effort and cause unnecessary 

"complications." That is why, even though the CIA 

operatives and ex-Navy Seals were on the ground,  providing

real-time reports, and even though they were "lighting up" the

source of the mortars attacking the  compound with lasers,

no gunships or support ever came.


weren't supposed to resist. That wasn't  "part of the

plan." It also wasn't part of the plan  for one of the CIA

operatives to intentionally defy Obama's orders, and who rescued

the body of Sean Smith  and then stood up again orders, and

engaged the enemy  who was attacking American soil. It was

supposed to be  "clean." Quick.


Kidnap  the Ambassador and get out. Then

Save The Day in the  "nick of time." They didn't factor in

a tiny group of  highly trained ex-Navy Seals/CIA

operatives...  American Patriots and heroes. Even though

they  eventually lost their lives in the firefight,

they  managed to employ the full measure of their

skills,  and took out over 80 attackers in the process...

which enraged the attackers, who were led to believe that 

they would encounter no resistance.

THAT  is why

Ambassador Stevens was raped (sodomized),  murdered, and

dragged through the streets. In their  warped minds, they

believed that they had been  betrayed by the U.S. yet

again. They believed that  Obama was their friend. They

believed that they were  going to get their beloved Blind

Sheik back. And yet,  here were 80 of their own... dead by

American hands.

Obama  was asked directly in an

interview if he denied their  request for assistance, he

refused to answer, and  instead droned on with a canned

response promising to  "bring those responsible to

justice." Former CIA and State Dept. personnel are coming out

now with damning  evidence that indicts President Obama,

and reveals the  truth about what is going on. Hillary

Clinton, who is  now openly laying the blame at the feet of

the  President, after falling on her sword in a

premature  show of loyalty for the


The  "Video" defense was carefully

crafted WEEKS in  advance, to explain the attack. If this

doesn't  outrage you, If you are not moved enough to

contact your congressman about this, you are not worthy of your


Steve Adams - Word From The Dark Side

 Well guys, I don't know if you heard the show but Cobra pretty much ruined his crediblity with his voice modulator tonight on Coast.

 It was a real down in flames moment that really damaged his cred, imo.

Its not looking good for you guys and the light movement.

As one caller said, its clear that the bad guys are better then the good guys, if we are being held back by only a handfull of Archons.
 The reply from Cobra's spokesman said, that if we dwell on the negative that's going to delay the positive.

More double speak.  I get enough of that from CNN. 

 Sure I see some improvements, but the developements are painfully slow and that's a fricken problem.

Steve Adams of Burbank 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 01/08/2013

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 01/08/2013
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 8-Jan-2013 19:02:28

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 01/08/2013
6 Etznab, 6 Chen, 9 Eb
Selamat Balik! We return! Many events on your world are waiting for the right divine time for Heaven to give the formal go-ahead. We, too, are subject to this constraint. The Divine has reached a point where the decrees of the Creator require that a series of new change points be met. Until then, the dark is being held in check by special Seraphim assigned to this sacred task. As a result we are now busy conferring with our sacred associates on Earth and in Heaven to coordinate what comes next. We have been instructed to carry things out in a certain sequence to assure everyone that the next steps happen without delay. Our liaison personnel have contact all those involved on your world and ensured that a solid communications network exists between all parties. The dark is most frustrated with how little it is able to do and we intend to put them completely out of business at the moment of the selected launch point. The numerous arrests and procedures to hasten and smooth out the affects of the actual launch date are in place. The projected moment is very close. We are ready to act when this moment occurs, so be patient and know that all is ready!
Your planet is completing the preliminaries for a magnetic pole shift that will change your world from a dipolar realm to a true monopolar one. These changes will synchronize the energy fields of Inner Earth with the outer one. Gaia is most relieved that these transformations of her electrical, magnetic, and gravitational fields can happen soon, as they constitute the final preparations for the reunion of her outer and inner realms. Furthermore, these changes will allow the 5-D realm of Agartha to extend throughout the solar system. The strange developments recently witnessed throughout the solar system are simply signs of what is shortly to manifest as she returns to her former 5-D state. The Sun will also alter its color and the intensity of its energy. These changes signify that your solar system is preparing for her dimensional shift as she returns to take up her place in the multi-star system of Sirius. These changes were forecast by the Maya as well as a number of other calendar systems, such as that of ancient Egypt (the land of Kimi).
The Galactic Federation has put in place several holographic Beings in financial and governmental circles whose duties will ensure that everything keeps moving forward. Our goal is to maintain a degree of normalcy in your societies and to make it look as if nothing much is changing. This is intended to be a temporary façade, as in reality much has changed and is nearly ready to manifest. This is being done for the sake of stability because back in the 1990s, we learned that your world was unable to handle huge surprise events, or even big change on an incremental scale. We have therefore instituted a number of stopgap measures which will secure the appearance of normalcy and keep largely under wraps what is about to happen. Until we reach the launch point, know that a grand change is on the near horizon which will bloom naturally and organically when the magic moment arrives. An important aspect of all this is your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual changes which Heaven is now accelerating, as these need to synchronize globally for the next step to materialize.
The Agarthan Main Council and the Ascended Masters are coordinating the set of announcements which are to follow the initial ones made by by the new governance. These several broadcasts are to proclaim formally our benevolent presence and the nature of our mission. This is when the Ascended Masters will begin to educate you about your true spiritual and off-planet origins. Over the eons the dark concocted a set of deliberately false interpretations of the Ascended Masters' teachings and the time has come to correct these skewed notions and allow you to acquire certain essential, sacred truths. They will help you better comprehend the nature of physicality and its relationship to Heaven. You are approaching the moment for completing your metamorphosis into fully conscious Beings of Light by means of your individually tailored Light chambers, waiting for you in Agartha. This is the moment when you morph into being our true spiritual and physical Associates! It will be a moment of grand celebration and utter joy! And it is the start of your divinely bestowed project to bring everlasting peace to the Milky Way Galaxy!
Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! Numerous wondrous events occurred since the time collapse of December. These massive shifts in your reality were the result of the blessed prophecies of the Creator and we are now set to expand upon them. The instructions to those who form the globe's many secret sacred societies include two major parts: the vast network of precious-metal depositories that lie at the core of your new financial system; and an ever-expanding number of nations which have formally signed on to the main treaty of Paris and the later codicil signed afterwards in Monaco. These documents are based upon agreements legally verified by international courts and by the globe's various ancient, indigenous councils. These councils of empowered Elders have sanctified the rise of new de jure governance, and these are ready to replace the present de facto regimes and thus begin a truly amazing new epoch for all humanity.
What lies ahead is the return of our spiritual and space families. The Agarthans are our Lemurian ancestors. Various large motherships from the star-nations that colonized Lemuria are ready to return their citizens to their original home worlds. Many of you were incarnated on this world to prepare humanity for its return to full consciousness. Now, with this done, your fully conscious selves are to return and help explain to your fellows what has just happened on Earth! The majority of us is to remain and mingle joyously with our counterparts in Lemuria and then together, spread across the solar system, lovingly forging a new star-nation. This gracious occasion is the start of the glories planned for us by the Creator. We are to remain as your mentors and lead you in Love and Light to the fulfillment of our sacred missions.
As you can see, much lies ahead for us all. We are ready to begin a new set of duties that are to produce a permanent peace for this galaxy and a special place in this Galactic Federation for your new star-nation. We are ecstatic about the fact that our many millennia of spiritual work are to be the precursor of a most magnificent mission. Humanity reunited is to forge the means for peace and, eventually, to become the prime meeting-place for many galaxies to discuss the carrying-out of the divine plan throughout this sector of physicality. Long ago, when each of us reached our point of enlightenment, we were assured that our special works were to lead to this most illustrious moment in our history. Blessing in the highest to Heaven and especially to humanity for overcoming all the obstacles set up by the dark!
Today we continued our discussion of what is happening across your world. Those who live and work on your world are manifesting the various events that we mention. You have reached a point where you are finally to see a divine intervention happen, which is destined to positively transform your reality and usher in a new epoch of peace, prosperity, and first contact! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Planetary Activation Organization



dutchsinse has uploaded 1/8/2013 -- Sandy Hook School Shooting Tribute Vid -- UPLOADED 1 MONTH BEFORE !.

ALL POINTS BULLETIN ! This is not a joke, or faked in any way. At this point, serious investigation needs to be done to find out how far back this all goes.

We need to find out WHO THE HECK uploaded a "tribute to the sandy hook shooting" on November 10, 2012. And how they knew BEFOREHAND who was to be shot.

The Sandy Hook shooting was on December 14th, 2012yet this video shows all the victims, teachers, etc.. and the video was uploaded for sure on Nov. 10, 2012.

This time stamp for sure does not lie... vimeo.. look at their other uploads as well.

The link is below -- this is smoking gun proof of people knowing beforehand the shooting..

I DEMAND AN INVESTIGATION NOW! From police and all online investigators.

Here is the video uploaded on Nov. 10, 2012 , almost ONE FULL MONTH before the sandy hook shooting.

instructions :  Move your mouse over the date below the vimeo video

Here are the other uploads from this person:
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©2012 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066

The Bankster NWO-Industrial Military- Political Cartel & Their MSM

The Bankster NWO-Industrial Military- Political Cartel  & Their MSM ; sabatoging The U.S. Constitutional infrastructure , and Bill of Rights .

1 hr. & 34 minutes
Multiple professional shooters .

Eric Holder And Connecticut Governor Met Two Weeks Before Sandy Hook On ‘Gun Control Launch’!!

Eric Holder And Connecticut Governor Met Two Weeks Before Sandy Hook On ‘Gun Control Launch’!!
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 8-Jan-2013 18:29:02
Eric Holder And Connecticut Governor Met Two Weeks Before Sandy Hook On ‘Gun Control Launch’
I found this extremely interesting and thought I’d share for conversation. I searched several terms and names and could not find another post on this – so if there is another please forgive – I did make effort to search.
Eric Holder and Connecticut Governor Dan Malloy met on November 27th to unveil ‘Project Longevity’. “The initiative, known as Project Longevity, will send new federal grant money to Connecticut and involve agents, academics and social workers working for or with the FBI and the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.”
This particular phrase really caught my attention: “The community needs to show a little more outrage on these things and demand that it be a top priority,” Pinciaro said. “That will be more useful than another law right now.”
Project Longevity: Justice Department, Connecticut State Officials Target Gun Violence

Here’s the stats on gun homicides by state – why did they choose Connecticut to push this?
If anyone was wondering why Eric Holder met with first responders – Project Longevity might just be the answer to that question.
Eric Holder to Meet With First Responders in Newtown

Annual Cost to Taxpayers for Obama Family is $1.4 Billion

Annual Cost to Taxpayers for Obama Family is $1.4 Billion

posted on by Giacomo

How would you like to live a life of luxury without spending a dime out of your own pocket? You can fly anywhere in the world on a private jet, have staff waiting on you hand and foot and even have your mother-in-law live with you for free.
This past weekend, I did a piece on Obama’s recent Hawaii vacation costing US taxpayers over $7 million. I thought and still do believe, that this is outrageous. They used Air Force One for their PRIVATE vacation at a cost of $180,000 per hour and it’s an 18 hour round trip. Barack Obama made the trip twice, so just the cost of two round trips on Air Force One rang up to a grand total of $6.48 million.

However, if the cost of the one family vacation upsets you like it did me, wait till you see the grand total cost to taxpayers for a whole year of supporting the First Family in White House.

Robert Keith Gray just wrote Presidential Perks Gone Royal: Your Taxes Are Being Used For Obama’s Re-election. According to the description of the book found on, Gray reveals how the cost of maintaining the First Family has gone completely out of control costing taxpayers $1.4 billion per year:
“From the sublime to the ridiculous to the truly obscene, the various perks and privileges bestowed on our Chief Executive, our self-proclaimed man of the people, include the extravagant foolishness of having twenty-six cabin crewmembers on Air Force One, along with FIVE (5) chefs! In the White House theatre, two projectionists sleep in in order to remain on duty at all times, should a First Family member or guest fancy a film. A dog walker is also always on hand. One was reported to be paid $102,000 a year to walk and pick up after the first-family’s canine. On at least one airline trip in the presidential fleet, the only passengers aboard were the First Canine and his handler. In 2009, the military payroll at Camp David was $8,000,000. And these men and women were not there as replacements for the Secret Service to protect the President, but rather to serve the First Family and its guests.”
“On the political front, we learn that in the first months of his presidency President Obama appointed 43 high-priced czars, a number far greater than any previous president, and not one of these professionals voted to office by taxpayers or subject to the approval of any other governmental body or official. During his current term he has also appointed 469 professionals who could be called, assistant presidents. 226 of them are paid over $100,000 a year and 77 of them paid as much as $172,000 a year.”

“The British spent $57.8 Million on its royal family last year. We Americans spent nearly $2 Billion on housing, transporting, entertaining, staffing, our First Family and paying a hefty portion of the president’s campaign expenses.”
Now consider the fact that some Democrats in Congress want to give Obama an unlimited debt ceiling and the power to bypass Congress when it comes to spending. Who in their right mind would trust anyone who is that out of control with other people’s money, enough to give them a limitless blank check?

As a natural born US citizen and taxpayer, I find Obama’s careless spending and luxurious lifestyle to be offensive and insensitive to the American people. I agree with Gray that there is no way Obama can relate to the average American. He had his schooling handed to him by others. He had his jobs handed to him by others. Now he is living the life of the top 1% because it is being handed to him by others. I’m one of the others and I don’t want to hand him anything else. I especially don’t want to give him the power of an unlimited debt ceiling and spending. But the foolish people that have free Obama phones put him back in the White House so that he can continue to live a lifestyle that they could never even fathom.



I am sending this out to all on my email 'list' as I feel strongly that the information contained within this video provides strong confirmation of what I, too, have been shown in years past to occur, as well as have many others with whom I have come in contact with in recent years. I believe we are now entering that time for much of this to begin to occur, especially since you will see for yourself evidence in this video of that being factual in particular in regard to recent events in America. We have already experienced some of what is shown here to be occurring ( the 9/11 towers ).  There have been many warnings issued to those with 'ears to hear' about the remaining events to occur contained within this vision.  The internet is full of such warnings of visions, dreams and scientific findings to support what is contained in this video.  Man cannot change events of this magnitude, nor can we change the events planned by the Creator for His own purposes, but we CAN prepare for them, being wise virgins as the Lord admonishes in Matt 25.  There is still time left before the door of the Ark is permanently closed for those who have not yet met and married their Lord and Savior to do so. Therein again does Matt 25 apply. This is not to put fear in to anyone but to inform, confirm and inspire those who are diligently desiring that close relationship with their Creator and Lord.  Let those with ears to 'hear' -' hear' - and those with eyes to 'see' - 'see.' May God be with you. Amein........ j
Published on Nov 8, 2012
In 1979, Sarah was pronounced dead. She then had a very special and unique experience, learning many things in the World of Spirits. 
Sarah's experience is of great interest for several reasons, among which are the extensive detail and unusual scope of her visit to the world beyond and the way it relates to her life's story. 
Her ability to influence minds and hearts toward a more enlightened and hopeful outlook has been life-changing to many distressed souls as well as to many who are searching for answers.

Sarah Menet - There is no death - Video of Sarah

Buy Sarah's Book - She is very ill and needs support - the book is inexpensive, but edifying and uplifting to read - pure truth
SRAEL ATTACKED, Early Winter Warning, Earthquakes, Solar Flare Fire, Nuclear War, WW3, America Invaded

Vision of Last Days - America Invaded - Biological Terrorist Attack - Solar Flare Fire - WW3 - Iran News - war in Iran - endtimes - book of revelation - end of times - the constitution us

Armed Mafia Stalk Alex Jones Post Piers Morgan Debate: Video Report

Armed Mafia Stalk Alex Jones Post Piers Morgan Debate: Video Report
January 7, 2013
After the appearance on CNN’s Piers Morgan, Alex Jones and Infowars video producer Rob Dew noticed they were being followed, watched and approached by possibly undercover agents claiming to be fans.
Alex was promised three segments on Morgan’s show; however, his producers apparently cancelled the last segment after Jones continued bashing Morgan with unscripted truths and facts.

A Proposed Bill to Register the Sale and Purchase of ‘Precious Metals’

Is there no end to their desire to control and track the American people?

A Proposed Bill to Register the Sale and Purchase of ‘Precious Metals’

The Constitution mandates the paying of all debts in silver and gold. Our nation’s founders established a firm economic foundation when it made only silver and gold legal tender for our government.
“No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.” (Art I, sec. 10)

Individuals can trade and sell whatever they want in whatever form they want. Comic books are made out of paper and toys are made out of plastic and pot metal. To tens of thousands of collectors, these are valued.

Governments try to impute value to base metals and paper and call it “money.” If our government didn’t force people to trade in Federal Reserve Notes, the “value” of these printed slips of cotton and linen would sink without a trace.

Knowing something of the history of how bad economic policies destroy economies, millions of people around the world are investing in gold and silver as a hedge against economic tyranny and inflation.

Governments don’t like it when their “subjects” kick against the pricks. That’s why we’re seeing blowback from our government on guns and ammo. If most politicians had their way, only the government they controlled would be authorized to own firearms.
Some states are trying to pass legislation that would require people who buy silver and gold to register with the state. Consider this proposed bill from the state of Illinois, the home state of Barack Obama and the most anti-gun state in the union with its own murder capital, Chicago:

Creates the Precious Metal Purchasing Act. Provides that a person who is in the business of purchasing precious metal shall obtain a proof of ownership, create a record of the sale, and verify the identity of the seller. Provides that a person who is in the business of purchasing precious metal shall not pay for the precious metal in cash and shall record the method of payment. Requires the purchaser to keep a record of the sale for one year or, if the purchase amount is over $500, for 5 years. Provides that a person who violates the Act is guilty of a petty offense and subject to a fine not exceeding $500. Provides that the Attorney General may inspect records, investigate an alleged violation, and take action to collect civil penalties.
Why does the state of Illinois or any other state need to know who buys and sells precious metals? Control. Possible confiscation sometime in the future.

Don’t think this couldn’t happen.

How many of you know about “Executive Order 6102”? I suspect that few people under the age of 80 do. Executive Order 6102 was signed on April 5, 1933 by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt “‘forbidding the Hoarding of Gold Coin, Gold Bullion, and Gold Certificates within the continental United States.’ The order criminalized the possession of monetary gold by any individual, partnership, association or corporation.’”

The Illinois precious metals bill was introduced by State Senator Kirk W. Dillard, a Republican. and friend, Barack Obama. “In June 2007, Dillard appeared in an Iowa TV ad touting his former state senate colleague and friend, Barack Obama.”

Read more:

Interim President...NESARA...Full Disclosure ??? (Video & Article)

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Interim President...NESARA...Full Disclosure ??? (Video & Article)
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 8-Jan-2013 18:13:02
Interim President...NESARA...Full Disclosure
by Ron Van Dyke
Reports of a shake up in Washington, DC before the Christmas holiday has been making its rounds on the Internet. It was reported that an Interim President was appointed until lawful elections could occur. John Boehner, Speaker of the House, was named for the office, being third in succession to the US Presidency. He addressed the opening session of the 113th Congress with some interesting comments. He talked about the Republic, public trust, oaths of office, allegiance to the Constitution and invoked the assistance of our Heavenly Father. He said they were sent there to do "the right thing;" and acknowledged that they are the servants of the People. Is this speech an indication that those reports are true? [Shake-up in DC:][Boehner's comments:]
Video by Ron Van Dyke:

(related topic)
"Yes, Boehner is the new Interim President. This position is not about Boehner as a person, but about the position he holds as Speaker of the House. It has been explained to me that this directly relates to NESARA law.
Look in the media- since early December he has constantly been in the news- Constantly- and his speech to open the 113th Congress gives some broad hints at the change that is coming.
VIDEO & TRANSCRIPT: Speaker Boehner’s Address at the Opening Session of the 113th Congress | Fox News Insider
Personally I don't like Boehner, and when I was initially told he had been sworn in as the Interim President my first reaction was: "WTF?!?", but I have been told that he has been put on a very short leash.
Once NESARA is announced, within a very short time frame, new constitutionally sound elections will take place and the People will choose their new president.
Right now there is a final kicking and screaming match going on by the Powers That Were- they are Terrified and absolutely Freaking Out. There is a final push to create fear and panic in the civilian population that mirrors their own dread. They have lost, and now they are faced with the final decision to make- only they can make that last choice.
We are on the cusp of change. We are about to witness full disclosure of EVERYTHING."
Read more here:
NESARA- Restore America - Galactic News: The Contrast will be Divine

The War against U.N. Agenda 21 Just Got Hotter

The War against U.N. Agenda 21 Just Got Hotter

- Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh (Bio and Archives)  Sunday, January 6, 2013
(14) Comments | Print friendly | Subscribe | Email Us

The war against U.N. Agenda 21 just got hotter in Virginia. Thinking Americans understand now what U.N. Agenda 21 is and are not backing down from fighting the anti-American, anti-prosperity, wealth redistribution scheme of the United Nations against our way of life.
The U.N. has deemed commercial agriculture unsustainable and has used taxpayer dollars and local supervisors to re-zone, re-shape, and prohibit land use for local agriculture or building that is not approved by their bio-diversity plan of limiting human habitation – all in the name of saving the planet.
Our planet does not need saving, Mother Earth is doing fine. The problem lies with progressive humans in positions of power who want to control everything we do while they line their pockets with our hard-earned taxpayer dollars.
Unfair regulatory actions against Martha Boneta, a farmer in Fauquier County, Virginia, “violate fundamental rights and unfairly restrict her property rights.” Delegate L. Scott Lingamfelter (R-Woodbridge/31st district) plans to strengthen Virginia’s Right to Farm Act and to “protect farmers against future encroachments by local government.”
Delegate Lingamfelter, who represents four of the Fauquier County’s 20 voting precincts, is planning a press conference to discuss his proposed legislation on January 8, 2013 in Richmond, Virginia. Two prominent property rights advocates will be in attendance, Joel Salatin and Mark Fitzgibbons.
“Martha Boneta’s rights have been wrongly challenged. I am bringing legislation in the 2013 session of the General Assembly to improve the Right to Farm Act here in Virginia, so small farmers like Martha will enjoy fully their property rights. It’s not about demonizing anyone in this controversy. It’s about standing by property rights and our Founder’s vision.”
Local Governments for Sustainability, formerly known as ICLEI, the International Council on Local Environmental Initiatives has been quite successful since 1992, when U.N. Agenda 21 was adopted, in infiltrating and recruiting local governments to do their bidding. When Americans exposed their nefarious plans, they have changed their name. Their main goal is to control zoning and land use.
Martha Boneta’s plight and subsequent lawsuit stemmed from a planned birthday party for eight ten-year olds on her farm. County officials notified her that she should have obtained a prior permit for hosting this party and thus would be fined $5,000 for failing to abide by the local ordinance. She was charged with two additional violations of up to $5,000 each, one for advertising a pumpkin carving and another for operating a small shop on her property from which Martha sold her fresh produce and homemade crafts. The county made these allegations without ever setting foot on her farm. The Fauquier county board of zoning appeals upheld the zoning administrator’s decision that Boneta held “temporary and/or special events without the required county approvals.”
I have written about Martha’s plight in my book, “U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy.” Martha purchased a ruined and abandoned farm under an agricultural conservation easement. Nothing in the bill of sale was mentioned that she could not farm. A lot of hard work, sweat, and tears went into breathing life into this property. She never dreamed that stumbling blocks would be placed in front of her along the way by the very Americans who are supposed to protect our freedoms.
She got a business license. She built an apiary, harvested hay, grew herbs, and rescued 165 animals, sold chicken, duck, turkey, emu eggs, candles made from beeswax, birdhouses, and fiber from llamas and alpacas.
First, she was told she could not cut grass on her property. Then she had to fence in 20 acres for two years because it was considered “hallowed ground,” although nobody died there during the Civil War, it was just an encampment area. By this rule, the whole state of Virginia should be cordoned off to any kind of use due to its many battlefields and movements of troops across the state. After two years, a “clerical error” was declared and Martha could use her land; no reimbursement for loss of property or revenue.
A trench was dug to prevent parking on her property because it might obscure the view shed. Then came the infamous pumpkin carving party that actually never took place, it was cancelled. Yet the harassment from the county and the moneyed environmentalists never stopped.  These people prefer and define farming as penny-loafer farming, running a few horses on lush endless green grass fields, nothing to grow that people would need.
The battle did not stop with Martha. Thirteen vintners filed lawsuits against the same county for not being allowed to serve wine on their premises after 6 p.m., another Fauquier County restriction passed to please one vintner who chose to close early. Why leave things alone? Force everyone to do the same, control what everyone else does.
Americans are waking up when they run into legal battles at the state and local levels involving zoning issues driven by one ultimate goal, global governance. The U.N. Agenda 21 “soft law” document is not legally binding per se but morally obligatory. Unfortunately, so many of its 40 chapters of rules have already been written into law within other laws passed by Congress and they provide specific rules and regulations about local organizations and their practices, limiting everyone’s behavior and freedom, individuals and organizations alike. Add zoning ordinances passed by local and state governments and you have a recipe for disaster, total control of what you do with your own property.
Listen to Dr. Paugh on Butler on Business (WAFS 1190), every Wednesday at 10:49 AM EST
Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh, ( Romanian Conservative) ( Romanian Conservative) is a freelance writer (Canada Free Press, Romanian Conservative,, author, radio commentator (Silvio Canto Jr. Blogtalk Radio, Butler on Business WAFS 1190, and Republic Broadcasting Network), and speaker. Her book, “Echoes of Communism, is available at Amazon in paperback and Kindle. Short essays describe health care, education, poverty, religion, social engineering, and confiscation of property. A second book, “Liberty on Life Support,” is also available at Amazon in paperback and Kindle. Her commentaries reflect American Exceptionalism, the economy, immigration, and education.Visit her website,
Dr. Johnson can be reached at:

The Contrast will be Divine


Update Jan 8th: The Contrast will be Divine

Good morning my friends!!!!! I have a lot lot lot of things to talk about today, so I think I will  plunge right in  :>)

The first thing I want to talk about is something that is upsetting many people, and I've been inundated with emails and skype messages about this.

Drake and Casper.

When I wrote the article "You have a Right to know"  I was very clear :

"What I'm going to write here is the truth as it's been told to me. As I have said several times over and over again, I do not consider anything "solid intel" unless I can get multiple confirmations from several very different sources- sources that I trust because I have already vetting their information thoroughly."

I stand by this statement 100%.  I am not going to try to convince someone else that their sources are not true.  I stand behind every single thing I wrote in this article with full KNOWING that it is Truth according to all of MY sources.  If someone elses sources disagree with the Intel that I am giving, then they have a choice:  They can believe their sources, or they can believe my sources, or they can go out and seek further information and draw their own conclusions.  This is the choice of every person who reads anything, they have Free Will to discern for themselves what to believe.  I have said this over and over again here on RTS- I am telling the information that I have, that I have vetted out and cross examined and verified between multiple sources from many many different areas.  I am bringing you the information that I have.  What YOU do with that information is completely and totally up to YOU.

I am working on patience, but it's not my strong suit, and there are days when frustration overcomes calm.  But I'm working on it.

(deep breath)

As I have said in response to several comments over the past few days, emails and skype messages:  Drake knows exactly where to find me.  He has not made a single effort to engage me in conversation of any kind on the information contained in the "You have a Right to know" article (or any other article).  Heather, Randal and Caleb's contact information is right on The People's Trust website.  Neither Drake, nor Casper has made any effort to contact them- by phone or email. My email address is posted right at the top of the RTS page and I've posted out my skype contact info several times (d.breakingthesilence in case they missed it before).  Neither Drake, nor Casper,(nor Jean) have asked me a SINGLE question about ANYTHING.

That is their choice.

oh and Casper, Heather has no idea what you are talking about with a cancelled meeting with attorneys.... none what so ever.


Yes, Boehner is the new Interim President.  This position is not about Boehner as a person, but about the position he holds as Speaker of the House.  It has been explained to me that this directly relates to NESARA law.

Look in the media- since early December he has constantly been in the news- Constantly- andhis speech to open the 113th Congress gives some broad hints at the change that is coming. Personally I don't like Boehner, and when I was initially told he had been sworn in as the Interim President my first reaction was: "WTF?!?", but I have been told that he has been put on a very short leash.

Once NESARA is announced, within a very short time frame, new constitutionally sound elections will take place and the People will choose their new president.

Right now there is a final kicking and screaming match going on by the Powers That Were- they are Terrified and absolutely Freaking Out.  There is a final push to create fear and panic in the civilian population that mirrors their own dread.  They have lost, and now they are faced with the final decision to make- only they can make that last choice.

We are on the cusp of change.  We are about to witness full disclosure of EVERYTHING.

This is what have been told. This is what believe.

I am memorizing every moment of the NOW, because the NOW is about to be so amazingly different that I want to savour the contrast. I want to remember the contradiction between what was and what is.

It will be AWESOME!

On a personal note: I am feeling MUCH better today!  Yesterday was a day of turmoil for me- besides a cold and a broken tooth, I realized that my SELF was sick through conflicting emotions and not being true to my self and my deepest understanding of Me and what I am doing here.  I had a fitful night, but woke up knowing KNOWING what the issue was and understanding.   I will work through that later today.

To thine own self be true.... Right? :>)

I know that many people are having problems accessing The People's Trust Website and the documents.  Kauilapele  has pulled all the documents into one easy to download zip file- KP you ROCK darlin!!!

Finally, I want to repost this comment by one of RTS's readers:

 iwentcrazy7 January 2013 14:30
Has ANYONE bothered to go to Pierce County Recorded Documents and LOOK at Heather's foreclosure case? The first thing I did when faced with TOPPT was to validate she existed by going to the Pierce County Auditors site and look up recorded records under the name Tucci=Jarraf.(I live in Washington so when I saw the test case mentioned in Gig Harbor...I knew to go to Pierce County, and now you know because I have shared with you, information.)
Amazing what I found. 12 entries all with PDF files of motions filed...
...But still people are waiting for Heather, AK, D or ANYONE to do the boots on the ground work for them.
Free...the protocols Heather used are in the recorded records of Pierce County Auditor.

And finally finally,  we will have the press release ready to go out very soon!!!!! I will post it here the very moment it is ready!


toppt_logo_border3I took the liberty of downloading all of the documents from theTOPPT website (, and placing them in one zip folder.
Here is a link to that folder, should you wish to download them all from a single link. The folder size is 74 MB.
A note about the file names:
  • For convenience in searching, I have prefixed each document with first, the date, and second, the document number (if available).
  • The date is written as YYMMDD (year-month-day), so that if the documents are sorted by name, all will line up chronologically.
  • The document number is as it is listed in the document.
  • Note that many of the TIF files are 2 pages.
For those wanting to track things as they move along, hopefully this will make it a bit easier.

today I received my 2013 Social Security Stimulus Package

Just wanted to let you know - today I received my 2013 Social Security Stimulus Package.
It contained two tomato seeds, cornbread mix, two discount coupons to KFC, an 'Obama Hope & Change' bumper sticker, a prayer rug, a machine to blow smoke up my ass and a 'Blame it on Bush' poster for the front yard.
The directions were in Spanish.
Yours should arrive soon.

Natural News: "Once-secret documents reveal vaccines to be total hoax"

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Natural News: "Once-secret documents reveal vaccines to be total hoax"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 8-Jan-2013 03:57:41

Hi, Folks -
From Mike Adams' Natural news e-mail newsletter:
Have you ever wondered why the people who always get vaccinated are the same people who always get sick?
It's because vaccines are a known medical hoax. This has been confirmed yet again in once-secret documents now made public:

Monday, January 7, 2013


Alex Jones on Pierce Morgan Tonight 9PM

This will be a lot of fun. Alex Jones on Pierce Morgan.



Makin Island


Gun owners in Australia

 Gun owners in Australia were forced by new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by their own government, a program costing Australia taxpayers more than $500 million dollars. The first year results: 

Australia-wide, homicides went up 3.2 percent 

Australia-wide, assaults went up 8.6 percent 

Australia-wide, armed robberies went up 44 percent (yes, 44 percent)

In the state of Victoria alone, homicides with firearms are now up 300 percent. Note that while the law-abiding citizens turned them in, the criminals did not, and criminals still possess their guns. 

It will never happen here? I bet the Aussies said that too. 

While figures over the previous 25 years showed a steady DECREASE in armed robbery with firearms, that changed drastically upward in the first  year after gun confiscation...since criminals now are guaranteed that their prey is unarmed. 

There has also been a dramatic increase in break-ins and assaults of the ELDERLY. Australian politicians are at a loss to explain how public safety  has decreased, after such monumental effort and expense was expended in successfully ridding Australian society of guns. The Australian experience and the other historical facts above prove it. 

You won't see this data on the US evening news, or hear politicians disseminating this information. 

Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and, yes, gun-control laws adversely affect only the law-abiding citizens. 

Take note my fellow Americans, before it's too late.

The next time someone talks in favor of gun control, please remind him of this history lesson. 

With Guns...........We Are "Citizens". 
Without Them........We Are "Subjects". 

During W.W.II the Japanese decided not to invade America because they knew most Americans were ARMED.

Note: Admiral Yamamoto who crafted the attack on Pearl Harbor had attended Harvard University 1919-1921 & was Naval Attaché to the U. S. 1925-28. Most of our Navy was destroyed at Pearl Harbor and our Army had been deprived of funding and was ill prepared to defend the country.

It was reported that when asked why Japan did not follow up the Pearl Harbor attack with an invasion of the U. S. Mainland, his reply was that he had lived in the U. S. and knew that almost all households had guns. 

If you value your freedom, Please spread this anti-gun control message to all your friends.