Friday, November 8, 2013

A Message From Lanto

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Blog Entry, Nov. 8, 2013.  A Message from Lanto

Lanto Speaks:

Thank you for taking this message.  I come to you with news about the planet which I know you will be of interest to you and those who read your postings.

It is a time of tremendous change, as you know.  I will give you an update on some of the happenings you could not have access to in your media.

First, the Middle East.  Iraq is still suffering under the iron fist of Maliki, but this is beginning to change.  The dictator was severely chastened by your President Obama, and has begun to cooperate because he sees he has no choice but to do so.  I cannot tell you what pressures he was able to bring to bear, but you will learn these things in due time.  Your Obama is a brilliant negotiator, and he has the force of the Universe behind him.  It is a very effective combination.

Once Maliki steps aside, accepting the offer he cannot refuse, things will begin to change more rapidly in Iraq.  The people of Iraq are tired of living in primitive conditions, without proper services like electricity and clean water.  They did not thrive as they might under Saddam, but conditions were far better.  They are a proud people, used to creating much out of little, and they are ready for a change.  They are eager to take part in their own recovery and rebuilding, but Maliki is a selfish and controlling man who has prevented growth with his heavy-handed tactics and extreme greed.  Such is the aftermath of the war your previous administration engineered.

There have been negotiations around the world, involving the leaders of every major country involving the state of the global economy.  Many countries are over-stretched economically, threatening the global security.  This is the result of the dark practices of the rich and powerful cabal, the association of the Thirteen Families - those who nearly succeeded in draining away the resources of the entire planet by funneling the riches into their own pockets.  There are a few in your government who have seen this travesty and have struggled to stanch the flow, but every time they began to gain some ground toward enlightening the people, a new strategy was hatched by the Powers That Be.

Many of you are aware that the electorate of the United States has been relentlessly manipulated and mislead by campaigns which have been funded by the cabal.  The Tea Party Movement is only the latest of these ploys to stir up hatred, discontent and division in order to neutralize the efforts of any who oppose them.  They were nearly effective recently, when they succeeded in shutting down your government for no reason other than trying to create difficulties for the President, whom they despise.

Their reasons for despising Barack Obama are the following:  He is resolutely proceeding, with great restraint and patience, to change the entire global atmosphere.  He is a Lightworker of great power, which is recognized outside his own country, and his presence is welcomed whenever a difficult negotiation takes place.  He is working with very talented and dedicated underground teams to bring fundamental change, including the global reset of currencies.  He is also actively participating, in concert with his Secretary of State Kerry, to bring peace around the world.

It has not been apparent to the citizens of the U.S. that he is having a great effect, because of the barrage of propaganda that fills your airwaves, and because he does not wish to advertise his actions.  Nevertheless, in this fifth year of his administration, things are truly beginning to move.  I will alert you to a few of those things.

The stability of the world markets, and the civil control in many countries was in jeopardy because of the economic imbalances.  The only solution would be to accomplish a redistribution of wealth, including the dissolution of the institutions which had created the problem of great debt and overwhelmingly steep payment programs which are strangling nearly every country on the globe. 

How did this come about?  Was it because of profligate spending on social services, as the world propaganda machine suggests?  Not at all.  The debts were created by the usury of National Banks around the world, which are all owned and operated by the Thirteen Families.  They had been successful in destabilizing governments around the world through war, engineered natural disasters and other trauma-producing devastation.  They then lent the money to repair the damage they had been paid to create.  It was a tremendously profitable enterprise, but it is coming to an end.

The United States will become a leader in the great Shift that is coming, in spite of the dysfunctional government of the moment.  New blood, and continued work behind the scenes will gain momentum in the coming days.  The true leaders will come forward, and those who have been elected and supported by the cabal will be exposed for the buffoons and scoundrels they really are.  The more visible bad actors were funded and supported by the so-called Tea Party, which was anything but a party of the people, but there are many more in both parties who are simply shills for the cabal.

You see, the great changes will be largely extra-governmental, as they have always been.  Your elected representatives have been largely powerless to effect change against the power of the Thirteen Families, until now.  You are now getting help from your Star Brothers and Sisters, and as you know, the Reptilians are gone.  The memory and teachings of their Dark ways is already losing its grip on the imaginations of the people, as they turn their eyes to the skies in wonder.  The stars are suddenly brighter, are they not?  Have they not become more numerous and brilliant than ever before?

Yes indeed, Dear Ones, the skies are filled with bright ships, and the astronomers are speechless.  Fortunately, your internet is carrying the news of the phenomenon.  People are seeing the pattern in their uncloakings as well.  They appear over large sporting events, where the energy is high and people are in a celebratory mood; they dance about in the skies for witnesses to document and share.  They respond to flashing lights on the ground by lighting up their green and red lights in greeting.  Their behavior suggests the playful camaraderie of friendly revelers, not threatening invaders.

All this is leading up to a marvelous, joyful culmination - a triumph of Love and perseverance.  You who have raised the vibration on the ground to such a high level have created these changes.  You will learn after your Ascension exactly how your Light  energies were instrumental in moving these changes forward.  It is the dynamic you have been taught - you create with the power of you intention.  The flow of energy which creates change is invisible to you, but it is not to us.  We see the actions and feelings of those on the ground, and we can follow the rippling effect of those actions.  It is these waves of energy and the patterns they create which give us the evidence we then use to predict how the change will unfold.

Sometimes we are a bit optimistic in our predictions, but we prefer that to discouraging you with negative news; it is not our way.  As the days passed and you became more organized in your concerted efforts to effect change energetically, the process has escalated.  The past year has been historic in the speed with which you move toward your glorious goal of Ascension for all humankind.  We congratulate you, and celebrate your success.

Now you will have a respite, Beloved Ones.  You will be given a time of rest and pleasure as you reap the rewards of your Faith and hard work.  The investments you have made in the currencies of Iraq and Vietnam will repay you handsomely, and you will create another global change by spreading the prosperity to all you meet. 

The banks in Iraq are already distributing the currency at the new rates, quietly instituting the global currency reset in their country first.  Since Iraq has recently gained status as a global trading partner, their action will signal the change around the world, and all must now follow.  You need not worry about further delays.  The work is done; it is now unfolding according to plan.

You may wonder why it is I who have come to give you this news, since your channel could give you the same information through St. Germain.  I asked to come because I wish to tell you of the tireless efforts and brilliant achievements of our Beloved Master whom you call St. Germain.  He has been the energy and the creative force behind this endeavor for centuries now, attending to the complex intricacies of the financial systems, establishing enduring connections with Lightworkers on the ground, and nudging freedom forward in every arena where a spark presents itself.  His partner, Lady Portia, has been an equally tireless and effective participant, incarnating in many overlapping lifetimes, carrying the message to the people as she does now.

Together these representatives of the Godhead have carried the torch of freedom forward, setting the pace, in step with their beloved brothers and sisters whom you know as your Ascended Masters.  They have taken a leadership role during the past centuries to prepare the way for the return of our beloved Sananda, for this, above all, is the glorious event which will inspire and lift all hearts.

It is a time of celebration, a flowering of hope, and a glorious Final Chapter which reveals the great Truth that Love truly does indeed conquer all.  You are here to take part in the great celebration, the Ascension of Planet Earth - you, the hardworking beacons of Light and Love who have made it possible.  I bring you this message of gratitude and admiration from the Company of Heaven.  We love you without end; we cry tears of joy as we watch the final unfoldment of this Great Earthly Adventure.  We are One with you, and we await your triumphant return to the Fifth Dimension as cosmic heroes. 


I am Lanto.

Via Kathryn E. May, on October 8, 2013, 7 am.  EST

"Houston, we have a problem! Something is Not Right!"

Reader: "Houston, we have a problem! Something is Not Right!"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 8-Nov-2013 00:33:00

(Thanks, j. :)
(That the CIA has "talked about doing a grid-down" is based on one person's telling Ben Fulford something, which might or might not be true. Even if true, it's one thing to plan something, but another thing to carry it out. :)
Reader j. writes in follow-up:
Please take this email as serious as I send it. This is a follow up email.
Tonight a teacher in North Tarrant County, Elementary School, told me of drills they had in the last weeks which scared her and her students so bad she quit!!!!
This is my neighbor! Not normal drills, Please dear God take this seriously.
What is this Urban Shield drill in North Central Texas about, and why has the C.I.A. talked about doing a grid down on the 11th, and the GridX 2 planned a grid down for Nov. 13-14th?
Houston, we have a problem! Something is Not Right!
Please tell me I am wrong on this...Please.....Or is this all bullsh*t, and they are just screwing with us?
I don't think so, and I so hope I am wrong.

Adam Kokesh Pleads Guilty To Gun & Marijuana Charges, Faces Six Years In Prison

Adam Kokesh Pleads Guilty To Gun & Marijuana Charges, Faces Six Years In Prison

1 day ago | Politics, US | Posted by Kristin Tate

Libertarian activist Adam Kokesh was arrested in July for uploading a video of himself loading a shotgun in D.C.’s Freedom Plaza.
D.C. gun laws are some of the strictest in the U.S. As reported by ABC News, “The District has a litany of laws on the books that make it more difficult to obtain some firearms, impossible to obtain others, and illegal to carry any loaded gun in the city.” Just being in D.C. with a loaded firearm, even if it is legally registered, is a violation of the law. D.C. laws also ban gun owners from carrying firearms openly or concealed in public.
On July 9, not even a week after producing and uploading his video, Kokesh’s home was raided by a SWAT team. He spent over 120 days in jail with no bond, no bail, and no trial. 57 of those days were spent in solitary confinement.
On Wednesday, Kokesh pled guilty to to carrying a rifle or shotgun, possession of an unregistered firearm and unlawful possession of ammunition. He also pled guilty to possession of marijuana in Washington, DC. He will now be released from jail while he awaits his sentencing on January 17.
Just two weeks ago, Kokesh pled not guilty to the charges, claiming he was merely exercising his constitutional rights.  However, on October 23, Kokesh’s attorney Peter Cooper randomly quit his case. After the court appointed the activist a new attorney, he decided to plead guilty.
At this time, it is unknown why Cooper suddenly quit the case. Kokesh’s manager, Jeffrey Phillips, said, “Cooper is a buddy of Adam and represents him whenever he gets in D.C. trouble. There’s no reason for him to just leave other than [the feds] got to him. He was scared away by the government basically. The court appointed Adam a new lawyer who has no idea what he is getting himself into. They obviously do not want him to have a good lawyer, and we had a good lawyer.”
While Kokesh awaits his January sentencing, he is not allowed in the District of Columbia and must report to supervising authorities once per week. He is also not allowed to own any firearms.
Kokesh could spend over six years in prison, but his friends and family maintain that he is not a danger to society.
His girlfriend Carey Wedler said, “While everyone may not agree with Adam’s way of doing things, he is and has always been very peaceful. He has never been a dangerous person.”
We will keep you up-to-date on Kokesh’s situation as news breaks. See our piece from last week with exclusive interviews here.

Read more:

US Senate Panel Approves Funding For NSA Spying

Everyone of those Parasites in our White House need to be arrested and charged with Treason for having to do with all the NSA, DHS and all other illegal agencies out to do harm to HUMANITY !!!!!

US Senate Panel Approves Funding For NSA Spying

The US Senate Intelligence Committee has passed a bill that would allow the National Security Agency and other departments to keep receiving funding amid an international uproar over revelations about US spying activities.
During a closed-door session on Tuesday, the committee voted 13-2 for the bill which would also include new funding for technology to counter "insider threats" like leaks of classified information.


Obama Signs Dictatorial Executive Order Imposing Debunked Climate Change Policies

Obama Signs Dictatorial Executive Order Imposing Debunked Climate Change Policies

The latest unconstitutional EO establishes a task force of state and local officials "to advise the administration on how to respond to severe storms, wildfires, droughts and other potential impacts of climate change." according to Fox News.
The EO lumps extreme weather events under the discredited rubric of climate change. It will mandate new federal building codes under Agenda 21's "sustainability" and promises to "address climate impacts and infrastructure needs." The order was praised by the EPA and its administrator, Gina McCarthy, who said it serves as a "roadmap for agency work" and forces the nation to face what it deems are "climate-related challenges."


Right Beneath Your Feet: The Hidden Reality Of Deep Underground Military Bases

Right Beneath Your Feet: The Hidden Reality Of Deep Underground Military Bases

The U.S. Government alone classifies over 500 million pages of documents each year. As far as transparency goes, there is none. How can we know anything about what is happening on our planet if so much information is hidden from the public domain? By now, the classified world has moved far beyond the reach of the public, and far beyond in its power and capabilities with regards to technology, scientific and cosmological knowledge and more.(1).
"According to our best estimates, more than half of all U.S. government records are classified. For an archivist seeking to preserve and understand our history, that means most of our history is kept secret from us, think about that for a moment " -- Richard Dolan
source: www.coll</A< A>>
<HR< A>

The Perfect Home for Liberals !!! Their Own Gated Community!!

HMN The Perfect Home for Liberals !!! Their Own Gated Community!!
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 30-Sep-2013 02:57:02

The Perfect Home for Liberals
Never thought about it this way before....

Their own "Gated community"!

Shark Tank

Subject: WH Staff Told Obama to Drop Obamacare/ Perry Dumps On Crist/ GOP Looks To Impeach Eric Holder

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President Obama’s former speechwriter, Jon Favreau, who the President grew close to and referred to as his “mind reader,” spoke to a group of 

The Republican dog pile on former Republican-turned-Independent-turned-Democrat, Charlie Crist’s recently announced gubernatorial candidacy 

Republican Congressman Ted Yoho from Florida announced that a group of House Republicans are planning to impeach Attorney General Eric Holder. 

Shocking video footages shows 22-year-old Michael Saffioti dying from an allergic reaction in his jail cell. As he died, guards ignored his repeated 

The ever-evolving political chameleon, Charlie Crist, came out swinging at Governor Rick Scott during his gubernatorial campaign announcement. He 

Here are the 46 senators that voted to give your rights to the U.N.

Over the a weekend, we came four votes away from the US Senate giving our Constitutional rights over to the United Nations. In a 53-46 vote, the senate narrowly passed a measure that will stop the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty.   
The Statement of Purpose from the Bill reads:      "To uphold Second Amendment rights and prevent the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty."     
The U.N. Small Arms Treaty, which has been championed by the Obama Administration, would have effectively placed a global ban on the import and export of small firearms. The ban would have affected all private gun owners in the U.S., and had language that would have implemented an international gun registry on all private guns and ammo.     

Astonishingly, 46 our of our 100 United States Senators were willing to give away our Constitutional rights to a foreign power.     
 Here are the 46 senators that voted to give your rights to the U.N.     
 Baldwin (D-WI)      Baucus (D-MT)      Bennett (D-CO)     Blumenthal (D-CT)   Boxer (D-CA)
Brown (D-OH)      Cantwell (D-WA)      Cardin (D-MD)      Carper (D-DE)        Casey (D-PA)
Coons (D-DE)      Cowan (D-MA)      Durbin (D-IL)    
Feinstein (D-CA)   Franken (D-MN)   Gillibrand (D-NY)   Harkin (D-IA)    Hirono (D-HI)
Johnson (D-SD)      Kaine (D-VA)      King (I-ME)    Klobuchar (D-MN)      Landrieu(D-LA)
Leahy (D-VT)        Levin (D-MI)    McCaskill (D-MO)    Menendez (D-NJ)     Merkley (D-OR)
Mikulski (D-MD)      Murphy (D-CT
Murray (D-WA)      Nelson (D-FL)      Reed (D-RI)      Reid (D-NV)      Rockefeller (D-WV)
Sanders (I-VT)      Schatz (D-HI)      Schumer (D-NY)      Shaheen (D-NH)      Stabenow(D-MI)
Udall (D-CO)      Udall (D-NM)      Warner (D-VA)      Warren (D-MA)      Whitehouse (D-RI)
Wyden (D-OR)    

   I count 44 Democrats and 2 Independents.

People:   This needs to go viral.  These Senators voted to let the UN take OUR guns.  They need to lose their next election.  We have been betrayed.  46 Senators Voted to Give your 2nd Amendment Constitutional Rights to the U.N.!      Please send this to EVERYONE!  

Only 5 In Congress Show Up To See Drone Victims - Vid

 Only 5 In Congress Show Up To See Drone Victims - Vid

Only In Amerika - Land Of The Boiling Frogs

 Just to you. Read the 1st artical, then scroll down to the Video, under,"If that isn't enough".    Irvin

Only In Amerika - Land Of The Boiling Frogs

Video:The "Alien Agenda," Soul Extraction & Spychiatry ◕ Preston James w/ Jeff Rense

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Video:The "Alien Agenda," Soul Extraction & Spychiatry ◕ Preston James w/ Jeff Rense
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 8-Nov-2013 05:24:01

The "Alien Agenda," Soul Extraction & Spychiatry ◕ Preston James w/ Jeff Rense 11.6.13
Published on Nov 7, 2013 By urupiper2
Alien Agenda II: Softkill
by Preston James
[ Note: The subject of this article is noticeably incredulous to those that are uninformed of the basic related evidence. Unless you have read and studied the history of Roswell, know about Dr. Steven Greer's disclosure project, what happened at Roswell, and the Alien Agenda, it is recommended that you don't waste your time reading this article.]
As some insiders at the highest levels know, there is an "Alien Agenda" controlling the USG that is administered by top Policy-Makers who sit at the top of the "Pyramid of Control" (POC) comprised of several notorius individuals who occupy the top positions of the Secret Shadow Government (SSG). (1)
This POC which controls the SSG is also known by insiders as the top leadership of Majestic-12 (aka Majesty 12 or MJ-12). Some have called this the "Circle of 12″ but at this time, it has not been publicly reported or verified who these individuals actually are, although many have some well justified suspicions.
These folks are several "senior policy makers" who determine the course that the visible, ceremonial or "pretend" US Government takes.
These few top Policy-Makers at the top of the POC have essentially hijacked the USG by taking the controls of the SSG (aka the "Military Industrial Complex") which emerged as a parallel government during WW2 and rose to complete, unchallenged power after Roswell, using the Alien ETs and their "need" to protect the secret of anti-gravity craft, using it as an excuse to set up a "National Security State" and institute spying and counter-espionage against the American People.
Continue article here:
The Jeff Rense Program
November 6th, 2013


Posted By: Dave404 [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 8-Nov-2013 02:21:23

From CouragousNerdsz -

Thursday, November 7, 2013

ISON Battle Rages 2 ET Invasion Fleet Being Repelled by Sovereign Chrononaut Soldiers & CLS Defense Fleet

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

ISON Battle Rages 2 ET Invasion Fleet Being Repelled by Sovereign Chrononaut Soldiers & CLS Defense Fleet
Posted By: mroxygen [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 7-Nov-2013 20:43:04

ISON Battle Rages ET Invasion Fleet Being Repelled by Sovereign Chrononaut Soldiers & CLS Defense Fleet
The huge battle started raging about 48+ hours ago, around noon (PST) of November 5th, 2013. There was a temporary truce as the invading ETs conferred. As of last evening there has been a 70% drop in the energy of the battles still going on.
There are millions of alien races and countless battles with them as my previous writings on this subject have detailed since 2010. This current invasion is the most visible to us and the most “physical” yet. Normally an invasion of this magnitude against an out-gunned out-classed backward planet like ours would be successful, but this time there was a serious hitch. We now have BIG friends that we did not have last time they were here!
The Creation Lightship Light Beings, unlike us, manifest here directly from SOURCE (that created us all) as needed. They do so without going through what we have, our usual within-time ET federation slaver dumbing down memory wipes, chakra disconnections, mind capacity throttling, and re-incarnational/unsolvable karma glued to an in-time body programming.
So, THIS time it’s different. Invasion of Earth plus CLS protection of Earth equals invaders losing.
This is because the Creation Lightship comes here every 2,000 years and offers any of the remaining minority of humans with Spirits that are willing to clear out their programming ( the way back HOME to the timeless worlds of the Universal Light Free Will Free Choice Now Peace. That is, back to from where we fell out of so long ago.
This time it is the invader’s bad fortune to choose to invade Earth during the time of our being under the protection of the CLS forces. The real Ascension is of unknown date, but the process started February of 2008.
So, the 4 factions of invading ET slavers are screwed, as they are suddenly facing our own secret CLS-upgraded multi-time multi-nationality planetary defense forces that can dimension-shift and time-travel and do battle with Source Energy weaponry, ALONG WITH the timeless undefeatable Light Beings themselves. They obviously picked the wrong planet to invade at the worst possible time. 100 years ago we would have been toast. Not today.
SOURCE is all about No Judgment, Free Will, Free Choice, and Peace, but does naturally reserve the right to defend its existence even after having parts of IT (Us) stuffed into powering these body bags.
There are 4 basic factions or possibly races that make up the invading forces. (It is hard to describe as so many names are being tossed about.) Their cover story for the invasion is that the ET slaver races that created the human life forms and imprisoned our Spirits within them are returning to “adjust” their hybrid children, the planet managers they left behind who have been displeasing their slaver parents.
We were all warned by physical contactee Alex Collier that the world controllers would throw their current mid-level manager offspring under the bus to make us think we are free, and so we will stop looking for them. But, you must remember this ruse is being attempted during the ongoing mind control and constant programming of your thoughts and life – programming that you are incapable of being aware of - without having many CLS clearings. It just hums merrily along inside you.
The Creation Lightship however, informs us of the following: The big December of 2012 ascension everyone expected actually did happen, but unfortunately it consisted of 90% of the human race being abducted, cloned, and replaced. Because of their aggregate free will choices resulting in giving up their wills and Spirits to darkness, this 90% of us could not be saved. This 90%’s replacements – now as spiritless clones - were slotted right back in here amongst us, and all programs adjusted so that nothing was noticed or said.
You can see the new clones now as having no radiant life energy, almost like they are the lively walking dead. Do you remember the from-the-future traveler warning us that the human race would be destroyed last December? Do you remember my written warnings before that, that this would be the last chance for most to start doing the CLS clearings?
We presently do not know exactly which ET race or races pulled this December abduction off, but again, there was no protection available for those who already chose to be darkness. There was so little actual Spirit left in them they were considered already gone.
However, clones, as a life form, LISTEN UP! You may now choose to get your own Spirits and apply for CLS protection. I advise this as necessary, because…
THE REAL REASON FOR THE ISON INVASION is that the slaver ETS have come to harvest the human clones as food. Apparently they prefer the many varieties and different flavors of how we taste. We have postulated that cloned humans as food (“Now with Chunks of Spirit!”) is in scarcity. Why else would they fight to get it?
As I previously said;
“The ISON “Comet” hid the ET slaver invasion fleet of ships within and behind the ISON comet coma. The deception has been met head on in space/dimension/and time battles by the combined might of our secret underground time traveling sovereign soldiers recruited from almost all of our earth countries.
“The Sovereign Chrononauts are fighting side by side in alliance with the unbeatable Creation Lightship Defense Fleet. Although outnumbered 100 to 1, our forces are prevailing.“
There were 2 main battlefronts. One in “the beyondo” (A space dimensional portal opening), and the other nearer Earth. The invaders had 25 outposts behind the moon. Their 1 hour truce conference revealed one of the four factions wanted to back out completely, but the majority forced everyone to continue the attempted invasion.
The returning elder human slavers must have expected to easily overcome the Earthlings and take over the planet. They saw our remaining 10% as no threat.
Do they have memory problems? Their previous Nibiru planet/ship was almost completely exterminated by the Creation Lightship Defense Fleet Forces because they had just instigated the Fukishima mass murders. We can assume they have little experience battling our sovereign military forces backed up by CLS forces. If they knew what they were doing, then they would be smart enough to not bother.
Here is my previous report on the Extermination of the Nibiru deathstar.
Check the RMN record. On March 22nd, 2011, I published/announced that Creation Lightship (CLS) Forces working with Constitution loving underground U.S.A. time-travelling Sovereign Soldiers forces had just completely dissolved/destroyed "The Destroyer" / Nibiru.
Nibiru was energy-signature-trail traced back to the darkness sponsored ETs on Nibiru as being the prime cause of all the deaths and destruction in the tsunami attack on Japan. If not for the Earth chrononauts quick action, we would have lost the whole country of Japan. If not for the CLS timeline crashes, the radiation levels would have been unlivable.
In the action, SOURCE's Timeless NOW Highest of All Pure Light Energy - above all "vibration," time and dimension - was infused into all the alien Spiritless ET negativity at such a concentrated high level that they simply could no longer exist.
They and their "undefeatable" deathstar planet sized ship dissolved on the spot. CLS is as serious as a heart attack about protecting Itself (Our Spirits,) - Its Creation here. Arrogant ET invaders and their Earth Minions are seriously advised to take note and leave.
Note for any invasion ground agents, spies, and saboteurs. Your backup is being destroyed wholesale. Now it’s just you, alone here, about to be exposed. Because you are highly programmed you will probably be too arrogant to listen, but we try. Give it up. There is no cause left to sacrifice for. Give it up. Help is available. Get out from being controlled. Ask CLS for your own Spirit!
 16  15  0  0  0

Obama Is Qualified

Obama Is Qualified
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 7-Nov-2013 09:17:31
This lady's description of the O she knew is part and parcel of 'what it takes make it to the top' in Corporate politics, and explains why everyone covers for him.
You could take her description of O, and transfer it to MOST of Corpo-rat(e) DC, and it would still fit.
Ask Dennis Kucinich how many strait shooters - honest people - get to be heard in DC gangsterland.
In the business of fascist, Corporate-serving politics, the dirtier you are, the higher you climb.
That's why O is the perfect puppet.
No leadership skills. Totally self-focused, narcissistic megalomaniac, and a past-present that is the exact opposite of what his public handlers want to portray.
Control and blackmail of individuals like O, is easy as taking candy from a baby.
Why do you think the controller factions put him there to begin with?
If you look at the rest of the gangsters on Capitol Hill that are not one iota better, is it any wonder WHY DC is in the shape it is?
The Band - The Shape I'm In
Uploaded on Jun 9, 2009 By TheRedunzl
From "The Last Waltz"
: Sent to us from a RMN reader.. Manning is out to get Obummer,
: for sure but if this is true and I were this woman, I'd go
: into deep hiding.

: Susoni
: **************************************

: Gotta watch this. This lady says Obama was a consummate liar,
: drug user and known homosexual. She claims to have known
: him personally in school. M


Game Time --- Checklist time again

On Thursday, November 7, 2013 1:21 PM, Bix Weir <> wrote:
The take down of the Foreign Exchange Division heads at the largest trading firms is happening now so there is very little left for the Good Guys to do before the Global Meltdown. It is time to be prepared and focused on what to look for. This weekend National Geographic is airing a docudrama on how it will look if we lose power in the US...and next week all the power companies are running a nationwide "simulation" of a total grid blackout. Hmmm.

Everything else points in the same more talk of "Green Shoots" on the horizon. It is game time so I thought I'd post my old "Checklist" article once again. You can never be too prepared...

A Final Checklist for Everyone

I don't know when it will all culminate. I know there are plans in place for a fairly smooth transition but I don't know if they will work or will be accepted by the masses. Nobody does. And nobody knows HOW LONG it will take to get back on our feet.

I also really don't know WHEN the Battles for our freedom will be visible once again (as they were in 2008). Clearly the markets are on a rigged lock down so don't look for clues there.  But I have my suspicions as I outlined in the Timeline article for Private Road Subscribers here:

Timeline on the Road to RootA

Tomorrow I will post a very extensive Friday Road Trip for subscribers to chew on over the weekend. Lots and lots to talk about on our Road to Root-A!!

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony et al.

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony et al.
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 7-Nov-2013 17:34:27

Hi, Folks -
M = "Maliki" (Nouri al-Maliki, prime minister of Iraq)
Found at
11-7-2013 Intel Guru Frank26 As for M's speech...He is doing it AGAIN!!! Over 3 weeks ago M made a recording of a speech he was to release once he got the Football from O. Was to release it today. He is defiant ...Did it without warning yesterday LIVE. Mistake...Because he did his version ...NOT the one that was agreed on. Then on top of all this he makes statements that he should not have done. He will eventually make good for our investment but apparently we have to watch his temper tantrums for awhile first.
11-7-2013 Intel Guru TNT Tony ... M did do a speech at 8 am Iraq time. Most of the people who saw it say it looked like a prerecorded speech. While it was a good speech (I believe this is the case, or VP Biden would not have done his speech behind it),it was not the speech that they wanted. But guess what, about 1 1/2 hours ago, M came back and did another speech. This was the speech that they wanted him to make and everything is on schedule. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
11-7-2013 Intel Guru TNT Tony The banks have once again been put on call (30 mins to get there when called). Everyone who thinks they know the timeline is still comfortable with this happening anytime in the next 24 - 48 hours. Let's see what the rest of the day brings. It is looking like a great one so far. [post 2 of 2]