Lanto Speaks:
Thank you for taking this message. I come to you with news about
the planet which I know you will be of interest to you and those who
read your postings.
It is a time of tremendous change, as you know. I will give you
an update on some of the happenings you could not have access to in your
First, the Middle East. Iraq is still suffering under the iron
fist of Maliki, but this is beginning to change. The dictator was
severely chastened by your President Obama, and has begun to cooperate
because he sees he has no choice but to do so. I cannot tell you
what pressures he was able to bring to bear, but you will learn these
things in due time. Your Obama is a brilliant negotiator, and he
has the force of the Universe behind him. It is a very effective
Once Maliki steps aside, accepting the offer he cannot refuse, things
will begin to change more rapidly in Iraq. The people of Iraq are
tired of living in primitive conditions, without proper services like
electricity and clean water. They did not thrive as they might
under Saddam, but conditions were far better. They are a proud
people, used to creating much out of little, and they are ready for a
change. They are eager to take part in their own recovery and
rebuilding, but Maliki is a selfish and controlling man who has
prevented growth with his heavy-handed tactics and extreme greed.
Such is the aftermath of the war your previous administration
There have been negotiations around the world, involving the leaders of
every major country involving the state of the global economy.
Many countries are over-stretched economically, threatening the global
security. This is the result of the dark practices of the rich
and powerful cabal, the association of the Thirteen Families - those
who nearly succeeded in draining away the resources of the entire
planet by funneling the riches into their own pockets. There are
a few in your government who have seen this travesty and have struggled
to stanch the flow, but every time they began to gain some ground
toward enlightening the people, a new strategy was hatched by the
Powers That Be.
Many of you are aware that the electorate of the United States has been
relentlessly manipulated and mislead by campaigns which have been
funded by the cabal. The Tea Party Movement is only the latest of
these ploys to stir up hatred, discontent and division in order to
neutralize the efforts of any who oppose them. They were nearly
effective recently, when they succeeded in shutting down your
government for no reason other than trying to create difficulties for
the President, whom they despise.
Their reasons for despising Barack Obama are the following: He is
resolutely proceeding, with great restraint and patience, to change the
entire global atmosphere. He is a Lightworker of great power,
which is recognized outside his own country, and his presence is
welcomed whenever a difficult negotiation takes place. He is
working with very talented and dedicated underground teams to bring
fundamental change, including the global reset of currencies. He
is also actively participating, in concert with his Secretary of State
Kerry, to bring peace around the world.
It has not been apparent to the citizens of the U.S. that he is having
a great effect, because of the barrage of propaganda that fills your
airwaves, and because he does not wish to advertise his actions.
Nevertheless, in this fifth year of his administration, things are
truly beginning to move. I will alert you to a few of those
The stability of the world markets, and the civil control in many
countries was in jeopardy because of the economic imbalances. The
only solution would be to accomplish a redistribution of wealth,
including the dissolution of the institutions which had created the
problem of great debt and overwhelmingly steep payment programs which
are strangling nearly every country on the globe.
How did this come about? Was it because of profligate spending on
social services, as the world propaganda machine suggests? Not at
all. The debts were created by the usury of National Banks around
the world, which are all owned and operated by the Thirteen
Families. They had been successful in destabilizing governments
around the world through war, engineered natural disasters and other
trauma-producing devastation. They then lent the money to repair
the damage they had been paid to create. It was a tremendously
profitable enterprise, but it is coming to an end.
The United States will become a leader in the great Shift that is
coming, in spite of the dysfunctional government of the moment.
New blood, and continued work behind the scenes will gain momentum in
the coming days. The true leaders will come forward, and those
who have been elected and supported by the cabal will be exposed for
the buffoons and scoundrels they really are. The more visible bad
actors were funded and supported by the so-called Tea Party, which was
anything but a party of the people, but there are many more in both
parties who are simply shills for the cabal.
You see, the great changes will be largely extra-governmental, as they
have always been. Your elected representatives have been largely
powerless to effect change against the power of the Thirteen Families,
until now. You are now getting help from your Star Brothers and Sisters,
and as you know, the Reptilians are gone. The memory and
teachings of their Dark ways is already losing its grip on the
imaginations of the people, as they turn their eyes to the skies in
wonder. The stars are suddenly brighter, are they not? Have
they not become more numerous and brilliant than ever before?
Yes indeed, Dear Ones, the skies are filled with bright ships, and the
astronomers are speechless. Fortunately, your internet is
carrying the news of the phenomenon. People are seeing the
pattern in their uncloakings as well. They appear over large
sporting events, where the energy is high and people are in a
celebratory mood; they dance about in the skies for witnesses to
document and share. They respond to flashing lights on the ground
by lighting up their green and red lights in greeting. Their
behavior suggests the playful camaraderie of friendly revelers, not
threatening invaders.
All this is leading up to a marvelous, joyful culmination - a triumph
of Love and perseverance. You who have raised the vibration on
the ground to such a high level have created these changes. You
will learn after your Ascension exactly how your Light energies
were instrumental in moving these changes forward. It is the
dynamic you have been taught - you create with the power of you
intention. The flow of energy which creates change is invisible
to you, but it is not to us. We see the actions and feelings of
those on the ground, and we can follow the rippling effect of those
actions. It is these waves of energy and the patterns they create
which give us the evidence we then use to predict how the change will
Sometimes we are a bit optimistic in our predictions, but we prefer
that to discouraging you with negative news; it is not our way.
As the days passed and you became more organized in your concerted
efforts to effect change energetically, the process has
escalated. The past year has been historic in the speed with
which you move toward your glorious goal of Ascension for all
humankind. We congratulate you, and celebrate your success.
Now you will have a respite, Beloved Ones. You will be given a
time of rest and pleasure as you reap the rewards of your Faith and
hard work. The investments you have made in the currencies of
Iraq and Vietnam will repay you handsomely, and you will create another
global change by spreading the prosperity to all you meet.
The banks in Iraq are already distributing the currency at the new
rates, quietly instituting the global currency reset in their country
first. Since Iraq has recently gained status as a global trading
partner, their action will signal the change around the world, and all
must now follow. You need not worry about further delays.
The work is done; it is now unfolding according to plan.
You may wonder why it is I who have come to give you this news, since
your channel could give you the same information through St.
Germain. I asked to come because I wish to tell you of the
tireless efforts and brilliant achievements of our Beloved Master whom
you call St. Germain. He has been the energy and the creative
force behind this endeavor for centuries now, attending to the complex
intricacies of the financial systems, establishing enduring connections
with Lightworkers on the ground, and nudging freedom forward in every
arena where a spark presents itself. His partner, Lady Portia,
has been an equally tireless and effective participant, incarnating in
many overlapping lifetimes, carrying the message to the people as she
does now.
Together these representatives of the Godhead have carried the torch of
freedom forward, setting the pace, in step with their beloved brothers
and sisters whom you know as your Ascended Masters. They have
taken a leadership role during the past centuries to prepare the way
for the return of our beloved Sananda, for this, above all, is the
glorious event which will inspire and lift all hearts.
It is a time of celebration, a flowering of hope, and a glorious Final
Chapter which reveals the great Truth that Love truly does indeed conquer
all. You are here to take part in the great celebration, the
Ascension of Planet Earth - you, the hardworking beacons of Light and
Love who have made it possible. I bring you this message of
gratitude and admiration from the Company of Heaven. We love you
without end; we cry tears of joy as we watch the final unfoldment of
this Great Earthly Adventure. We are One with you, and we await
your triumphant return to the Fifth Dimension as cosmic heroes.
I am Lanto.
Via Kathryn E. May, on October 8, 2013, 7 am. EST
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