Thursday, November 7, 2013

ISON Battle Rages 2 ET Invasion Fleet Being Repelled by Sovereign Chrononaut Soldiers & CLS Defense Fleet

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

ISON Battle Rages 2 ET Invasion Fleet Being Repelled by Sovereign Chrononaut Soldiers & CLS Defense Fleet
Posted By: mroxygen [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 7-Nov-2013 20:43:04

ISON Battle Rages ET Invasion Fleet Being Repelled by Sovereign Chrononaut Soldiers & CLS Defense Fleet
The huge battle started raging about 48+ hours ago, around noon (PST) of November 5th, 2013. There was a temporary truce as the invading ETs conferred. As of last evening there has been a 70% drop in the energy of the battles still going on.
There are millions of alien races and countless battles with them as my previous writings on this subject have detailed since 2010. This current invasion is the most visible to us and the most “physical” yet. Normally an invasion of this magnitude against an out-gunned out-classed backward planet like ours would be successful, but this time there was a serious hitch. We now have BIG friends that we did not have last time they were here!
The Creation Lightship Light Beings, unlike us, manifest here directly from SOURCE (that created us all) as needed. They do so without going through what we have, our usual within-time ET federation slaver dumbing down memory wipes, chakra disconnections, mind capacity throttling, and re-incarnational/unsolvable karma glued to an in-time body programming.
So, THIS time it’s different. Invasion of Earth plus CLS protection of Earth equals invaders losing.
This is because the Creation Lightship comes here every 2,000 years and offers any of the remaining minority of humans with Spirits that are willing to clear out their programming ( the way back HOME to the timeless worlds of the Universal Light Free Will Free Choice Now Peace. That is, back to from where we fell out of so long ago.
This time it is the invader’s bad fortune to choose to invade Earth during the time of our being under the protection of the CLS forces. The real Ascension is of unknown date, but the process started February of 2008.
So, the 4 factions of invading ET slavers are screwed, as they are suddenly facing our own secret CLS-upgraded multi-time multi-nationality planetary defense forces that can dimension-shift and time-travel and do battle with Source Energy weaponry, ALONG WITH the timeless undefeatable Light Beings themselves. They obviously picked the wrong planet to invade at the worst possible time. 100 years ago we would have been toast. Not today.
SOURCE is all about No Judgment, Free Will, Free Choice, and Peace, but does naturally reserve the right to defend its existence even after having parts of IT (Us) stuffed into powering these body bags.
There are 4 basic factions or possibly races that make up the invading forces. (It is hard to describe as so many names are being tossed about.) Their cover story for the invasion is that the ET slaver races that created the human life forms and imprisoned our Spirits within them are returning to “adjust” their hybrid children, the planet managers they left behind who have been displeasing their slaver parents.
We were all warned by physical contactee Alex Collier that the world controllers would throw their current mid-level manager offspring under the bus to make us think we are free, and so we will stop looking for them. But, you must remember this ruse is being attempted during the ongoing mind control and constant programming of your thoughts and life – programming that you are incapable of being aware of - without having many CLS clearings. It just hums merrily along inside you.
The Creation Lightship however, informs us of the following: The big December of 2012 ascension everyone expected actually did happen, but unfortunately it consisted of 90% of the human race being abducted, cloned, and replaced. Because of their aggregate free will choices resulting in giving up their wills and Spirits to darkness, this 90% of us could not be saved. This 90%’s replacements – now as spiritless clones - were slotted right back in here amongst us, and all programs adjusted so that nothing was noticed or said.
You can see the new clones now as having no radiant life energy, almost like they are the lively walking dead. Do you remember the from-the-future traveler warning us that the human race would be destroyed last December? Do you remember my written warnings before that, that this would be the last chance for most to start doing the CLS clearings?
We presently do not know exactly which ET race or races pulled this December abduction off, but again, there was no protection available for those who already chose to be darkness. There was so little actual Spirit left in them they were considered already gone.
However, clones, as a life form, LISTEN UP! You may now choose to get your own Spirits and apply for CLS protection. I advise this as necessary, because…
THE REAL REASON FOR THE ISON INVASION is that the slaver ETS have come to harvest the human clones as food. Apparently they prefer the many varieties and different flavors of how we taste. We have postulated that cloned humans as food (“Now with Chunks of Spirit!”) is in scarcity. Why else would they fight to get it?
As I previously said;
“The ISON “Comet” hid the ET slaver invasion fleet of ships within and behind the ISON comet coma. The deception has been met head on in space/dimension/and time battles by the combined might of our secret underground time traveling sovereign soldiers recruited from almost all of our earth countries.
“The Sovereign Chrononauts are fighting side by side in alliance with the unbeatable Creation Lightship Defense Fleet. Although outnumbered 100 to 1, our forces are prevailing.“
There were 2 main battlefronts. One in “the beyondo” (A space dimensional portal opening), and the other nearer Earth. The invaders had 25 outposts behind the moon. Their 1 hour truce conference revealed one of the four factions wanted to back out completely, but the majority forced everyone to continue the attempted invasion.
The returning elder human slavers must have expected to easily overcome the Earthlings and take over the planet. They saw our remaining 10% as no threat.
Do they have memory problems? Their previous Nibiru planet/ship was almost completely exterminated by the Creation Lightship Defense Fleet Forces because they had just instigated the Fukishima mass murders. We can assume they have little experience battling our sovereign military forces backed up by CLS forces. If they knew what they were doing, then they would be smart enough to not bother.
Here is my previous report on the Extermination of the Nibiru deathstar.
Check the RMN record. On March 22nd, 2011, I published/announced that Creation Lightship (CLS) Forces working with Constitution loving underground U.S.A. time-travelling Sovereign Soldiers forces had just completely dissolved/destroyed "The Destroyer" / Nibiru.
Nibiru was energy-signature-trail traced back to the darkness sponsored ETs on Nibiru as being the prime cause of all the deaths and destruction in the tsunami attack on Japan. If not for the Earth chrononauts quick action, we would have lost the whole country of Japan. If not for the CLS timeline crashes, the radiation levels would have been unlivable.
In the action, SOURCE's Timeless NOW Highest of All Pure Light Energy - above all "vibration," time and dimension - was infused into all the alien Spiritless ET negativity at such a concentrated high level that they simply could no longer exist.
They and their "undefeatable" deathstar planet sized ship dissolved on the spot. CLS is as serious as a heart attack about protecting Itself (Our Spirits,) - Its Creation here. Arrogant ET invaders and their Earth Minions are seriously advised to take note and leave.
Note for any invasion ground agents, spies, and saboteurs. Your backup is being destroyed wholesale. Now it’s just you, alone here, about to be exposed. Because you are highly programmed you will probably be too arrogant to listen, but we try. Give it up. There is no cause left to sacrifice for. Give it up. Help is available. Get out from being controlled. Ask CLS for your own Spirit!
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Anonymous said...

I think the important thing to remember here is this video...

A False Flag Alien Invasion..(The last card to fall). In her own words Carol Rosin tells the story of working with Von Braun the scientist that helped pioneer alien technology and his final words to her on his death bed so to speak.

I would not believe that these ET;s are here to harm us for there has been overwhelming evidence that all they wish for us is for us find ourselves. In my opinion, that single most import thing to remember. Don't loose yourself in all of this because as they say the truth is stranger than fiction.

Jay W said...

Just another 10 cent fiction novel , yea lets save the U.N. , obama pelosi ried durbin IRS Wall Street , The queen Vatican all because they are such great people and leaders . what pure Bull Shit..............