Wednesday, December 11, 2013

It couldn’t be any more clearer of the antithesis of the current ‘government’ compared to the Government of the Original Republic!

Dear Patriots (bcc herein w/permission to forward),

  Can anyone today continue to deny what they are seeing on a daily & on-going basis- the Complete & Total Transformation of a Country in which ‘Security’ & ‘Humanitarianism’ is being used as the guise to ALTER Most Everything once associated with every conscript upon which this American Republic was created?

  How can anyone sit back and deny, much less accept, what is going on at present?

  It couldn’t be any more clearer of the antithesis of the current ‘government’ compared to the Government of the Original Republic!

  What many are realizing, and probably for the first time in their lives, is the Altered Government that is in existence.
  What they are having difficulty in grasping & understanding is that it has been in the process of being ‘re-processed’ for decades.
  Equally, what many can’t come to grips with is, the ‘How Factor?’

  How did this happen without me seeing or realizing it?
  That is what most folks can’t seem to understand as they lament with this ‘How Factor’…. while the current & altered government in Washington that they are denying themselves of, moves Rapidly further in the TRANSFORMATION process.

  This ALTERED GOVERNMENT understands YOUR lament only too well and it is to that extent they continue to play their Divide & Conquer game designed to keep YOUR eye off the ‘football’ so to speak.

  Yes, I understand the enormity associated with such an understanding.
  But YOU must look into that ‘Mirror of Historical Reflection’ if YOU hope to reverse the course these Ideologues in Washington have put us on.

  Those People would suggest to YOU, as they always DO, that the ‘reality of today’s conditions’ is associated with OUR ‘Country having to alter itself because of the changing times and conditions to which it is exposed.’


  That is nothing more than psycho-babble derived from psychology 101 within Marx’s Manifesto.

  America has been exposed to ‘changing times and conditions’ since its inception and just as other countries before us.
  The difference between us and all others, at one time, is we knew how to NAVIGATE THOSE CHANGES WITHOUT EFFECTING OR ALTERING THE POSTURE OF THIS REPUBLIC!

  In recent times, unfortunately, American’s became reliant upon a 3-Network News Media Conglomerate for their information.


  Equally, many trusted what was going on in Washington because they had NO reason to suspect otherwise.
  Sadly however, little did they know that More than Fundamental Changes had been occurring for some time and most particularly, since the mid-1960’s.
  Also, they had NO real means of ‘Comparing or Contrasting’ with EACH other across State Lines with respect to that which Washington was doing.

  The Inter-Net changed all that!

  For the first time in American History, the PEOPLE were able to compare ‘NOTES’ between what was going on in Government, with one another, and as it related to themselves within their respective States.
  Suddenly, more than just ‘one’ thing began to take on a particular smell but would require the passing of several years before that stench was smelled by one and all across this Country.
  Washington was also recognizing this!

  Thus the accelerated alteration of this Government, having already been in play for some time, had to be moved by Those People into a position I would describe as-  ‘OVER-DRIVE’.

  I think ‘Bush 1’ is where it really began in earnest and Clinton certainly took it to a higher level.
  By the time ‘Bush 2’ arrived, the Political Hegemony was in full swing.
  What the RepublicCons did was to ‘Grease the Sled’ (Federal Deficit) from which their collective political hegemony could be furthered.

  Meanwhile, the Other Wing of their Political Bird, had Obama sitting in the ‘Wings’.

  He would DOUBLE the Deficit using a variety of Tactics, again associated with and Identified within Marx’s’ Manifesto, pitting one segment of the population off against another via Entitlements while expanding THEIR POLITICAL PROGINY of deception.

  Of course, a 3rd element had been present for some time and that element would only help to further Fuel their Fires of Political Deception realized from the Illegal’s in this Country and the ‘Invasion’ that has never been addressed since the 1960’s.
  Combine that tangible numeric with the demographic base created from their Revised Immigration Act of 1965, that changed the Immigration from European into 3rd World, & the nucleus for their Wedge of Deception to be implemented years later was firmly in place.

  Thus America was becoming a Political Paraplegic and NOT even knowing it.

  Any attempts made by ANYONE to educate the masses as to what was afoot became a Herculean Task with any such efforts meeting fierce resistance & often characterized or demonized by one or more of Washington’s Special Ops Interest groups.

  It was NOT in Their Interests that YOUR INTERESTS be Protected and ‘Represented’.

  This was made even more difficult because the ‘Educational System’ of this Country had long since been co-opted and right under the eyes and noses of most with nary an idea as to what in hell was happening.
  The Dumbing Down impact would prove most useful in the ensuing years. Y’all are seeing that today.  

  Thus ANY attempt, as mentioned, became a Task of unimaginable undertaking to awaken many from their ‘Federal Coma’ that they were deliberately placed by this
NO-LONGER ‘representative’ government in Washington.

  American History had long since been revised and distorted as that ‘BRIDGE’ was the first that had to be blown.
  ANY IDENTITY with YOUR former American History of long ago had to be re-written and re-purposed in order for this Political Lie to succeed.

  As such, WE Confederates remained Un-Reconstructed throughout this time.
  We NEVER ceased in our attempts to ‘Connect these Many Multiple Historical  Dots’ to which Y’all have been so denied.

  Their ‘Lines of Distinction’ provide a clear & compelling parallel between what was and what has become!

  Now the ‘Numerics’ associated with this total calamity of Political Deception and corresponding Perversion are becoming more obvious to one and all.

  And those ‘Numerics’ are that of a population in which 55-58% is paying the freight for the remaining 45-42% of the Population that Washington has already placed on their Marxist Plantation, never again to see or realize, much less associate with ANYTHING remotely connected to the Original Republic.

  This is how a Country becomes Politically Restructured or Re-Constructed and, subsequently altered from its Original Being!

  World History is replete with examples of this!

  America was once Different & Protected from this type of Chicanery in which others Usurped their former Countries and Governments because its Basis was Based upon the Individual and the Sovereignty to which that Individual Identified with and was part of-  Citizens of Their former States that they referred to as Their Countries.

  But that Sovereignty and that Identity was taken away after 1865 & over the decades following, it was being  Mutated into something entirely foreign by those in
Power Then as well as Today.

  ALL this and more has been IDENTIFIED by us Confederates and DETAILED as noted on The Confederate Society’s website-

  That which YOU are seeing Today and that which YOU are fighting NOT to accept…. will BE YOUR UN-DOING if YOU do NOT take decisive action NOW!
  YOU must get Involved!
  If NOT for Yourself, then for your grandchildren and ALL children that you purport to love and care about.

  Will you leave them to the whims of this Political Hegemony in Washington whose only manifest is themselves and their own self-importance?

  Hell, the ‘Laws’ they pass are NOT meant for them. They are only meant for us.


  When did the ole adage- ‘What’s good for the Goose is good for the Gander’ go BYE-BYE?

  I was always under the impression that Government came LAST & the people CAME FIRST!

  When did ALL that change…….150 years ago, that’s when…..when the Central State became everything it was NEVER SUPPOSED TO BE!

‘Played like a Fiddle & Government is the Riddle’
Craig Maus,
President, The Confederate Society of America
‘We Told You So!’- Constitutionalists & Marxist-Progressives Cannot Co-Exist under the Same Political Roof!


New two-part film entitled: Happiness, 'We're All In It Together.'

New two-part film entitled: Happiness, 'We're All In It Together.' Your comments are invited.

This system is an extremely fragile ‘house of straw’ built on lies and deceit, enforced by our own beliefs. It’s end comes about on our collective say so. You can plainly see why it would make no sense to try and guide a blindfolded population into the open sea, even if you provided boats for every one of them. But, you can understand the power that same population has when they ‘see’ the truth themselves. The ‘game’ of control is over, impossible to enforce, and even the most faithful of their agents would celebrate their own freedom.



[KIRKWOOD] Its bird...its a plane..its santa and okie...the are landing at tony's.. Breaker breaker tnt,,, this is okie,santa,and our great leader tony. We bring a great gifts,,, your blessing is here,,,,1-800-2be-rich.....say good bye and hello new life.. (money) (money) (money)

[smiles] Gina5649 I think we will get the 800 #'s at 1pm est. At noon, the west coast banks will be open, so it makes sense! Hoping and praying I'm right!!! :)

fisherman1 wrote 6:31 AM Ok we are 200 percent

MWKD wrote 6:41 AM Well fish said when he got to 200 percent we would be done......

txgirl43 plz dont call the banks until we get 1800#s plz dont mess this up

WILDDUCK: at the street level the bankers are as blind as you are, so unless you have already establised a contact well above the street branch level you will not help your cause period
Cuse101: remember all banks are not a part of this. There are exchange centers defined and will only be shared with you when you call to set an appointment. ALl you need is a zip of where you are close to and they tell you the closest exchange center based on zip.

MJ91: Bank system down:  I don't not know if this has anything to do with our blessing at all but Bancfirst systems are down. They are processing withdrawal but not deposits. They said they are working on it. Again I don't know if this has anything to with our blessing. Just sharing some odd info 

Project Blue Beam – TV Station in the Sky

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Project Blue Beam – TV Station in the Sky
Posted By: RobDaven [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 11-Dec-2013 12:18:02

In the mid 1990′s a new conspiracy started to make the rounds, a conspiracy of epic proportions. To the uninitiated the conspiracy, Project Blue Beam, was proposed as a secret NASA program to develop a cutting edge display system which would allow the powers that be to project a 3D holographic image in the sky. A single individual named Serge Monast emerged as the thought leader on this conspiracy and his conclusions seemed epic in its scope. Prophets in the sky, earthquakes and massive UFO fleets but to name a few of the events which were to take place, all of which we designed to usher in a new level of panic as the populace ran to the powers that be to protect them and usher in the New World Order, the conspiracy theorists favorite end game – a totalitarian state rules with an iron fist.
The claims were controversial to say the least, and Monast’s claims have yet to materialize. But does that mean that its all wrong? As with so many things in the conspiracy world, the truth is somewhere in between I think. Its also a good time to point out that as with so many situations his information was only as good as what his handlers gave him.
That being said, it is very possible and likely that deep within DARPA there probably is such a project. So my intent here is to discuss why Blue Beam is not only possible but reasonable based on what we know. Monast may have gotten the events wrong but I think he certainly got the technology right. A technology we have not yet seen used, but that doesn’t mean it wont be.
Read more:

23 Seniors Died After Receiving this Year’s Flu Shot Sold by Pharmacies

New post] 23 Seniors Died After Receiving this Year’s Flu Shot Sold by Pharmacies


New post on 2012 The Big Picture

23 Seniors Died After Receiving this Year’s Flu Shot Sold by Pharmacies

by 2012thebigpicture
Thanks, Patrick.

Package insert for Fluzone flu vaccine marketed to seniors reveals 23 seniors died during drug trial.

The annual marketing campaign pushing people to receive flu vaccinations is in full force. CVS Pharmacies is offering a 20% off shopping pass if you purchase a flu vaccine.
As you can see in the screen shot below, taken from the CVS website, senior citizens over the age of 65 are being targeted to get the “high-dose” flu vaccine.
The FAQ at the CVS website defines the “high-dose” flu vaccine: “Containing four times the amount of antigen (the part of the vaccine that causes the body to produce antibody) in regular flu shots, high-dose flu shots, along with the additional antigen produced, are intended to create a stronger immune response.”
The name of this flu vaccine that is marketed for seniors is called “Fluzone.” You can find it being marketed to seniors at all the major pharmacies in the United States.
Package inserts for flu vaccines show a multitude of side effects, including death, and yet they are marketed the same as over-the-counter drugs with no prescription needed. Why?
Because in the United States vaccines enjoy complete immunity from lawsuits in the market place. If you are injured or die from a vaccine, you or your family cannot sue the manufacturer of the vaccine. This law enacted by Congress, was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2011.
Therefore, they are marketed with the same marketing techniques as any other high-profit product. With the baby boomer generation moving into their senior years, today’s seniors are seen as an especially lucrative market.
So financial incentives like discounts on other products, as CVS is doing, is quite common in order to boost vaccine sales.

Walgreens has a different program that especially boosts sales of vaccines:

While vaccine rates in the U.S. among children are close to 90%, rates in other parts of the world (where pharmaceutical companies do not have immunity from the law for adverse effects) are much lower. So, in partnership with Walgreens, a non-profit organization (Shot@Life) buys up the vaccines and sends them to these countries for free (who doesn’t want something for free, especially when you live in a poor country??)
This is a brilliant marketing plan for the pharmaceutical companies, as the U.S. government gives the organization buying the vaccines non-profit status, allowing them to receive tax deductible donations to pay for the vaccines. Walgreens is probably a contributor to the program as a tax write off.
With legal immunity to market dangerous products, don’t expect those doing the marketing and making the profits to warn you of the side effects. You need to find this information yourself, usually from the Internet.
For those pro-vaccine forces that warn people how dangerous it is to get information from the Internet, the information we are about to share is directly from the FDA website (at least at the time of this writing – they have been known to remove items from their website if it gets too much publicity and makes them look bad), and you can look it up yourself.
The high-dose Fluzone vaccine being marketed this flu season to seniors, which has four times the amount of antigens that the regular flu shot has, as well as the non-high dose version, had 23 seniors die during drug trials.
In the section documenting adverse effects, this is what is written:
Within 6 months post-vaccination, 156 (6.1%) Fluzone High-Dose recipients and 93 (7.4%) Fluzone recipients experienced a serious adverse event. No deaths were reported within 28 days post-vaccination. A total of 23 deaths were reported during the period Day 29–180 post-vaccination: (0.6%) among Fluzone High-Dose recipients and 7 (0.6%) among Fluzone 1 recipients. The majority of these participants had a medical history of cardiac, hepatic, neoplastic, renal, and/or respiratory diseases. No deaths were considered to be caused by vaccination.
This statement stating that 23 seniors died, which really should be headline news but is buried in a package insert on the FDA website, begs several questions:
1. By what basis can they conclude that “No deaths were considered to be caused by vaccination”??
2. If, as it is implied, these 23 deaths were all caused by pre-existing conditions, why were there no deaths in the first 28 days? Shouldn’t the deaths, if not attributable to the vaccine but pre-existing conditions, be equally spread out through all time periods?
3. How does the medical history for these 23 seniors compare to the medical history of those who did not die? Were there any significant differences? The range of symptoms given in the package insert can very well cover almost all seniors during the flu season.
Besides death, which is just one “serious adverse event,” there were 226 other “serious” adverse events, for a total of 249 serious adverse events, out of only 3,833 participants.
If this does not constitute a dangerous drug that should probably not even be on the market, then I don’t know what does. And yet, it is sold to unsuspecting seniors and others like candy at these drug stores.
One of these other adverse side effects (besides death) is Guillain-BarrĂ© syndrome, which has symptoms similar to polio. If you are brought into an emergency room with the paralyzing effects of Guillain-BarrĂ© syndrome (GBS), the first question the doctors will ask you is if you just received the flu shot. Read one story here of how one man went from being able to bench-press 275 pounds to struggling how to walk after receiving last year’s flu shot: Miami Man Contracts Guillain-BarrĂ© Syndrome, Nearly Dies After Getting Flu Shot.
The CDC would like you to believe that the risk of GBS from the flu shot is only one out of one million. But if that is the case, why is there a warning on package inserts of flu vaccines, and why is it the first question EMTs ask when dealing with GBS emergencies?
The package insert for Fluzone states: “If Guillain-BarrĂ© syndrome (GBS) has occurred within 6 weeks of previous influenza vaccination, the decision to give Fluzone High-Dose should be based on careful consideration of the potential benefits and risks.”
I wonder how many vaccine sales people at these pharmacies give “careful consideration” to this adverse side effect, or any others, before injecting you?
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News Roundup - Dec 11th

News Roundup - Dec 11th

False Flag Alert: Feinstein says terrorists have 'new bombs, very big bombs'

(Obviously,she wants us to be very afraid)

Darren Pope
Myrtle Beach Independent Examiner
December 2, 2013

In an appearance Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union," Intelligence
Chairs Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Rep. Mike Rogers
(R-MI) told host Candy Crowley that Americans are not safer now than
they were a year ago.
"I think terror is up worldwide. The statistics indicate that the
fatalities are way up. The numbers are way up. There are new bombs,
very big bombs, trucks being reinforced for those bombs. There are bombs
that go through magnatometers. The bomb maker is still alive. There are
more groups than ever, and there's huge malevolence out there."
Feinstein also said that terrorists "can get on aircraft with those
bombs. They have tried to send four into this country," but did not
elaborate on that allegation.
Feinstein added that the main problem is "displaced aggression in
this very fundamentalist, jihadist, Islamic community, which blames the
Western world for everything that goes wrong and believes that the only
solution is Islamic sharia law and the concept of the caliphate."
"And I see more groups, more fundamentalists, more jihadists more
determined to kill to get to where they want to get. So, it's not an
isolated phenomenon. You see these groups spread a web of connections.
And this includes North Africa, it includes the Middle East, it includes other
areas as well," Feinstein said.
Rep. Rogers agreed with Feinstein's assessment that Americans are not
safer now from terrorist attacks than we were in the past.
"Oh, I absolutely agree that we're not safer today for the same very
reasons," Rogers said. "So the pressure on our intelligence services to
get it right to prevent an attack are enormous. And it's getting more
difficult because we see the al-Qaeda as we knew it before is
metastasizing to something different, more affiliates than we've ever
had before, meaning more groups that operated independently of al-Qaeda
have now joined al-Qaeda around the world, all of them have at least
some aspiration to commit an act of violence in the United States or
against western targets all around the world."
So much for Osama bin-Laden is dead, and al-Qaeda is on the run......

.....This kind of talk raises concerns among those who believe a 'false
flag' attack could be used to target American citizens in order to stoke fear
and build support for expanding US military presence in the Middle East.
It certainly sounds as if Rogers is again attempting to make the
case for going to war in Syria, a move the vast majority of Americans
are solidly against. Americans voiced strong opposition to going to war
in Syria earlier this year when President Obama wanted to send military
support to Islamic radical groups, including elements of al-Qaeda, to
assist them in overthrowing the government of Syrian President Bashar
Neither Feinstein or Rogers offered any solid evidence to back their claims
of an increased terror threat. In fact their allegation that the terror threat is
rising is a complete reversal of what President Obama said to the American people while
campaigning for a second term last year. The president, along with Vice
President Biden, and a host of Democrat politicians and pundits were all
assuring us that the war on terror was winding down, it was all but
won, and al-Qaeda was on the run.
This sudden shift in the narrative should be of concern to all Americans.


Graphic Artist Challenges National Security Agency
T-Shirt Artist Takes NSA To Court For Violating Free Speech

November 1, 2013
CBS/Liberty Crier

SAUK RAPIDS, Minn. (WCCO) – It was Edward Snowden’s
revelations of domestic spying by the National Security Agency that
hatched the idea — graphic artist Dan McCall would take the NSA’s emblem and create a new look with a funny twist.
“When I got finished I thought, this is pretty good – I thought it was fun,” McCall said.
he was having T-shirts emblazoned with the NSA logo accompanied by the
slogan, “peeping while you’re sleeping.” Under the parodied
emblem was the statement, “the only part of government that actually
What McCall meant as pure parody, apparently wasn’t very funny to bureaucrats at the NSA.
(credit: CBS)
While he calls it parody they call a violation of the spy agency’s intellectual property.
“Because when you’re pointing straight at an organization or making
fun at it, turning it on itself, that is classic parody,” he said.


Very Old Trick: When a Scoundrel Might Lose an Election He Gets a Friend to Split the Opposing Votes

The Old Deception

David Stockman: Buying or Owning Stocks Is Now Dangerous

December 11, 2013
Bloomberg/Liberty Crier

Former congressman and presidential financial advisor David Stockman
says that buying or owning stocks is dangerous because we are in a
massive bubble.

Future Epidemic? Monsanto GM Foods Cause Gluten-Related Illnesses

December 11, 2013
Liberty Crier/RT News

18 million of Americans suffer from gluten-related illnessess –
that’s thanks to the genetically modified soya and corn they eat, a
survey reveals. Medical experts say it may become an epidemic for the
next generation, prompting more and more Americans to choose a gluten
free diet. RT’s Marina Portnaya investigates the seeds of GMO-phobia.

"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in times of great
moral crises maintain their neutrality" -Dante Alighieri

They who watch while our elected officials are ravaging our country
should consider that...Vin

Join The Fight - Expose Globalism and The New World Order

GMO's Farm Animals Birth Defects


GMOs are once again generating headlines thanks to the discovery that they cause "horrible deformities" in piglets.
(NaturalNews) When Danish pig farmer Ib Pedersen first noticed the sudden uptick in disease, deformities and death among his farrow, his immediate reaction was to investigate the diet of his pigs to look for possible causes. And what he found confirms...
It just makes you wanna eat a bowl of genetically modified corn cereal laced with HFCS, doesn't it?


Inline image 1

Dec 11, 2013


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: mroxygen [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 11-Dec-2013 12:13:10

You may have noticed that a lot of really bad predictions for us, and our politics, and our world were coming out definitely slated for October and November 2013, including the horrific Charleston Harbor Plan. You will also please notice NOTHING happened. Can you figure out why?
You have probably also noticed that all the excitement and media frenzy over “comet” ISON has died down. As you know by my three previous ISON Battle reports, ISON was not a comet, but a cloaked space invasion fleet comprised of 4 different extremely hostile alien armies:
• Huge Battle Rages ISON Invasion Fleet Successfully Being Repelled by Sovereign Chrononaut Soldiers/CLS (views: 2656)
mroxygen -- Wednesday, 6-Nov-2013 13:46:03
• ISON Battle Rages 2 ET Invasion Fleet Being Repelled by Sovereign Chrononaut Soldiers & CLS Defense Fleet (views: 2134)
mroxygen -- Thursday, 7-Nov-2013 20:43:04
• CLS Mil RPT Battles of Comet ISON 3 Intensity at 30% Now 2 Factions Want Out We’re Fighting Robots (views: 1653)
mroxygen -- Saturday, 9-Nov-2013 11:14:54
We were being attacked ferociously by these alien races and our defenders were and are our secret time-traveling, dimension-hopping, underground, and space Sovereign Soldiers who stood shoulder to shoulder with the Creation LightShip defense fleet. Together they were picking them off as fast as they and their battle clones and warships appeared.
We are pleased to announce that after almost a month of all quiet on the space front, our intel shows that so many of them and their robots and armaments were destroyed so rapidly, (remember, one race wanted out, but was pressured to stay in the fight and then another race wanted out,) and then EVERYONE wanted out of their losing battle. They picked the wrong people and the wrong place to mess with at the wrong time.
I say they picked the wrong time because fortunately for us since 2010, the SOURCE sponsored Creation LightShip Defense Fleet has become our ally and had us under their unbeatable protection in order to reclaim our planet for the TRUE LIGHT, and prepare us for the real ascension.
ISON is now a mere hollow shell as the failed invaders gave up and left. There is no alien activity there now.
Did you figure it out? Why all those Oct/Nov predictions failed?
All the invaders’ Earth embedded saboteurs and genetic lineage humans were shooting their mouths off planning and threatening all sorts of bad totalitarian crap because their big bad space brothers were almost here and ready to whup our butts.
The secret human traitors had waited years and years for their ancestor’s return to finally re-establish THEM in their former power glory. Too bad they got theirs handed right back to them on a platter - as they quickly had to scurry back into hiding when they realized their space brothers had already been soundly defeated and had abandoned them. With no invading armies backup, they dare not take the chance to enslave us on their own.
Next: The Six Cloned Earth Alien Banquet Halls


loechin: I've really been quiet however I'm going to post this. There is no reason why we have not seen this. There was a meeting and it was a meeting of finality. We will see this as to the rate that is yet to be seen. So I won't give a date or even a hint but we should see the outcome of the meeting now.

[spankey] loechin: Thanks for the intel ....why so difficult of a decision for these guys to release numbers ....if you know again Thanks !

 [loechin] I won't say what all took place but the crap hit the fan

 [letitbe] loechin. And i take that as good news for us?

 [skidaddy] loechin I love meetings that are final meetings!! Thanks for posting the info!!!

[loechin] This was not the budget meeting

[Roz] loechin can you share what the meeting was about?

[loechin] Roz I could give you a play by play but I won't

 [jec] loechin lol

Guru FlimFlammery; Their Record Speaks For Itself 100% “A half-truth is the most cowardly of lies.” ― Mark Twain

Guru FlimFlammery; Their Record Speaks For Itself 100% “A half-truth is the most cowardly of lies.” ― Mark Twain 

“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” ― Adolf Hitler

“To those who abuse: the sin is yours, the crime is yours, and the shame is yours. To those who protect the perpetrators: blaming the victims only masks the evil within, making you as guilty as those who abuse. Stand up for the innocent or go down with the rest.”

“There is beauty in truth, even if it's painful. Those who lie, twist life so that it looks tasty to the lazy, brilliant to the ignorant, and powerful to the weak. But lies only strengthen our defects. They don't teach anything, help anything, fix anything or cure anything. Nor do they develop one's character, one's mind, one's heart or one's soul.

“An unexciting truth may be eclipsed by a thrilling falsehood.”

“Truth only has one story, while a lie has a dictionary.”

“How 'bout a shot of truth in that denial cocktail.”

“We lie the loudest when we lie to ourselves.”

You picked a fine time to leave me, BlueShield...

You picked a fine time to leave me, BlueShield...

                                     Kind of a catchy little tune!!!
Headed for the top of the charts: