Wednesday, December 11, 2013

It couldn’t be any more clearer of the antithesis of the current ‘government’ compared to the Government of the Original Republic!

Dear Patriots (bcc herein w/permission to forward),

  Can anyone today continue to deny what they are seeing on a daily & on-going basis- the Complete & Total Transformation of a Country in which ‘Security’ & ‘Humanitarianism’ is being used as the guise to ALTER Most Everything once associated with every conscript upon which this American Republic was created?

  How can anyone sit back and deny, much less accept, what is going on at present?

  It couldn’t be any more clearer of the antithesis of the current ‘government’ compared to the Government of the Original Republic!

  What many are realizing, and probably for the first time in their lives, is the Altered Government that is in existence.
  What they are having difficulty in grasping & understanding is that it has been in the process of being ‘re-processed’ for decades.
  Equally, what many can’t come to grips with is, the ‘How Factor?’

  How did this happen without me seeing or realizing it?
  That is what most folks can’t seem to understand as they lament with this ‘How Factor’…. while the current & altered government in Washington that they are denying themselves of, moves Rapidly further in the TRANSFORMATION process.

  This ALTERED GOVERNMENT understands YOUR lament only too well and it is to that extent they continue to play their Divide & Conquer game designed to keep YOUR eye off the ‘football’ so to speak.

  Yes, I understand the enormity associated with such an understanding.
  But YOU must look into that ‘Mirror of Historical Reflection’ if YOU hope to reverse the course these Ideologues in Washington have put us on.

  Those People would suggest to YOU, as they always DO, that the ‘reality of today’s conditions’ is associated with OUR ‘Country having to alter itself because of the changing times and conditions to which it is exposed.’


  That is nothing more than psycho-babble derived from psychology 101 within Marx’s Manifesto.

  America has been exposed to ‘changing times and conditions’ since its inception and just as other countries before us.
  The difference between us and all others, at one time, is we knew how to NAVIGATE THOSE CHANGES WITHOUT EFFECTING OR ALTERING THE POSTURE OF THIS REPUBLIC!

  In recent times, unfortunately, American’s became reliant upon a 3-Network News Media Conglomerate for their information.


  Equally, many trusted what was going on in Washington because they had NO reason to suspect otherwise.
  Sadly however, little did they know that More than Fundamental Changes had been occurring for some time and most particularly, since the mid-1960’s.
  Also, they had NO real means of ‘Comparing or Contrasting’ with EACH other across State Lines with respect to that which Washington was doing.

  The Inter-Net changed all that!

  For the first time in American History, the PEOPLE were able to compare ‘NOTES’ between what was going on in Government, with one another, and as it related to themselves within their respective States.
  Suddenly, more than just ‘one’ thing began to take on a particular smell but would require the passing of several years before that stench was smelled by one and all across this Country.
  Washington was also recognizing this!

  Thus the accelerated alteration of this Government, having already been in play for some time, had to be moved by Those People into a position I would describe as-  ‘OVER-DRIVE’.

  I think ‘Bush 1’ is where it really began in earnest and Clinton certainly took it to a higher level.
  By the time ‘Bush 2’ arrived, the Political Hegemony was in full swing.
  What the RepublicCons did was to ‘Grease the Sled’ (Federal Deficit) from which their collective political hegemony could be furthered.

  Meanwhile, the Other Wing of their Political Bird, had Obama sitting in the ‘Wings’.

  He would DOUBLE the Deficit using a variety of Tactics, again associated with and Identified within Marx’s’ Manifesto, pitting one segment of the population off against another via Entitlements while expanding THEIR POLITICAL PROGINY of deception.

  Of course, a 3rd element had been present for some time and that element would only help to further Fuel their Fires of Political Deception realized from the Illegal’s in this Country and the ‘Invasion’ that has never been addressed since the 1960’s.
  Combine that tangible numeric with the demographic base created from their Revised Immigration Act of 1965, that changed the Immigration from European into 3rd World, & the nucleus for their Wedge of Deception to be implemented years later was firmly in place.

  Thus America was becoming a Political Paraplegic and NOT even knowing it.

  Any attempts made by ANYONE to educate the masses as to what was afoot became a Herculean Task with any such efforts meeting fierce resistance & often characterized or demonized by one or more of Washington’s Special Ops Interest groups.

  It was NOT in Their Interests that YOUR INTERESTS be Protected and ‘Represented’.

  This was made even more difficult because the ‘Educational System’ of this Country had long since been co-opted and right under the eyes and noses of most with nary an idea as to what in hell was happening.
  The Dumbing Down impact would prove most useful in the ensuing years. Y’all are seeing that today.  

  Thus ANY attempt, as mentioned, became a Task of unimaginable undertaking to awaken many from their ‘Federal Coma’ that they were deliberately placed by this
NO-LONGER ‘representative’ government in Washington.

  American History had long since been revised and distorted as that ‘BRIDGE’ was the first that had to be blown.
  ANY IDENTITY with YOUR former American History of long ago had to be re-written and re-purposed in order for this Political Lie to succeed.

  As such, WE Confederates remained Un-Reconstructed throughout this time.
  We NEVER ceased in our attempts to ‘Connect these Many Multiple Historical  Dots’ to which Y’all have been so denied.

  Their ‘Lines of Distinction’ provide a clear & compelling parallel between what was and what has become!

  Now the ‘Numerics’ associated with this total calamity of Political Deception and corresponding Perversion are becoming more obvious to one and all.

  And those ‘Numerics’ are that of a population in which 55-58% is paying the freight for the remaining 45-42% of the Population that Washington has already placed on their Marxist Plantation, never again to see or realize, much less associate with ANYTHING remotely connected to the Original Republic.

  This is how a Country becomes Politically Restructured or Re-Constructed and, subsequently altered from its Original Being!

  World History is replete with examples of this!

  America was once Different & Protected from this type of Chicanery in which others Usurped their former Countries and Governments because its Basis was Based upon the Individual and the Sovereignty to which that Individual Identified with and was part of-  Citizens of Their former States that they referred to as Their Countries.

  But that Sovereignty and that Identity was taken away after 1865 & over the decades following, it was being  Mutated into something entirely foreign by those in
Power Then as well as Today.

  ALL this and more has been IDENTIFIED by us Confederates and DETAILED as noted on The Confederate Society’s website-

  That which YOU are seeing Today and that which YOU are fighting NOT to accept…. will BE YOUR UN-DOING if YOU do NOT take decisive action NOW!
  YOU must get Involved!
  If NOT for Yourself, then for your grandchildren and ALL children that you purport to love and care about.

  Will you leave them to the whims of this Political Hegemony in Washington whose only manifest is themselves and their own self-importance?

  Hell, the ‘Laws’ they pass are NOT meant for them. They are only meant for us.


  When did the ole adage- ‘What’s good for the Goose is good for the Gander’ go BYE-BYE?

  I was always under the impression that Government came LAST & the people CAME FIRST!

  When did ALL that change…….150 years ago, that’s when…..when the Central State became everything it was NEVER SUPPOSED TO BE!

‘Played like a Fiddle & Government is the Riddle’
Craig Maus,
President, The Confederate Society of America
‘We Told You So!’- Constitutionalists & Marxist-Progressives Cannot Co-Exist under the Same Political Roof!



Anonymous said...

Whose government?

All the perplexities, confusions, and distresses in America arise, not from defects in the Constitution or confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, as much as from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation.” – John Quincy Adams

“I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war. God grant that my suspicions may prove groundless.” – Abraham Lincoln, from a November 21, 1864 letter to Colonel William F. Elkins

Read complete article:

Anonymous said...

"By whose authority?"

Ask this question next time you confront any thing...ANY FALSE notion you have been taught, anything someone commands you is law, ask outright by whose authority and you'll see this entire matrix shatter.

P.S. Nine times out of ten, the answer you find is it's done by the fiction's authority...and if all corporations are fictions, then if the shoe fits wear it.