The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Posted By: mroxygen [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 11-Dec-2013 12:13:10
You may have noticed that a lot of really bad predictions for us, and our politics, and our world were coming out definitely slated for October and November 2013, including the horrific Charleston Harbor Plan. You will also please notice NOTHING happened. Can you figure out why?
You have probably also noticed that all the excitement and media frenzy over “comet” ISON has died down. As you know by my three previous ISON Battle reports, ISON was not a comet, but a cloaked space invasion fleet comprised of 4 different extremely hostile alien armies:
• Huge Battle Rages ISON Invasion Fleet Successfully Being Repelled by Sovereign Chrononaut Soldiers/CLS (views: 2656) mroxygen -- Wednesday, 6-Nov-2013 13:46:03
• ISON Battle Rages 2 ET Invasion Fleet Being Repelled by Sovereign Chrononaut Soldiers & CLS Defense Fleet (views: 2134) mroxygen -- Thursday, 7-Nov-2013 20:43:04
• CLS Mil RPT Battles of Comet ISON 3 Intensity at 30% Now 2 Factions Want Out We’re Fighting Robots (views: 1653) mroxygen -- Saturday, 9-Nov-2013 11:14:54
We were being attacked ferociously by these alien races and our defenders were and are our secret time-traveling, dimension-hopping, underground, and space Sovereign Soldiers who stood shoulder to shoulder with the Creation LightShip defense fleet. Together they were picking them off as fast as they and their battle clones and warships appeared.
We are pleased to announce that after almost a month of all quiet on the space front, our intel shows that so many of them and their robots and armaments were destroyed so rapidly, (remember, one race wanted out, but was pressured to stay in the fight and then another race wanted out,) and then EVERYONE wanted out of their losing battle. They picked the wrong people and the wrong place to mess with at the wrong time.
I say they picked the wrong time because fortunately for us since 2010, the SOURCE sponsored Creation LightShip Defense Fleet has become our ally and had us under their unbeatable protection in order to reclaim our planet for the TRUE LIGHT, and prepare us for the real ascension.
ISON is now a mere hollow shell as the failed invaders gave up and left. There is no alien activity there now.
Did you figure it out? Why all those Oct/Nov predictions failed?
All the invaders’ Earth embedded saboteurs and genetic lineage humans were shooting their mouths off planning and threatening all sorts of bad totalitarian crap because their big bad space brothers were almost here and ready to whup our butts.
The secret human traitors had waited years and years for their ancestor’s return to finally re-establish THEM in their former power glory. Too bad they got theirs handed right back to them on a platter - as they quickly had to scurry back into hiding when they realized their space brothers had already been soundly defeated and had abandoned them. With no invading armies backup, they dare not take the chance to enslave us on their own.
Next: The Six Cloned Earth Alien Banquet Halls

not that i am in denial, my gut feelings is this is just somebodies short story writting, and not believable and BIG b.s. , for if other space races can come here with their tech. and still have food and water left etc., w.t.f. would they need to come to this poluted world of chem-trail contanmination of soil, trees, air, water. japan's leaking poisen into the pacific ocean, and the b.p. oil spill on the alantic ocean. and this is just for starters. most of our technology upgrades came from reverse engineneering of thier basic crafts, so WHAT arrogance can the p.t.b. think they have. sh** ON our space families for they can just push big rocks at us, or pull our earth to tilt and cause a massive tidal wave of bible porportions, as was done before, to such humble p.t.b.
" ISON was not a comet, but a cloaked space invasion fleet comprised of 4 different extremely hostile alien armies". was just a comet, that's all!
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