Friday, May 13, 2016

Corrupt deals to 'help' Syrian refugees

Probe catches agency in corrupt deals to help Syrian refugees


International Rescue Committee has ties to Soros, Clinton

May 13 2016 

An NGO that gets tens of millions in U.S. taxpayer money to resettle foreign refugees into dozens of U.S. cities is being investigated for corruption involving contracts with Turkish companies.

The International Rescue Committee is one of the nine volunteer aid agencies, also called VOLAGs, that contract with the federal government to resettle refugees into the United States from Syria, Somalia, Burma, Iraq, Bhutan, Afghanistan and elsewhere.

New York-based IRC, headed by former British Foreign Secretary David Miliband, is being investigated by the Office of the Inspector General within the U.S. Agency for International Development for bid rigging and bribery that allegedly took place among its staff members lining up supplies and services for displaced Syrians in Turkey, according to government documents turned over to WND from the Inspector General’s Office.

In November 2013, Miliband’s organization gave billionaire George Soros its highest award, the Freedom Award, and Soros responded by donating $1 million to the IRC.
Miliband is also a close friend of Hillary Clinton, who was secretary of state at the same time he was foreign secretary.  But his organization is now under the microscope for its alleged involvement in a corruption scandal that so far has not been reported in the establishment media.

USAID’s Office of the Inspector General’s semi-annual report to Congress said 14 companies and individuals had been suspended as part of a “complex investigation into cross-border aid programs.”  The statement from the Inspector General reads as follows:
“Some early concerns about these practices surfaced through one USAID implementer, which identified and self-reported procurement irregularities affecting its programs. Aid organizations providing life-saving assistance in Syria and the surrounding region face an extremely high-risk environment. Lack of fully competitive procurements, insufficient oversight, and the absence of adequate internal controls for obtaining, storing, and delivering relief supplies can jeopardize the integrity of these relief efforts and deny critical aid to those in need
“To date, OIG’s investigation has established grounds resulting in the suspension of 14 entities and individuals involved with aid programs from Turkey. As a result of the suspensions, these parties are no longer able to receive U.S. government awards.“  A portion of USAID-funded cross-border programs in Syria were suspended as a result of this investigation, and several NGOs delivering aid to Syria have
terminated staff members’ employment based on demonstrated misconduct.”
The IRC is one of the three international aid groups to have had millions of dollars in funding withdrawn over alleged bid-rigging and bribery. In January IRC terminated two corrupt staffers in Turkey (See pages 41-42 of OIC report to Congress).

A "Sophisticated Operation"  

A senior USAID official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told the Telegraph that private Turkish companies had sold cut-rate blankets and other supplies at vastly inflated prices and pocketed the difference.  “What became clear in the course of this investigation was this was a pretty sophisticated operation,” the USAID official told the Telegraph.  “Thanks to Miliband’s IRC our tax dollars, probably millions of them, went to some corrupt Turkish contractors,” said Ann Corcoran, author of the Refugee Resettlement Watch blog.

The IRC has annual revenue of more than $562 million and $378 million of that came from government grants, according to its most recent Form 990 filed with the IRS.  That means IRC gets 67 percent of its budget funded by taxpayers in the U.S. and U.K.  It has 11 paid staff members that make more than $200,000 per year, according to the Form 990. A 12th staffer, the general counsel, makes $195,427.  Miliband himself makes $300,000 a year, but that is bumped to $600,000 including non-cash compensation.  “This is the type of stuff I think they’re really vulnerable on because there is corruption in these big non-governmental organizations,” said Corcoran.

In 2013 Miliband, a member of the British Labor Party, said it was time for world leaders to accept the ascendancy of “political Islam” and the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Miliband has talked about returning to Britain and running for the parliamentary seat vacated by Sadiq Khan, the newly elected first Muslim mayor of London.  In 2013, when he came to New York the IRC hosted a reception for him where he was warmly received by the Clintons and Soros.  “If you saw him, you’d have a big crush,” Hillary Clinton told Vogue magazine, saying she found him “vital and attractive.  Miliband was one of the first refugee advocates to say the U.S. needed to take 65,000 Syrians, then upped his demands to 100,000 over two years.

Causing division in Montana

IRC is currently at the center of a plan to resettle Syrian Muslims in Missoula, Montana, against the will of a large number of Montanans, WND reported earlier this year.  The IRC has offices in dozens of U.S. cities where it is actively seeding communities with refugees. (See list of cities here.).

IRC is building “communities within communities” in 26 areas including Atlanta, Wichita, Baltimore, Boise, Idaho; Dallas, Miami, Salt Lake City, San Diego, Seattle, Tucson and Phoenix; Los Angeles; Charlottesville, Virginia; Silver Spring, Maryland; and Northern California.
Looking for new cities to plant ‘seedlings’.  New offices are opening in Missoula; Richmond, Virginia; Tallahassee, Florida; Garden City, Kansas; and Midland, Texas.

The resettlement process is like planting “seedlings,” as White House immigration adviser Cecilia Muñoz described it in a conference call last year. And these seedlings will be nurtured by the government and its army of left-wing NGOs until able to eventually rise up and overtake their host communities.  “They’re all scouting around now, not just IRC but all of the VOLAGs, for new places to get these Syrians placed,” Corcoran said. “That’s the problem they have now, the other places are filled up, the limiting factor being housing. There is not enough subsidized housing to accommodate all these refugees, so they’re looking and scouting all the time for new cities in which to send them. Jobs, too, are scarce. There’s not enough places for these people to work.  “He’s really the poster boy for the Syrian refugees in many ways,” Corcoran said.
Americans do NOT want these butchers and rapists in their communities,  YET THEY ARE BEING FORCED UPON THEM BY THE UN/NATO/NWO AND THE CRIMINAL CORPORATION IN WASHINGTON DC??  These muslim thugs DEMAND to be supported and do nothing positive for the communities, only to cause destruction, death and heartache for those who are being FORCED to provide for them.  SEND/TAKE THESE BASTARDS BACK TO WHERE THEY CAME FROM. AMERICA DOES NOT WANT THEM AND SHOULD NOT BE FORCED TO ACCEPT THEM. STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS OR LOSE THEM ALL.


Fundamentally transforming America - BO

Friday the 13th

Huge Protest Civil Disobedience

Democracy Spring
 2,000 People Pledge Arrest in D C 
 Huge Protest Civil Disobedience


Republic vs. Democracy

Republic vs. Democracy

The Trumpster's Presidential qualifications...

Obama is against Trump... Check

The Media are against Trump... Check

The establishment Democrats are against Trump... Check

The establishment Republicans are against Trump... Check

The Pope is against Trump... Check

The UN is against Trump... Check

The EU is against Trump... Check

China is against Trump... Check

Mexico is against Trump... Check

Soros is against Trump... Check

Black Lives Matter is against Trump... Check

Move On is against Trump... Check

Koch Brothers are against Trump... Check

Bushes are against Trump ... Check

Planned Parenthood is against Trump....Check

Hillary & Sanders are both against Trump ... Check

Illegal aliens are against Trump ... Check

Islam is against Trump ... Check

Kasich & Cruz are against Trump ... Check

Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump.. Check


It seems to me, Trump MUST BE the Best Qualified Candidate we could ever have.

If you have so many political insiders and left wing NUT CASES all SCARED TO DEATH, that they all speak out against him at the same time!!

Most of all,  it will be the People's Choice...


He's not a Lifetime Politician...Check

He's not a Lawyer.....Check

He's not doing it for the money...Check

He's a Natural Born American Citizen born in the USA from American parents

Bonus points!
Whoopi says she will leave the country...

Rosie says she will leave the country...

Sharpton says he will leave the country...

Gov. Brown says California will build a wall...

Cher says she will leave the country...

Cyrus says she will leave the country...

The Constitution and the Bill of Rights will prevail....

Hillary will go to jail.....

The budget will be balanced in 8 years....

Americans will have first choice at jobs.....

You will not be able to marry your pet....

You will be able to keep your gun(s) if you qualify... (Not a criminal, etc.)

Only Live Human American Registered Citizens can vote....

You can have and keep your own Doctor.....

You can say what you want without being called a racist....

Come to think of it, we have no place to go, but UP

The Greatest Act of Treason -- A Notice to Public Servants


On the night of December 23, 1913 the United States Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act and thereby committed the greatest act of TREASON in history. It surrendered this nation's sovereignty and sold the American people into slavery to a cabal of arch-charlatan international bankers who proceeded to plunder, bankrupt, and conquer this nation with a money swindle.

The "money" the banks issue is merely bookkeeping entries. It cost them nothing and is not backed by their wealth, efforts, property, or risk. It is not redeemable except in more debt paper. The Federal Reserve Act forced us to pay compound interest on thin air. We now use worthless "notes" backed by our own credit that we cannot own and are made subject to compelled performance for the "privilege".

From 1913 until 1933, the United States paid the "interest" with more and more gold. The structured inevitability soon transpired: the Treasury was empty, the debt was greater than ever, and the United States declared bankruptcy. In exchange for using notes belonging to bankers who create them out ofnothing on our own credit, we are forced to repay in substance (labor, property, land, businesses, resources, life in ever-increasing amounts. This may have been the greatest heist and fraud of all time.

When a government goes bankrupt, it loses its sovereignty. In 1933 the United States declared bankruptcy, as expressed in Roosevelt's Executive Orders 6073, 6102, 6111, and 6260, House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933, confirmed in Perry v. United States, (1935) 294 U.S. 330-381, 79 L.Ed 912, as well as 31 USC 5112, 5119, and 12 USC 95A. The bankrupt United States went into receivership, reorganized in favor of 115 creditors and new owners. In 1913, Congress turned over America... lock, stock and barrel to a handful of criminals whose avowed intent from the beginning was to plunder, bankrupt, conquer, and enslave the people of the United States of America and eliminate this nation from the face of the earth. The goal was, and is, to absorb America into a one-world private commercial government, a"New World Order."

On March 9, 1933 President Roosevelt called for the passing of The WAR POWERS ACT TITLE 12 USC. Section 95 (a) and 95 (b). This act declared all United States Citizens to be the enemy of the United States Government, and placed us under permanent Emergency Rule, bypassing Constitutional constraints on government.

With the Erie R.R. v Tompkins case of 1938, the Supreme Court confirmed their success. We are now in an international private commercial jurisdiction in colorable admiralty-maritime under the Law Merchant. We have been conned and betrayed out of our sovereignty, rights, property, freedom, common law, Article III Courts, and

The Bill of Rights has been statutized into "civil rights" in commerce. You have destroyed the Republic. America has been stolen. We have been made slaves, i.e. permanent debtors, bankrupt, in legal incapacity, rendered commercial "persons," "residents," and corporate franchisees known as "citizens of the United States"

Since 1933 what is called the "United States Government" is a privately owned corporation of the Federal Reserve/International Monetary Fund. It is merely an instrument whereby the bankers administer their ongoing subjugation and plunder of what was once considered "the last great hope of human freedom."All "public servants," officials, Congressmen, politicians, judges, attorneys, law enforcement officers, States and their various agencies, etc., are the express agents of these foreign principals - see Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938; 22 USC 286 et seq, 263A, 185G, 267J, 611(C) (ii) & (iii); Treasury Delegation Order #91 - who have stolen the country by clever, intentional, and unrelenting fraud, trickery, treachery, non-disclosure, miss-representation, intrigue, coercion, conspiracy, murder. If there is a greater tragedy in human history it is hard to know what it is.

An insidious aspect of this is that "officials" like you may think you are "public servants," are upholding the "law," or other hoaxes. In truth you are conscientiously and assiduously serving the archenemies of yourselves, your own rights, your fellow citizens, continued human rights, life, and freedom in general. YOUare seditiously administering the plunder, bankruptcy, conquest, destruction, dismantling, and elimination of your country. YOU are systematically defrauding, extorting, impoverishing, and injuring human life on the basis of crimes and lies of such magnitude, depth, and proportions as to be beyond human comprehension.

Now you believe you can sell this nation to foreign powers with the stroke of a pen by Executive Order12803, April 30, 1992.

By so doing, you are committing TREASON and PERFIDY so immense as "to make the angels weep." If you and your fellow "officials" do not understand the real situation, you are ignorant, naive, deceived, and conned. You are sheer dupes. If you do know and are parties to it, you are guilty of evil and heinous BETRAYAL. You are in such case TRAITORS and CRIMINALS. All of you "in power" are therefore, either fools or knaves, either of which eminently invalidates your "authority" and renders null and void absolutely all-moral obligation to pay allegiance or to obey the TREASONOUS SYSTEM you enforce with such mechanical viciousness.

If, you, "public servants" had any shred left of humanity, awe, heart, clarity, sanity, access to your true being and conscience, you would instantly resign and do everything possible to inform the American people of their plight and help us retrieve our rights and our country. Only by such means can you even begin to atone for your endless crimes against humanity, the lives you so arrogantly and mindlessly butcher with the "meat-grinder of the law."

What do you think the American people will do as they discover that they have no more country, that they are slaves to mortal enemies, that they have been tricked and betrayed by their "leaders" who sold them out? What do you think they will do when they realize that all their alleged "public servants" are willing or stupidly compliant parties to the plunder, bankruptcy, subjugation, and ruin of their lives and country?

There is no acceptable excuse for what you have done. You cannot engage in bringing harm to life and, like the Nazi's defense at Nuremberg, presume that because you do so under the "authority" of an imaginary, abstract, unreal legal fiction called "government" you are freed of the consequences of your acts. Moral and natural law are not obviated by ignorance, hubris and self-righteous militancy. Your entire system - from the ground up - is deceit and fraud. It is illicit in essence and ab initio. As Broom's Maxims 297, 729 put it: "A right of action cannot arise out of fraud." Honor is earned by honesty and integrity, not under false and fraudulent pretenses. The color of the cloth one wears cannot cover up the usurpations, lies, and treachery. "When black is fraudulently declared to be white, not all will live in darkness."

More and more Americans are awakening to the truth. What do you think the American people will do as they discover that they have no more country, that they are slaves to mortal enemies, that they have been tricked and betrayed by their "leaders" who sold them out? What do you think they will do when they realize that all their alleged "public servants" are willing or stupidly compliant parties to the plunder, bankruptcy, subjugation, ruin and destruction of their lives and country? Thomas Jefferson wrote: "An honest man can feel no pleasure in the exercise of power over his fellow citizens." Lincoln said: "Just as I would not be a slave, neither would I be a master."

I will not participate in your corrupt, arrogant, and cruel fraud, either as perpetrator or victim. I will no longer sit here and writhe. The TYRANNY over this nation MUST END! End Emergency Rule. Repeal all laws passed under Emergency Rule. Give us back our substance and our law. Give us back our Republican form of government.

If you continue with this course, you will have natural and moral law and higher powers to answer to, not to mention all those you have wronged under color of law. You will have your own laws turned against you, as you have turned the law against us. To transform the shield of protection into a sword of exploitation, subjugation, and plunder is perfidy. I am an American. My destiny is to live as a freeman on the land my forefathers conquered and that I will fight to keep.

You have now been placed on notice. All further actions on your part will be willful!

Resolutely, from an American who demands their country back

On the night of December 23, 1913 the United States Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act and thereby committed the greatest act of TREASON in history. It surrendered this nation's sovereignty and sold the American people into slavery to a cabal of arch-charlatan international bankers who proceeded to plunder, bankrupt, and conquer this nation with a money swindle.

The "money" the banks issue is merely bookkeeping entries. It cost them nothing and is not backed by their wealth, efforts, property, or risk. It is not redeemable except in more debt paper. The Federal Reserve Act forced us to pay compound interest on thin air. We now use worthless "notes" backed by our own credit that we cannot own and are made subject to compelled performance for the "privilege".

From 1913 until 1933, the United States paid the "interest" with more and more gold. The structured inevitability soon transpired: the Treasury was empty, the debt was greater than ever, and the United States declared bankruptcy. In exchange for using notes belonging to bankers who create them out ofnothing on our own credit, we are forced to repay in substance (labor, property, land, businesses, resources, life in ever-increasing amounts. This may have been the greatest heist and fraud of all time.

When a government goes bankrupt, it loses its sovereignty. In 1933 the United States declared bankruptcy, as expressed in Roosevelt's Executive Orders 6073, 6102, 6111, and 6260, House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933, confirmed in Perry v. United States, (1935) 294 U.S. 330-381, 79 L.Ed 912, as well as 31 USC 5112, 5119, and 12 USC 95A. The bankrupt United States went into receivership, reorganized in favor of 115 creditors and new owners. In 1913, Congress turned over America... lock, stock and barrel to a handful of criminals whose avowed intent from the beginning was to plunder, bankrupt, conquer, and enslave the people of the United States of America and eliminate this nation from the face of the earth. The goal was, and is, to absorb America into a one-world private commercial government, a"New World Order."

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Why God Made A Dog

In this version of “So God Made A Dog” we are shown once again why God made a dog. Based on the Paul Harvey “God made a Farmer” monologue the video shares with us some wonderful images of dogs and what they mean to us. If you enjoyed this you might also like to watch a different version of So God Made A Dog.
                                                         Click on:
or - TT: 00:01:55
Sound On

These'll make your day. 47 images

 Too many images, click read more to see the rest

IMPORTANT...US Corporation & O's new exec order from A V R.....

 IMPORTANT...USA Corporation & O's
new exec order from Judge A V R.....

Date: Thu, May 12, 2016 at 5:00 PM

​The truth will set you free, but first you have to find it.... 
Just as we have been saying.... 
From the General's actions, we have determined we may have been had again.


-------- Begin






On Sun, May 8, 2016 at 2:11 AM,  wrote:


I was contacted early this morning and asked to comment on the Executive Order regarding the “transition” from Obama to Dunford and the whole “New Republic”.

First, you have to know that the military has been in control of “governmental services” in this country since 1863 when Lincoln bankrupted the original United States (Trading Company). Read the Lieber Code, also known as General Order 100.  Together with the Geneva Convention Protocols this is the “martial law” that the “citizens of the United States” have lived under ever since. 

Next you have to know that there are two giant “governmental services corporations” leeching off the American people—- the “UNITED STATES” which went insolvent in March of 2015, and “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” which is taking over the services contract (or trying to). 

The “UNITED STATES” has been run by the UN Corp doing business as the International Monetary Fund, both French corporations which operated out of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to fleece us blind. 

“THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” is now being run by the UN Corporation doing business as the Federal Reserve, set up under the laws and auspices of the United Nations City-State. This is where all the “UN law” comes in. 

Do you notice the Common Denominator?  The UN Corporation owns both.  The UN Corporation is owned by the World Bank, and the World Bank is owned by Jacob Rothschild, who is owned by the British Crown Conglomerate, which is owned by the Vatican, which is owned by the Holy See. 

And now you know the structure of the “World”—- not the Earth, the “World”— the man-made construct that governs governments and organizes banks, etc. 

When you are reading the Bible?  Armageddon?  The Apocalypse?  This is the “world” that is being destroyed in front of your eyes— the world of Babylon the Great. Whether you knew it or not, you and the whole world have been living under a system of “law” created in Ancient Sumeria—- a system of idolatry and enslavement and every venal thing. 

[But, lo— “I shall bring to ruin those ruining the Earth”.  Fear not for your Mother Earth. Though all the constructs of men may fail, the goodness of God shall not.]

So what does the “Presidential Transition” mean? 


The “governmental services corporation” providing “federal services” will now be called the  “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” instead of the “UNITED STATES”.   CEO Obama is being sidelined to oversee the liquidation of the “UNITED STATES” and CEO Dunford is coming on board to make sure that “federal services” continue to be provided. 

Those labeled “citizens of the United States” will be enslaved and their property will be seized upon and everything they own will be liquidated to pay the debts of the insolvent “UNITED STATES”. 

And “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” — the so-called “New Republic” under General Dunford will be responsible and acting under “UN Law” to do this evil in the sight of God.

These two colluding corporations, both operated by the French UN Corporation,  intend to kill off their Priority Creditors and seize upon their property.  The greatest act of genocide in human history is being prepared against the American people and its being done by what appears to be their own government and Benevolent intervention

This is what it means, “Come out of Babylon!”—- expatriate from having anything to do with the “UNITED STATES” now.  Change your names from all-capitals:  JOHN RALPH DOE back to upper and lower case:  John Ralph Doe.   Or even take a new name entirely.  Change the owner and address on your land deeds.  Change your mailing address, too, if need be.  Keep nothing of the old system that they can attach to. And protest your innocence now. Place it on the public records. You never knowingly or willingly agreed to any of this evil. Be part of “the remnant” of the American people who return to your land. 

The Trustees overseeing all this have been placed between a rock and a hard place, because we just paid off all the debts of the “UNITED STATES”.  They no longer have any excuse for their actions.  Instead, Satan has been called to account and the shoe placed on his other hoof. 
It’s all over now except the shouting. 

The simple solution would be for the Holy See to admit the whole thing and for the French Government to liquidate the “UN Corporation” as a crime syndicate, but that’s not going to happen because (1) the Holy See is infiltrated with Satan worshipers and is otherwise afraid of admitting its role; and (2) the French Government is just another “governmental services corporation” also owned by Jacob Rothschild. 

Instead, we can expect every jot of the Bible to be fulfilled.  There will be war in the Mideast. The armies of the North—- US, Britain, etc., will roll over the land, followed by the armies of the East — Russia and China.

There will be a “Great Earthquake”.  The Valley of Hinom will be filled with the corpses of those who have worshiped Satan and Ashtoreth. 

Expect that you will need fuel, water, food and all other needful things.  Store up medical supplies and tools. Get ready because “the end”—of this system of things is coming as surely as I am sitting here.  Babylon has fallen once, and she will fall again for the final time.

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
May 06, 2016

Executive Order -- Facilitation of a Presidential Transition

- - - - - - -

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 7301 of title 5, United States Code, and the Presidential Transition Act of 1963, as amended, and to assist the Presidential transition, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Policy. The peaceful transition of power has long been a hallmark of American democracy. It is the policy of the United States to undertake all reasonable efforts to ensure that Presidential transitions are well-coordinated and effective, without regard to party affiliation.

Sec. 2. Establishment of the White House Transition Coordinating Council.

(a) To facilitate the Presidential transition, including assisting and supporting the transition efforts of the transition teams of eligible candidates, there is established a White House Transition Coordinating Council.

(b) The White House Transition Coordinating Council shall be composed of the following officials or their designees:

(i) Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff, who shall serve as Chair;
(ii) Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, who shall serve as Vice Chair;
(iii) Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief of Staff for Implementation;
(iv) Counsel to the President;
(v) Assistant to the President for Presidential Personnel;
(vi) Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs;
(vii) Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism;
(viii) Assistant to the President for Economic Policy and Director, National Economic Council;
(ix) Director of National Intelligence;
(x) Director of the Office of Management and Budget;
(xi) Administrator of General Services;
(xii) Federal Transition Coordinator;
(xiii) the transition representative for each eligible candidate, who shall serve in an advisory capacity;  and
(xiv) any other executive branch official the President determines appropriate.

(c) The White House Transition Coordinating Council shall:
(i) provide guidance to executive departments and agencies (agencies) and the Federal Transition Coordinator regarding preparations for the Presidential transition, including succession planning and preparation of briefing materials;
(ii) facilitate communication and information sharing between the transition representatives of eligible candidates and senior employees in agencies and the Executive Office of the President, including the provision of information relevant to facilitating the personnel aspects of a Presidential transition and such other information that, in the Council's judgment, is useful and appropriate, as long as providing such information is not otherwise prohibited by law; and
(iii) prepare and host interagency emergency preparedness and response exercises.

(d) In order to obtain a wide range of facts and information on prior transitions and best practices, the White House Transition Coordinating Council, its members, or their designees may seek information from private individuals, including individuals in outside organizations, who have significant experience or expertise in Presidential transitions. The White House Transition Coordinating Council, its members, or their designees shall endeavor to obtain such facts and information from individuals representing a range of bipartisan or nonpartisan viewpoints. If the White House Transition Coordinating Council, its members, or their designees find it necessary to seek advice from private individuals or outside organizations, such counsel should be sought in a manner that seeks individual advice and does not involve collective judgment or deliberation.

Sec. 3. Establishment of the Agency Transition Directors Council.

(a) To implement the guidance provided by the White House Transition Coordinating Council and to coordinate transition activities across agencies, there is established an Agency Transition Directors Council.

(b) The Agency Transition Directors Council shall be composed of the following officials or their designees:
(i) Federal Transition Coordinator, who shall serve as Co-Chair;
(ii) Deputy Director for Management of the Office of Management and Budget, who shall serve as Co-Chair;
(iii) a senior career representative from each agency described in section 901(b)(1) of title 31, United States Code, the Office of Personnel Management, the Office of Government Ethics, and the National Archives and Records Administration whose responsibilities include leading Presidential transition efforts within the agency;
(iv) during a year in which a Presidential election will be held, a transition representative for each eligible candidate, who shall serve in an advisory capacity;
(v) a senior career representative from any other agency determined by the Co-Chairs to be an agency that has significant responsibilities relating to the Presidential transition process; and
(vi) other senior employees serving in the Executive Office of the President, as determined by the President.

(c) The Agency Transition Directors Council shall:
(i) ensure the Federal Government has an integrated strategy for addressing interagency challenges and responsibilities around Presidential transitions and turnover of non-career appointees;
(ii) coordinate transition activities among the Executive Office of the President, agencies, and the transition team of eligible candidates and the President-elect and Vice-President-elect;
(iii) draw on guidance provided by the White House Transition Coordinating Council and lessons learned from previous Presidential transitions in carrying out its duties;
(iv) assist the Federal Transition Coordinator in identifying and carrying out his or her responsibilities relating to a Presidential transition;
(v) provide guidance to agencies in gathering briefing materials and information relating to the Presidential transition that may be requested by eligible candidates;
(vi) ensure materials and information described in subparagraph (v) of this subsection are prepared not later than November 1 of the year during which a Presidential election is held;
(vii) ensure agencies adequately prepare career employees who are designated to fill non-career positions during a Presidential transition; and
(viii) consult with the President's Management Council, or any successor thereto, in carrying out its duties.

(d) The Agency Transition Directors Council shall meet:
(i) subject to subparagraph (ii) of this subsection, not less than once per year; and
(ii) during the period beginning on the date that is 6 months before a Presidential election and ending on the date on which the President-elect is inaugurated, on a regular basis as necessary to carry out its duties and authorities.

Sec. 4. General Provisions.

(a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
(i) the authority granted by law to a department or agency, or the head thereof; or
(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.

(c) The terms "eligible candidate," "Federal Transition Coordinator," and "Presidential election" shall have the same meaning as those terms used in the Presidential Transition Act of 1963, as amended. The term "President's Management Council" shall have the same meaning as that term is used in the Presidential Memorandum of July 11, 2001.

(d) This order is intended only to facilitate the transition and is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

May 6, 2016

Pro-Hillary PAC Spending $1 Million to Hire Online Trolls

Correct the Record, a pro-Hillary Clinton political action committee (PAC), is spending over $1 million on online trolls in order to ‘correct’ Bernie Sanders supporters on social media sites.

The PAC this week launched an initiative called “Barrier Breakers 2016,” which is composed of a “task force” that will debate ‘Bernie Bros,’ presumably supporters of the Senator Sanders’s campaign, as referred to by their official press release.
According to Correct the Record, the task force will “combat online political harassment,” boasting that it has already “addressed more than 5,000 individuals who have personally attacked Secretary Clinton on Twitter.”
“The task force will provide a presence and space online where Clinton supporters can organize and engage with one another and are able to obtain graphics, videos, gifs, and messaging to use in their own social spaces,” the group states.
“Additionally, the Barrier Breakers 2016 task force hopes to embrace the creativity of Hillary Clinton’s supporters by sharing their efforts and content with other groups,” it continues.
“Barrier Breakers 2016 is focused on pushing out positive content to Hillary supporters online to counter negative attacks and false narratives,” Correct the Record’s communications director, Elizabeth Shappell, told The Daily Beast. “The expanded task force was established in anticipation of the general election.”
According to Campaign Legal Center lawyer Paul Ryan, Correct the Record is “creating new ways to undermine campaign regulation.” However, it is understood the Federal Electoral Commission will not be investigating the matter.

I noticed we get our share of paid trolls here on nesaranews. ~Freewill

Why the Islamic Invasion of the West is Happening

Why the Islamic Invasion of the West is Happening
Glenn Beck Controversy


Published on May 7, 2016

Alex breaks down the globalists plan to fracture the west with masses of Muslims and destroy their homelands at the same time. He also responds to the ongoing Glenn Beck Controversy.