Obama is against Trump... Check
The Media are against Trump... Check
The establishment Democrats are against Trump... Check
The establishment Republicans are against Trump... Check
The Pope is against Trump... Check
The UN is against Trump... Check
The EU is against Trump... Check
China is against Trump... Check
Mexico is against Trump... Check
Soros is against Trump... Check
Black Lives Matter is against Trump... Check
Move On is against Trump... Check
Koch Brothers are against Trump... Check
Bushes are against Trump ... Check
Planned Parenthood is against Trump....Check
Hillary & Sanders are both against Trump ... Check
Illegal aliens are against Trump ... Check
Islam is against Trump ... Check
Kasich & Cruz are against Trump ... Check
Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump.. Check
It seems to me, Trump MUST BE the Best Qualified Candidate we could ever have.
you have so many political insiders and left wing NUT CASES all SCARED
TO DEATH, that they all speak out against him at the same time!!
Most of all, it will be the People's Choice...
He's not a Lifetime Politician...Check
He's not a Lawyer.....Check
He's not doing it for the money...Check
He's a Natural Born American Citizen born in the USA from American parents
Bonus points!
Whoopi says she will leave the country...
Whoopi says she will leave the country...
Rosie says she will leave the country...
Sharpton says he will leave the country...
Gov. Brown says California will build a wall...
Cher says she will leave the country...
Cyrus says she will leave the country...
The Constitution and the Bill of Rights will prevail....
Hillary will go to jail.....
The budget will be balanced in 8 years....
Americans will have first choice at jobs.....
You will not be able to marry your pet....
You will be able to keep your gun(s) if you qualify... (Not a criminal, etc.)
Only Live Human American Registered Citizens can vote....
You can have and keep your own Doctor.....
You can say what you want without being called a racist....
Come to think of it, we have no place to go, but UP
Get the show on the road!
Wayseer Manifesto --
Weird people say make it great again, and I wonder 'which one'?
This one we are tearing down? Cause this one has to go!
And we really are getting change, because before O, we were asleep, or like frogs slowly boiling in a pot and unaware of the plans for us.
Since he took office in eight years he let us see how the govt spends money, how the military goes to war over conflicts we have no business policing, how the gov't encouraged people to be on welfare, how medicare stripped the gov't of funding with ridiculous spending, including that everyone get a power chair fiasco, more whistleblowers have come forward, more ponzi schemes have been revealed, more banks have been sanctioned for wrong doing and the reason the banks don't pay a lot for what they stole is because millions of people did not file a complaint, so that the amount stolen from them could be included in those sanctions - but people got mad at the gov't for not charging the banks enough for the crimes.
[ If a robber goes through a town of 1000 and steal 10 million dollars in property, and 15 people report their crime, and the gov't charges the robber with the theft of 15 people's property to a tune of 500,000 dollars. What does the rest have anything to say about it. They sat on their a** and reported nothing. They are not witnesses to a crime. They did not stick their neck out and tell anyone what happened to them. So why complain about the penalty of the robber, when you helped the robber not be guilty of robbing, *you*.
We are the reason things are happening, and until we realize it, the things we experience are partly our own doing.
Since O has been in office, he grabbed the entire infrastructure and there has not been a war nor total destruction of buildings on our land, but he didn't grab the seas, and they dumped oil in it as punishment.
One day he spoke of reeling in the banks, and as soon as he spoke it, the banks had some unknown trader fat finger a trade and dump the market. Some people went from rich to poor in 30 seconds, and O learned to never threaten the banks again in public.
Dodd Frank bill is here, CFPB has been shutting down debt collectors and law firm foreclosure mills.
If no one sees that O being president is the reason this country is going to hell in a handbasket and revealing all it's uglies as a good thing, then they should have kept one of those other presidents that would have continued the fraud while we watched t.v.
Since O had been president people are more aware of everything, and all things are changing, including what bathroom to use, and what open borders mean.
Judge Anna posted about not getting a passport to leave because she lives no where.
If the borders were open, she'd not have to rely on a passport to leave and come back. Freedom to travel will be for everyone like it should be.
O's last correspondence speech, may well be that the current system is now gone, and thank goodness and ridness.
If he does't live in the white house now, well it's symbolic of the old country and old controllers. Maybe he is the president of the new republic. He can't be forced to sign any laws that do not agree with the people, or make any EO's that do not help the people.
He golfed a lot people to stay out of the Oval office.
Folks hated that he was out of the office all the time.
When he was in that office, he was forced to sign a bunch of nonsense that made people mad.
Can you make up you mind? You either want him in the office, and under their control, or out of the office and under his own control not signing junk that affect the people who voted for him.
A lot of people let the postings on the internet help them judge O. Those generals may have lost their jobs, and how many of your soldiers have been redeployed since they have been unemployed.
Paying attention, yet?
I couldn't agree more with article,
yes because all of the above, Trump is the right Leader, and the most decent as a person.
Trump 2016!!
Leader? I don't want no stinkin' leader! I lead! I am looking for a public servant to lead!
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