Cliff Owen/Associated Press
Correct the Record, a pro-Hillary Clinton political action committee (PAC), is spending over $1 million on online trolls in order to ‘correct’ Bernie Sanders supporters on social media sites.
The PAC this week launched an initiative called “Barrier Breakers 2016,” which is composed of a “task force” that will debate ‘Bernie Bros,’ presumably supporters of the Senator Sanders’s campaign, as referred to by their official press release.According to Correct the Record, the task force will “combat online political harassment,” boasting that it has already “addressed more than 5,000 individuals who have personally attacked Secretary Clinton on Twitter.”
“The task force will provide a presence and space online where Clinton supporters can organize and engage with one another and are able to obtain graphics, videos, gifs, and messaging to use in their own social spaces,” the group states.
“Additionally, the Barrier Breakers 2016 task force hopes to embrace the creativity of Hillary Clinton’s supporters by sharing their efforts and content with other groups,” it continues.
“Barrier Breakers 2016 is focused on pushing out positive content to Hillary supporters online to counter negative attacks and false narratives,” Correct the Record’s communications director, Elizabeth Shappell, told The Daily Beast. “The expanded task force was established in anticipation of the general election.”
According to Campaign Legal Center lawyer Paul Ryan, Correct the Record is “creating new ways to undermine campaign regulation.” However, it is understood the Federal Electoral Commission will not be investigating the matter.
I noticed we get our share of paid trolls here on nesaranews. ~Freewill
I post on this site.
A lot of times I have more than a twitter sentence to say.
You'll spot my things because I try to convey information.
I get dissed a lot, and one guy even posted about AI posting on sites, after one of my comments.
I wrote to you Freewill, if you can remember receiving a letter.
But, if anyone thinks my posts are shill, tell me and I'll go away.
This is not the only site I pass information to.
As far as the way I think.
If you look at The Art of Thinking
[some people only learn from other people - they don't learn anything on their own...womb to tomb babies, in my opinion]
But if you look at The Art of Thinking, there are five types according to this particular author.
I am the Synthesist.
If I walk into a room, only one in 10 people will think like I do.
In a room of one hundred people, I'd have to look hard to find the nine others that think like me, the rest will have their group and clan, and whatevers they gather together to ostracize the rest of us from them.
My job looked for someone like me to fill the gaps of their department. To many things get lost when everyone thinks the same and agrees to the same and solves problems the same way.
I am created just for that diversity. I have no problem with me.
I tend to bring out the negative energy of people who claim Christian but have no unconditional love, and who claim to be awake, but think ideas, and thoughts and ways to solve problems fit in a box, and if you don't think like them there is something wrong with you.
I think someone posted idiot one time, or was it incompetent.
Once while working in customer service, I was absent from work. When I returned the team had a counseling session with a woman about diversity. They made sure I did the activity called, 'How do you fold your towel'.
So they gave me a large bath towel and asked me to fold it like I do at home.
When I finished the supervisor took the towel and made certain she folded it a different way.
Another coworker took the towel and made sure they folded it a different way.
This went on for like five people folding this towel different.
The point was, the idea, the towel was the same.
The way people dealt with it was different, and there was nothing wrong with the people nor the towel, only my perception of what I saw or felt affected by what they did.
So talking of shills and trolls, some of us are just more aware, more awake, more astute, more studied, more loving, more living, more acceptable of all life created by the One Infinite Creator, and less judgmental.
If anyone wants me to leave, I will because I do not infringe on anyone's free will, even though I did write to you Free Will.
I mentioned the words, Come home when you are ready.
You know the context of what it means, and no one can interpret what it means without having seen the letter and knowing what I wrote.
Be well.
Anonymous 8:14, You are fine.. I am referring to those one liners that comment and all they say is "Fear Porn" or just blurt trash and will not back it up. I encourage intellectual dialog and don't mind being challenged or corrected. All I ask is back it up. Put my finger on it. There are a few comments that are beyond any doubt paid trolls and sometimes they are so trashy that I just mark them as spam.
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