Sunday, June 26, 2016

BREXIT: The ‘Six-Sigma’ Black Swan of the Millennium


BREXIT: The ‘Six-Sigma’ Black Swan of the Millennium

The Best Context to Correctly Understand
BREXIT is the Super Shemitah


2016: Chinese Year of the Red Fire Monkey

Cosmic Convergence Research Group
The victorious BREXIT referendum is by far the greatest Black Swan event of the millennium.  There is nothing even close to this Black Swan, nor will anything occur in the post-modern period that comes close to BREXIT.  Simply put, it is the ultimate game-changer.

‘The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable’[1]

What distinguishes this single people-powered happening from all the other major events is that it foreshadows the future of Europe, the United States, as well as all the other nations within the sphere of the Anglo-American Axis (AAA).[2]  That’s how stupendously huge BREXIT really is.

Most commentators — both economic and financial — cannot even begin to wrap their minds around the true significance of a BREXIT.  In the vast majority of cases, they simply do not know what they don’t know … and they don’t even have a hint about their ignorance because they operate in a relatively small box of institutional awareness.
Truly, it does not get any bigger than a BREXIT in 2016, or for the entire decade for that matter.  BREXIT is the real game-changer that everyone has been waiting for.  What makes this eventuality so HUGE in the firmament of global trigger events is that the cornerstone of the NWO’s One World Government — the European Union — will be greatly undermined by such an inevitable happening.
(Source: BREXIT: The Biggest Trigger Event of the Decade)

BREXIT: A truly biblical event

First off, most of those who populate the intelligentsia, both academic and professional, live their lives in a godless universe.  They may belong to an organized religion or subscribe to the tenets of this or that faith tradition, but their professional life does not reflect this.  Basically they are weekend religious warriors who practice churchianity, or they are stone-cold atheists, agnostics or spiritual materialists.

In any case, the vast array of talking heads both on and off the TV do not have the capacity to understand that BREXIT was a “truly biblical event”.  For it really does represent the end of Europe and especially the godlessness which has steadily increased since the end of the Second World War.  In fact this is the true cause for the multiple cataclysmic events which have been overrunning the nations of Europe.  The upcoming upheaval across the Eurozone is guaranteed to cause so much pain and suffering that the people will be deeply humbled … as they should be. (Think Greece!)

While BREXIT does represent the emancipation of the British people from the tyrannical European Union, just like the biblical Hebrews departing Egypt after Passover, they will now begin their 40 years in the desert.  BREXIT only represents the miraculous passing through the Red Sea.  So, too, will all the other nations which leave the EU in fairly rapid succession over the next few years.

Not only will the EU experience great convulsions as each country is self-ejected from the economic union, every country in or out will undergo great hardships.  The most basic reason for this is the pervasive disconnection from God on both the personal and collective levels. When God is so absent from successive generations, it is always just a matter of time before a real-time deus ex machina event occurs.  And when it does, it frequently manifests as a Black Swan.
While everyone has been standing, sitting, and lying around waiting for the Apocalypse to happen and Armageddon to break out into the open, the Brits just staged “The Greatest Show on Earth”.  This sole demonstration of people power will serve to catalyze and galvanize the greatest popular movement the world has ever known.  Call it World Summer, if you will.  Whatever you call it, know that it will be as powerful and ubiquitous as any people-driven revolution in recorded history.

How’s that for biblical?  As usual, most of the people who will be participating in this planetary production neither believe in God nor want to even talk about a Supreme Being. In this way they will be led down different roads so that one day they will wake up to the fact that the whole EU set was actually created by the Creator.  Of course, the Creator always chooses the best actors to play the crucial roles.  Just like the Beatles were chosen to lead the British Invasion of America, and select barons and nobles were chosen to sign the Magna Carta with King John at Runnymede, so were the Brits selected once again to kick off the beginning of the end of the EU project.


BREXIT has even galvanized TEXIT

Let’s face it, when the outcome of the British referendum can galvanize the secessionist movement in Texas, that’s a true Black Swan event.  Just like the European Union superstate, the U.S. Federal Government has come to represent all that is oppressive and dictatorial, overbearing and intolerable.  No other state in the union has been so constantly piqued at the utter lawlessness and tyranny coming from the Obama’s White House than Texas.  In short, TEXIT is now but a foregone conclusion.  The lone star state will secede yet again, only this time for good. Black Swan, the BREXIT truly was.

Calls for Texas independence surge in wake of Brexit vote
Not only Texas, but the residents of other states have nursed along nascent secession movements waiting for just the right time to jumpstart them.  Vermont, New Hampshire, Tennessee are just a few that are ready to see the secessionists light the fires of their EXIT campaigns.   Both The Second Vermont Republic and the NH independence movement can be transformed into bona fide secession endeavors particularly given the current condition of presidential politics.

Screen Shot 2016-06-25 at 10.28.21 AMFrance, Austria, the Netherlands, Finland and Hungary

It’s now being reported, as fully expected, that several other EU members are vulnerable to their own referendums.  These are not small players either.  France, Austria and the Netherlands would deal a death blow to the European Union project should they follow through.  Each of them has been itching for a fair referendum for years and now that a serious precedent has been set, there’s probably no stopping them.

Germany Warns Of Brexit Domino Effect
The highly independent French have always wanted out off the EU reservation as have the Dutch.  Hungary’s prime minster has had a very inharmonious relationship with the EU and would love to be gone yesterday.   Finland, on the other hand, has always seemed to have made a grievous mistake about joining the whole enterprise.  It was as if they simply went along to get along, especially as vulnerable as they feel being so close to Russia, who is actually their best friend if only the Finns got wise to it.

Italy, Spain and Portugal plus Ireland

These three stepchildren of the Europe’s southern flank are aching to get far away from the EU sinking ship as possible.  They are not talking about it only because they are looking to grab as many freebies and handouts as possible in the wake of signing away their futures. Each of these nations is still on life support, although no one mentions it openly in the corridors of power.  Otherwise, the markets would be pushing for the dissolution of the EU all day long such a long-term problem are the stepchildren.

The critical point here is that the southern tier (including France) is in big trouble.  If they don’t get out soon, the pain and suffering will be that much greater down the road.  For that reason the Mediterranean realists among their respective leaderships are just waiting for the BIG boys to exit so that theirs might be made easier.  Especially in light of how much these highly indebted nations are, is there very good reason for them to get out when the time is right.


GREXIT still looms on the horizon

The reality is that GREXIT will not stop being a very serious option for the Greek people until it happens.  Not only have the Greeks been abused and traumatized, exploited and manipulated by the ECB, the IMF and the German Government, their country has been left in ruins.  Even though the people of Greece are broke, busted and disgusted, they, too, know that the timing of their exit is critical toward minimizing the degree of their hardship. They have already suffered enough, although they appear to be willing to take on even more as the new drop dead date approaches in July.

The determining factor for Greece’s final departure, however, is Germany.  They will plan their exit strategy around the point in time when Germany is being harried by other challenges and beaten down by its own ineptitude.  This very sour relationship with Germany really does affect so much of how Greece’s destiny within the EU will play out. Nevertheless, Greece will one day win the day by living up to its reputation as the Achilles’ heel of European Union.

Scotland will hold another referendum.

Even Scotland has come out swinging in the wake of the successful BREXIT.  Most Scots are fully aware that their last referendum vote was stolen by the City of London.  There was a clearcut majority of Scottish voters who wanted out of the United Kingdom.  Now that the UK is leaving the EU, they really want to get out from under the shadow of Great Britain.
First The UK, Then Scotland… Then Texas?

Quite unfortunately, however, the Scots somehow feel that they need to operate under the rubric and particularly the economic umbrella of the EU in order to make a successful transition to autonomous statehood.  While there may be some truth to that, they are best served to steer clear of the sinking EU ship.

BREXIT wrap up

The foregoing discussion ought to reflect just how serious a Black Swan BREXIT truly is.  Not only is the entire EU project now in serious jeopardy, so, too,  is the global economy.  “The European Union (EU) is a politico-economic union of 28 member states” which includes approximately 508 million people.  This makes it the largest multinational economic union in the world and second only to the USA in terms of GDP.

In fact the European Union is so large that as the EU goes, so goes the rest of the world to a great extent.  The degree to which European economies are intimately intertwined with those of Asia, South America and Africa will determine just how much difficulty each of these has upon the unwinding of the ill-fated EU project.

Because the European Union was conceived as a quasi-communist totalitarian superstate it was only a matter of time before the people rejected it outright.  Such rampant discontent could only be contained for so long.  Likewise, it was inevitable that the perfect Black Swan would com flying over it at a point of its greatest vulnerability.  Given the unprecedented immigration crisis that the EU brought on itself, as well as the unending military entanglements which most members are opposed to, BREXIT occurred at the best possible time.

The Super Shemitah

Each of the preceding discussions ought to be considered in light of the current Super Shemitah. The 70th Super Shemitah is so named because it is the 70th Biblical Shemitah Jubilee stretching over nearly 3500 years.  This particular religious phenomenon is indigenous to the Hebrews.  The Judaic tradition has observed the practice of starting over every seven years by mutually releasing everyone of their debts during the Shemitah year.  In so doing the Jewish community could start fresh without the crushing burdens of indebtedness.

As is often the case, this custom eventually became perverted for the benefit of a few.  The last century saw many instances where this distortion of both the letter and the spirit of the Shemitah translated to stock and bond market crashes, as well as economic depressions and other financial collapses.  In fact the whole world still labors under the inordinate burdens brought on by the 2008 stock market crash and 2007 real estate market collapse.

Because none of the root causes of the 2007/2008 downturn were meaningfully addressed, the whole world now finds itself at the edge of a precipice.  Hence, the Super Shemitah is quite likely to manifest in ways that will shake the entire planetary civilization.   Certainly the voluntary, as well as involuntary, release of so much debt will reign supreme while the Super Shemitah evolves toward its conclusion on October 2, 2016 and beyond.


The Chinese Year of the Fire Monkey

2016 has also been identified as the Chinese Year of the Fire Monkey.  This is a very significant astrological fact of life this year which will not go unnoticed.  BREXIT, the Zika scare, the Brazil coup d’état, the engineered collapse of Venezuela, the Orlando Pulse nightclub black operation, the improbable ascendancy of Donald Trump, the perseverance of Bernie Sanders, and the implausibility of Hillary Clinton’s campaign among other dramatic events are all products of the inimitable Fire Monkey.

What is especially important about this year is that it is fraught with the energy of the Fire Monkey.  The Red Fire Monkey is at once the most powerful and persuasive, captivating and entertaining of all the signs. He is indomitable during his year and unbeatable at anything he does.  It should be noted that the American Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776 the Year of the Fire Monkey.  Revolution is in the air everywhere as the people of the planet wake up to the incessant assaults on their personal sovereignty. Likewise, nations are also becoming aware of how their national sovereignty has been assailed by forces both foreign and domestic.

With this understanding the remainder of 2016 ought to be regarded as the most volatile and tumultuous of the millennium.  The political turmoil will only increase as the social unrest intensifies.  Likewise, both economic instability and financial insecurity will become the order of the day. International relations will continue along the trajectory of ever-increasing combustibility as wars and rumors of war continue unabated.

The key aspect of this year will be the spontaneous protests and/or popular revolts against corrupt government and abusive authority.  The human race is about to grow up in the most fundamental and profound way that it can.  That relates to the awareness of and protection of one’s personal sovereignty.  When a populace permits the wholesale destruction of their environment or allows the invasion of person or property, they have compromised their personal sovereignty.  The longer this goes on collectively, the more likely that national sovereignty will also be intruded upon.  As it has been, all around the globe.

Both the European Union in Brussels and the U.S. Federal Government in Washington, D.C. are now quite notorious for such personal intrusions and national invasions.  This is why both need to be dissolved post haste as they have outlived their usefulness.   Each of these entities has arrogated power unto itself whereby they now do much more harm than good.  Their respective citizenries know this full well and are being compelled to throw off the yoke of oppression.  The Year of the Fire Monkey makes all of this possible as the celestial energies conspire to create the conducive conditions for a full-blown revolution to take place.


At the end of the day it can be said that the people of each and every nation always get the leaders that they deserve.  Similarly, the nations will only experience the karma — both positive and negative — that they have accrued.  Having already experienced two world wars on the continent would seem to dissuade the EU nations from walking down that road again.  And, yet, there appears to be so little resistance to blatant Zio-Anglo-American militarism that is foisted upon them every day.  Their approval of economic sanctions against an innocent Russia only confirms the lack of European will.  It also shows how little national sovereignty now remains across the Eurozone.

This brings us back to the original theme of this article: wherever the Divine is taken out of the society and God Almighty is removed from the national discourse, only calamity will follow.  European societies have a collective tendency to turn their back on the Highest Power.  These are older nations which have turned cynical and skeptical.  The political class and corporate crowd have become jaded in so many dangerous ways.  Consequently, societies throughout the continent are no longer God-fearing or respectful of religious practice. Even worse, true spiritual pursuit is not honored the way that it was during the age of the mystics.  Atheism and agnosticism rule the day throughout European secular society

Herein lies the root cause for all that ails Europe at this very moment in time.  Hopefully, many will start coming to their religious sensibilities so as to avert the worst.  While an economic depression may no longer be unavoidable at this point, a World War III in its back yard can certainly be short-circuited.   

However, first the people must stand up and flatly reject the war-mongering that has been brought to their doorstep by the AAA leadership and NWO cabal.

Lastly, BREXIT is sure to be only one of several Black Swans that will visit during this highly consequential year of 2016.  Nonetheless, it will go down in history as the one that really broke the bank … for good.  After all, it was the Crown Temple moneychangers (aka banksters) from the Financial District in the City of London that transformed the Global Economic & Financial System into a worldwide gambling casino.  Hence, it is only fitting that the last roll of the dice thrown by the BREXIT crowd shut down the betting parlor once and for all.

Cosmic Convergence Research Group
June 25, 2016
Editor’s Note

Anyone who really wants to understand the extraordinary impacts and “awesome consequences” coming from the BREXIT Black Swan is highly encouraged to read the following 3 essays.  Each of these revelatory pieces is critical to the proper understanding of just how huge BREXIT really is.  Truly, the BREXIT trigger event will precipitate the most profound and fundamental changes ever witnessed on Planet Earth.

2016: A Year of Super Convergence and Awesome Consequence
The 2015/2016 Shemitah Jubilee And The End Of The Kali Yuga
The Super Shemitah, Mayan Calendar and Kali Yuga Converge in 2015/2016


END OF THE EU? Germany warns FIVE more countries could leave Europe after Brexit

BREXIT Wins: Government Resigns, EU Convulses, Gold Soars, Markets Panic, People Prevail, NWO Shocked

BREXIT Rigged: Pre-Referendum Polls Skewed, Politicos Fear-mongered For BREMAIN

Recommended Reading
Nothing else throws a wrench into the Globalist’s machinery like a BREXIT
Brexit As A Roadmap …For YOU!

[1] ‘The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable’

[2] Anglo-American Axis (AAA)
The Anglo-American Axis is represented, first and foremost, by the major English-speaking countries of the world: USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Israel. The European member nations of NATO, such as Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands are also closely aligned with the AAA as are all the Scandinavian countries. So are the Asian Pacific Rim nations of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and the Philippines. Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan, Kuwait, Jordan, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, and Qatar also owe their allegiance to the AAA but some of these may be changing. The World Shadow Government is an ultra-secret, supranational organization which completely controls the Anglo-American Axis, as well as the European Union, NATO, among many other institutional entities which constitute the Global Control Matrix.
(Source: Vladimir Putin’s Russia: Perfect Foil To The Anglo-American Axis And Their New World ‘Order’)

Timeline of the Great Fraud

People  need  to  end  the  two  party  Corporate  Fascist  political  fraud  and  the  Congress  “In  Trust”  system 

Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Judge Anna Von Reitz

1. 1754-1776: The “United Colonies” take shape as a loose political association, and the First and Second Continental Congresses are the result.
2. 1776: The Colonies declare independence.
3. 1781: The Articles of Confederation bind “States” — political subdivisions of the United Colonies -– together in a “perpetual union”, creating a confederation of States to operate in the international Jurisdiction of the Sea. [Why a “confederation” instead of a “federation”? – Because the original States gave up some of their natural jurisdiction to the new political entity, the Union, they created.]
4. 1783: The Treaty of Paris and Treaty of Versailles cements this arrangement splitting the land and sea jurisdictions between the States and the Federal Union and places King George III as Trustee of American interests on the “High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways” —which means he kept control of American international commerce. The new “Union” entity operating in the international Jurisdiction of the sea was always controlled by the British and it has always been the British Monarch’s responsibility as International Trustee to manage it and guarantee its proper operation. It has instead run amok for 150 years.
5. 1787: The Supreme Perfected Republican Declaration of the United Colonies creates the National Trust owed the Continental United States.
6. 1789: Two years later, “The Constitution for the united States of America” splits off the sea jurisdiction and creates the new Federal United States. A year later (1790) the Federal United States forms a commercial company doing business as the United States (Commercial Company) to provide the nineteen enumerated services agreed to by the subscribing States.
7. 1812-1814: The British try to horn in again and are beaten back. This skirmish results in the Treaty of Ghent, where the British interests in American shipping and commerce are reaffirmed and lasting peace is promised in return.
8. 1845: The British Monarch and Pope secretly agree to undermine the American System of government via the Treaty of Verona. The British Monarch breaches the Treaty of Ghent and both the Pope and the King secretly breach their trust as International Trustees. They set out on a covert action and issued Letters of Marque and Reprisal to the members of the Bar Associations, allowing them to act as Foreign Agents on American soil and as privateers free to plunder American commerce.
9. 1860: Thanks to the efforts of the Bar Associations a member of the Bar, Abraham Lincoln, is elected to serve as President. Note that he is ineligible serve as President of the United States of America, by the Titles of Nobility Amendment to the actual Constitutionbut is eligible to serve as President of the United States (Commercial Company). This is the same situation we have with Barack Obama who is ineligible to serve as President of the United States of America, but is able to serve as President of the United States (Incorporated).
10. 1861: The Civil War begins. ‘Congress’ adjourns for lack of quorum and without a date to reconvene. Lincoln organizes a Delaware Corporation and the remaining members of Congress begin functioning as a Board of Directors.
11. 1862: The “Corporate Congress”—a body of men no different than the Board of Directors of IBM, change the meaning of a single word —only and explicitly for use within their corporation. That word is “person”. From then on the word “person” is deemed to mean “corporation” for federal government purposes. (37th “Congress”– Second Session, Chapter 49, Section 68.)
12. 1863: Lincoln signs the Lieber Code as Commander in Chief and puts the Union Army, the Grand Army of the Republic, in charge of the nation’s future and money supply. A day later, he bankrupts the original United States (Commercial Company).
13. 1865: Lee’s Army surrenders to Grant and a general armistice is declared. The Southern States are in ruins and under military occupation by the Union. The original Northern States are bankrupt. Foreign banks are in control of the new “United States of America, Inc.” and the Union Army reigns supreme. Over the next two years President Andrew Johnson will three times publicly declare peace on the land jurisdiction of the Continental United States, but peace is never declared in the international Jurisdiction of the Sea controlled by the Federal United States under the trusteeship of the British Monarch.
14. 1868: The Corporate Congress writes itself a new Corporate Constitution, called “the Constitution of the United States of America” and palms off this look-alike, sound-alike private corporate document “as if” it were the actual Constitution. This is fraud on many levels. The Constitution of the United States of America purposefully sought to confuse and delude people into thinking it was the actual Equity Contract obligating the States to receive services and subrogate their international jurisdiction to the federal government.
15. 1871: The Corporate Congress begins to set up shop for itself by creating a separate government for the District of Columbia. The initial effort fails but seven years later the Washing ton DC Municipality is created as an independent international city state run as a plenary oligarchy by the members of “Congress”. Also in 1871, the Corporate Congress claimed to own all United States corporations – 41st “Congress”- Third Session, Chapters 62, 63, 64, and 65.
16. 1874-1885: All the actual States on the land are reorganized and at the same time completely new “Federal States” are created and new “State Constitutions” are written for them. The original States on the land are renamed in this process. The original State of Ohio operating the land jurisdiction became the Ohio State, while the usurping “Federal State”— merely a corporate franchise of the United States of America, Inc. operating in the international Jurisdiction of the Sea—took over the name “State of Ohio”.
17. 1900-1904: Still lusting after more power for itself, the Corporate Congress set up a second shop for itself and obtained permission to do it from the Supreme Court in a series of cases known as The Insular Tariff Cases. As with setting up the Washington DC Municipality as a foreign city-state on our shores and running it as their own little oligarchy, the “Congress” now took the “federal territories and possessions” and made a new “union” of “American states” – Puerto Rico, Guam, et alia -and began calling it “the United States of America (Minor)”. They just forgot to add the (Minor) part of the name from then on, and let people assume that all the repugnant laws they passed governing this “Constitutional Democracy” also applied to the Continental United States.
18. 1912-1913: A private association of European and American banks calling themselves “The Federal Reserve” bought the governmental services corporation known as “The United States of America, Inc.” and its “State” franchises as a business venture, and began operating such familiar agencies as The United States Department of Agriculture and The United States Department of Transportation as private, for-profit businesses -without telling anyone. They exercised the “government powers” they didn’t really possess in a vast fraud scheme in collusion with members of “Congress” to institute a fiat monetary system and misused their position of trust to put competitors out of business, set up monopolies, rig commodity markets, and commit other acts of blatant self-interested criminality and fraud.
19. 1917: Engaging in a war for profit, Congress and their Banker Bosses passed the War Powers Act and the Trading With the Enemy Act, and numerous other illegal and repugnant “Acts” pertaining only to the Federal United States and the international Jurisdiction of the Sea, but presented them to the public as if this claptrap pertained to the actual States and People on the land of the Continental United States. Deceived by this venal and purposeful fraud, millions of Americans complied with what they believed to be the “Law” passed by a legitimate Congress acting as deputies of the States and the People.
20. 1918-1933: Once in control of the monetary system the “Federal Reserve” increased the monetary supply exponentially, causing the “Roaring Twenties”. They built the house of cards and on October 29, 1929, they collapsed it – deliberately. This enabled them to put thousands of competitors out of business, allowed them to buy commodities, land, and labor for dirt cheap, and to manipulate the value of the dollar to their benefit.
21. 1933-1940: The banks took full advantage of the “national emergency” they created and the Congress did everything the bankers required: The Sheppard-Towner Act, the Buck Act, the Alien Registration Act, the Social Security Act(s), the Emergency Banking Act, and more. The purpose of all this was to lay claim to the labor and the assets of the States and People of the Continental United States by securing “private contracts” with them, enabling the perpetrators to “represent them” and to set up corporations “in their names”. Hundreds of millions of Americans were told that they “had to” sign up for Social Security and have a Social Security Number in order to have a job, that it was “the Law” and that “Congress had passed it” and so, believing it to be a lawful government mandate – when in fact it was a corporate fraud scheme – they were subscribed en mass. Remembering now the actions of the Corporate Congress in 1862 redefining the word “person” to mean “corporation” for federal purposes, and their later claim made in 1871 to hold ownership interest in all United States corporations and seeing that their actions from 1933 to 1940 resulted in redefining the estates of living Americans as public trusts—that is, as a form of corporation— you can see that the “Corporate Congress” has claimed to own living Americans as assets belonging to their corporation and has also claimed to control and own their private assets — in flagrant violation of the Geneva Convention Protocols Volume II, Article 3, and in equally flagrant violation of the 1926 International Conventions on Slavery, and in violation of every lawful and moral duty, commercial contract, and trust indenture owed to the Continental United States and the American People. It is also apparent that all of this – every claim, every salvage lien, every title to land and property held under color of law – being held against the Continental United States and the living civilian inhabitants of the Continental United States, is pure, self-interested commercial fraud created and perpetuated under conditions of semantic deceit, constructive fraud, misrepresentation, and mischaracterization by the management of the Federal United States, the various governmental services corporations doing business as some form of “United States” and the British Government.
22. 1940-present: Among the first actions to be taken by the criminals was to “register” all live births. This established a claim of ownership on the baby and his or her estate, benefiting the “State of Ohio” or other “Federal State franchise”. This act of identity theft exercised via an undisclosed and forced contract with the Mother of the child, allowed each ”State” franchise to control the name and the property of the baby. The perpetrators promptly set up new “State franchises” benefiting themselves using names styled like this: “Joseph Quincy Public” and new “Municipal franchises” set up under the auspices of the Washington DC Municipality using NAMES styled like this: “JOHN QUINCY PUBLIC”. The only purpose for creating these franchises structured as various kinds of trusts – was to act as a means for the privately owned governmental services corporations to hypothecate debt against the labor of the living people and their private property assets and to exercise control over them amounting to slavery.

NWO is wounded, Trump will give DEATH BLOW! NO Apologies! END WHITE GUILT NOW!

In a short and powerful message, he glorifies our achievements and exposes the agenda of those who’d try to make us feel “guilty” for them.
Spread this around and cure your friends of their “White guilt”!
Basically, Donald Trump did Brexit. I believe this to be a solid fact. If they would have known Trump was coming, they never would have agreed to schedule the referendum.
When they scheduled it two years ago, they also didn’t know Merkel was going to invite trillions of gang-raping Islamic terrorists to come live in London. This is all a gigantic accident by the elite/Jews
Trump affirms “the sacred right of all free peoples” to self-determination
The vote to leave the EU was a rejection of immigration and multiculturalism.
Both countries are rejecting (((elite))) consensus.
As Britain Decided Its Future, Striking Parallels with U.S. Political Debates Emerged
Hillary clearly shows who’s side she is on
Day of the rope is coming!!
“Jews” don’t want white Americans with AR 15s while their citizens in “Israel” have them and now the IRS is getting them too.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Supreme Court Rules Cops Can Break the Law to Enforce the Law

In another devastating blow to the 4th Amendment, on Monday, the Supreme Court ruled that evidence of an alleged crime can be used against a defendant even if police did something inappropriate or even illegal to obtain it.

by Matt Agorist

In a split 5-3 decision, the justices voted to reinstate the drug-related convictions of Joseph Edward Strieff.

In the case of Strieff, he was illegally detained during a “concededly unconstitutional detention,” which eventually led to the discovery of drugs inside his vehicle.

In Strieff’s case, a trial court judge later found that the officer did not have enough evidence to initially stop and question him.

But the judge ruled that Strieff’s subsequent arrest on an outstanding traffic warrant justified the search — implying that the use of criminal behavior to catch criminal behavior is just.

The Utah Court of Appeals agreed with the trial court that the drug evidence was admissible at trial, but, in a moment of logic, the Utah Supreme Court last year reversed that decision.

The Utah Supreme Court noted in its January 2015 decision that the case presented “a gap of substantial significance” in terms of prior rulings by the U.S. Supreme Court on Fourth Amendment issues, and that other courts that have addressed the issue have come to “substantially different conclusions” regarding search and seizure law.

The Fourth Amendment exclusionary rule allows criminal defendants to suppress “fruit of the poisonous tree” — that is, evidence obtained as a result of a search or seizure that violates the Fourth Amendment.

The reason this rule exists is due to the obvious conflict of interests in cops breaking the law to enforce the law.

However, thanks to Monday’s ruling by the Supreme Court, that is exactly what will happen now.

Police have essentially been given a free pass to violate the rights of individuals — just so long as they find evidence of a ‘crime.’

On Monday, the logic applied by the Utah Supreme Court in 2015, was thrown to the wayside in a handout to the police state.

Given the reality of the militarized police state rising up from the horrors of the war on drugs, the fact that cops can now legally act illegally to bust people for possessing arbitrary substances is chilling.

As if breaking the law wasn’t enough, prior to this ruling, police were no longer required to even give the appearance of an understanding of the laws they’re tasked with enforcing, thanks to a recent court decision surpassing even the veritable green light previously granted in Heien v. North Carolina.

In the Heien case, the Supreme Court ruled a “police officer’s reasonable mistake of law gives rise to reasonable suspicion that justifies a traffic stop under the Fourth Amendment.”

A motorist’s broken tail light caused an officer to make a traffic stop — during which evidence of a separate violation of the law was discovered in the vehicle.

But in North Carolina, a broken tail light wasn’t illegal, thus not sufficient cause to justify the stop — nor the arrests stemming from it, lawyers argued, because that would be a violation of unreasonable searches and seizures.

However, the Supreme Court ruled the officer’s ignorance of the law essentially didn’t matter — effectively allowing police around the country the ability to make stops if they ‘reasonably’ believe the cause for the stop is legal.

Plainly, police can stop and search you despite ignorance of the law.

Now, in U.S. v Shelton Barnes et. al. — a case that seemed to slip by largely unnoticed — even that flimsy justification has been deemed too constricting of police power, and police ignorance can actually be used against you in a trial.

On Monday, Justice Sonia Sotomayor said in dissent that the decision in Utah vs. Edward Joseph Strieff, is a blow to constitutional rights.
“The court today holds that the discovery of a warrant for an unpaid parking ticket will forgive a police officer’s violation of your Fourth Amendment rights,” Sotomayor wrote.
Sotomayor’s dissent was joined by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Justice Elena Kagan.

Now, police need not understand the law, or even abide by the law — to enforce the law. In what world is this considered acceptable?

Anonymous - Message to the Citizens of America

Hillary Clinton - Two Separate Ongoing FBI Investigations


June 23, 2016
Alexandra Bruce
Judge Napolitano joins Fox Business' Stuart Varney to discuss the two criminal investigations of Hillary Clinton being conducted now by two separate FBI units, one of which brought down General David Patraeus. 

The first unit is investigating potential breaches of National Security involving the infamous Internet server that Hillary kept in her house in Chappaqua, NY. 

Throughout her tenure as Secretary of State, she used private email accounts in her official communications instead of secure State Department accounts in violation of US Government policy. Thousands of her emails were retroactively marked as 'Classified'.

She breached her security clearance and violated the Federal laws regulating record-keeping, with her suspicious deletion of 31,000 emails from her home server, also raising questions as to why these were deleted. 

Hillary is facing the possibility of being charged with failure to protect National Security Secrets, among other charges. 

The second criminal FBI investigation involves "Public Corruption" relating to the Clinton Foundation itself. The allegations against her are that she used her position as Secretary of State to personally enrich herself and her husband by doing favors for foreign governments and receiving hundreds of millions of dollars in contributions to the Clinton Foundation in return. According to some sources, Saudi Arabia is responsible for 20% of Hillary's campaign contributions. 

An extreme example of irregular activity (among many others) involves Bill Clinton's friend, Frank Giustra, a Canadian who asked Hillary for permission to own shares in a uranium mine in Utah. As Secretary of State, she had the power to grant this permission to a foreign national - which she did do.

Giustra turned around and sold 80% of his shares to Vladimir Putin. So now a Russian corporation owns the lion's share of a uranium mine on US soil - and that corporation is owned by the similarly-corrupt Vladimir Putin.

Now get this: Giustra subsequently contributed $145 million from the proceeds of the sale of his shares in the uranium mine to the Clinton Foundation. Records of this transaction would likely be on the Clinton server but in order to subpoena them, a Grand Jury would need to be summoned.

Napolitano notes that if a Grand Jury is sitting and issuing subpoenas, they have succeeded in keeping it totally quiet. This story managed to stay under the radar until Donald Trump mentioned it in his June 22nd speech in New York City in which he promised to discuss it further, to shine a light on Hillary's judgment, character and fitness (lack thereof of all three) to be President of the United States.

How could a Presidential candidate involve herself in a transaction like this, unless she was totally accustomed to skating past the law as a inveterate arch-criminal? There are many other irregularities with the Clinton Foundation, like monies donated to charities that didn't exist, monies missing, etc.

In a shocking mirror of scandals currently rocking the Brazilian government this is, as Napolitano puts it, "The intersection of law enforcement, politics and the Presidency, all at once!" (and money, too).

Is the corrupt mentality that Hillary exercised during her tenure as 
Secretary of State something that Americans would like to see continued with her as President?

What if charges are brought against her after elected President?

A lot has been said lately about the entrenched corruption of the Brazilian government - but the antics of the Clinton Foundation make those guys look like a bunch of pikers.  All of the kickbacks and bribery committed by the crooks in the Brazilian government put together cannot begin to equal the enormity of the corruption of the self-proclaimed Democratic Party nominee for President of the US. This is not because the corrupt Brazilian politicians are her moral superiors but because representatives of the Brazilian government don't have anything like the geopolitical influence to peddle, as did the former US Secretary of State.

Notice that I'm retracting a previous statement in which I referred to Hillary as the Democratic Party nominee. I was corrected by a subscriber who apprised me of the fact that ballots in the pivotal State of California are still being re-counted more than two weeks after that state's June 7 Primary Election, where there was massive evidence of vote fraud, as detailed here

The creator of that clip notes that, "The sheer mass of the election fraud that took place in California was staggering and is unlike anything we have seen in decades. It is estimated that 2 out of every 3 Bernie Sanders votes were not counted during the California primary election. We will explain in detail how the election was rigged and provide our sources."

As we've seen, vote fraud is just the tip of the iceberg in the vast criminal enterprise of the former Secretary of State, a hawkish Neocon who has stated that she is not against the tactic of "limited nuclear warfare". 

Among Hillary's advisers is Project for a New American Century (PNAC) Co-Founder, Robert Kagan, who espouses Perpetual War as the standard operating procedure for the US; to indefinitely impose its military power, seeking to dominate the world in a unipolar fashion. 
Hillary did her part to carry out this policy during her stint as Secretary of State and would undoubtedly continue along the same lines as President. This, at a time when this policy is no longer viable, to say nothing about desirable. 
Proponents of this policy recently passed a resolution which would enable the military draft of US women as the only way to maintain the "endless wars" of the past 15 years. As I've stated previously, it's my opinion that this Neocon tactic is primarily greed-driven war profiteering and disaster capitalism, utterly debased and devoid of human values, just like their candidate, Hillary Clinton.

Video: (5 and a half mins):

Judge Napolitano ~ Most People Have Forgotten
There Are 2 Criminal FBI Investigations Of Clinton 

Jun 23, 2016 | Alexandra Bruce

Millions Already RFID Chipped

SHOCKING! Millions Already RFID Chipped
 Under OBAMACARE Without Consent!  

Brexit - What does it mean?

Brexit - What does it mean?
Special Report

In December, 2012, the United States National Intelligence Council (NIC) published their latest 5-year report that forecasts long-term implications and is titled Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds:
The purpose of this document, the NIC says, is: “We are at a critical juncture in human history, which could lead to widely contrasting futures.  It is our contention that the future is not set in stone, but is malleable, the result of an interplay among mega trends, game-changers and, above all, human agency. Our effort is to encourage decision makers—whether in government or outside—to think and plan for the long term so that negative futures do not occur and positive ones have a better chance of unfolding.”

In planning for a future the NIC says is “not set in stone” and is “malleable”, they pose the question: “Will the US be able to work with new partners to reinvent the international system?

This question leads one to then ask what kind of future does the NIC envision?  And they answer this question by positing these 4 scenarios:  

- Stalled Engines: In the most plausible worst-case scenario, the risks of interstate conflict increase. The US draws inward and globalization stalls.

- Fusion: In the most plausible best-case outcome, China and the US collaborate on a range of issues, leading to broader global cooperation.

- Gini-Out-of-the-Bottle: Inequalities explode as some countries become big winners and others fail. Inequalities within countries increase social tensions. Without completely disengaging, the US is no longer the “global policeman.”

- Nonstate World: Driven by new technologies, nonstate actors take the lead in confronting global challenges.

By these 4 scenarios posited by the NIC, and as anyone can plainly see, the US in its attempt to “reinvent the international system” clearly prefers the Fusion option where it joins with China to create a bi-polar world where these two powers reign supreme with the rest of the world being divided up into more manageable Nonstate Actors that would pose no threat to either of them.

For anyone to fully understand what the NIC, and hence US global policy, is trying to achieve one must also know who they are against—and in its most simplistic term is called the Nation State.

A state is specifically a political and geopolitical entity, while a nation is a cultural and ethnic one, and we know them today as countries—like the United States, United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, etc., and that have only been in existence since 1648

In the aftermath of the 20th Century “total war” concept that decimated entire empires and nations, and killed hundreds-of-millions of people the world over, and spurred on by instant global communications and fast, cheap travel, the nation state was viewed by the Western ruling 'elites' as a quaint, even dangerous anachronism—and in the late 1990’s two critical and very important international policy papers titled The Demise of the Nation State and The Demise of the Nation-State: Towards a New Theory of the State under International Law began providing the intellectual road map on how to destroy them. 

Only by understanding the hatred the Western 'elites' have against nation states can one then begin to fathom the truest meaning of Brexit where the United Kingdom voted to exit the European Union—and which has very predictably led to Scotland saying they might leave the UK, London might become its own nation, five other nations might leave the EU, and even the State of Texas saying, once again, they might become a separate nation, too.  

From your propaganda Western 'elitist' media, all you’re going to hear about Brexit (and the rise of Donald Trump, too) and its deeper meaning is that it was fueled by a right-wing nationalist movement fueled by anger toward political 'elites' and mistrust of immigration — and primarily backed by white voters — who are gaining more and more momentum in both Europe and the United States. 

Even worse, the propaganda from these 'elites' are also reaching near hysterical levels, too—such as the former US Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan warning yesterday: “This is the worst period, I recall since I've been in public service. There's nothing like it, including the crisis — remember October 19th, 1987, when the Dow went down by a record amount 23 percent? That I thought was the bottom of all potential problems. This has a corrosive effect that will not go away. I'd love to find something positive to say.”

Now with this entire tutorial of sorts being explained to you by me, please allow me to give you an analogy of what is REALLY happening:

Brexit is nothing more than a package that was delivered to our collective door yesterday and still has to be unpacked, the instructions for assembly found, and then once it is put together in its totality can it even begin to be understood. 

From the initial pieces of Brexit we can see, however, is that it is nothing more than a “show” of sorts and is meant as a prelude to the even greater chaos to come—and remember this FACT:Fourth Turnings never peter out. They intensify to a crescendo of turmoil, chaos, violence, war, and bloodshed. This Fourth Turning intensification just got turned up dramatically. It will eventually be turned up to 11.

Also, and please don’t forget this, EVERY SINGLE mainstream news article and poll about Brexit were 100% wrong, just like they are about Donald Trump, and many other issues critical to your knowing, too—after all, and don’t forget this either, these mainstream news sources are nothing more than propaganda designed to tell you how to think and act, so they weren’t actually wrong, they just failed to influence you because you weren’t listening!

And if millions of people the world over are failing to listen to their “media masters”, who then are they listening to?

Well, and you know this already, that’s why you’re reading this!

And just ask yourself:  how important is it to you to ALWAYS the know the truth the 'elites' try to keep hidden from you?