Sunday, July 31, 2016

5 things to know about Tim Kaine

Clinton’s  VP:  5  things  to  know  about  Tim  Kaine

Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine introduced himself as Hillary Clinton’s Vice Presidential pick Wednesday night at the Democratic National Convention. Kaine is currently serving as a junior senator from Virginia, and has previously served as the governor, lieutenant governor, and mayor of Richmond.
But outside of his home state of Virginia, not much is known about Kaine — until now.

Here are five important things to know about Clinton’s running mate —

1. He claims to be a devout Catholic, yet still maintains a pro-choice stance on abortion.
Although he claims to be personally against abortion, he told CNN “In government, we have enough to worry about. We don’t need to make people’s reproductive decisions for them.” And while it’s true that there are a plethora of tasks the government must tackle each day, does that mean issues that Kaine finds less important should be swept under the rug?
Bishop Thomas Tobin of the Diocese of Providence summed up Kaine’s abortion stance in relation with his faith perfectly by saying, “Senator Kaine has said, ‘my faith is central to everything I do.’ But apparently, and unfortunately, his faith isn’t central to his public, political life.”

2. He speaks fluent Spanish and is pro-illegal immigration
It’s a skill he says he picked up while spending a year in Honduras — and will be widely used by the Clinton campaign to court Hispanic voters. He once delivered a speech on the Senate floor entirely in Spanish, being the first senator to ever do so in any language other than English, according to Vox.
He is pro-immigration reform, according to The New York Times, and supported President Barack Obama’s actions to protect approximately five million undocumented immigrants from deportation.

3. Kaine backed the Iran Nuclear Deal
Not only did he back the deal with the Ayatollah, he was the first senator to declare his position, saying it is, “a dramatic improvement of the status quo.”
According to The Washington Post, Kaine argued that should Iran break the deal, “the United States would be positioned to take any necessary military action.”

4. He supported Obama over Hillary in the 2008 primary.
That’s a little embarrassing! Kaine endorsed Obama very early on in the presidential primary, and was in Obama’s top three when selecting a running mate, according to Vox.
He declared early in the 2016 election for Clinton — and was finally rewarded with the nod he wanted.

5. He strongly supported the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Kaine originally was a strong TPP supporter, but swapped his view — just one day after Clinton announced him as he VP pick.
According to CBS, Kaine had previously “voted for ‘fast tracking’ authority in the Senate, which would speed trade deals like the TPP through Congress.” 

WHAT ELSE will be 'discovered' about Kaine that has not been made public as yet? 


Saturday, July 30, 2016

Bill Clinton dozes off during Hillary's 'historic speech'!!

Trump turns Bill Clinton’s nap into hilarious video, but it’s the caption that will have you rolling

Donald Trump took a break from campaigning (and Twitter) to post an uproariously funny video directed at former President Bill Clinton, the husband of his Democratic opponent.

At the same time that Hillary Clinton was making the biggest speech of her life Thursday night — accepting the Democratic nomination for president — her husband was busy getting in some much-needed sleep time — and it was caught on video.

Related: Did Bill Clinton doze off during his wife’s historic speech? Sure looks like it!

So the Republican presidential nominee and his campaign staff put together this little reminder and posted it on Instagram, along with the caption, “Even Bill is tired of the lies, SAD!”

 Bill Clinton’s nap


Lyin Crooked Hillary Clinton song


The following information was sent to us marked 'URGENT! PLEASE PUBLISH!' by an Anonymous source.  Please review the information below, viewing and listening to information provided via YouTube, and make your own decision.  This information and that also revealed in the videos is making the rounds - important at this time.

INDIANA GOVERNOR MIKE PENCE A KNOWN PEDOPHILE!!! Trump - also implicated as pedophile - nominated Pence as his Vice President


"Indiana Governor MIKE PENCE raped his 186th child, another little boy on Wednesday the 1st of June. This 7 yr old boy was raped 57 times total, 53 at the Dallas MILAB.  17 children gang raped 231 times by 118 males that time. 2 hours after Pence raped this child, he was murdered by Army Special Ops."  TS

Published on Jul 15, 2016 
Here is a full Playlist together from Tory Smith who has followed Mike Pence's destruction of trafficking children for sex and choking them as the Officials protect these scumbags in the Indiana Govt.  This and much more is revealed in Tory's videos. 
HILLARY CLINTON                         
MIKE PENCE                                   

If you have information about any one of these (plenty already available publicly concerning Hillary Clinton),  please provide website information in the comment box so all can research it.
Thank you.

Hillary Clinton - just a few for starters ..... 

Bernie Supporters Say They're Voting For Trump

Campus  Reform  hit  the  streets  with  Bernie  protesters  to  see  whether  they're  staying  loyal  to  the  Democrats  this  fall

Cabot Phillips
Jul 29, 2016 at 9:55 AM EDT 

This week at the Democratic National Convention, much of the focus was not on nominee Hillary Clinton, but on Bernie Sanders and his enthusiastic contingent of young supporters.

While some had speculated that Sanders supporters would fall in line after his endorsement of Clinton, it appears that this consolidation has yet to gain any momentum.

Bernie supporters, emboldened by the recent DNC email leak, took to the streets in Philadelphia to voice their displeasure with Hillary and the Democrat party as a whole.

With chants of “Hell no DNC, we won’t vote for Hillary” and “Lock her up,” the protesters made it clear they would not be casting their votes for Hillary Clinton. But who would they be voting for instead?

Campus Reform went to the DNC to speak with these protestors about how they planned to vote in November, and the results will be shocking to many.

Bernie Supporters Say They're Voting For Trump

I’m throwing this race to Trump!” said one protester
“I was strong for Bernie, and now I’m taking a stand for Trump," said another.

When asked why he would be voting for Donald Trump, one protester noted that, as he spent “time talking to Trump supporters, we agree on a lot of the major issues that we’re facing in this country. We’re both mad about the same things.”

Citing the anti-establishment nature of the Sanders and Trump campaigns, one protester pointed out that, “for some people, Bernie is the person they stuck with, but there are some anti-establishment things they want, and they’ll go with Trump.”

Nearly every protester we spoke to proudly announced they would be leaving the Democrats for good.  “If Bernie is not the Democratic nominee, then I will certainly leave the Democrat party," one Sanders supporter said.

Another one complained that there “there’s nothing Democratic about this!”

The greatest scam on Earth - banking


And the EVIL they provide and pay for affecting all America and the World

I've been studying these evils since 2002 and I'm telling you, all recent Presidents since Jimmy Carter have been bought off by the banking cartel

The whole Democrat / Republican political thing is a humongous fraud. There's not a dime's difference between the two seemingly opposing political platforms. 

Regardless of which party is in power... the wars continue, the national debt worsens, the jobs keep disappearing overseas, the economy worsens, et cetera.

BOTH political parties are bought off and controlled by the globalists, Marxists, Communists, Zionists, Wall Street financiers (all linked to Freemasonry, Judaism, Mormonism and Kaballah). 

The connection between these groups are massive and widespread, but it all narrows down to satan who is the god of this evil world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). 

The devil uses the love of money to buy men's souls (1st Timothy 6:10), just as he attempted to purchase even our Savior's soul in Matthew 4:9. 

Well, I'm not for sale, just as my Lord wasn't.  And if you love Jesus Christ then you won't sell out, either.

America Needs Voices!

My friends, the answer is NOT in The White House but rather in the pulpits of America's churches. Preachers are dime-a-dozen these days. What America needs are men of God who cry aloud and spare not against the sins of our nation. 

Phooey on deeper-life churches and boring sermonettes that turn people into rotting religious corpses! Go visit the average church and all you'll see are bald and grey heads because there's NO YOUTH. If we're going to bring America back to liberty and faith in God, then we must reach out to our youth. 

Rock music, Walt Disney (Nickelodeon), Teen Magazine, Sabrina the Witch, and all the other filth of the devil are targeted at teenagers (young people). 

Pastor Dwight Moody said if we're going to drive the devil from our world, then we must hit him with a cradle instead of a crutch! That is, youth instead of old age. Today's youth are tomorrow's adults! 

All of the homosexualization of our children in public schools in recent years is going to bring massive wickedness (as in the days of Noah) to America. You haven't seen anything yet. The book of Judges is coming back when every man did that which was right in his own eyes

Note:  Are we not experiencing this RIGHT NOW in our nation?  Thievery, lies, murders, abortions, prostitution, pornography, sex slaves, satan worship, human sacrifices, genocide, bribery, unlawful importation of 'illegals, 'refugees' and muslim jihadis, creation of and financial sponsoring of terrorist armies (ISIS, al-qaeda and others) and other traitorous actions by 'government' employees and MUCH MORE........


REPENTANCE - true sincere repentance - by the people of our nation for their own sins and for the sins of the leaders of the nation will bring about the mercy of our Lord and lessening of His judgment upon us. 

(every Christian should expose this woeful evil)

David J. Stewart  (with blind author additional input)

Paul Ryan: The Ultimate Hypocrite

Paul Ryan: The Ultimate Hypocrite

One of our TRUTH SEEKERS sent this...The  truth will  set  you  free  but  first  you  need to  find  the  truth... It  appears  that  Ryan  has  been  an  AHO  for  a  long  time...


April 4, 2013
Allen Clifton

T​hough many politicians disgust me, Paul Ryan holds a special place with me as the ultimate pile of garbage.  That may seem harsh to some, but let me tell you why I feel this way. 

This is a man who constantly rallies against big government spending, and champions himself a “true small government fiscal conservative.”
Only, he’s completely full of crap.

Before I cover a few items from his political career which proudly display his hypocrisy about government spending, I’d like to give a little background on the man himself.

You see, Paul Ryan had the unfortunate fate of losing his father as a teen—a teen who attended a public high school.  However, this tragic event led to a 16 year old Paul Ryan receiving Social Security benefits until his 18th birthday.  Ryan then saved these Social Security benefits (yes, that same Social Security he has called a Ponzi scheme) to help pay for his education at Miami University (a publicly funded university by the way).

Though he worked summers during school as a salesman for Oscar Mayer, his entire career has been spent as a politician, or working for one in various jobs or internships

Yes, the man who has built a career preaching small government went to public school, used Social Security benefits to pay for his college degree and has spent his entire adult life working for the government.  The man who champions the greatness of the private sector, and beats his drum on the evils of government, has never really held a job in the private sector—but has made quite a life for himself as a government employee.

Now, I know what Republicans will say, “But President Obama has never worked for the private sector either!”, and that’s mostly true—but he also hasn’t made a career preaching about the evils of government like Ryan has.

Now, moving on to a few items from his career as a politician.  First, let  me destroy this ridiculous notion that he’s a “fiscally responsible hero.”

Paul Ryan:
None of these even touch the roughly $1.8 trillion in defense spending he’s supported during his time in Congress.   

This man is the definition of a hypocrite. 

A man who went to public school as a minor, used Social Security money to pay for his college degree where he went to a publicly funded university, has made a career as a government employee and voted for bills that have added trillions to our national debt—championing himself as a “small government fiscally responsible hero.” ??!!

All while pushing for a budget which would cut taxes even more, calls for $554 billion more in defense spending, guts many programs which help the poor and would turn Medicare into a voucher system (that would essentially destroy Medicare completely).

His hypocrisy in supporting massive spending (well, until Obama got into office), while claiming to be a man for “small, fiscally responsible government” is well established. Even beyond that, however, lies the contradiction in his worship of both Ayn Rand (an atheist who preached selfishness and considered religious people to be fools) and his claims of being a devout follower of Jesus Christ.

How Ryan can say he models his life based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, while supporting the social economic ideologies of a woman who preached the exact opposite, is a true testament to his ignorance and hypocrisy.

Paul Ryan defines what the Republican Party has become—a shallow entity built on propaganda, hypocrisy, thriving on ignorance and lacking any true substance that supports their rhetoric. Perhaps the saddest part of it all is the fact that he wouldn’t have it any other way.

Yes, the man who has built a career preaching small government went to public school, used Social Security benefits to pay for his college degree and has spent his entire adult life working for the government.  The man who champions the greatness of the private sector, and beats his drum on the evils of government, has never really held a job in the private sector—but has made quite a life for himself as a 'government' employee.

Now you see Paul Ryan for who and what he REALLY IS.

Mitt Romney - 'The Lesser Of Two Evils' ??

Mitt Romney Is Not 'The Lesser Of Two Evils'

 (he's worse because he pretends to be less evil)

Proverb 12:22, “Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are his delight.”


Pictured to left is 2012 U.S. 'Presidential candidate' Willard Mitt Romney (1947 - present) who is a high-level member of the Mormon religion/crime syndicate.  The morphed photo of Mitt Romney as being two-faced is a perfect representation of the secretive Mormon church.

UPDATE: As of December 2014, there is increasing talk about scumbag Jeb Bush (George W. Bush's brother) running for the office of U.S. President in 2016. Now they're also talking about Hillary Clinton (a female devil) running against Jeb. Truly, you couldn't pick two more evil scumbags!!! 
I'm mentioning it now and Lord willing I'll preach it a lot more as we approach the 2016 'election' that  you should leave your church if your pastor suggests that you vote for Jeb Bush. GET OUT OF THAT APOSTATE CHURCH!!!  If I had my way, pastors who endorse slime-balls like Mitt Romney, Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush would be fired by the deacon board on the spot for not being the 'man of God' that the church needs.
Of course no Baptist pastor will endorse a pro-death, lesbian-loving, kook, liberal like Hillary, but they'll fall hook, line and sinker for scumbag Jeb Bush when he says he's against abortion. As governor of Florida in 2005, Jeb Bush requested that Terri Schiavo's feeding tube be left in. He'll win the 2016 election on this wild card alone because the churches will rally behind him.
Fox News is Illuminati-controlled as are all mainstream news media. The news media are told and paid what to say!!! Hence, you cannot trust nor believe anything from the news media. The truth is that EVERY Republican President since Roe vs. Wade in 1973 has given BILLIONS of dollars to Planned Parenthood (the biggest provider of abortion services on the planet).
The entire Bush family is evil beyond imagination. Do you really think that Jeb Bush is any better than daddy George H. W. Bush (Mr. CIA) or his treasonous son George W. Bush who helped orchestrate the 911 attacks? See, Bush Crime Family and Bush/Cheney Drug Empire. Search YouTube and the internet for the evil.  See, George W. Bush, the dark side.
In a 2006 UN speech, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez truthfully called President George W. Bush, “the devil himself” in which he made headlines around the world. President Chavez said that the “podium still smells of sulfur” after Bush had stood there the day before.
May I say kindly, the U.S. White House still smells of brimstone since Bush and his father left office, and now we have another devil in The White House, Barack Obama. They're all devils who've sold their souls to satan himself in exchange for worldly riches, pleasures and fame. Jeb Bush is another devil, and please don't let the lying satanic news media deceive you. Fox News are the biggest devils of them all.
I'm so glad that God sees all the evil and has promised to hold all men and women accountable in eternity for their evil deeds (Ecclesiastes 12:14; Hebrews 4:13; 9:29).  Jeb Bush may likely be the Antichrist's President!  I guarantee you that America will witness a thug police state rise up under Jeb Bush that hasn't been seen since Hitler's regime in World War II. END  (No - it's NOT Jeb Bush but seriously consider Hillary Clinton.)   
I witnessed to a man yesterday whose name is Jerry. Jerry said that he was saved at a Billy Graham crusade. I made a brief mention that it was sad that Billy Graham has officially endorsed Mormon Mitt Romney. Jerry began to defend Graham by saying that Romney is 'the lesser of two evils'. This is the BIG LIE that religious Americans have been sold, and I assure you by God's grace that for the next 4-8 years, if Romney gets elected as U.S. President, that I will remind you continually of just how evil Romney really is.
Same-sex marriage WILL become the law of the land under Romney's watch if he's elected. Your “lesser of two evils” president will sell you out even worse than his predecessors (or should I say 'predators').
All of these people are lying, conniving, stealing, ruthless criminals. You go ahead and vote for them if you're an idiot, but don't say that I didn't warn you beforehand. Evil is evil and we ought never to support it. It is impossible to spend decades voting for the “lesser of two evils,” and end up with anything but evil.
Brainwashed Christians, even fundamental Baptists, are going to vote for a Mormon leader who has lied his way throughout his political career simply because he claims to be against abortion. Has any Republican President done anything to overturn Roe vs. Wade or even stem the tide of abortion? Bush's Partial Birth Abortion Ban was a big joke, a fraud in every way. It was a scam!
So wake up and stop being hoodwinked by the Devil. So who should you vote for? I can tell you with all my heart before God in Heaven that it's not Obama or Romney or Clinton!
Do you know what else Jerry (the man I witnessed to yesterday) said to me? He said that his pastor showed him something from the Old Testament about how to vote. Jerry said that God put a wicked king into power named Nebuchadnezzar over Israel. And so Jerry's pastor taught him that it's OK to have a wicked U.S. President!
My friend, that is demonic garbage if ever I've heard any. It is a sinful attitude to have! The Jews did not vote for the Babylonian king to rule over them. It was God's decision because of Israel's (American's) stiff necked rebellion.

By David J. Stewart
November 2012 | Updated December 2014