Monday, September 12, 2016

RV/GCR/GESARA Intel Update

Received anonymously via email at 5:10 PM EDT. ~ Dinar Chronicles

"For Your Consideration" 

RV/GCR/GESARA Intel Update - 9.12.16

For Your Consideration...
All sovereign nations of the world have signed into 30 mutual binding treaties at the G20 Summit in China recently; Summarized, the treaties say human beings will no longer "do harm to the earth or its inhabitants."

These treaties unified into one movement is called GESARA, and it was fascinated by higher intelligence beings who wish to re-enter our society after a nearly 13 millennia hiatus.

Any nation, individual or species violating these treaties (GESARA) will be removed from society and/or the planet's surface by heavenly mandate by Galactic Federation Peace Keeping Forces--which oversee earth's galaxy.

Every sovereign nation in the world knows about GESARA, as well as the higher intelligent species on the surface of the earth, and have agreed to roll out some form of non-human terrestrial life (aka "disclosure') in an organized, synced and highly disciplined manner for the safety of all.

Hillary Clinton will suddenly fall ill and pass away, at the same time, the invisible RV will release. This is a planned event that has long been scripted, although it will be made to appear random for the safety and security of the masses.

Donald Trump has chosen to spend his own money, as well as his own time to campaign, because he clearly does not desire the job of top of government diplomat, nor does he care to understand the real issues facing our country at a detailed level.

The Donald knows full well he will never be President, as such he's playing a role of informing the public, subtly and not so subtly sometimes, of the cabal's deceit in service of the Republic.

Trump also knows with just one ZIM note redeemed, he will instantly recuperate everything he's put out plus a handsome return rate--and this was a deal he made years earlier with the Chinese/Russian governments--and this is the main reason why he entered the race for President--money and fame.

All major news media outlets are covering up all truthful information Hillary's Clinton's emails / Clinton Foundation Donors / her ever declining health because they are as guilty of treason against humanity as she and her husband are.

The God's honest truth about 9/11 implicates everyone that was involved with G7 governments before, during and after the attacks as complicit to treason against the Republic of United States.

The US Military has fiscally been defeated by the creditors of US debt, and thus are only allowed to defend its own boarders and population within those boarders. They are being driven out of every other nation in the world where they have bases and interests.

Our entire political system has been so completely and absolutely corrupted, the only solution left was to let die this upcoming election cycle, and 100% replace it with a new US Republic Government System that the rest of the world agreed to via those 30 different G20 treaties.

Your new President, Vice President and Speaker of the House have all already been chosen for you, and you will be selecting from a pool of candidates that have been pre-approved by the UN Security Council.

None will be named Clinton, Trump, Kaine or Pence--as they are all playing a role to assist in the structural transition of government back to the Republic.

The Supreme Court bench, which means all justices, have been 100% replaced as well without your knowing so mass panic would not commence. You will be informed of this shortly.

The global financial system has undergone a similar yet complete structural overhaul without your awareness, and all markets globally are now under the full control of a global monetary authority that forbids high frequency trading, price rigging and/or abuse of markets, equities and commodities trading, with a 100% capital termination penalty if violated.

A vast majority of the cabal families previously running the planet for several centuries, and the higher minds that assisted these dark noble families in the enslavement of mankind vibrationally for over a dozen millennia, has been permanently removed from the surface of the earth.

Meaning, you can stop obsessing over their dominance as its like boxing with a shadow--it's not really there.

The House of Rothschild has been permanently defeated, and their banking and para-military dominance totally eliminated, never to return.

Zimbabwe's currency has been chosen as the new reserve currency of the African Continent and it's worth in invaluable by human standards because it's monetary value is based on the raw earth elements within the entire continent of Africa--which is incalculable.

Soon all of you will be stepping into a banking off-site redemption location and determining your own life's worth, without limitation, for the first and only time in the history of mankind due to the ZIM alone.

Cannabis oil is a physically healthy and life preserving medicinal herb given to us by God.

This means smoking pot is both healing event, and why the cabal made it illegal, as it also opens up the third eye of consciousness, which makes it much easier to see their lies.

The Lemurian continent existed, as did Atlantean continent, before the great flood in old testament times--and both will rise out of the water when the pole shifts begin to reconstitute the earth's new vibrational harmony--and both histories will be revealed to humanity in a peaceful, loving manner.

Mu (Lemuria) is Eden and the birth place of humanity. And the Pacific Ocean is where the Divine Feminine Spirit has always been headquartered. The equivalent Male Divine Spirit is located in the Atlantic.

The earth's magnetic poles have been shifting from a male dominated energy to more feminine/male balance.

This is pure human harmony or 528 Hz "the love frequency." Native Hawaiians refer to its earthly song as ALOHA.

There is no struggle but the struggle you manufacture so that you may appear active in pursuit of a man-made goal.

If you are at peace, and in the moment, you will manifest God's Will for your life versus forcing your will into existence--which cannot sustain itself because it did not come from the Creator.
You are free.

Hillary Clinton's death - ABC News

ABC News reports on 

"Hillary Clinton's death"!

Published on Sep 12, 2016
Good evening, everyone. I'm Sandra Bookman. And I'm Joe Torres. We begin with the breaking news of Hillary Clinton's death.

ABC News reports on "Hillary Clinton's death"! This is definitely going to fuel the "Hillary body double" conspiracy... #HillarysBodyDouble


Hillary ‘Worked Like A Demon’

FINALLY THE TRUTH! Bill Clinton Tells Charlie Rose That Hillary ‘Worked Like A Demon’


Former President Bill Clinton explained that Hillary Clinton has fainted before, as a result of dehydration, not any serious medical issue.

Bill Clinton slipped and told the truth today about his wife Hillary. Speaking of his wife's capacity for putting in long hours, he actually said that Hillary "worked like a demon" as Secretary of State. Well, bravo Bill, that's what the Alt Right has been saying all along - she's a demon. Finally, we all agree.
Bill Clinton said that “on more than one occasion” over the years of her career ”the same sort of thing’s happened to her when she got severely dehydrated.”
The former president made his comments during an interview with CBS reporter Charlie Rose, after his wife Hillary Clinton collapsed suddenly during a 9/11 tribute ceremony in New York City and was forced to summon her campaign van.

Rose was skeptical, pointing out that the video appeared to be something more serious than dehydration.

“Well if it is, it’s a mystery to me and all of her doctors,” Clinton said. “Rarely, but on more than one occasion over the last many, many years the same sort of thing has happened to her when she just got severely dehydrated.”

The video that revealed the truth about Hillary's medical conditions:

Clinton suggested that her fatigue was the result of her busy career and time spent on the trail, but suggested that his wife was merely “dizzy.”  


“She’s worked like a demon as you know as Secretary of State and as a Senator and in the years since,” he said. “She had two and a half hard days before the day she got dizzy.”

He insisted that Hillary was doing much better after resting at home and would be back on the campaign trail sooner than expected.  “She was even better last night before she went to sleep, she got a good night’s sleep,” Clinton said. source 
Geoffrey Grider | September 12, 2016 at 7:41 pm | URL: 

Elect Me!

Central Planning Crumbling ... The Elite Are Terrified

The Era Of Central Planning Is Crumbling… And The Elite Are Terrified

The biggest issue in financial political power structure today is the End of Centralization.

In the post 2008 era, the Globalists made a major push to hold the system together. The multi-billionaire class, particularly those who made fortunes from crony capitalism [aka Keynesian Economics] and bubble economics joined forces with the Keynesian media shills to convince the world that the only way we would survive would be if trillions of Dollars were given to those who were deemed “systemically important.”

Warren Buffett was a prime example of this. Buffett amassed a fortune by being a raging capitalist who prided himself on never losing money on an investment. But by the time 2008 rolled around, he faced the very real prospect of seeing his fortune halved.
Somehow he managed to convince the public that he was still a great guy while pushing for bailouts in the very firms in which he had taken large stakes: Goldman, Wells Fargo, etc.
Buffett was not the only one. He’s just the best known.

Let’s be blunt here: the 2008 bailouts and money pumps completely betrayed capitalism. The outcome was precisely what you’d expect from Central Planning:  Bailed Out Buffett: Buffett firms got $95 billion of taxpayer’s money

1) Economic stagnation.

2) The creation of low quality jobs that offer little upward mobility.

3) Concentration of wealth.

Today, eight years later, the elites are terrified that the game is ending.

You can see this in many ways. The architects of this mess (Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan, Larry Summers and others) have resurfaced with revisionist narratives in which they are not responsible.

Similarly, those currently at the helm of the Central Banks have begun abdicating their responsibility for what’s coming.

Mario Super Draghi
Mario Super Draghi

This is most evident in Central bank Presidents like Draghi and Yellen dropping all pretenses of being able to hit their goals/targets and instead passing the blame onto political bodies such as Congress.
  1. Bank of Japan Head Harihiko Kuroda confessed in January that Japan has a limited GDP potential no matter what policy he employs.
  2. European Central Bank President Mario Draghi admitted that despite FOUR NIRP cuts and €1 trillion in QE the ECB won’t hit its inflation targets for a decade.
  3. Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen has begun implicitly pushing for Congress to step up in terms of policy because the Fed is effectively out of ammunition.
These are very critical “tells” from those at the top of the Central Planning economic structure. These individuals know the game is about up and they know what is coming. They also know that politically the tides are now against them.

BREXIT, Trump, Le Pen, Duterte, are all part of a larger global trend away from Centralization towards Nationalism.

Whether you like or despise these people/ issues is irrelevant. Their popularity is the product of the last eight years of Cronyism/ Central Planning.

This terrifies the global elites, particularly those who have been riding the crony capitalist gravy train to $ billions. It also terrifies those who link their power and prestige to the current system (Central Bankers, academic economists, and media shills).
This is why you are seeing shilling occur on an unprecedented scale in the media. Those who’ve made fortunes from market bubbles (Mark Cuban for one) as well as the usual Keynesian shills (Krugman, etc) are out in full force claiming that if the system doesn’t maintain the status quo, the world will effectively end.

This is just another version of the Great 2008 Lie, that if we didn’t bailout certain people/ prop up certain institutions, the world would end. It was bogus then and it is bogus now. 

No Problem For Iceland As They Jailed The Bankers & Nullified The Debt

The fact is that capitalism operates just fine with failures. There were many firms ready to step up to fill the void created by letting key players who made business ending decisions fail.

Consider that over half of the current Fortune 500 were founded during recessions or bear markets in stocks.

Obviously recessions, bear markets and firm failures don’t stop economic progress. If any thing they promote it much as a forest fire wipes out dead debris to make room for the stage of growth.

The last eight years prove Central Planning doesn’t work. Global Central Banks have spent over $14 trillion, and maintained ZIRP/NIRP for eight years, punishing savers and those relying on interest income…

And what has the world got to show for it? The weakest recovery (if you can call it that) in decades, wealth inequality at extremes, and a record number of individuals relaying on welfare/ entitlements.

Never before in history has so much money been spent, accomplishing so little. And it’s set the stage for another massive financial crisis.

Zero Hedge

Hillary Clinton’s DEATH

WABC-TV Ch. 7 in NYC Reports “Hillary Clinton’s DEATH” and her Body Double


A video clip of WABC-TV Channel 7 “Eyewitness News” in New York City opened last night with Anchorman Joe Torre saying “more on Hillary Clinton’s Death.”   The opening line, however, seems edited-OUT of the video archive!

Did Hillary die after leaving the 9-11 Ceremony in New York . . .  and the information is being concealed?  A whole slew of irregularities have cropped-up indicating that may actually be the case!  

Here is the video segment  from the 11:00 PM “Eyewitness News” broadcast of September 11, 2016 in which Anchorman Joe Torre seems to say Hillary Clinton is DEAD:

 WABC TV New York Hillary Clintons DEATH

As most of you know by now, Hillary Clinton attended the September 11 Memorial Ceremony at Ground Zero, the World Trade Center in Manhattan on Sunday morning.  Despite a heatwave which had BROKEN overnight, allowing temperatures in Manhattan to fall into the comfortable mid 70’s, Clinton was forced to depart the ceremony early due to a “medical episode.”   The video below shows Hillary leaning up against a security barrier waiting for her motorcade to pull up.

As it arrives, Hillary had to be helped to move toward the vehicle, and her movements were stiff and unsteady.  As her security detail grabs her under both arms to assist, Hillary collapses forward and is literally dragged into the motorcade; so abruptly, she even lost one of her shoes!   Watch the quick video below:

 Video of Hillary Clinton Collapsing at 911 Ceremony

For ninety minutes after this took place, the media was forced to cease all recordings at the 9-11 ceremony and were also prevented from leaving to follow the Clinton motorcade — both very unusual developments. Later, the Clinton campaign said that Hillary was “overheated” but had been taken to her daughter’s home on East 26th Street where she was “doing fine.”  Shortly after that, the campaign released a statement from Hillary’s Doctor saying she had been “diagnosed with Pneumonia on Friday, was given antibiotics and told to rest.”  Strange how the story changed.


A short time later a person ALLEGED to be Hillary is seen leaving the East 26th Street home of Chelsea Clinton, but there are problems with this person.

First, the person who was allegedly Hillary Clinton looked about thirty pounds lighter in body weight than the Hillary who was at the 9-11 ceremony!   Here’s the video of “Hillary” leaving Chelsea Clinton’s home on East 26th Street:

Notice the body weight?  Clearly, this person is significantly thinner than Hillary appeared just two hours earlier at the 9-11 memorial ceremony.  Moreover, the gait of this person is dramatically different than the gait of Hillary Clinton seen just two hours earlier.  It’s almost as though this “Hillary” is ten years younger with a strong, assured stride, versus the slower, meandering walk usually displayed by the real Hillary.

Oh, and did you see her embrace the small child on the street?  How nice . . . . wait . . . . she has pneumonia and she’s embracing a kid?  Way to spread the pneumonia germs! ! !

Next, this person is carrying her handbag over her RIGHT shoulder, whereas Hillary typically carried her handbag over her LEFT shoulder, and did so at the 9-11 ceremony.  Why would a woman who typically carries her handbag over her left shoulder suddenly be seen carrying it on her right?

NEW YORK, NY - SEPTEMBER 11:  Democratic presidental nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton waves as she leaves the home of her daughter Chelsea Clinton on September 11, 2016 in New York City. Hillary Clinton left a September 11 Commemoration Ceremony early after feeling overheated and went to her daughter's house to rest.  (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Still-photos of the “Hillary” seen leaving Chelsea Clinton’s home provide even more questions.
The “Hillary” who left Chelsea Clinton’s home has different length fingers than the actual Hillary Clinton!   Here are photos of the person alleged to be Hillary, leaving Chelsea Clinton’s home.  Note the length of the index finger versus the ring finger.  On this person, those two fingers are identical in length! (This is NOT Hillary Clinton!)


Here’s a better view — equal finger lengths of the Index and ring finger.  There’s no question about it:

NEW YORK, NY - SEPTEMBER 11:  Democratic presidental nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton waves as she leaves the home of her daughter Chelsea Clinton on September 11, 2016 in New York City. Hillary Clinton left a September 11 Commemoration Ceremony early after feeling overheated and went to her daughter's house to rest.  (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

But these other photos of Hillary Clinton, taken at other events, show that the real Hillary’s Index finger is longer than her ring finger!  Clearly longer.  See for yourself :


So, if the person leaving Chelsea Clinton’s home on East 26th St is Hillary Clinton, how did her fingers change length?

This last photo of the person leaving Chelsea Clinton’s home not only dramatically shows the change in finger length, the face of this person is clearly NOT the real Hillary!  See for yourself:

Hillary!  See for yourself.  This is NOT Hillary Clinton!

Then there’s the side profile comparison of the real Hillary versus the “Hillary” seen leaving Chelsea Clinton’s Apartment.  Compare the nose and chin and hair cut/style:


Then, there’s an issue about the wedding ring on the finger of the “Hillary” seen leaving Chelsea Clinton’s home.  Look at the wedding ring on the “Hillary” leaving Chelsea Clinton’s home:


Now look at the wedding ring worn by Hillary Clinton in the pas; (Click image to enlarge for a better look at the ring):


Why the different wedding ring?  Who do YOU know that wears different wedding rings?
As an aside, a bit of journalistic investigating turned up an interesting fact about Chelsea Clinton’s “home” on East 26th St:

It used to be a . . . New York State HOSPITAL!

Here’s a link to the old web page for the old hospital at that exact same address:

Apparently, Hillary has her own private hospice, paid for by the Clinton Foundation no doubt, that the “deplorables” are not allowed into.  And it is conveniently located in the building where her daughter Chelsea lives. HMMMMMM.

It Gets Even Stranger!

hillarybodydoubleA few months ago, the London Daily Mail Newspaper did a story about a woman who earns $10,000 a month as a Hillary Clinton Impersonator. The woman’s name is Teresa Barnswell.  Here’s a photo of Ms. Barnswell:

The London Daily Mail, one of the oldest, largest and most well-respected newspapers in London, England, called her “greatest Hillary lookalike in the world” and you can still read their story  HERE

Teresa Barnswell has her own Twitter feed, and guess what she Tweeted late Sunday afternoon?  Get a load of this:


Yes, she’s hinting that she’s in New York City . . . and what is the building in the background?

 Chelsea Clinton’s Home on East 26th St!

Lest anyone accuse us of being “Conspiracy Theorists,” it should be noted that late Sunday the Clinton Campaign announced Hillary was canceling campaign activities for the next two days — to get rest.  Shortly after that announcement, MSNBC Reporter David Shuster tweeted that the Democratic National Committee was “expected to meet in Emergency Meeting to “consider” replacing Hillary as a candidate for President.”  Here is Shuster’s Tweet and, below it, a link to OUR earlier story on this stunning announcement:


SuperStation95’s earlier story about Emergency DNC Meeting to replace Hillary, HERE.
You don’t replace a candidate for President who is merely sick.  But you sure have to do something if that candidate is DEAD.  And last night, on WABC-TV, Channel 7, Eyewitness News in New York City, Anchorman Joe Torre seemed to say “more on Hillary Clinton’s DEATH.”

Is Hillary dead?
Did the Clinton Campaign use a Body Double to make it APPEAR that Hillary is still OK?
Did the Body Double screw-up by carrying her handbag on the right instead of the left shoulder?
What about the differing finger lengths?
What about the different Wedding Rings?  
And how about that Tweet from the Hillary Impersonator showing she’s in NYC, in front of Chelsea’s House?????
Is the country being kept in the dark that Hillary is actually DEAD, until the powers-that-be can figure out what to do?  Would any of it surprise you nowadays?

Stay tuned.



Hillary Clinton has been placed in the hospital

Hillary  Clinton  Placed  In  Hospital As  “Blackout  Of  Truth”  Descends Upon  America

In a report prepared for the Security Council (SC) by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR): US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has been placed in the hospital following her shocking collapse yesterday where the clips/fasteners” holding her colostomy bag fell from her pants leg and that caused a “blackout of truth” to permeate nearly the entire American media—while at the same time the Democratic National Committee (DNC) is reported to be holding an “emergency meeting” to replace her.

 Mysterious piece of metal flings out of Hillary's pant leg

According to this report, on 18 August the SVR reported that 3 specialized teams of US Secrete Service (SS) agents had swarmed” a number of top American hospitals for what these intelligence analysts believed was for the purpose of Hillary Clinton needing urgent brain surgery—and was believed to have been scheduled for this weekend after it was reported on 10 September that Hillary Clinton was preparing to disappear from public view for 5 days: “Late yesterday, D.C. Whispers indicated Hillary Clinton’s intention to withdraw from public view for the next five days – a report that has been subsequently confirmed via other media outlets.”

With yesterday, however, being the 15th anniversary of the 11 September 2001 (9/11) terror attacks upon the US, SVR analysts that Hillary Clinton choose, instead, to attend a New York City ceremony honoring this event prior to her entering the hospital but quickly became a catastrophic health emergency after she was rushed to the street to await her motorcade (who had no advance warning of her coming) leaned against a security bollard, and then buckled towards the ground as her security guards and aides rushed to keep her from collapsing. 

This report further notes that on 30 August the SVR had reported on the US media’s covering up Hillary Clinton’s colostomy bag, and also warning, on 6 September, that she was just months away from a “heart failure event” that could very well claim her life in the next few months.

As the US media has continued to cover up Hillary Clinton’s grave health issues,  yesterdays actions by them in this massive cover up were “beyond shocking” as they first reported Clinton’s personal physician, Dr. Lisa Bardack, saying all was well and she was just overheated, then later saying she had pneumonia—after which she stunningly greeted a girl child on the street coming into physical contact that SVR medical analysts in this report say should never be allowed to happen with someone having such a contagious disease.

 Hillary Clinton Leaves Chelsea's Manhattan Apartment, Suddenly Feels Better

SVR analysts in this report note that Hillary Clinton’s “pneumonia excuse” has long been used by the propaganda US media to cover up her grave health issues since 2012—but have not been able to hide from the American public her “congestive heart failure coughing fits”, nor her “stroke like behavior” related to the blood clots her failing heart keeps sending into her brain.   

 Hillary Clinton is very ill---watch her severe coughing fits.


The Truth About Hillary's Bizarre Behavior


This report concludes by noting that the US propaganda media is not only covering up Hillary Clinton’s grave health issues, but is, also, subverting the American presidential election by failing to tell these people that Donald Trump’s campaign stops out preformed Clinton campaign stops in August by an astonishing 100,000 more attendees, the MSNBC news network taking whites out of poll results to show Clinton leading, and the Washington Post-ABC news networks oversampling by 140% of Democrats in their new polls showing Clinton leading the race:

A thorough analysis of the poll which found Trump trailing Clinton 46% to 41% among likely voters and 45% to 35% among all registered voters seems to confirm the suspicion that a particular result was produced by design with the 'news' outlet even ghost editing out a link of the poll’s full demographic cross tabs after a number of readers examined the findings with more scrutiny.

The full poll’s 23rd page shows a startling irregularity in party affiliation among those selected for the poll with 34% of the respondents identifying as Democrats, 24% identifying as Republican, 33% as Independent, 5% as other, and 3% declining to say.
Yet the most recent data on party affiliation shows that 26% of American voters identify as Republicans, 29% as Democrats, and a haltingly high 42% identify as Independents calling into question the veracity of the party affiliation mix of the poll in a way that undercuts Trump’s dominance among both Republicans and Independents.

September 12, 2016 


American Sleeper Cells: The Butchers Next Door

American Sleeper Cells are forming as the phenomenon of Islamic Jihad spreads it's propaganda in a grass roots move to seduce young adults and America's disenfranchised ... that is the first wave. 
Murder and butchering will be the next wave. 
And the FBI can't stop it?
Is there anything that can be done to stop the phenomenon of homegrown Islamic extremists and the spread of American Sleeper Cells?
Right at this very moment and for the past several months prior, Islamic Jihadists are spreading into American cities and suburban communities and recruiting supporters to turn on our country. Maybe even your own neighbors down the street or even next door are buying into it -- the lies about "Allah."
Though some of these American Jihadists may have been born and raised in the Middle East, nowadays many of their "Muslim brothers" are more and more American homegrown extremists.
Where is the hatred for fellow U.S. citizens coming from?
Will it turn into war? Yes -- and sooner than later at the looks of things. 

American Jihadists want a revolution. 

American Sleeper Cells spreading across U.S.

One day soon .... we are going to be attacked. Islamic Jihad is going to be truly unleashed. It's a demonic spirit sweeping into the naive hearts of many young Americans, mostly Muslim and of Arab descent but more frightening than that are their peers who are Western descent, look western, have attended western schools, and even may have a good western job. Many of them, too, are right now being seduced by their Islamic friends with extremist views and growing hatred toward the very country that welcomed them in and where many of them now are citizens. To them, this is a revolution -- an attempt to overthrow the Great Satan, as America is thought of by many Muslims in the Middle East. 

The spread of Jihad is Demonic

Now, it's time to fact check me as I write this piece. I want readers to approach this subject with a level head, because I am about to get Biblical, comparing events from today from "future" events in the Bible. When I have gotten Biblical in the past, some readers have really gotten anxious -- anxious to prove me a "religious zealot" rather than recognizing that I'm simply pointing to events that are currently taking place and then warning that these are likely events from the Book of Revelation -- the last chapter in the Bible. 

The questions we need to ask ...

Are homegrown extremists currently spreading their propaganda? Yes. Have they attacked Americans before? Yes. Are they likely to attack Americans again? Yes. How big do they want their movement to get? As big as "Allah" allows it to be. Remember, they believe that this is all spelled out and being directed by "Allah," their god.

At this point, whether you believe or don't believe in the Bible, you have to accept the above statements as true events -- because they are all true.  So far we are simply discussing true events that are taking place right now. If you'll bear with me, and let me introduce some additional truths (what I believe are truths), I would like to shed further light on the threat from homegrown extremists and explain why this is likely to get extremely bad for us in the times ahead. 

The rise of an Anti-Christ army

The Bible warns about an anti-Christ army that will come to power in the end of days, and from the Bible we know that's its rise to power has supernatural roots. It is a move of Satan as God above prepares to unleash judgment on a world where many have turned their back on God and live lives clearly as enemies of God.  Since most of the world has chosen evil -- God gives them just that: Evil. 
Right at this very moment your Muslim neighbors and or Muslim coworkers may have some hidden motives.  Those that are sitting on the fences about extremist beliefs may be quietly harboring a grudge and more and more are being seduced to turning against the West and being on the side of the American sleeper cells that are spreading across the country and spewing their propaganda via the web, through social media, through jihadist websites, through collegiate and possibly even high school clubs, etc, etc. 

So many of us are expecting terrorist attacks to occur in shocking ways and in ways that are sure to make headlines new: massacres with machine guns. Dirty bombs. Bombs planted around shopping malls, business districts and government buildings.

But there is another terror that is sure to unfold at the same time. That is this: Several communities and neighborhoods are going to find themselves immediately under attack by local radicalized Muslims and their supporters, people who are right now being indoctrinated into their cause. They are building a small army and that army is intent on revolting on the U.S. and is going to use murder and mayhem to instill fear and attempt to seize power with the goal to convert Americans to the Islamic faith or simply take their lives if they won't convert.

Some of them are police. 
Some of them are U.S. soldiers. 
Some of them are bus drivers, work at airports, drive semi trucks, or are even connected to the underworld of weapons smuggling and organized crime. 
That's one reason that this is a very serious threat. 
Our attackers could be any of us. 

American extremist Muslims

Remember, this is a demonic spirit we are talking about. Otherwise, apart from a demonic spirit, the idea of a rebel army of American Islamic extremists actually seizing power on a small scale is absurd. Surely no Americans in their right mind would want to sign on to these kind of ideals?
But, if this is a result of judgment from the Lord, and if this is the beginnings of the anti-Christ army coming to power (from Revelation's warnings about the end of days), then it's simply going to happen and we are not going to be able to stop it.

Is this Biblical judgment we're up against?

The Bible calls us to repent from sin, and to grow in our faith by reading and applying the Bible's teachings to our lives. We are called to surrender to Jesus and let the Holy Spirit lead our lives and transform our lives. We are called to "walk like Jesus." Learning from Jesus. Doing what Jesus says to do. Being sincere in our beliefs and living fearlessly for His name. Enduring persecution. Enduring hardships. Never turning our back on God (even though it may happen in life; thank God for his mercy and patience and that he has given us time to come to repentance.)
Many people, though, fail to do so, despite all of the specific warnings about events that will be taking place in the end times. The wrath of God on the nations...
We are running out of time. 

Right now the individual communities where you and I and our families live may have an American sleeper cell busy at work; busy getting weapons, busy getting supporters, busy getting ready for the day that the Great War against the Great Satan can finally take place. 

FBI can't stop it and doesn't understand it

To these Islamic extremists, it seems that Allah is on their side. The FBI is doing a poor job of breaking up sleeper cells and an even worse job of preventing their extremist propaganda from being spread through channel after channel and group after group.  The FBI, of course, doesn't see it this way or even understand that this is a demonic spirit at work. Maybe the few at the FBI who happen to be Bible believing Christians will recognize homegrown Islamic extremism for what it is, but for the most part my guess is that few in the FBI hold to these Biblical beliefs and most of them fail to recognize that they are up against Satan as Satan is building his end times army. 
The irony, of course, is that Islamic extremists see us as the Great Satan, not grasping that the murder and butchering they will gladly unleash on innocents in their own neighborhoods and at their workplace is just plain evil. They think it's just. Butchering children isn't just, though; it's evil. Yet, that is what is likely to be just one of many terrible events coming to our nation in the days ahead at the hands of extremists. 

What do we do about it?

While Christians are taught to turn the other cheek to our enemies and persecuters, we are also called to protect the weak and the innocent and rule with justice. I am torn now on whether or not it's a good idea to encourage Christians and non-Christians who may be reading this to be able and ready to form militant groups.  We have to be ready to fight and destroy any radical Islamic elements that attack us. Anyone ready for that fight?
We have to defend our own neighborhoods and especially our schools. We may have to come out fighting from day one. The homegrown extremists have the element of surprise on their side. They can blend in and look like us; remember that attack in San Bernadino? The day that Islamic extremists and their Sleeper Cells and supporters begin an all out war on us, we can expect one thousand San Bernadino attacks that day, all across the country. 
I don't know about you, but I don't like the idea of radicalized homegrown extremists turning on their neighbors and telling them to swear allegiance to Allah or die, right there on the spot. 

I don't want to stand to the side and hear about how one terrorist after another stormed local schools and colleges and butchered students, teachers, parents and anyone else caught by one of their bullets or bombs.

Islamic Jihad forced conversions sound a lot like the anti-Christ's forced conversions

Remember what Revelation tells us about the anti-Christ army and that it will demand that non-believers become believers in the anti-Christ? Surely, the anti-Christ is not going to be known by his followers as the anti-Christ. What if, instead, he is simply known as 'Allah'? 

Right now many of you reading this are going to be hesitant to forward it or share it or sound any warning to other Americans about the true roots of the Islamic extremist threat... and where it is going. I understand ... as I write this and I picture how others will take my message ... it probably seems like "religious paranoia" and, unfortunately, that's how a few readers are likely to respond to it. Personally, that doesn't bother me. Should it bother you if these are your family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers all facing the same threat from American sleeper cells? 

With that in mind, rather than share this article, or forward it to friends (though you can do that if you are concerned about the homegrown extremist threat and that a war is coming to our home front soon), instead please bookmark this page, add it to your favorites, remember what you read and heard here.

So that if a Great War finely begins, and if an army of Islamic extremists, many of them born and raised right here on American soil, start attacking us, start attempting to seize power on local scales... Well, if you have the means, that may be a great time to forward this article to your friends and family ... maybe, if they see first hand the attacks actually taking place, they will understand that we are now experiencing the next civil war on American soil and that this is a demonic spirit that is leading these former citizens to revolt on their fellow citizens and government. 

American Civil War -- Islamic roots

Do you protect the innocent? Do you run for the hills instead? Or do you just swear allegiance to Allah and join their ranks and save your own skin? Before you go doing that -- remember what the Bible warns about those who will swear allegiance to the anti-Christ; they are going to suffer forever and join the punishment of those who are thrown in the lake of fire.
Besides, it's never a good idea to throw in your lot with an army of murderers. Instead, take a stand for what you believe, and be prepared to tell Islamic extremists that you believe in Jesus, and that Jesus is your Lord and Savior, that Allah is not God, but a false god. Of course, you may not live much longer, not if an armed Islamic extremist has his way, but you have passed one of the severest tests a Christian could face in this life. You have stood on your faith, even in the face of death. You may die in that moment but rest assured that God promises to bring you back from death into his eternal kingdom, where Christ is king. 
This, my friends, is the Secret of Survival. In Matthew 24 Jesus is coming for "survivors." That's ironic that in all these years I've been publishing on survival and from time to time throwing in warnings from the Bible about the end of days that Jesus might be using "survival" as a way to prepare us for what is to come. 

Up until that time comes, if it comes in our lifetime, prayer is our weapon, the Bible is our instruction manual, and Christ is our teacher, preparing us for things that are to come ... and teaching us what to do when that time does come. 

Read your Bible, believe it, so that you know what to do with your life and this brief time we are here on earth. A new chapter is about to begin.  It starts with violence.