By Anna Von Reitz
What we call "the federal government" isn't a government. It is
not and it never has been. It is a governmental services corporation,
which is a different matter entirely.
Please take this outrageous but true statement into your mind and
let it rattle around a bit. Savor the fact. Consider the consequences.
The so-called "United States Government" is not a sovereign
government of any kind. It is at best an association of sovereign states
entered into a mutual services contract with the United States (Trading
Company) and its Successors by default.
From the very beginning, the states have been the sovereign units
of government. Any power of the "federal government" has been delegated
to it by the states, not the other way around.
Nineteen very important powers including production of our money,
control of our commerce and trade policies, control of our armed forces
(except the militia) and control of our foreign policy were delegated to
the British Monarch and the United States (Trading Company) in a quid
pro quo in which the British Monarch agreed to act as our Trustee and
protector on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways in exchange
for these concessions.
That agreement was initially brokered and conceptualized as The
Definitive Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783, and particularized as The
Constitution for the united States of America several years later.
So from the start, there was the "united States of America"--- an
association of states subscribing to the service to be provided by the
United States (Trading Company) and there was the British Servicer doing
business as the United States. This has been the cause of a great deal
of mostly deliberate confusion.
When the states "assembled" in "Congress" it meant that they
elected fiduciary deputies accountable to the states ---- people known
as "Senators" and "Congressmen" -- and sent them to a meeting called a
"Congress" of the states to discuss and decide matters of mutual
interest and establish a body of law applicable in all states known as
the "United States Statutes at Large".
Things went along well enough for several decades, but the British
Monarch and the Pope conspired in secret Breach of Trust to undermine
the American Government via the Treaty of Verona (1822).
What then commenced can only be called a gigantic fraud scheme.
The Constitution agreed to by the states has always prohibited
anyone holding a foreign title of nobility from holding public elected
office in the government at any level. In 1819, this provision was
strengthened and ratified by the states as the Titles of Nobility
Amendment. As a result no member of the Bar Association bearing the
title "Esquire" could serve in the American government in any public
elected office.
When Abraham Lincoln, a Bar Member, was elected President of the
United States in 1860, he was not eligible to serve as President of
the United States of America --- the association of sovereign states
participating in the Congress.
Do you see the trick now?
It was then and is now permitted for members of the Bar to hold any
private corporate office, even elected corporate offices, of the United
States (Trading Company) or any other such governmental services
corporation that followed.
They were only prohibited from holding public elected office in our government.
Lincoln used his private corporate office, President of the United
States, to overthrow the public elected government of the United States
of America, and he did it by fraud and similar names deceits.
The so-called "federal government" has operated under conditions of
Breach of Trust, fraud, deceit, non-disclosure, and inland piracy ever
since, shamelessly substituting its private corporate offices for the
public offices we are owed.
Each President since Lincoln has functioned as "President of the
United States" and the vast majority of them have been Bar Members
ineligible to function as "President of the United States of America"
even if they had been properly elected and empowered.
As a result of this egregious and carefully concealed fraud upon
the American people, there has been no lawfully elected government since
1860---- merely what appears to be one. Even the great conflict giving
rise to this circumstance has been misrepresented as "The American
Civil War" when in fact no such "war" can be shown to exist: there was
never a valid declaration of war and never a peace treaty ending it. It
is simply an illegal mercenary conflict that the perpetrators of all
this rot have kept simmering on our shores for 150 years.
Lincoln, like Barack Obama, was a British Crown agent and an
attorney who did not meet the requirements to be President of the united
States of America, nor even President of the United States of
America----but who was eligible to serve as President of the United
States, and in that foreign, private, corporate office--- they have
wrecked havoc and misery upon the innocent American people.
It is well past the hour in which we must wake up and realize that
our supposed friends and allies have been closer to fiends and
allegories. The so-called "federal government" is merely a storefront
for competing international banking cartels.
The so-called FEDERAL RESERVE cartel claims to have purchased the
name and copyrights and trademarks to THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and
the IMF cartel claims the same about THE UNITED STATES. They are both
commercial crime syndicates that deserve nothing but a prompt
liquidation of assets and claims and the return of all property to their
Priority Creditors, the American states and people.
It's time that we all rose up with one voice and accused the Roman
Pontiff and the British Monarch of the crimes of their predecessors and
addressed the Gross Breach of Trust that their predecessors have been
guilty of and the equally Gross Fraud that has been practiced against
us, together with the crimes of identity theft, press-ganging, inland
piracy, unlawful conversion of assets, enslavement and kidnapping that
have been the daily fare of their regimes for the past 150 years.
The good names of the States of America and United States of
America belong to us as the lawful heirs and Holders in Due Course
without respect to any claims made by the banks of the FEDERAL
RESERVE. THE UNITED STATES deserves nothing but a swift kick to the
All these fraudulent claims and operations must be exposed
and these conditions must be completely reformed. We must work hard to
fully restore our lawful government on the land, call together our jural
assemblies to operate our actual counties and states, and regain our
For a hundred and fifty years Americans have been asleep at the
wheel, being deliberately misled to believe that a governmental services
corporation is the same thing as their own lawful government. That
gullibility has cost us millions of lives, trillions of dollars,
and sullied our name throughout the world as we have been blamed for the
lawlessness, treachery, bigotry, and immorality of the pirates that
have claimed to represent us and done terrible and oppressive things in
our names.
The Bad News is that we have been clueless and trusting enough to
allow this. The Good News is that we don't have to allow it anymore.
If you love your country and value your lives, it is time to sit
---hard--- on the Archbishops and Cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church
worldwide. Make them all fully aware of the absolutely immoral and
duplicitous actions of generations of Popes with regard to this
country----Popes who have waved olive branches and preached love out of
one side of their mouths and then, as the Roman Pontiffs, have secretly
pursued war and profit and committed all manner of crimes under cover of
the Church's skirts.
If FRANCISCUS thinks he is going to continue these practices
unobserved, let's give him a good salvo and inform him that no, he is
not. Let him know that the entire world is watching and that the Church
is not going to be able to play duplicitous games in Breach of Trust
without paying the full and awful price for its hypocrisy and
criminality and double-mindedness. It is, indeed, time for confession
and the making of amends, and if not, it is time for the Roman Cult to
be recognized as a Satanic festering cancerous sore in the Body of the
Church--- a disease that needs to be eradicated both from within and
without, or it will most certainly kill its host.
The same basic message needs to be carried to the Lords of the
Admiralty, the Lord Mayor of London, and the British Monarch. They have
not escaped detection. Their hideous mismanagement of their American
concession in Washington, DC, has been duly noted by the Americans as
well as the rest of the world---which places them squarely between a
rock and a very hard place. All these years that they have been
wheedling and cheating and dealing in fraud and pretending to
"represent" us ---they have misused and abused American Servicemen and
women who now know the truth of the matter----that they have been
slaughtered and become unwitting murderers in wars for profit, lied to,
and then left abandoned as human flotsam, without jobs, without health
care, without educations, without a future.
Our veterans have little to lose and good reason to hate everything
that the Admiralty, the Lord Mayor, the Queen, and the Bar Associations
have stood for.
The rest of the world that has suffered --- seemingly at the hands of the Americans ---now knows who the actual culprits are.
And it is high time that we told the Federales where to get off our soil and our backs.