Thursday, August 24, 2017



Here's how to change it

By David DeGraw

Mainstream media are the most effective weapon of oppression humanity has ever seen - but the wall of propaganda comes crashing down once you can't afford to eat.

Stunning Leaked Footage of Bunkerville Standoff at Bundy Ranch

Wednesday, August 23, 2017




"I have no words........
Eric Parker and Scott Drexler will be tried again 8/23/17"
Andrea Parker

 AGENDA 21 / 2020 / 2030
Manipulating and Controlling the People
Stealing their land
and Relocating those remaining
in to tiny urban apartments - slavery in the city

Published on Dec 21, 2016
(((We need to fight back to get our Rights back - Battle of 2014)))
We Lost Our Land Rights During the Civil War
There were a variety of issues that led to the Civil War, but they all pretty much centered on this theme. The southern states always maintained the position that a strong federal government was a threat to local norms and traditions. This came from the colonial days and the debates that took place with the debate over the U.S. Constitution. Ultimately, the southern states, being less populated, were concerned that the more highly populated northern states would use their influence to force their will on the south through federal influences. The issue of slavery became one of the key issues, not because the northern population in general wanted to do something about it, but because it was the most divisive issue of the time. The federal government began a series of policy changes that the south did not agree with regarding taxation and trade (cotton was the main crop for trade -clothing, drapes, bedspreads and sheets, etc both domestically and overseas). The southern states, being threatened by the north's manipulation and restrictions as well as taxation on crops, began to withdraw from the union on the grounds that they had the right to do so under the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. The slavery issue came to the forefront later, and many in the south were discussing the possibility of freeing the slaves on their own. Basically, the south believed that the states should have more control over their own destiny while northern states believed the federal government should have more power to deal with state level issues.  These facts are conveniently left out of today's school textbooks, if even the civil war is taught at all.

  BLM Whistleblower: Reid Bunkerville and the 
Military Industrial Complex at Bundy Ranch

Check out 1865, a little History of How we Legally have no Rights to any American Land

Bundy Ranch Facebook

Cliven Bundy's YouTube Channel
Cliven D. Bundys Range War

Contact the Nevada State Governor and tell him we don't want Agenda 21
Clark County Sheriffs Number. 1-702-828-3233
Directions to Bundy Ranch in NV
Bundy Ranch Directions to in NV 10252109_691608087563344_6690044208191851126_n
Clark County Sheriffs Number. 1-702-828-3233

The Act of 1865, Land Grab


The Power of the Jury -- The Beginning of the End

By Anna Von Reitz

People have asked me to comment on the Bundy related trial in Nevada and the jury's refusal to convict.  

If everyone properly understood jurisdiction and their own country's history, they would know that the ongoing trial is in itself invalid and farce-like and that "US citizens" have no right to address these men or apply their "state of state" statutes to them in the first place. 

When this all began the Bundys, if properly prepared, could have turned to the would-be Prosecutors and asked half a dozen questions, then walked away---- leaving their detractors and accusers to bite their own tongues.  Or, as I observed to one who accosted me, "You know, you shouldn't even be talking to me. I haven't given you permission." 

They are foreign to us.  

Hello?  Repeat --- they are FOREIGN to us. 

 Even though they speak the same language and may have been born in Little Rock, Arkansas, they are in a different foreign jurisdiction.  They don't play by the same rules or follow the same law.  So the next question is, why are we being accosted by them?  

Because we are so dumbed down and ignorant that we don't even know who we are, don't know our political status, don't know enough to claim our birthright, don't bother to copyright our own names---so, of course, we also don't know that we belong to a different jurisdiction, are owed different courts, different juries, and different forms of law, either. 

Bah, and humbug.... anyway, since we don't know our own butts from a hole in the ground, we get stuck being hauled into their courts and tried by juries who don't know anything more, different, or better than we do---- which in this case may account for why these cases were acquitted. 

The juries are just as indoctrinated and ignorant as we are, so they continue to believe that US Citizens have constitutional guarantees and that rules of fair-play and justice apply in the courts and that common sense should rule the day.  

For example, if this man didn't hurt anybody or destroy any property--- where's the crime he committed?  

If he came to the aid of his neighbor against armed thugs who had no right to enter private property--- where is the crime?  

You see, the jury members still think they are living in America, so they continue to act on the same assumptions as the people in the defendant's chair---much to the consternation of federal prosecutors everywhere.  

This appears to be a case of jury nullification, where the jurors tried the statutory law and found it wanting, instead of the defendants.  What else could it be, considering that the victims were not allowed to make any kind of defense and were railroaded throughout on the false presumption of 14th Amendment "citizenship"? 

The facts in their favor, the misbehavior and bullying and threats of the federal agents, the wrong-headed presumptions of ownership interest by the federal corporations, the mismanagement of public lands in the western states by the BLM, the conspiracy of "county of county" sheriffs and federal agencies, all that and more wasn't allowed to be heard in the Defendant's favor.  

So what is left?  

The Jurors looked at the charges and realized they were Bushwah.  

They realized that these were honest farmers and ranchers who hadn't done anything wrong according to American Law.  

So they tossed out the suppositions and demands of the foreign statutory law on its ear.  

Bully for them!  

They might have done it in total ignorance, but hey, they did it. 

So it doesn't matter if they were serving as jurors in a foreign court and under the false presumption that they were all US citizens.  They did the right thing. They upheld the standards of American justice.  And that is what counts. 

If every juror and every jury in America did the same, it would not take very long at all for a quiet revolution to take place, as those jurors would one-by-one reject and require the replacement of the statutory laws in the same way that our land jurisdiction jurors can nullify any legislated law.  

The jury is the law in America, and as long as we have jurors who have a clear sense of logic and justice and who can reason and weigh facts, the jury, however miscast and misdirected and misrepresented, remains our safeguard against tyranny and madness imposed by legislative acts. . . . 

And judges like Gloria Navarro. 

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website

What You Have Done

By Anna Von Reitz

Your donations have made many small miracles happen for me and my helpers and also for other people who simply needed help, asked for it, and got it.  

Almost immediately upon embarking on the life I have led for the past twenty-plus years, it became apparent that time spent mulling over, researching, and then testing the information I have shared with the world cuts into time spent doing many other things, including earning a living.  

I was luckier than most, because my life was my work and my work was my life and it all somehow managed to dove-tail.  I didn't have to meet a nine to five schedule.  I didn't have to worry constantly about basic expenses.  I was blessed with good health, a good mate, and a great education.  All the stars smiled on me and the blessings of God were warm on my shoulders.  

All I had to do was work and keep on trying and asking and looking and seeking and talking to other people on the same journey.  

Others have had a much harder road in one way or another.  A great many people were ensnared in federal traps and railroaded into prison terms and debilitating fines and fees. It has almost become a badge of honor to have a federal prison record.  Many have lost their families through divorce and rejection.  Many have suffered loss of jobs, homes, yes, even children. 

Most of us were blissfully unaware of what had happened and was happening to the land that we love when something pushed us into the fray. Most of us didn't know what a corrupt mockery the "American justice system" had become. And we certainly didn't know why.  

The search for answers and for justice isn't for sissies, but it is a search made infinitely harder when you are targeted and mischaracterized, when you have a young family to support, when you have a nine to five job, when you have a limited education, when you are sick, when you lose your employment, when accidents come to your door, when your mate decides that they have had enough of the work you've undertaken and its many privations and sacrifices, when your friends and your family think you have gone whack-job and desert you, when your employer lets you go because they are afraid that they will get in trouble for accepting a W8 BEN, when, when, when.... 

All these things and more have happened to people on my team and others I have known who have sacrificed large portions of their lives devoted to this work.

Your donations have bought a new computer system for Paul and made his work easier and less stressful, faster, and wider reaching.  It's a home run, right out of the ballpark.  You made it possible and he is leaping forward to do his part and make it count.  God bless you all! 

Your donations have paid light bills and filing fees and food and so many other things that have been needed by our team that we couldn't have done by ourselves.  

This winter one of our lead researchers had his water heater and his pressure tank go kaput, leaving his whole family without hot water and his wife on the verge of giving up.  Your donations made it possible for us to fix that problem and get things back on track. 

Your donations have funded travel to court dates and arbitration sessions, to the Library of Congress and other libraries and institutions to do research that couldn't be done any other way.  Someone had to go there in the flesh and dig.  You made that possible, because even with skilled volunteers, it costs gas and copy fees and sometimes hotels and train fare or an airline ticket.  

This past year has been like a slugging match.  I feel the "hits" on me and on our team, and then, I feel you all hitting back, renewing our will to go forward, filling our gas tanks, buying another ream of paper, keeping the lights on, sending us postage stamps (thanks, Stephanie!) and tiding us over the worst.

Sometimes it has been blow for blow, times when I was down to my last hundred dollars, left staring at a bill and thinking--- how can this ever be done?  One old woman and a few dozen skilled volunteers?  Lord? 

And then, a check would come, a smattering of cash donations would hit, and we would lift our heads and soldier on.  

It was like this in the First Revolution, too. The Continental Militia fed itself, made its own bullets, provided its own mounts, its own gun powder, its own uniforms, and as the British said, they stole the cannons. 

Our battle isn't a battle of arms, but a battle of wits and knowledge and media exposure, a battle of research and logic and historical records--- and yet, it is a battle nonetheless.  It wears us down.  It takes everything we've got.  It goes on and on and on, with breakthroughs, but also with disappointments.  We are closer to victory now than we have ever been. 

This week our claims are being heard.  

This week we have the absolute proof of the fraud and the mechanisms used to implement it.  Step by step, act of legislation by act of legislation. 

This week marks the end of the evils that have plagued our nation and kept it at constant war for more than 200 years.  

This week our Voice reaches 300 million people worldwide. 

We are not doing this alone, all by ourselves.  There is a silent majority behind us, voting with their prayers and their money for an America that has too-long been merely a dream, an America at peace with itself and with the rest of the world. 

Thank you all, and may you be richly blessed, just as you have blessed others. 

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website

Jury's Message to Bundy Standoff Kangaroo Court: Not Guilty!

A federal jury in Las Vegas refused Tuesday to convict four accused gunman in a 2014 standoff with federal authorities near the Nevada ranch of states' rights figure Cliven Bundy.
In a verdict that delivered a stunning setback to federal prosecutors, the jury acquitted Ricky Lovelien and Steven Stewart of all 10 charges against them.
Defendants Scott Drexler and Eric Parker were found not guilty of most charges against them. The jury did not reach verdicts on four charges against Parker and two charges against Drexler.
The results stunned a courtroom full of the defendants' supporters, many of whom broke into applause after Chief U.S. District Judge Gloria Navarro ordered Lovelien and Stewart freed immediately.
The judge set a hearing Wednesday to decide whether to free Parker and Drexler pending a decision by prosecutors whether to try them for a third time.
Prosecutors said the men conspired with Bundy family members and wielded weapons to threaten the lives of federal agents enforcing lawful court orders to remove Bundy cattle from public land after he failed to pay grazing fees.
Each man standing trial in Las Vegas faced 10 charges including conspiracy, interstate travel in aid of extortion, weapon possession and assault and threatening a federal officer.
Combined, the counts carried the possibility of more than 100 years in federal prison.
The four were among 19 men arrested in early 2016, nearly two years after the confrontation near the rural town of Bunkerville, about 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas.
All 19 remained in federal custody, despite pleas from family members and attorneys for the release of those who have not been brought to trial. Bundy's attorney, Bret Whipple, notes that his client is now 71.
Bundy stopped paying grazing fees decades ago, saying he refused to recognize federal authority over public land where he said his family grazed cattle since before the U.S. Bureau of Land Management was created.
The dispute has roots a nearly half-century fight over public lands in Nevada and the West, where the federal government controls vast expanses of land.
Calls for action have grown louder and more frequent in recent years with internet bloggers protesting federal agency decisions to designate protected areas for endangered species and set aside tracts for mining, wind farms and natural gas exploration.
Prosecutors characterize the standoff as an armed uprising by self-styled militia members who answered a Bundy family call to take up arms to prevent the lawful enforcement of multiple court orders to remove Bundy cattle from what is now the Gold Butte National Monument.
Defense attorneys cast the tense standoff as an ultimately peaceful protest involving people upset about aggressive tactics used by federal land managers and contract cowboys.
They point to skirmishes days earlier involving armed federal agents using dogs and stun guns against Bundy family members; the closure of a vast range half the size of the state of Delaware to collect Bundy's cattle; and corrals set up as protest "First Amendment zone" protest areas for people.
A first trial earlier this year involved men who carried guns, but who prosecutors characterized as the least culpable of the co-defendants. It lasted two months and ended in April with a jury unable to reach verdicts for the four men, while finding two other defendants guilty of some charges.

Jury's Message to Bundy Standoff Kangaroo Court: Not Guilty!
Good news, Paul! 

Just yesterday jurors in the retrial of four defendants involved in the standoff near the Bundy ranch in Bunkerville, NV sent a RESOUNDING message to the government: NOT GUILTY!
Jurors found Ricky Lovelien and Steven Stewart Not Guilty of all 10 charges against them and Scott Drexler and Eric Parker Not Guilty of most charges against them. Although they were undecided on a few charges, the jury delivered ZERO convictions.

This was particularly telling in light of the drastic restrictions imposed on the defense by the judge, including prohibiting them from delving into:
● how well-armed Bureau of Land Management (BLM) agents were or how frightened defendants were of a potential attack,
● any mention of bullying or physically violent behavior of BLM agents leading up to the protest,
● any reference whatsoever to Constitutional First or Second Amendment rights, and
● any testimony from five prospective defense witnesses, whose testimony Judge Navarro pre-screened outside the presence of the jury and ultimately rejected.

Additionally, the judge very dramatically threw one of the defendants off the stand near the end of the trial, struck the entirety of his testimony from the record, and instructed jurors they were not allowed to consider it in their deliberations.

FIJA Advisory Board member Dr. Roger Roots, who attended much of the trial and was present when the verdict was delivered, chalks these verdicts up to jury nullification. "This was almost certainly jury nullification. I see no other realistic interpretation. I say that because the defense pretty much did not put on a case, and in fact, were not allowed to put on a case."

Click below for more details on this monumental victory for fully informed jurors and jurors' rights!

For Liberty, Justice, and Peace in Our Lifetimes, 

Kirsten C. Tynan

Fully Informed Jury Association

Obama's Ancestors Owned SLAVES!!!!

Obama Hiding From Rioters 
After His SICK Slave Secret Gets Out
Proves He Used Black Americans

Just In Obama is Hiding After His SICK Secret Gets Out

Gruesome Massacre if Liberals Remove President Trump from Office

Navy Seal Warns of Gruesome Massacre if
Liberals Remove President Trump from Office

Published on Aug 23, 2017

Navy Seal Warns Of Gruesome Massacre If Liberals Remove Trump From Office

There is a silent giant in America, and every day they get a little bit closer to coming out and putting a stop to the ridiculous and atrocious actions of the left. Our veterans stand with honor and integrity and do everything in their power to keep things from coming to a violent head, but these men and women are being pushed to the very edge of societal niceties.

Not much more needs to be said to add to what Craig “Sawman” Sawyer has stated in his social media post, so I will let you soak in his advice.

According to Truth Uncensored :

Craig “Sawman” Sawyer, a Marine veteran, former Navy SEAL, sniper, combat instructor and the owner of Tactical Insider, warned of a “gruesome massacre” if President Trump is removed from office.

Sawyer posted his resolution in a Facebook post:

‘Americans, Patriots, pray for our nation. Pray for our President.
“I’m hearing serious rumblings of a hostile, illegal coup against our democratically elected President by seditious, deep-state subversives funded by Soros & other globalists. Very disturbing,” he wrote, adding:

Patriots, this would be nothing less than an act of war against the American people. It would be the removal of our boldest defender & last possibility of maintaining our protective Constitution. Under the boot of globalists, life as we know it, would immediately decline to the model that suits the globalist interest – Marxist/Socialist/Communist.

They get complete control, you get zero. Freedom, Gone! Liberty, Gone! This agenda is evil and simply cannot be allowed, at ANY cost.

Like ALL military, law enforcement and government officials, I took an oath to defend our Constitution against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic. By abandoning the rule of law and conducting a coup against the President & policies WE THE PEOPLE elected, they have made themselves enemies of the United States.

Under threat, ALL patriots, whether civilian, law enforcement, government, or military, have the duty to defend our Constitution against such enemies. Some speculate on “civil war”. I readily recognize a much more sobering reality:

Anti-American subversives involved in ANY WAY in an unconstitutional coup against our President will be run down and executed immediately by the world’s most supreme warriors. There will be nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide, no mercy, no sense of humor. Harsh examples will be made. My prediction is it will be a gruesome massacre. Why? Because one side in this conflict has 8 Trillion bullets & the other side doesn’t know which bathroom to use.

It will likely only take a few hours. Lessons will be learned. History will take note. Order restored.

Patriots, We The American People stand united as one, against ALL enemies. We are peace-loving people who abide by the rule of law. Prepare yourselves in case this ridiculous insanity actually gets played out and the rule of law goes out the window under their gross miscarriage of our legal process. Shaking my head…

United We Stand! At the ready. USA!’
While Sawyer is correct in reminding those who took an oath to defend the Constitution that it includes protecting our President, we know that veterans will adhere to their oath, but many law enforcement and government officials have abandoned their oath because of liberals rhetoric that Trump is not their president.

With Democrats like Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi calling for President Trump’s impeachment based on the nonexistent Russian collusion, and Mueller’s witch hunt investigation searching for any reason to take Trump out, I am sure that the millions of Trump supporters around the country would be honored to join Sawyer in protecting President Trump if the ‘Deep State‘ tries to remove him from office.

As of this writing on August 7, Saywer’s post, which starts with a call to prayer for the nation and the president, has been viewed over 1 million times.

Sawyer added the following to clarify any misconceptions:

Note: Nowhere here does this say innocent civilians, or a legit impeachment. On the contrary, this speaks specifically to an illegal silent coup by corrupt officials using false charges, as has leaked out by Clinton cronies lately. Anything else is a different scenario entirely. Honor our Constitution! Keep it straight.

Much love and respect to our armed forces, both active and the veterans. We true-hearted Americans know that they have our backs and always will,

1 PM TODAY President Trump Rally RENO NEV

President Donald Trump Address 
American Legion Convention
Reno, Nevada
Wednesday August 23 2017
1 PM
or click below

ALERT: Trump’s popularity UP after Charlottesville


This might be hard to believe for some of you, but the mainstream media and all those blue check marks on Twitter do not reflect anything close to reality. Not since the Access Hollywood tape have we seen the MSM go in for the Trump-kill as they did in last week post-Charlottesville, and the result in public opinion has been the exact opposite of what they had hoped.

One of the few journalists who realizes this is the National Journal’s Josh Kraushaar, who writes of the Confederate statue issue …

From The Daily Wire
A PBS/NPR/Marist poll conducted after the Charlottesville protests found a whopping 62 percent of registered voters preferring to maintain Confederate memorials as a “historical symbol” over removing them “because they’re offensive to some people.” The issue united Republicans (86 percent approved maintaining them and only 6 percent disapproved), while dividing Democrats (47 percent approved removing them and 44 percent disapproved). Even a 44 percent plurality of African-Americans didn’t want to tear them down.
Kraushaar also points out that on the very issue the MSM is trying to bludgeon Trump with, his (appropriate) blaming of “both sides” for the violence in Charlottesville, 43% of Americans agreed with Trump, while 53% disagreed. Still, 43% is higher than his overall approval rating and if you watch the news media, 43% sounds impossible. Trump had been under withering 24/7 fire for days and the best the media could grab was 53%? That’s pretty pathetic.
Moreover, by correctly blaming “both sides” for the violence, Trump has improved his standing with his base. A full 87% of Republicans agreed with him on this issue, an improvement of the 80% of Republicans who generally approve of the way he is doing his job.  
On the overall job approval front, post Charlottesville, Trump has improved +4 points in Gallup, jumped +6 points with Quinnipiac (compared to the previous month), and held steady overall.
Over at Real Clear Politics, Trump’s average approve/disapprove improved from 37.4%/ 57.4% (-20) to 39%/55% -16) — hardly spectacular, but more proof that, at best, the media frenzy has had absolutely no effect whatsoever on public opinion. At worst (in the eyes of the media), the public has inched closer to Trump post-Charlottesville.
My theory about all of this was realized yesterday afternoon during a visit with my folks. The mistake Trump made on Saturday with his initial “both sides” comments about Charlottesville, was in his assumption the general public understood the truth about what he meant, that everyday Americans knew who this Antifa group was and just how awful they are.
My folks keep up with current events (and are not Trump supporters), but until last week they had no idea who Antifa was. And why would they? The MSM has been covering up the truth about these left wing terrorists for a year. It was only after Trump’s second presser, the one where he brought up the alt-left and forced the media to report on Antifa that they realized and were more forgiving of what he said.
By the way, both are also firmly on Trump’s side about the removal of statues, Confederate or otherwise. “I was saying the statues of Jefferson and Washington will be next even before Trump was,” my mom (and Barack Obama’s biggest fan) told me. 

Some idiots will do ANYTHING for a buck

Here is an example of ignorant American children protesting, cursing and condemning when they have been purposely taught FALSE American history and government in school (i.e., No Child Left Behind and CORE) - IF taught it at all
They can't add 1 + 1 and get 2 for an answer
They can't give you the names of former Presidents
They can't spell the names of states and cities
All they can do is 'protest' for money and curse foul words
Clearly, there is a HUGE job to be done with education
in America's school

 Everything George Soros Doesn't Want You to Know

 The Deleted Interview that
George Soros Tried to Ban

 Craigslist AD for $25.00 Hour Protestors
for Guess Where!?

Antifa Members are now protesting George Soros
Demanding their Payments

Trump Protestors Admit George Soros Pays Them
to Protest and to Get Tattoos

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Dangerous Alien Races Coming to Earth

Dangerous Alien Races Coming to Earth

Linda Moulton Howe


Published on Aug 19, 2017
Linda Moulton Howe talks about life-changing encounters with alien races, whose message for saving planet Earth may veil their true intentions. Higher intelligence takes advantage of, and uses, lower intelligence-sort of the way we humans use cattle. And with the privilege of use, comes the responsibility of caring… A farmer tends to his animals by feeding them and taking care of their medical needs. If the pasture became contaminated, the farmer would be the first to protect his investments.

Linda goes on to talk about encounters with “small, grey, drone worker types; taller true aliens, or supervisors; and tall reptoids with big, human-shaped bodies covered with scaly, reptile skin”. Linda Moulton Howe is a graduate of Stanford University with a Masters Degree in Communication.

President Trump Visits Phoenix Ariz

Phoenix Rent-A-Mob Seeks 'Paid Actors' 
for Trump's Visit Tonight


Donald Trump arrives for Phoenix Rally

 President Donald Trump arrives in Air Force One 
at Yuma, Arizona for Massive Phoenix Rally 
Bikers on hand to support President Trump

 The Most Impressive Air Force One Landing 
You'll Ever See!
 President Trump to Phoenix Rally

GCR/RV Intel SITREP - AUGUST 22 2\017

GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Tuesday - August 22, 2017

8/22/2017 12:14:00 PM  Emailed, Intel, SITREP  
Received via email for publication this early afternoon EDT. ~ Dinar Chronicles as per U.S. military



 Overnight we saw a complete and global test run of the RV per several Republic and banking sources--unknown to each other.

Hence, why the emergency broadcast system tested for no good reason before 2am EDT... which clearly will be the general release period... middle of the night while auto traffic and internet usage are at their lowest respective volumes.

HSBC related paymasters have been alerted that all SKR clients will be laid at once and that the bank will be providing management services and contact information post hydration.

We're also hearing whispers about a massive announcement coming in September as it relates to GESARA.

Also being told they want the financial portion of GESARA completed prior to this announcement for safety reasons.

There were rumors about TRN / paymaster hold ups last night, but those rumors were debunked as paymaster excuses for non payment Monday.

This was a benevolent test run to stress test overall readiness, not a pump fake as we have seen hundreds of times in the past.

The American Republic Government is slowly being introduced to the public person by person, day by day, leader by leader, policy by policy, until it all appears both obvious and long standing or in place (aka normal).

Obama is behind everything having to do with the US transition domestically and globally. Absolutely everything. Like him or don't like him... that's a fact.

Dunford. Kelly. Mattis. McMaster. All are Obama selections inserted into the burner Trump Presidency to assist in the harsh GESARA transition and report directly to Obama as how to proceed.

Please remind all currency gifted friends and family to submit a "Tetelestai" 800# alert sign up email or post RV website membership subscription email to

We're nearing the targeted release day and date for a temporary website reveal, and Showme is hustling to get something ready and of value pre RV for post RV.

Thank you Showme!

The goal remains to provide a smooth / on-line / philanthropic resource portal for projects, daily information and historical archives that the entire currency community can use to help in their indicual transition from a pre RV reality to a post RV one. Sobeit.

 Overnight we saw a complete and global test run of the RV per several Republic and banking sources--unknown to each other.

Hence, why the emergency broadcast system tested for no good reason before 2am EDT... which clearly will be the general release period... middle of the night while auto traffic and internet usage are at their lowest respective volumes.

HSBC related paymasters have been alerted that all SKR clients will be laid at once and that the bank will be providing management services and contact information post hydration.

We're also hearing whispers about a massive announcement coming in September as it relates to GESARA.

Also being told they want the financial portion of GESARA completed prior to this announcement for safety reasons.

There were rumors about TRN / paymaster hold ups last night, but those rumors were debunked as paymaster excuses for non payment Monday.

This was a benevolent test run to stress test overall readiness, not a pump fake as we have seen hundreds of times in the past.

The American Republic Government is slowly being introduced to the public person by person, day by day, leader by leader, policy by policy, until it all appears both obvious and long standing or in place (aka normal).

Obama is behind everything having to do with the US transition domestically and globally. Absolutely everything. Like him or don't like him... that's a fact.

Dunford. Kelly. Mattis. McMaster. All are Obama selections inserted into the burner Trump Presidency to assist in the harsh GESARA transition and report directly to Obama as how to proceed.

Please remind all currency gifted friends and family to submit a "Tetelestai" 800# alert sign up email or post RV website membership subscription email to

We're nearing the targeted release day and date for a temporary website reveal, and Showme is hustling to get something ready and of value pre RV for post RV.



Received the following from a very concerned reader with a request to post this immediately.  Words in RED are for readers to take special note  ..........

"Showtime" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Tuesday - August 22, 2017

Overnight we saw a complete and global test run of the RV per several 'Republic' and banking sources -- unknown to each other.

Hence, why the emergency broadcast system tested for no good reason before 2am EDT... which clearly will be the general release period... middle of the night while auto traffic and internet usage are at their lowest respective volumes.

HSBC related paymasters have been alerted that all SKR clients will be laid at once and that the bank will be providing management services and contact information post hydration.

We're also hearing whispers about a massive announcement coming in September as it relates to GESARA.

Also being told they want the financial portion of GESARA completed prior to this announcement for safety reasons.

There were rumors about TRN / paymaster hold ups last night, but those rumors were debunked as paymaster excuses for non payment Monday.

This was a benevolent test run to stress test overall readiness, not a pump fake as we have seen hundreds of times in the past.

The American Republic Government is slowly being introduced to the public person by person, day by day, leader by leader, policy by policy, until it all appears both obvious and long standing or in place (aka normal). (UNDER UFO  'COMMANDER' OBAMA???)

Obama is behind everything having to do with the US transition domestically and globally. Absolutely everything. Like him or don't like him... that's a fact.

Dunford. Kelly. Mattis. McMaster. All are Obama selections inserted into the burner Trump Presidency to assist in the harsh GESARA transition (??) and report directly to Obama as how to proceed.

Please remind all currency gifted friends and family to submit a "Tetelestai" 800# alert sign up email or post RV website membership subscription email to

We're nearing the targeted release day and date for a temporary website reveal, and Showme is hustling to get something ready and of value pre RV for post RV.

Thank you Showme!

The goal remains to provide a smooth / on-line / philanthropic resource portal for projects, daily information and historical archives that the entire currency community can use to help in their indicual (?) transition from a pre RV 'reality' to a post RV one. Sobeit.

God is with us (WHAT 'GOD'?)
Received via email for publication this early afternoon EDT. ~ Dinar Chronicles