By Anna Von Reitz
do affirm that to the best of our knowledge and belief, every word of
this testimony is true, correct, and placed upon the public record:
This all began with Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his corporate office as "President" of the United States of America, Inc.
bankrupted a territorial corporation that infringed upon our
unincorporated Trade Name "United States of America" --- simply named
itself after our unincorporated land jurisdiction government, and then
created franchises for itself named after our states --- "State of
Michigan" for example. The fraud artists even created franchises named
after all the living Americans by arbitrarily "redefining" their Trade
Names as U.S. Foreign Situs Trusts operated as corporate franchises--and
all without consent, disclosure, or equitable consideration, all based
on false claims of authority and non-existent battlefields and wars and
emergency powers never granted to these charlatans.
John Maynard Doe = the Given Trade Name of an American baby, but....
John Maynard Doe can also = the name of a Territorial United States Foreign Situs Trust
Which is which? And who is to know the difference? It is an obvious constructive fraud based on deceptively similar names.
just winked and "presumed" that we were all "United States Citizens"
and that our Given Trade Names were actually the names of Territorial
Foreign Situs Trusts instead. And on that basis, the Creditors of the
United States of America, Inc., were allowed to harass us and bill us
for the debts of our house servants.
Obama just pulled the same basic trick. He created bankrupt PUBLIC
TRANSMITTING UTILITIES named after all of you, all using ACCOUNT
designations like this: JOHN Q. PUBLIC. They are attempting to pull
the same scam again, only on a global scale. ]
then, by a process of "debt assumption" FDR and his administration and
the creditors of their private, mostly foreign-owned corporation,
foisted their debts off onto the innocent American public.
basically sent out bills addressed to their franchises that appeared to
be addressed to the living people of the same name, and those same
living people innocently paid all these bills that weren't actually
theirs to pay.
the lawyers, who have all taken oaths to "support the bankruptcy"---
most of whom don't even know that the bankruptcy they took an oath to
support is long since over--- and that a new round of fraud is being
booted up--- are expediting and enforcing and contributing to this fraud
and lawlessness.
could such a thing be? Well, it is rooted in the actions of the
present Queen of England's Father and Uncle, and in FDR's actions back
in the 1930's.
1935, FDR created The Federal Register Act. It was codified as Title
3, Section 301, et seq. by Executive Order. He gave himself the power
to create federal agencies, to appoint the heads of those agencies, and
to give those agencies the power to tax and regulate federal citizens.
This is the Shadow Government.
the President of any incorporated entity does not have the power to
create law directly affecting or obligating the unincorporated American
states or people, we may be sure that these actions by FDR pertained
only to the operations of the federal territorial and municipal
corporations and their employees --which are now in the process of
liquidation and Chapter 11 Reorganization. Again.
FDR re-delegated his ability to make federal "laws" known as
"statutory regulations"--- which is private, corporate, statutory law
dreamed up by The National Law Institute--- to the agency heads.
under the actual Constitution, re-delegation of delegated authority is a
felony-level Breach of Trust, so we may be sure that none of these
actions were undertaken with respect to the actual American states and
people. The only ones subject to the rule of the Shadow Government of
the Agencies are federal citizens, who are obligated to obey every title
and jot, just as they are obligated to pay federal income taxes, are
subject to unlawful Bills of Attainder, and all the rest.
this goes along uninterrupted as private corporate business affairs
that are-- at least on paper-- not supposed to affect us or our states,
unless we volunteer to donate our property to the cause, which of course
we never do, but which the corporate franchise managers appear to do
"for" us, when they pledge "the good faith and credit" of their "states
and the citizenry thereof".
note the language. When they talk about "their states" they are
talking about the Territorial or Municipal States of States or STATES OF
STATES or..... their franchise organizations, and when they talk about
the "citizenry thereof" they are talking about their employees and
dependents and political asylum seekers, etc., that are obligated to
obey their every whim. Not us.
they "presumed" that we would "volunteer" and donate our assets as
"sureties" backing their debts, and so, for the next 66 years, via an
undisclosed process of odious debt assumption promoted via an equally
undisclosed practice of personage against the unwary Americans, we all
paid taxes we didn't owe and mortgages we didn't owe, and we made to
obey foreign statutory laws that actually have nothing to do with us.
And now they are trying to boot it up on a global scale and pull off the same constructive fraud scheme again.
1999 the old bankruptcy finally settled and our Trade Names, which the
Federales falsely claimed were U.S. Foreign Situs Trusts, were released.
The formerly and merely "presumed to be" bankrupt entities were set
free, albeit, left adrift in the international jurisdiction of the sea.
That's how your good honest Christian Trade Names came to be converted
into the names of "presumed" U.S. Foreign Situs Trusts and "abandoned"
in the foreign jurisdiction of the sea, and this is the reason that
Queen Bess called them "disregarded entities".
brings up the issue of the responsibility of the British Monarch for
this circumstance, which can only result from Gross Negligence and
felony-level Breach of Trust on her part with respect to re-delegation
of delegated powers.
the end of the day, the Stench of all this comes back and lands on the
Queen's lap, because the British Monarchs are obligated to act as our
Trustees on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways and none of
this chicanery should have ever been allowed.
re-delegation allowed to the Congress, either Territorial or
Municipal. No re-delegation allowed to the President. No
re-delegation allowed to the Federal Reserve. And certainly no
re-delegation of our delegated authority to any politically appointed
heads of any federal corporation agencies or subcontractors.
these fraud artists have justified as merely private business
operations of an incorporated entity like any other incorporated entity
on the face of the Earth, have in fact been misrepresented as the
prerogatives and actions of a sovereign government--- a sovereign
government which still exists and which holds Queen Elizabeth II
responsible for usurping upon the position of the actual American Head
of State and for abuse of the Delegated Powers, and for re-delegating
powers that are uniquely vouchsafed to the British Monarch--- which
resulted in the Federal Reserve System, the surreptitious press-ganging
of the American People, and the false claims that have been made against
us, our labor assets, our natural resources, our copyrights,
trademarks, logos, and so much more.
once again the perpetrators have piled up a huge mass of Odious Debt,
which they are attempting to palm off on Americans, and claiming that we
have "voluntarily" subjected ourselves to their vicious and criminal
were able to enforce this via constructive fraud and falsification of
public records and plain brute force while their corporations were
solvent, but now, something new has entered the playing field. Their
operations are under the control of the bankruptcy courts --- and
bankruptcy Trustees named by Secondary Creditors --- mostly
international banks.
have been doing this under the presumption ---again, that word -- that
the Priority Creditors--- the American states and people, are "not
represented" and are "Missing, Presumed Dead" in the international
jurisdiction of the sea, and all as a result of their criminal fraud.
United States District Court for the District of Columbia has been
informed of the startling information that the "missing" Americans have
not only been found, they are alive and well and back on the land
jurisdiction of the United States, and they reclaim their names, their
Laws, and their property assets free and clear of any debts accrued "in
the absence" by Secondary and merely "presumed" Beneficiaries of their
of the "Agencies" we are now presented with the ridiculous presumption
that we and our actual government are in the thrall of Bankruptcy
Trustees appointment by Secondary Creditors in a bankruptcy in which we
are, ourselves, the Paramount Security Interest Holders and Priority
Attorney General Jeffrey Sessions and U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven T.
Mnuchin are hereby fully informed that the American states and people
are alive and well and that as the Paramount Security Interest Holders
and Priority Creditors, we own all the bankrupt Territorial and
Municipal Corporations and their franchises, including the banks which
have been organized under their auspices worldwide, and the Credit
Unions which have always been ours.
This is our enchilada, not yours, not the Queen's, and the Pope has already admitted that it isn't his, either.
As the Paramount Security Interest Holders and Priority Creditors , it
is our determination and edict to the courts in this matter that the
so-called "National Debts" are to be first off-set by Mutual Off-Set
Credit Exchange, then discharged and forgiven as necessary, and that all
assets naturally belonging to the American states and people and
similarly all assets naturally belonging to the people of other
countries are to be returned to them and their lawful land jurisdiction
governments, free and clear of any odious debt.
It is also our determination and edict in this matter that the United
States Marshal's Service shall be converted back to duty in the
international jurisdiction of the land and the U.S. District Courts
converted back into Federal Postal District Courts for the resumption of
International Trade.
As we are owed the assets managed by the Federal Reserve and as all
value of the "Petro-dollar" issued by the UNITED STATES since 1971 is
based on the value of oil, not gold, any conversion of Federal Reserve
Notes into our currency shall be in equivalents to our traditional
silver dollar and not attached to any gold standard at all, except in
that our silver dollars and paper certificates representing silver
dollars may trade against gold in precious metal-backed currency markets
of the world. We reserve the copyright and trademarks, logos, flags,
currencies, patents, treaties, and all else that is our natural
inheritance as the lawful government of the free, sovereign, and
independent United States.
news deserves to be noted and flashed all around the world, so that
nobody is under any false presumption about the status of the American
states and people and their continuing claim upon the land, labor, and
natural resources of the actual United States, which has nothing
whatsoever to do with the fortunes of the foreign "governmental services
corporations" which were supposed to merely be here providing these
services in Good Faith.
should also be noted that silver, not gold, is our precious
metal-backed currency standard and has been for over 200 years. Anyone
offering to issue "United States Dollars" as a gold-backed currency is
acting in fraud and without the the consent of the Paramount Security
Interest Holders and is infringing upon our lawful copyrights and
shall leave it to you and to the political appointees responsible for
the Agencies of the Shadow Government and the leaders of the American
Bar Association and The National Law Institute and President Trump and
the Generals acting as Trustees of the bankrupt Territorial
corporations, and the Senior Judges at The United States District Court
for the District of Columbia, and the Justices of the so-called United
States Supreme Court and the bankruptcy court of Puerto Rico, and the
rest of the Party Hearties in the deceptively similarly named "U.S.
Congress" to consider whether this present circumstance bears any faint
resemblance to "Good Faith" of any kind, and we shall leave it to the
Office of the Prosecutor at the World Court and the Grand Juries of the
lawful government to consider whether it does not instead reek of
self-interested deceit, fraud, felony Breach of Trust, unlawful
conversion, breach of our international treaties with the British
Monarchs and with the Municipal government of the City of London and the
Territorial Government of Westminster, press-ganging, inland piracy,
enslavement, forced peonage, conscription under force, racketeering,
usurpation against a sovereign government, and a total disrespect by
both the governmental services corporations and the purveyors of the
"law" and the banks which have colluded with them against their Priority
Creditors--- for the Public Law, including our international
tri-lateral treaties, which have been in place for over 200 years.
said, and so made as a record in solemn testimony, by our hands and
seals and in our lawful and lawfully copyrighted names, without the
Territorial and Municipal United States, under penalty of perjury under
the Public Law of the actual United States of America, Unincorporated,
to the best of our knowledge and belief this 11th day of September,
2017, and provided to the respective bankruptcy courts, the people of
America, and the world at large:
by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
United States of America, Unincorporated
c/o Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
by: James Clinton Belcher, Head of State
United States of America, Unincorporated
c/o Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska, 99652