Thursday, December 28, 2017

The Ghosts of Crashes Past, Recent, and Future as they Appeared on this Blog

It’s not boasting to state plainly that you were right if you are equally direct about your errors. I have until now rightly predicted all of the stock market’s major downturns, starting with the one in 2007 that gave us the Great Recession. The first of those led to the writing of this blog. The next two were predicted and recorded as they happened on this blog, and the latest, whether it proves right or wrong, waits shortly in the future. Each time I made such a prediction here, I bet my blog on it. The blog is still here, but will it continue to be?
I am using the term “crash” loosely in this article because one time I clearly stated the impending plunge would not technically amount to a crash (a sudden drop of more than 20%) but it would be much more significant than just a correction (a decline of 10%) because of how drastically it would change the nature of the market. I’ll show here how it did. The next time, I predicted a “crash” that did not quite turn out as significant as I claimed it would be, but it was an historic event in that the Dow fell further in January than it had ever done in its entire history, and it did so exactly the timing (to the day) that I laid out in advance.
I let myself off easy on that one as being both a hit and a miss because, after all, getting timing of a major plunge right to the exact day as well as the counter-intuitive manner by which it would start on that day is not something one typically sees.
Now we are about to see whether I will survive the prediction I made many months ago for January 2018….


By Anna Von Reitz

The actions and facts we have described for everyone are all matters of Public Record and not subject to debate.
There has not been a lawful government in power in this country since 1860, but there now is. 

The hereditary Head of State has taken definitive action to end any presumption of Interregnum and called in all the debts and exemptions owed to this country, its states and its people.  We have not abandoned as much as a silver dime.  

Together with allied Native leaders we are moving steadily forward to reclaim our country in behalf of the actual nation-states and living people, restoring the state republics and the self-governance we are owed.

Our Public Servants need to face facts, come to heel, and actually do what they are paid to do.  Defend the actual states and people.  Conduct the business with a straight face and honest accounting.  Issue the lawful currency.

 Assist us in restoring the government we are owed.  Nationalize the criminal banks. Shut down their patented and trademarked Foreclosure Mill.  Ride herd on these hopelessly corrupt corporate courts.  Stop the registration of people and their private assets.  Quit the weird weapons testing.  Tell the UN where to get off.  Fire every clerk at the Patent Office.  And generally speaking, wake to Hell up.

If you let our land jurisdiction government sink under the waves ---we’ve got news for all of you.  No land jurisdiction means no sea jurisdiction. All the corporations created under our auspices go down the drain if we do, regardless of where they are in the world, regardless of whether they are territorial or municipal.  All the corporations..... ALL THE CORPORATIONS.....

Read and repeat as many times as necessary.

Better get on board the only true Ship of State still sailing and grab an oar and thank God that there is still an oar to grab.   The Idiot Americans woke up just in time to save themselves----and all of you.

Pope Francis?  Cardinal Mamberti?  Cardinal Pell?  We, the American states and people, are here, alive, well, standing on the land with our porting treaty cured, demanding discharge of all bonds held in our NAMES and the return of all our assets.  We are owed discharge of these issues via probate, not bankruptcy.  There is no interregnum.  There is no “National Debt”. 

And there is no excuse. 

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:

Gitmo 7 new residents! - Q post

The CEO Stepdown & Takedown Is Immense ! - Falling Like Dominos

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Constitutional Rights Violations

For the following listed, I hereby declare that all courts in the state (republic)
of Michigan are in default.  For the deprivation of both federal and state
constitutional protected rights and liberties.

The fraudulent attempt to hide the fact that no "Man" or "Woman" is liable to the
Michigan Statutes at Large is buried in the definition of "person" located at the
Revised Statutes of 1846 (EXCERPT)

8.3l “Person” defined.
Sec. 3l.
The word “person” may extend and be applied to bodies politic and corporate, as well as to individuals.
History: Add. 1959, Act 189, Imd. Eff. July 22, 1959

    The term "individuals" here means individual or singular bodies politic and corporate and
not "Man" or "Woman".  If it meant "Man" or "Woman" it would say that.  It can not mean
"Man" or "Woman" or "People" due that the following limitations of the constitutions.  It would
put the statutes in direct violation of the constitutions.  The only thing the statutes wording
can do is encourage ignorant people think they are subject to the statutes.  If you don't know
your rights you do not have any rights....  the state violates the doctrine of informing people of
their rights and thereby denying them their rights. 

We, the people of the State of Michigan, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of freedom, and
earnestly desiring to secure these blessings undiminished to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and
establish this constitution.
                                                             ARTICLE  I
                                                  DECLARATION OF RIGHTS
§ 23
Enumeration of rights not to deny others.
Sec. 23.
The enumeration in this constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage
others retained by the people.
Const. 1963, Art. I, § 23, Eff. Jan. 1, 1964

                                                         US Constitution

Amendment 9

Other Rights Kept by the People

The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Rodney Dangerfield’s Guide to Auto Repair (1985)

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

‪Hillary E-mail server papers from FBI. Enjoy!!! Please note their are 16 parts. ‬

Police Chief Stands Up to Antifa at Berkeley City Council Meeting

Trump Uncovers Obama’s Covert Order

Trump Uncovers Obama’s Covert Order 
To Agents To Take Out His Entire Family

Published on Dec 6, 2017
Obama has been relentless in his pursuits to take down President Trump ever since our new President took office, where he even managed to get one of his Muslim operatives a job in Trump’s Homeland Security for a brief period of time. Trump’s Deputy National Security Adviser Dina Habib Powell was discovered to not only be a Muslim, but good buddies with Hillary Clinton and Obama’s former Iranian Muslim Brotherhood advisor Valerie Jarrett as well, who was reporting everything she knew back to the liberal media. Trump promptly fired Powell after discovering she the one behind Obama’s coup, and the series of leaks coming from the White House.

Update on Soros, Deep State and 'Elite' Bankers

On George Soros, Deep State
& Elite Bankers 

Final Take Down
They Are All Getting Locked Up & Assets Seized
White House Executive Order

Big News: John Kerry, H.W. Bush, George Soros, George W. Bush and Peter Munk Indicted for TREASON concerning 9/11 Attack.

via SatCom 7777

AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.
Office of the Chairman / Chief Executive Officer
Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta
S.D.R. Diplomatic Passport No. 04362, 12535
4001 North 9th Street, Suite No. 227
Arlington, Virginia, USA  22203-1954
Commonwealth of Virginia
Publisher - International Currency Review / London



via SatCom 7777                                                           ksi 536 / kbf 373



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Subject Matter : Big News: John Kerry, H.W. Bush, George Soros, George W. Bush and Peter Munk Indicted for TREASON concerning 9/11 Attack.
My Fellow Americans,
Yesterday is a day that will live in infamy forever. You should take note of the fact that we have now publicly indicted GEORGE SOROS, PETER MUNK, GEORGE W. BUSH, JOHN BRENANN, JOHN MCCAIN and many more including HILLARY CLINTON for the commission of capital treason when it comes to the attacks done on America the date of September 11, 2001
Collateral Damage: U.S. Covert Operations and the Terrorist Attacks on September 11, 2001. On September 11, 2001 the definition of National Security changed for most U.S. citizens. For an entire postwar generation, “National Security” meant protection from nuclear attack. On that day, Americans red ...

This is official, however for obvious reasons the courts or actions where these are ongoing will not be disclosed right now. One of them where this evidence is now on record is the high court of Nevada, as it relates directly to
Uranium One and the role of that entity in the black-op attacks against america.
CHENEY receives the death penalty and we'll take one for the team on that one given all the shots we took.
In the next update, we will have more relevant facts concerning these cases. Needless to say, with this
deluge of important evidence along with requests from our national audience things are getting quite tumultous.
Obviously we need to keep this short. GEORGE SOROS is about to have more problems than he imagined with numerous state felony charges swarming against him in various federal state and official district courts.
H.W. BUSH, GEORGE W. BUSH and EDGAR BRONFMAN will be taken down quickly. This will make this official traitor to the nation GEORGE SOROS be on the run, wishing for a day where he never dreamt up the 9-11 attacks in a backwater station outside switzerland.
EMD Uranium (Nuclear Minerals) Committee. EMD Uranium (Nuclear Minerals) Mid-Year Committee Report Michael D. Campbell, P.G., P.H., Chair December 12, 2011 Vice-Chairs: Robert Odell, P.G., (Vice-Chair: Industry), Consultant, Casper, WY Steven N. Sibray, P.G., (Vice-Chair: University), University of ...

Of course, we have given GEORGE BUSH Jr. a much harsher sentence than most of you god-fearing flock would have gave because we hate his attitude and not much else.
We officially cannot stand that insufferable twit GEORGE BUSH Jr so we ordered he face a full-on firing squad, or approximately twenty years in the Guantanamo bay prison system. We think this might be the only thing that straightens him out, but rest assured he received one of the harshest sentences of all.
Of course we aren't making the decision, we're giving GEORGE BUSH Jr. a fifty-fifty chance. The same fifty-fifty chance they gladly gave nearly all of us, where it concerns five years in jail or instant death.
So our hands are now clean of the matter, the Military can opt to do one of two things:
->X.1) They can order GEORGE BUSH Jr. face twenty years behind bars in Guantanamo style conditions.
->X.2) They can order GEORGE BUSH Jr. face an instant firing squad.
Some think GWB could never be as evil as his father, and those people have a point. Of course the military and the army also has their own points. The choice as always, is up to them and is out of our hands.
OBAMA also has no defense for his official crimes now concerning Uranium One. To plead ignorance of consequences is no defense in court. It will certainly not help any of them now!!
Perhaps nearly all of them face a reckoning of the death penalty. There is no coming back from the nationally recognized crime of treason, as it's serious enough to warrant disdain for the very word.
Obama, Bush, Clinton and George Soros all assets frozen by executive order:
I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the prevalence and severity of human rights abuse and corruption that have their source, in ...

Hillary Clinton indicted multiple times on money laundering charges, other high acts of treason
As you can gather from all the high charges against SOROS things are getting mighty serious. Watch your six at all times now, especially anytime you travel as we are now in avalanche mode.
Jay Lowe

BREAKING: Bus mows down pedestrians in Moscow, Russian.

5 dead as of now.

My question is why did the bus do this? Or did it have anything to do with the driver?

Five people died when a bus crashed into an underground passage in western Moscow, police said.
The incident happened on Kutuzovsky Avenue, near the Slavyansky Bulvar metro station in the western part of the Russian capital. At least five people were killed and more than 10 injured in the crash, police told media.

 Footage released on social media shows the bus pause for some time before accelerating into a crowd of pedestrians. The 25-second video was published by public Telegram channel Mash.