Sunday, November 10, 2013

TNT Tony Wed. CC Recorded Link ..Notes by FlPatriot59 at I4U

TNT Tony Wed. CC Recorded Link ..Notes by FlPatriot59 at I4U


REPLAY     805-399-1500    409029#


Notes by FlPatriot59 at I4U:


TONY - Good morning, TNT! It's Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2013 at 1:05 PM EST. All the information is good and you will know everything before I hang up. You're probably a whole lot better than you even know.

 [TNT Housekeeping issues related to their Forum)

T - Here's what you're waiting for - we're just that close. You know there was a deal at the last minute. I can't go into details and everybody gave up something, but we got a higher number.
Read More Link on Right

It was said "you do this now, you do this tomorrow, etc." They wanted these things done to be public so there would be no confusion and which side of the fence you're on, i.e., what team you're on and what your postion is. That was supposed to be clear - DIDN'T HAPPEN. The speech wasn't satisfactory. Yesterday at 12:25 he did a 2nd speech and it wasn't satisfactory either.

T - Tomorrow in Iraq there is an international speech by the PM that will be televised. It will be a "3 strikes and you're out" speech. Everybody has agreed he's holding it up and if it doesn't happen with this speech tomorrow there is a plan to have this completed this week. Of course I can't tell you when they will complete the plan, but they don't have to wait for the speech. There is a plan and it's not the government but the people at large who are affected. The investors and people with money who are supposed to go into that country and invest are being affected. There is a timeframe to get this on track and it could really affect their economy if it's delayed.

T - That is what is at stake. It is time for it to happen and some person can make that decision at any given moment. They have been given the authority to make that decision. We're not waiting on anything related to the RV - all the mechanics are done. All the procedures are done. I have not received the new NDA yet (repeated 3 times). Nobody is at the banks today. They're all back to their regular jobs waiting to be told. We don't need them to be there in order for this to go through. There is the possibility that one person could say "3 strikes" and just go with it. Could anytime, still could happen tonight, might not wait for tomorrow, but it's still this week.

T - I'm not sure if I will have to shut down on Friday because of the NDA. I personally think I can put the rates on the site. Rates will be public anyway. I don't know if we'll be able to go past that. There has to be an outlet to tell you if procedures change, a way to get info out to you.

T - I'm not sure if I will have to shut down on Friday because of the NDA. I personally think I can put the rates on the site. Rates will be public anyway. I don't know if we'll be able to go past that. There has to be an outlet to tell you if procedures change, a way to get info out to you.

T - We know 40-50K, 100K at most get on these calls. Your friends are going to turn to you because you gave em the dinar. A reasonable person needs to understand that they may only get $5,000 cash because there are people behind them and the bank has limits. Don't let them make an ass of themselves.

T - ANNOUNCEMENT IS SCHEDULED IN IRAQ FOR 8AM LOCAL TIME IN IRAQ (midnight EST). Everybody is gearing up for tomorrow. They're still planning to get you there within 2 hours of the 800#s being released. They had already said 4 days to get the majority of the people in and now they're saying 7 days.

T - I'm not telling anyone to stay up all night. It will come when it comes. I'm now being told they are not committed to waiting for the speech anymore. It does not affect us but it will definitely will effect them if they go with Plan B. Their economy will suffer. Definitely things have to be done this week. Bank personnel have been instructed to go to the cash-out/CE locations tomorrow.



C - Is the person able to go ahead and pull the trigger "CL"? T - Yes, the guy's worst nightmare is a woman in charge. At this point everybody is falling to her mercy. It's up to her.


C - What is the current rate of the dinar? T - I forgot to ask this morning. Last week it was still at $32 but I was told it went to $36 and some change. These are the numbers they're talking about from the bank system and the gov't agencies. These are the numbers. This is coming from the people who are doing this. These numbers are for a reason: the gov't needs these numbers to do what they need to do. We are just the benefactors of this. It wasn't designed for us. They don't mind because they don't think 80% of you will hold on to it or make it grow. They expect you to lose it, just like lottery winners and athletes, eventually all end up broke. They also think only 10K people own $1M dinar and the rest own less than $1M.

C - Is the website that compares the IQN to the USD real? It compares the two with a placeholder value of $14.65. T - Could be. Start a thread in the Forum and ask people what they think. I'll look at it later.

C - If I go to the bank and sign everything and then wanted to give somebody a $25K note, can I do that afterwards or will that mess up my NDA? T - I have no idea. Again, it was reiterated this morning: they will take the NDA seriously and they will make examples of 3-4 people so everyone will know how serious they are.

C - Is there an absolute day? T - It could be today but I'm hearing Friday. Everyone has reached the end of their rope. It was scheduled last week. Then scheduled again earlier this week. So this will be the 3rd time it has been scheduled to go live this within a week.

C - Since this is down to CL and M, does that mean O, Madam Wu, and nobody else is in the mix? T - One way or another it is this week. The announcement is scheduled for tomorrow morning in Iraq. She could do it at anytime since she's already given him 2 opportunities. She could do it at anytime. We don't know what her decision will be or when she'll make it. My understanding is that everybody has laid it down at her doorstep and told her to do what she will. She told him to do what was agreed at the last meeting and he hasn't. He thinks he has but they are saying, "no you haven't." He got most of what was offered to him if he did it right, but he's screwing it up everytime he does this. He's taking chances and nobody understands why.

T - I'm trying to give as much info as I can without crossing the line, especially on a call where a bunch of countries are listening. People are trying to put pieces together. I don't want to cross a line but I want us to be informed.

C - For those who have CE'd, will they get to go back and get the difference in the rate since it's gone up? T - No. It just doesn't go the other way.

 T - You guys know when I talk about peeps giving you bad info - they think they have to counter what Tony says. They try to look like they know what they are talking about because they don't know what we know - we have many on team.

C - Once the info comes out you're saying to go to the new website? T - Initially it'll be on the new site but after I sign the NDA I may have to remove it. I will get some kind of guidelines that don't violate the NDA because a whole lot of people will not know what to do. If I don't get any directions or they say I'm on my own, that's it. I'm not going to jeopardize my family. I'll try to be here for a period of time. If people need to know in an hour or a minute's notice I hope to be here.

C - Who is supposed to be making a speech? T - Right now on Iraqi TV they're being told that Maliki will make a speech at 8AM local time tomorrow morning (12AM EST).

C - Assuming he makes a speech, how long will it take before we know if the right one has been made? T - The last time it took 8 hours, but I'm sure they're going to be right on top of this one. Hopefully if it's midnight, between 3-5AM EST we could see this tomorrow morning.

C - Have you seen the new currency books yet? T - I have several confirmations from folks at banks and bank personnel. I personally have not seen them. Not every bank will have them. Look for the 800#s to see which banks will do an exchange. Not every bank can exchange because of their cash limits. They may not be able to take 10 people with $25K notes. These are the things you need to explain to those to whom you give IQN. We don't want them mad like those folks in Texas.

C - I read something last night that someone said unless there is a DeLarue machine, don't go there. T -It's my money and I want it now. But some banks in smaller towns may not have them. But they'll have the updated currency books - they're white. They are supposed to open it up and have all they need to verify your currency. We are at their mercy, but you may have to go back and call the 800# and say you're not happy and want a different location that verifies on the spot.

T - There's another thing to remember: bank personnel will be upset. They've been hearing this for years and they will get tired of us all. Smile, take your time.

C - Will Maliki's speech be in front of Parliament and will somebody be watching to make sure he says the right thing? Was the speech written for him? T - I'm now getting from Iraq that it will be an international speech to the entire region. He claimed on the other 2 speeches that he did say what he was supposed to, but they said he didn't. Our gov't has its own translators so it won't be by chance. They'll be standing nearby 10-15' away translating it.

C - I understand the price going up on the dinar and I understand it will be the rate that countries are using to exchange betwen themselves. T - Our gov't always wanted $30 so all the back and forth wasn't necessary. It finally got to $27.87, then it jumped to $32. This is how negotiations work. We all went through Negotiations 101 just like it happens with every country. So now they're at this point where we got all we want, but who's going to take credit for it?

C - Why did the VNN go up so much? T - Because we're using the IQN to boost our economy as a reserve currency and China is getting the benefit of the VNN.


C - It's not your nature to toot your own horn, but you get crucified over the high rates, which are a large pill to swallow. They are doing this for the US system and economy. T - This is what I try to do - get you to go out there and compare and see if it makes sense. I didn't believe it either - those rates. 2-3 years ago TerryK was putting out these kinds of numbers and I thought he was a lunatic! It wasn't making sense when Kuwait only did what they did back then. But now there's a reason for it to be $32-$36. There was a rationalization for it to happen. Let's look at the groups in Reno, or the elders in China. I always thought those were crazy but I found out it was really true.

T - Let's talk about the groups in Reno. I know about 1 of the groups and DC said it's legit - the one led by a retired military person I know and why he was put in that position. He was put in a position like me. Others were crooked but I had to week through all that and grow into the info. Pam and I used to talk all the time and say there is really something going on or are we just blind? Then we got the pieces together and realized there is a China group and it's authorized by the US Gov't. That was part of the deal and we didn't have all the info. They need oil, not money. So now I can understand why other sites say what they say, but they don't have the info I have so I don't get maad at them. I'm not competing with anyone. I don't care who announces it - Okie can announce it - I don't care. But I still encourage you to go out and compare info. Poppy3 put out that M was making a 3rd speech - we verified it and got the exact same time (8 AM). So I don't discount other's info. That is how we work together with all the info.

C - Why is Maliki screwing up the speech? T - Maliki wants the assurances he's looking for. It's a different mentality over there. We've had democracy here for 200 years. They've had a dictatorship. We're battling a mindset that's not just him but also his Cabinet. Someone is always in his ear telling him he will get a 3rd term. He's doing what comes naturally to him until he gets everything he wants. But now they're telling him who's the boss and if he doesn't change his ways they will do it for him - hopefully this week!

C - Knowing what you know do you think this will be our last broke weekend? T - All of the comments I'm hearing, all of the frustration I'm hearing, I think it should be over and I expect it to be over. I think they are literally at that point. They could have shut it down at any time, but it's not about us.

C - Are the dealers going to offer the high rates? T - The dealers don't know and they will learn when we learn.

C - If the speech doesn't go as planned, will they go with the CBI rate? T - It will affect their rate but not our rate.


C - With all the rates coming out and not showing up on retail sites, how will people know they're getting the right (high) rate? T - We'll get the 800#s. You'll call the number. We'll put on our site (we think because it's public info) the bank rates. And you can call the bank and ask for their rates. Or go to the bank's website's international currency section to check out the rate. Every bank should all have the same market rate, within pennies, which isn't the same as the ceiling rate. You won't know that unless you know somebody who will tell you. But those high ceiling rates come with traps unless you know what you're doing. So be careful.

T - The purpose of the NDA is so that you won't go on TV, or write a book and tell the whole story about what you made off the exchange. It doesn't cover the banks revealing the rates. It covers who was involved and who benefitted from it. When it goes live everybody will be able to see it.

C - With the banks shutting down on the 13/14th, does that affect us? Does that give you any fear? T - No, I don't believe the gov't would go through 10 years of trouble to give it to you then 4 days later take it away. Why do they need to take your money when the purpose is to stimulate the economy?

C - With Marshall Law orders, the grid going down, test grids on the 13th/14th, etc. signed by Obama. T - We can talk about that another time. Let's focus on the RV now. What can you do? You put the money in the bank. You have a receipt for it. You're worrying about things your shouldn't. Nobody has a master plan to destroy the US on the 13-14th. Like the same day the meteors are going to hit the earth. I'll be glad when the 16th gets here.

C - Is there a guarantee this is the week? Is CL going to just "that's it - it's done." T - The only think I can guarantee is death and taxes. Other than that I can tell you this is the plan. And this is the week it's supposed to end. We've heard that before but at some point it has to end. We've heard his 2 speeches and with everything else going on, it makes sense for it all to conclude now.

C - In the past you've said the whales cashed in at $27.87. So is that the base rate? And is the rate going to drop after 7 days? T -They are thinking they can get the majority of the people CE within the first 7 days. The majority of dinar-holders have less than $1M IQN. That's the cattle call - they can go to any bank in the country and CE. Just go. The others will make appointments with wealth managers to get theirs done.

C - So the base drop would be $27.87 if it was to drop. T - When it drops it will go down to $4.80.

C - Will DinarBanker have the bank rate? What is a glitch for me is to get reserves paid off within 4-7 days. DB isn't answering my calls or returning my emails. I can't get through to them. T - You're right. That's just part of the process. Folks with less than $1M will get the high rates. Those with reserves will not get that high rate. But if they have $10M more than others who cares? DB says they will lock in your rate when you call to make your appointment to pick up your reserves.

C - Can you check and find out what is the true number of days to get in at the high rate? T - No it's not possible.

  T - Okay, it's a good day. The plan is to get it done this week, at least it was when I began this call. Everything is great. The speech is scheduled for 8AM local Iraq time (12 midnight EST) tomorrow morning. So if something happnes I'll put out a blast. And with that, have a great day!


Remarks on CBS This Morning BY Ben Stein

Subject:  Remarks on CBS This Morning BY Ben Stein

Only hope we find GOD again before it is too late ! !

The following was written by Ben Stein and recited by him on CBS Sunday Morning Commentary.

My confession:
I don't like getting pushed around for being a Jew, and I don't think Christians like getting pushed around for being Christians. I think people who believe in God are sick and tired of getting pushed around, period. I have no idea where the concept came from, that America is an explicitly atheist country. I can't find it in the Constitution and I don't like it being shoved down my throat...

 Or maybe I can put it another way: where did the idea come from that we should worship celebrities and we aren't allowed to worship God as we understand Him? I guess that's a sign that I'm getting old, too. But there are a lot of us who are wondering where these celebrities came from and where the America we knew went to.
In light of the many jokes we send to one another for a laugh, this is a little different: This is not intended to be a joke; it's not funny, it's intended to get you thinking.
In light of recent events... terrorists attack, school shootings, etc.. I think it started when Madeleine Murray O'Hare (she was murdered, her body found a few years ago) complained she didn't want prayer in our schools, and we said OK. Then someone said you better not read the Bible in school... The Bible says thou shalt not kill; thou shalt not steal, and love your neighbor as yourself. And we said OK.

Then Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't spank our children when they misbehave, because their little personalities would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem (Dr. Spock's son committed suicide). We said an expert should know what he's talking about.. And we said okay..
Now we're asking ourselves why our children have no conscience, why they don't know right from wrong, and why it doesn't bother them to kill strangers, their classmates, and themselves.
Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough, we can figure it out. I think it has a great deal to do with 'WE REAP WHAT WE SOW.'

Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the world's going to hell. Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but question what the Bible says. Funny how you can send 'jokes' through e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when you start sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing. Funny how lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene articles pass freely through cyber space, but public discussion of God is suppressed in the school and workplace.

Are you laughing yet?
Funny how when you forward this message, you will not send it to many on your address list because you're not sure what they believe, or what they will think of you for sending it.
Funny how we can be more worried about what other people think of us than what God thinks of us.
Pass it on if you think it has merit. If not, then just discard it... no one will know you did. But, if you discard this thought process, don't sit back and complain about what bad shape the world is in.
My Best Regards, Honestly and respectfully, Ben Stein

Intel Guru TerryK

11-10-2013   Intel Guru TerryK   M [Maliki] made a deal with white house yesterday...he will be allowed to run a third term.  Part of the deal is he must release the RV like now.   The us will send some supporting troops as well.  The USA now wants them to rv, and hearing again tuesday as Monday is a holiday.  With that said we may see it sooner.  So to recap:   M is still there, did not resign.  He is running for a third term.   We are to send some help over there. We are to be at the bank tue again.

Iraq added as location you can send from the Western Union Site

Just rec. & worth sharing!!!


[sonnyday] 11-9-2013 Newshound Millionday
the one thing that made me very happy or i should say
one of the many from last night is this
--- i was very excited over the fact that they added
iraq as a location you can send from on the western
union site and i tell you why
-- i worked there and when cuba was no longer allowed to
have wires from or to
-- it was huge with their country listed it is a very hard situation
and is no joke
so...For them to add iraq locations to send from --- it is for
certain that they are going to be wiring from iraq and the swift
codes was no joke as well
-- that is absolutely huge huge news


Use your masterful powers of thought,
visualization and verbal intent to
Co-create a peaceful world now...

dolphins 3

This Week USGovt's American BlackOut => Reality?

Past experience has shown that when the government executes a drill, that drill often goes live and becomes reality. In a few days, the government will execute a nationwide power blackout drill. I plan to spend this weekend buying non-perishable foods, and storing water in bottles from my local recycling center. I've already checked out my emergency generator. JD "As the Langley Intelligence Group Network ( put it in a recent analysis: “If National Geographic’s docu-drama is unrealistic about anything, it understates the threat by creating a scenario in which a nationwide blackout lasts just 10 days. Among seven U.S. government studies conducted since 2004, a consensus has emerged that the electric power industry is not prepared to cope with manmade or natural EMP (ElectroMagnetic Pulse) threats that could inflict a nationwide blackout lasting not days, but MONTHS or YEARS.” National Geographic TV is saying "It *Will* Happen." The U.S. Government officially prophesies a nationwide power failure; not just a drill, but a real nationwide power failure. Walmart, Safeway, Google, Bank of America, Coca-Cola, etc. are unplugging from the power grid because they fear that the grid may go down.

Late Sat.PM/ Early Sun.AM Dinar Chatter and Opinions

Late Sat.PM/ Early Sun.AM Dinar Chatter and Opinions 11/10/2013 0 Comments SUNDAY MORNING: TNT: [ALREADY BLESSED] GM TNT - NOTHING NEW YET....TOO EARLY BUT NO BAD NEWS SO HANG IN THERE- THIS COULD BE OUR DAY!. loechin] @9:40 EST Enjoy your morning cause things are about to get even better SPGuru: Well I had to stay quiet until after. All is done and it had to get to a point as Tony told you so you can get 800#. They are coming. Witness others CE just !Qn. My turn will come once public on VNN. Which is in next 24hrs. Your turn will depend on release of 800# and open appt times based on your location. Let the process play out. Good night and get some rest. [okrocks] We know they will not tell us the exact time for it to be released... could be today, tonight or anyday/time soon... [authorsamoliver] I believe we are at the end of this ride and the beginning of a whole new journey. I am so proud to have been through this time with each of you. I have learned so much . I will always know this is a historical even that I am so grateful to have been a part of now and in the future.

Eat your way to lower blood pressure

Eat your way to lower blood pressure
Hi John
According to the CDC, 67 million people in the US have "crossed a dangerous line"--having blood pressure that equals or exceeds 140/90.
In other words, they have hypertension (aka high blood pressure).
Plus the World Heart Federation estimates that 970 million people worldwide are on the wrong side of those numbers too.
And while it can't be argued that elevated blood pressure can be a risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease, the fact is, that is not true for EVERYone.
But the problem is that as soon as you cross that line, regardless of your situation, you are handed your white slip of (prescription pad) paper and have officially arrived in the land of the treated.
That's when the trouble can begin.
Here's why.
It's all a numbers game
Many factors can influence your blood pressure and cause it to rise or run on the higher side.
They include things like genetics, certain medications, stress, age (over 50), eating too much sodium (especially the highly processed salt found in fast and packaged foods), acid waste buildup in your bloodstream and smoking.
So to blindly say that, no matter WHO you are, once your numbers are 140/90, you need medication is jumping the gun in SO many cases!
And the biggest problem is, many people are not only NOT being helped, but they're actually being HARMED from this way of thinking.
Increasing numbers of studies now report that blood pressure drugs used to treat mild cases of hypertension not only do NOT reduce heart attacks, strokes or overall deaths, but they come with a mile long list of side effects.
These can include loss of libido, urinary infections, asthma symptoms, insomnia, depression, coughing, rashes, dizziness, drowsiness, constipation and diarrhea...and even DEATH.
What makes this even worse is that many times when someone starts suffering these or other side effects, they are given MORE drugs to counteract the symptoms.  
In addition, some studies have shown MORE heart attacks among patients medicated for mild hypertension!  Talk about something blowing up in your face.
Eat your way to better numbers
If your numbers are creeping up and you think that dangerous medications and side effects are a given for you, that's simply not true.
You can help make a tremendous difference in your blood pressure--safely and naturally.
In addition to getting regular exercise, quitting smoking and reducing stress in your life, there are also foods you can eat that help lower blood pressure, and they also happen to be delicious!
Here are the...
Seven Star Foods to Lower Blood Pressure
1) Raisins
"Nature's candy" is not only rich in antioxidants, helps enhance bone health and protect against macular degeneration, but now raisins have been shown to help lower blood pressure too.
So grab a handful and snack your way to lower readings.
2) Kiwi fruit
Some of the impressive benefits of these brown fuzzy gems are that they're loaded with Vitamin C, help fight colds and prevent asthma, and have fiber that helps keep you "regular" down there.
And eating three of them a day can help lower your blood pressure too, according to the American Heart Association.
3) Garlic
Fresh raw garlic has been shown to not only help lower blood pressure, but also help lower LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol!
If the idea of raw garlic is a big "strong" for you, you can enjoy it in this delicious bread dip:
  • 1 cup olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon grated Parmesan or Romano cheese
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley (or 1 teaspoon dried)
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil leaves (or 1 teaspoon dried)
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh oregano (or 1 teaspoon dried)
  • 2-3 cloves garlic, pressed
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
Combine all ingredients.  Serve in shallow bowls or small plates with Italian, French or Sourdough bread slices.
4) Cayenne pepper
Good news for you spicy food lovers!
In addition to helping enhance your immune system, ease osteoarthritis pain, clear congestion and fight inflammation, cayenne pepper has been shown to help reduce blood pressure.
Now don't worry, those of you with ulcers or other stomach challenges.  Cayenne pepper is alkaline to your body, and it's even been shown to help PREVENT ulcers!
5) Watermelon
The picnic staple can also help keep you out of the pharmacy.
A Florida State University study has concluded that watermelon lowers blood pressure.
In addition to its helpful potassium content, the researchers also found a specific amino acid in watermelon that helps to bring your numbers down too.
6) Bananas
And speaking of potassium, bananas should be on your list of hypertension-fighting foods.
The Harvard Medical School reported a UK study that determined foods containing potassium nitrate (like bananas) were more effective than supplements containing potassium chloride for lowering blood pressure.
7) Dark chocolate
Ahhh, a dream come true.  Something so delicious can be so very good for you too.  
The research proves it--there are compounds in cacao that dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure.
The catch is the chocolate must be dark and preferably organic...
And you should not eat it by the boatload.  Because then you'll be dealing with obesity which will push your blood pressure UP--not down.
Take advantage of Nature's "anti-inflammatory" too
Omega-3 essential fatty acids have been medically PROVEN to help lower blood pressure.
Now, these heart-healthy nutrients are abundant in wild-caught fatty fish, but not only do many people not like the taste of fish, but thanks to high levels of pollution and contamination, many times it's more health-HARMING than health-HELPING to eat fish!
So one of the best ways to engage this natural anti-inflammatory and help fight high blood pressure is to take a very high-quality fish oil supplement.
And for outstanding quality, look no further than VitalMega-3.
VitalMega-3 gives delivers 1,200 mg. of these essential nutrients (including the all-important EPA and DHA) in the same pure form you'd get directly from the fish themselves.
You see, VitalMega-3 is made from plankton-eating fish from Icelandic waters in accordance with Iceland’s sustainable fisheries laws.
These tiny fish contain the ocean’s highest natural oil content AND they are largely free of the pollutants found in larger species in the marine food chain.
Plus we take an additional huge step to guarantee purity with our manufacturer's sophisticated CO2 distillation process.
So what you get is the pure, potent power of blood pressure-lowering Omega-3 EFAs!
Remember, elevations in blood pressure are not as cut and dry as they seem.
And if your blood pressure is creeping up, drugs do NOT necessarily have to be your destiny.
Experience for yourself the power of eating for lower blood pressure and supplementing with Omega-3 essential fatty acids.
You just might shock your doc the next time he wraps the cuff around your arm!
To your health,
Sherry Brescia

 PS: We're on Facebook! Like us here:  -
PPS: It's also important to keep acid wastes low in your body to help prevent blood pressure problems.  Let Great Taste No Pain show you how to structure delicious meals that naturally help reduce the acidity in your body which can help bring your numbers down, down, down--like Julie's below.

Dear Sherry,
After experiencing 12 hours of agonizing abdominal pain and having a CAT scan all in one day last May, I decided I HAD to follow your "Great Taste No Pain" eating plan, no excuses, no cheating.
As long as I stick scrupulously to the plan, my two prescription GERD pills stay in the medicine cabinet.
But even better, since then I easily lost 20-25 pounds; and as of 3 days ago, my blood pressure has dropped to 118/70, and my cholesterol has dropped to 140.
These are additional, unexpected benefits that are music to the ears of this 64-year-old lady.
Thank you, Sherry.

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* Forward this email to the people you care about the most!


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**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**

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Dinar Intel Updates

11-10-2013   Intel Guru Loechin   Remember the song on Annie..... Tomorrow Tomorrow I Love ya tomorrow your only a day away... Well guess what tomorrow [Sunday] is going to be a super-fantastic day for all of us....


[tdooly] Re Tony's "We are expecting 8oo numbers tomorrow afternoon or late Sunday Nite..." This MAY be a hedge as to what he really expects since the announcement is at 2 AM EST and Sunday afternoon would be 14+ hours later with late Sunday night being maybe 18 to 20 hours AFTER the Iraq announcemet!!!!!! Seems to be a long time frame.

How to Buy Olive Oil Without Getting Scammed

How to Buy Olive Oil Without Getting Scammed

by Barbara Minton
See all TBYIL articles by Barbara Minton

(The Best Years in Life) Experts far and wide proclaim the health benefits of extra virgin olive oil. One of the reasons they point to is the fact that extra virgin olive oil is much less processed than oils made from vegetable seeds. Extra virgin olive oil is expensive compared to seed oils, but the extra cost is clearly worth it when you consider those tremendous benefits. Unfortunately, when you buy a bottle of extra virgin olive oil, that is not necessarily what you get.

Olive oil is a mainstay in the best diet on earth

The health and therapeutic benefits of olive oil were first mentioned by Hippocrates, who declared that food was the best and only medicine worth using. Olive oil is one of the foundations of the Mediterranean diet, the only diet that has been proven to reduce the risk of death from all causes. Olive oil is one reason Mediterranean women have such glowing complexions and beautiful hair. And it is one reason Mediterranean men have such gorgeous muscles.

Olive oil is rich in antioxidants that discourage artery clogging and chronic diseases involving the cardiovascular system. A study done in Greece involving more than 1900 people found that using olive oil exclusively cut their risk of coronary heart disease almost in half. Those who consumed two tablespoons of olive oil daily for one week showed less oxidation of LDL cholesterol and higher blood levels of antioxidant compounds. Another recent study has shown olive oil to be effective against HER-2 positive breast cancer. People who use olive oil regularly have lower rates of atherosclerosis, diabetes, colon cancer and asthma.

Dietary fats fall into three categories:

*Saturated fat which comes from animals, coconuts and palm trees
*Polyunsaturated fat that comes from seeds, nuts and vegetable oil
*Monounsaturated fats which come from olives and safflower oil
Most of the benefits of olive oil do not derive from its being a monounsaturated fat, but rather from the high levels of polyphenols it contains.

The great olive oil scam

True extra virgin olive oil is nothing but the oil that comes from the first pressing of olives. This is why it contains such a high level of polyphenols, antioxidants and nutrients. True extra virgin olive oil is not refined in any way with chemical solvents or high heat. Its taste and smell should resemble that of fresh olives with no overtones of anything else. It should smell inviting and exciting, not musty or rancid. The oil from subsequent pressings contains only what is left over. This is why extra virgin olive oil commands a higher price.

Unfortunately the tantalizing thought of that higher price motivates many olive oil distributers to adulterate their oil. Some even go so far as to adulterate oil from second or third pressings, which is sold simply as olive oil. So there is a good chance that when you choose a bottle of extra virgin olive oil or one labeled simply as olive oil, you are not getting what you think you are getting, and you are not getting what you are paying for.

In 2010, the University of California at Davis published an extensive report on the fraudulent labeling of extra virgin olive oil. Several common brands sold in the U.S. were found to be adulterated with lower quality oils. These included:

Filippo Berio
Newman's Own
Rachel Ray
Whole Foods

Brands found to be accurately labeled as extra virgin olive oil include:

Kirkland Organic
Corto Olive
California Olive Ranch
McEvoy Ranch Organic

Extra Virginity: The Sublime and scandalous World of Olive Oil is a book by Tom Mueller that chronicles how resellers have added lower-priced, lower-grade oils and artificial coloring to extra virgin olive oil, and passed the adulterated product along the supply chain. One producer told Mueller that at least 50 percent of the olive oil sold in the U.S. is adulterated.

Extra virgin olive oil that has been adulterated loses the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties you are buying it for, according to Mueller. When you buy unadulterated oil, you get a cocktail of more than 200 highly beneficial compounds. This explains why extra virgin olive oil is credited with producing many of the benefits to be had from eating the Mediterranean diet. Adulterated oil that is mixed with oil from subsequent pressings and/or some sort of vegetable oil, will have free radicals and impurities rather than the expected beneficial compounds.

Mueller points out that many bottles of oil labeled as olive oil actually contain no olive oil at all. And he notes that only about 4 out of every 10 bottles of olive oil that say they come from Italy are actually Italian olive oil. This is because any producer can send any kind of oil to Italy to have it bottled. He calls it legalized fraud.

How can you avoid getting scammed?

Never buy olive oil unless the bottle clearly states it is 100 % extra virgin olive oil. This is no assurance you won't get scammed, but it cuts down your odds considerably, as does buying olive oil labeled as organic. Take it home and smell it and taste it. If it smells like olives and is wonderfully inviting, it is the real thing. If it does not, take the bottle and your receipt back to where you bought and ask for a refund. Buy another brand and try it, until you get one that tastes like it should.

Beware of buying olive oil that says it is extra light. Any oil with this label will have undergone considerable processing and will have little of the taste and health benefits you want. The name extra light is there to fool you into thinking it's low in fat, but all olive oil contains the same amount of fat. There is no regulation, certification or standard for oil that is labeled in this fashion, and you could be getting anything.

See also:

The Mediterranean Diet Reviewed

For more information:

About the Author:

 Barbara is a school psychologist and the author of Dividend Capture, a book on personal finance. She is a breast cancer survivor using bioidentical hormone therapy, and a passionate advocate of natural health with hundreds of articles on many aspects of health and wellness. She is the editor and publisher of AlignLife's Health Secrets Newsletter. 

See other articles by the Barbara Minton here:

Natural News: By: Dquixote1217 [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 7-Nov-2013 17:07:15
by Barbara Minton

(The Best Years in Life) Antioxidant-rich olive oil has been widely touted by health experts for years - in great part because it is a mainstay of the Mediterranean diet that has been proven to reduce the risk of death from virtually all causes. When it comes to olive oil, the only kind that is truly healthy is true extra virgin olive oil which is pure olive oil that has been processed much less than less expensive and often less healthy seed oils. The catch for consumers is that when you purchase a bottle of extra virgin olive oil, chances are great that you may not be getting what you think.

Read More:

See also:

"The Mediterranean Diet Reviewed"

The Omega Diet
(The Mediterranean Diet)

The Omega Diet, by Dr. Artemis P. Simopoulos and Jo Robinson, which was previously published under the titles "The Omega Plan" and "The Aphrodite Diet", is the most genuine and credible of a number of "Mediterranean diets" that have been on the bookshelves in recent years that espouse Mediterranean foods and lifestyle for weight loss and health.

The book explains how the people on the Greek island of Crete have a 5,000 year history even to the present day of longer life spans and better overall health than most other Mediterranean societies, even though the diets are very similar to those other Mediterranean diets. Scientific examination found the "missing link" that made the health and longevity of the people of Crete superior was that their food choices contained a significantly higher proportion of Omega 3 Fatty Acids in them than other communities. It also demonstrated that the ratio of Omega 6 Fatty Acids to Omega 3 Fatty Acids was a vital factor in health and longevity.

Whereas the developed Western World today has an Omega 6 Fatty Acid to Omega 3 Fatty Acid ratio upwards of 12:1 (measured as high as 40:1 in some Westerners who do not eat fish and live mostly on processed foods), the traditional diet of Crete had less Omega 6 and more Omega 3 Fatty Acids - in a ratio of around 4:1.

As an point of comparison, a number of other researchers, such as those who have examined Paleolithic diets, have come to similar conclusions, though they vary in their conclusions as to what constitutes the optimum ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 Fatty Acids. The conclusions range from 1:1 through to 3:1. By comparison, The Crete diet espoused by Dr. Simopoulos in "The Omega Diet" looks a little conservative and easier to achieve at 1:4, though along with the others still stands in major contrast to the miniscule Omega 3 levels in Western diets today.

It is also noted that the modern Western diet has changed enormously over even the past century. One hundred years ago, Omega 3 Fatty Acids were far more common in Western diets. Since then, there has been enormous growth in the grain and seed "edible oils" industry which has replaced Omega 3 Fatty Acid intake with greater Omega 6 intake, along with the additional detrimental trans-fatty oils (hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils - an unnatural industrial production method of adding hydrogen to unsaturated fats to thicken them and extend their shelf life.)

The many health benefits of Omega 3 oils are discussed in "The Omega Diet". These range from improvements in heart health, brain function, treatment of many mental disorders, inflammatory conditions, cancer prevention, and more. Sources of Omega 3 fatty acids in fish oils, flaxseeds, green leafy vegetables and various nuts and other foods are explained.

Although "The Omega Diet" is predominantly and primarily concerned with overall health rather than weight loss (for which I commend it - weight loss should always be treated as a benefit derived from overall health and lifestyle improvements rather than merely a stand-alone goal), it presents convincing research that shows that Omega 3 oils have significant weight loss benefits.

Animal studies in mice have proven that diets heavy in Omega 6 oils or saturated fats promote insulin resistance and diabetes. The same caloric value of fish oil (an Omega 3 oil) prevented these conditions, and produced mice with significantly lower body weights than those fed Soya-bean, lard or safflower oil diets.


The weaknesses and inconsistencies in the diet are:

An over-emphasis and probable inaccurate evidence in support of Canola Oil (also known as Rapeseed Oil);
A fruit and grain content of the diet that seems excessive and has potential long term detrimental effects from the excesses of starches and fructose (fruit sugars).
I must point out that my criticisms may be seen by others as being just as subjective and open to debate as the points of which I am critical.

In regards to Canola Oil:

It is simply untrue that this was a part of the Crete or Mediterranean diet for the past 5,000 years. Canola is a 1980's "edible oils industry" invention, being a hybridized version of rapeseed. Even from the hybrid seed, to produce Canola Oil requires considerable artificial industrial processing including leaching with other chemicals, bleaching and partial hydrogenation.
While Dr. Simopoulos correctly identifies some of the health dangers of the hydrogenation process in modern edible oils and warns against them, she fails to point out that her strongly favored Canola Oil is itself partly hydrogenated.
The book claims that Canola Oil is high in Omega 3 fatty acids. While it is true that it does contain some Omega 3 fatty acids (and more than many other common edible plant oils) and in a favorable Omega 6 to 3 ratio of roughly 2:1, it fails to point out that neither of these essential oils are the predominant fatty acid found within Canola Oil. Around 63% of Canola Oil is Omega 9 - a non-essential monounsaturated fat also found in a similar proportion in Olive Oil.
Most natural health practitioners and a growing body of research now point to Canola Oil as being one of the more dangerous oils which should not be consumed by humans. Even the small level of Omega 3 Fatty Acids it contains is tainted, maybe even contaminated, by the partial hydrogenation process designed to give the product an enhanced shelf life and therefore better marketability.

Despite these criticisms, I recommend "The Omega Diet" for its ground-breaking revelations about the deficit of Omega 3 in the modern Western diet, the excess levels of Omega 6, its explanation of how fats (generally) are necessary in human biology and health and how low fat diets are an erroneous idea, and producing substantial evidence for a better and healthier way to attain health and longevity - and even weight loss.

The book, though, should be read with an eye out for the weaknesses mentioned above, and would best be read in conjunction with either of the other two popular books the discuss the role of Omega 3 Fatty Acids in human health and nutrition. (These are displayed in the column to the right.)

I also strongly advise that familiarity with "The Paleo Diet" (also reviewed on this website) will go a long way towards understanding some of the concepts of "The Omega Diet" and also prepare you with some of the extra knowledge you need to identify some of its clear biases and inconsistencies.

Bankers Hate This Video

Subject: Bankers Hate This Video

Is the Federal government's debt
a problem?

Waste, fraud, corruption and
taxes are problems...

But the debt itself is not a
problem for the reason you
might think it is.

The banker shell game that's
keeping us all in debt.


- Brasscheck

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