Sunday, November 10, 2013

This Week USGovt's American BlackOut => Reality?

Past experience has shown that when the government executes a drill, that drill often goes live and becomes reality. In a few days, the government will execute a nationwide power blackout drill. I plan to spend this weekend buying non-perishable foods, and storing water in bottles from my local recycling center. I've already checked out my emergency generator. JD "As the Langley Intelligence Group Network ( put it in a recent analysis: “If National Geographic’s docu-drama is unrealistic about anything, it understates the threat by creating a scenario in which a nationwide blackout lasts just 10 days. Among seven U.S. government studies conducted since 2004, a consensus has emerged that the electric power industry is not prepared to cope with manmade or natural EMP (ElectroMagnetic Pulse) threats that could inflict a nationwide blackout lasting not days, but MONTHS or YEARS.” National Geographic TV is saying "It *Will* Happen." The U.S. Government officially prophesies a nationwide power failure; not just a drill, but a real nationwide power failure. Walmart, Safeway, Google, Bank of America, Coca-Cola, etc. are unplugging from the power grid because they fear that the grid may go down.

1 comment:

Dan said...

Each and everyone of you should write a Notice to your Police Chief, Sheriff, Mayor, and at least the County Board of Supervisors, and post it on their door if they are not open, such as: “If there is a BlackOut from a Drill that was approved of by any Government entity then We The People will have you removed from Office or your position as the effect of what happened could have been ATTEMPTED MURDER for the General Public as something could have gone wrong with the power outage. Also, there was NO Official Notice given to EVERY Household and business that this Drill was to take place and the People are to be prepared! A Census form has been issued for EVERY Household, but the GridEx II Notice was NOT!”