Sunday, November 10, 2013

Iraq added as location you can send from the Western Union Site

Just rec. & worth sharing!!!


[sonnyday] 11-9-2013 Newshound Millionday
the one thing that made me very happy or i should say
one of the many from last night is this
--- i was very excited over the fact that they added
iraq as a location you can send from on the western
union site and i tell you why
-- i worked there and when cuba was no longer allowed to
have wires from or to
-- it was huge with their country listed it is a very hard situation
and is no joke
so...For them to add iraq locations to send from --- it is for
certain that they are going to be wiring from iraq and the swift
codes was no joke as well
-- that is absolutely huge huge news


Use your masterful powers of thought,
visualization and verbal intent to
Co-create a peaceful world now...

dolphins 3

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