Sunday, June 29, 2014

PsyOps, Black Ops and Ponzi Schemes 5

ALL Patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions

Sunday   June 29, 2014
PsyOps, Black Ops and Ponzi Schemes 5
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert
Funding ISIS "Crisis Actors"
UNITED States of America   -   It can now be reported that the Los Angeles Times is developing a story that was leaked to them by the U.S. Military that fingers the U.S. NSA, the CIA, the U.S. State Department and the nation of Bahrain in being the financial support system for the ISIS private mercenary crisis actors team whose mission is to create chaos in the Middle East, drive up the world price of oil and the value of the British pound sterling as to enable crooked worldwide banks to write more I.O.U.s aka cross-collateralized derivatives to each other.

CNN Journalist: Mainstream Media Takes Money from
FOREIGN Dictators to Run Flattering Propaganda

Item: At this hour the nation of Bahrain and the Kuwait National Bank have requested that Barclays Bank of England arrange a $100 million loan tied to the ISIS and the Saudi Royal Family.
P.S. Barclays Bank of England (currently under investigation by the state of New York) and Blackrock Hedge Fund (has just received an SEC Wells Notice) are about to be fingered for operating a ponzi scheme and money laundry involving private energy companies that have a conflict of interest with both Blackrock and Barclays Bank.
The illegal profits were laundered into foreign currency derivative trading using disguised crooked electronic algorithms leaving no paper trail.

JIM WILLIE Fingers Bush Regime For 9/11 False Flag:
 “These Are The Neo-Nazis Who Brought Us The 9/11 Attacks…
And They Are Running Out of Cards To Play”

Recent briefings
The Latest 9/11 NAZI Paperclip NSA Bush-Cheney-Clinton -Obama Cover Up Continues and Now It Is A Department of Justice Ponzi Scheme

News, Rumors, and Opinions SundayAfternoon

News, Rumors, and Opinions SundayAfternoon


   Well it would appear that the General Secretariat of the COM has just freed up the schedule for all members of Parliament....unless your great aunt's second cousin's toad dies there should be no excuse now for being absent from the Tuesday Parliament meeting.....meanwhile eyes are focused on Maliki....remember I said to watch the villain.....what might he have up his sleeve forTuesday.    Randy

State of Law: the quorum will be completed inTuesday's session
Read more:

Frank26:  Superior article......... Excellent post.   KTFA,   Frank

JerseyBoysFaninMN :  Bless you, Pam. As the weekend comes closer and closer to being over, your words of encouragement are like a lifeline to so many of us. Thank you so very much!!! I'm shining a light of prayer on Okie's Daughter in Law!



[skinny13] [11:23:54 AM] jada girl: I just talked to LGTennis  a few minutes ago. She spoke to Okie and I have some potentially good news. Lxxxxxx was responsive to voice this morning. The doctor asked her to blink her eyes twice if she could hear/understand him. And she did. While it might seem like a small thing, it is so huge right now. LGTennis asked me to share with you guys and other skype rooms and keep the prayers coming. (hug)(heart) Thanks so much!


[Papajack] Good afternoon everybody I just wanted to stop by and let everybody know all this smoke about Iraq and Ramadon is just that SMOKE!!!!! Iraq has NOTHING to do with the RV anymore with the exception of the GOOD GUYS implementing the Global Reset giving them the priviledge of making the announcement.

[Papajack] This is GOOD vs EVIL the GOOD guys are returning us to the asset backed non corrupt system and the EVIL being the FEDERAL RESERVE, US CORPORATION CRIMINALS that have been hoaxing America for 143 years. Keep those prayers of exposure going, they are working.

[Papajack] The RV is only a PART of the Global Reset, they choose Iraq as the trigger currency for something like 198 countries. The big thing is doing away with the FIAT (worthless paper) system and making everybody have assets backing their currencies. The Smoke and Mirror Cabal banksters won't be able to keep the FRAUD going anymore.

 [Papajack] This is why the fight has been so hard.

[Papajack] Nothing you hear on the lame stream media is true, they are in the pockets of the BAD GUYS.

[Papajack] Remember all things done in darkness will be brought into the light, Yahveh didn't give His Son for such a GREAT SALVATION so these criminals can hide the TRUTH!!!!

[Papajack] Yahveh is making a show of them openly and we are the witnesses.

[Papajack] OH what a time to be alive!!!!

[Papajack] I don't know exactly how everything will play out but can't you feel the Spirit of TRUTH welling up in our spirits?

Papajack] That is why I said the other day, INDEPENDENCE DAY should have a whole new meaning this year. REMEMBER we were all INVITED to this party. Be BLESSED!!!!!


[SpecialAgentGibbs] Please3 watch this video...Giving the homeless shirt and shoes


Freeway Bill~ Skype rooms have become the new place to spread lies and slander:

You know, I have not been in any skype room in many years and am so glad to say that.... Tonight I got many messages about skype room statements about group lists being compromised, sold, manipulated etc. 

The person they accuse is a person of grand character and has done nothing but do everything they can to help.....  I challenge the promoter of these slanderous lies to come forward on any site and provide documentation of such behavior.... 

Before you state news about things like this, please make sure that you know what you are talking about instead of providing undo stress on dinar holders everywhere.....  Sensationalizing comments like these cause people to feel panic and distrust....

 We should all be united in these times.  We hear and read so much that is not true that comes from skype rooms.....  Please stop posting things you cannot prove...

 I sincerely hope that these posters read this and understand what their fiction is doing...


Freeway Bill



Exogen:  It’s the final countdown!

Whoever he may be :)

TheDarkHorseman — He Cometh and SayethHeard the RV will start in Japan this week.
Japan is separate from the US as far as the RV of Dong and Dinar are concerned.
That is all. Good luck this week. We'll need it.P.S. I hate being nice.

Christine LaGarde Unusual 7 Min. Video and Thoughts from TNT Members

Christine LaGarde Unusual 7 Min. Video and Thoughts from TNT Members

Sunny:  Numerology Message in Speech by Christine Lagarde of IMF

This is a 7 minute video on You Tube regarding a date and important event

Jer39prov8:  Wow! That video was amazing. I remember this speech and never looked at it from this view point. So the RV should happen between the first week of July but no later than the 15th then have a breather for a few days before the GCR?!
Heavy stuff if this pans out. Either way I'm 200% sure this is happening this month(July). I'm grateful and READY! Come on RV and GCR!
  To be sure, this is one bizzare speach.  Of that, there is no question.  And the main point is not to give any creedence to numerology, but to use the numerological method o convey a message.  That is for sure.  Very, very unusual and most interesting.

Thanks for posting this!

Dark Pitt:   While the numerology of the discussion is most interesting; to me, what is more interesting is the fact that Christine Lagarde is having a normal discussion to a press club and actually including numerology in her serious presentation.

She obviously has some deeper understanding beyond some clever way to signify a potential date.


English White Knight:  Think you may have missed the obvious, G20 Drop the 0 = 2nd

July 2nd 2014 reduces to 7!! (7+2+7=16 reduces to 7)

That's even better isn't it?    EWK

Ratatap:   FYI: The "Rule of the Elite" is they must tell the masses everything they are about to do - they just don't have to do it so we easily understand.
This is done through all sorts of media including radio - tv - newspapers - speeches and even magazines. It is a game for them.
Usually they do these messages so it appears conspiratorial and hence the masses are oblivious to it. 

AwakeningCoach1:  I agree! She emphasized to drop the zero (hmmm, another message "hidden in plain sight"??). 
By the way, for those who tend to shun perspectives and opinions/beliefs like this as "conspiracy theory" and such, you would do well to educate yourself before making such judgment calls.

The very term "conspiracy theorist" was coined by our own govt/CIA to denounce and degrade those who go against the programming we are fed by the PTB's agenda and what they want us to believe, without resistance, upheaval, or, really, owning any of our own thoughts.

Look it up and spend some time waking up. Esoteric Agenda, the Ancient Knowledge series, Kymatica, and other excellent videos on YouTube are very helpful... If you care to take the trip down the rabbit hole. Otherwise, take the blue pill again, stay plugged in to the matrix, and carry on. :)
Kdawn:  Thank you for sharing this video.  It was very interesting to me, because I understand numerology.
 Also, I know the power and significance in the number seven.  God used 7 all over the Bible. 
There are 7 colors of the rainbow, 7 musical notes on the scale, 7 chakras etc.   So, I am cautiously enthusiastic!  If this is true, then July is the month for the RV and GCR.

World Goes On “High Alert” After Arizona Quake Confirms Worst Fears

June 29, 2014
World Goes On “High Alert” After Arizona Quake Confirms Worst Fears
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An ominous report prepared by the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) that is circulating in the Kremlin today states that confirmation has been received from China’s Ministry of State Security (MSS) that the world’s largest ever military maritime exercises now underway in the Pacific Ocean have been ordered to their“highest alert” status after the 5.2 magnitude earthquake that hit Arizona hours ago was confirmed as being a part of the still expanding, and mysterious, North American magnetic anomaly.
Important to note, and as we had reported on in our 13 June report Russia Issues Grim Report On North American Magnetic Anomaly, Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force Lieutenant-General Viktor Bondarev then warned that a “catastrophic event” may be nearing for the North American region his forces had“electronically swept” for “magnetic anomalies” barely a fortnight ago stretching from Alaska to California.
Within 10-days of General Bondarev’s 13 June warning, this new GRU report says, a “precursor” to this potential “catastrophic event” did indeed occur in Alaska when this region was struck by a powerful 7.9 magnitude earthquake on 23 June and described by witnesses as lasting “several minutes” and was felt as a“steady shake and roll, shake and roll, shake and roll”.
Of graver concern, however, than the 23 June 7.9 magnitude earthquake in Alaska, this report continues, was the 5.2 magnitude earthquake occurring earlier today at 00:59:33 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) (9:59 PDT local time) that was centered about 50 km (31 miles) northwest of the city of Lordsburg, New Mexico, and felt some 240 km (150 miles) west in the city of Tucson, Arizona, and 480 km (300 miles) in Roswell, New Mexico.
Raising the grave concerns about the 5.2 magnitude Arizona earthquake, GRU experts in this report say, was its “well defined magnetic anomalous connection”with not only the 13 June 7.9 magnitude Alaska earthquake, but a series of other quakes occurring within a 5-hour time span immediately prior to and after it…which include: 
The 2.5 earthquake occurring at Cape Yakataga, Alaska at 20:04:45 UTC that was quickly followed by the 4.2 earthquake less than a minute later at Mount Pleasant, Utah at 20:56:22 UTC, which in turn was followed by a 3.2 earthquake occurring in Bolinas, California striking less than an hour later at 21:51:34 UTC, which then was followed by the 3.0 earthquake that struck Mount Pleasant, Utah, less than an hour later at 22:08:26 UTC, with another 3.2 striking this exact same area less than 3 hours later at 00:52:46 UTC after which, 7-minutes later, the 5.2 Arizona earthquake occurred.
Following the 5.2 Arizona earthquake, this report continues, it was followed by a 3.5 magnitude aftershock a little over an hour later at 01:08:44 UTC, with the last earthquake occurring in this “anomalous magnetic hyper-sequence” (that stretched from Alaska to Utah, over to California, back to Utah, over to Arizona and then back to Alaska in this 5-hour period) the 3.0 earthquake that struck Middleton Island, Alaska, nearly 9-minutes later at 01:17:28 UTC. [Note: Check all locations and times HERE]
Important to note, and as General Bondarev had previously reported, Russian military information regarding these events was necessitated by a “severe mysterious magnetic anomaly” detected by the Kosmos 2473 satellite on 3 June occurring in the Yellowstone region of the Western United States which resulted in what is called an “earthquake swarm.”
Also to note about the 3 June Yellowstone “magnetic anomaly”, General Bondarev’s report stated, was that satellite measurements showed it being precipitated by the mysterious earthquake swarm hitting the Brooks Range Mountains in Alaska which seismologists are still at a loss to explain.
The information relating to the linking of these two “events” was further verified by the United States Geological Survey (USGSmagnetic anomaly maps and data for North America showing a strange magnetic “disturbance/ripple” emanating from Brooks Range and ending at Yellowstone on 3 June, both of these areas, it is important to note, being part of the Rocky Mountains that stretch more than 4,830 km (3,000 miles) from the northernmost part of British Columbia, in western Canada, to New Mexico, in the southwestern United States.
Most critical to note, this GRU report says, are the reports being relayed to them by the MSS that appear to show that the Obama regime, and its allies, have an“acute awareness” regarding this potential “cataclysmic event” due to their sudden request to have Chinese Navy war ships participate in their annual Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercises.
The 2014 RIMPAC exercises is the largest international maritime event in modern history involving 55 vessels with more than 200 aircraft and some 25,000 personnel from 22 countries, and who earlier today went on their “highest alert”, this report says, a few hours after the 5.2 Arizona earthquake.
The “profound significance” of RIMPAC going into such a “high alert” status so soon into their 26-June to 1 August Pacific Ocean exercise, this report concludes, was its “mission objective” which, according to the MSS, is to “render all aid and assistance, and restore public order, to the American region that has just suffered a catastrophic natural event.”
To if there will, indeed, be such a cataclysm occurring it is, of course, not in our direct knowing.  What is in our knowing though is that it is ALWAYS best to be prepared should such a disaster does strike.
June 29, 2014 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]

All Members of Iraqi National Coalition to Attend 1st Session of New Parliament: MP

پارلمان عراق
All Members of Iraqi National Coalition to Attend 1st Session of New Parliament: MP
June 29, 2014 - 17:52
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A senior Iraqi lawmaker announced that all of the members of the National Coalition would attend the first session of the country’s newly elected parliament, which will be held on July 1.
The Iraqi National Coalition will choose the next prime minister of Iraq by Tuesday, Abdul Hussein Al-Mousawi, a member of the Fazilat party, was quoted by Alsumaria news channel as saying.
He also emphasized that the Fazilat party supports the election of the prime minister and the establishment of the cabinet, either through voting or reaching agreement among the members of the coalition.
All of the members of the Iraqi National Coalition will be present at the first session of the parliament, Mousawi stated.
Meanwhile, Iraq's National Coalition, which holds most of the seats in parliament, is set to announce its candidates for the premiership post to form a new government.
A spokesman for the Coalition said on Sunday that incumbent Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, former prime minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari, former vice president Adel Abdul Mahdi, as well as the current security adviser Faleh al-Fayad are among the possible candidates.
This is while leader of the Iraqi national congress Ahmad al-Chalabi and a senior member of Maliki’s party al-Daawa, Tarq Najem, are the other candidates.
Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, who commands unswerving loyalty from many Shiites in Iraq and beyond, has already said political blocs should agree on the next premier, parliament speaker and president before a newly elected legislature meets on Tuesday.
The first session of Iraq’s newly elected parliament will be heldon Tuesday as the country’s armed forces step up military operations against ISIL militants.
Tuesday’s convening of the new parliament comes as part of efforts to start the process of creating a new government. This comes against the backdrop of mounting ISIL insurgency in the country’s restive north.
The Iraqi armed forces have stepped up military operations against the militants from the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Levant to liberate insurgent-held cities.
The ISIL militants took control of Mosul, the capital of Nineveh Province, on June 10. They later took control of the city of Tikrit, located about 140 kilometers (87 miles) northwest of Baghdad.
Iraq has been witnessing a new wave of violence fueled by the ISIL Takfiri terrorists. The militants have been operating in the Iraqi provinces of Nineveh, Diyala, Salahuddin and al-Anbar.
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has said that the country’s security forces would confront the terrorists, calling the seizure of Mosul a “conspiracy.” The Iraqi prime minister has also blamed Saudi Arabia and Qatar for the security crisis and growing terrorism in his country, denouncing Riyadh as a major supporter of global terrorism.

Intel from TheDarkHorseman

Intel from TheDarkHorseman

TheDarkHorseman — He Cometh and Sayeth
Heard the RV will start in Japan this week. Japan is separate from the US as far as the RV of Dong and Dinar are concerned. That is all. Good luck this week. We'll need it.

P.S. I hate being nice.

Prosperity Packages… Bathsheba and Esther Trusts

Prosperity Packages… Bathsheba and Esther Trusts

Posted on January 17, 2014 by Iris Green
Prosperity Packages…Bathsheba and Esther Trusts promises  each individual living on this planet, whether man, woman or child a $1 billion dollar redemption from a system that has enslaved us for generations. Redeeming yourself is a simple process, and you do not have to put up any money, pay anybody anything and you will not be expected to give anything in return.  According to Dr. Henderson, each individual will be expected to denouce the birth certificate, that ties you to a debt slavery system, and have your DNA tested to determine which of the 12 tribes your originate from to determine Nationality. (listen to full recording and explanation below as well as other recordings from Dr. Henderson and Ms. Bolling.)
Shelley Bolling, steward for the Bathsheba and Esther Trust and one of several prosperity packages, stated that she has been working as a Global Pay Officer and Trustee for the past 10 years.

The Bathsheba and Esther Trust Prosperity Packages are for Restoration of the Global economy

Dr. Henderson, Executor  is of the designers  of new Metals backed global banking system of which there are 4 trusts controlling the new system. They are:
  1. Principle Trust is Mount Kesidick Trust
  2. Sovereign Civil Peoples Rights Trust of which Dr. Henderson  is Executor and Steward
  3. Bathsheba Trust Mr. Henderson and Shelley Bolling are both stewards of this trust
  4. Esther Trust Mr. Henderson and Shelley Bolling are also stewards which involves the redemption all all 7 billion people on planet.
For more information on the prosperity packages go to their website for more information. The   Redemption documents can be found on the site under the link Bathsheba and Esther Trust . The first three pages gives you some information about what the Trusts are are about. You do not have to complete the information on the notary page (not sure why that was included). The last page is the R.P.R Page (Restoration, Protection and Restoration Signature page.

How to complete the Redemption Package..Bathsheba and Esther Trust

On page 4 complete Your Full Name Address and Telephone Number above the Dotted line.It also instructs you to list the names addresses and telephone #’s of 10 people you would like to redeem (from this corrupt slavery system). It further instructs you that once you have put 10 names on the form to forward a blank copy to each of your ten people for them to repeat the process with their name on the top above the dotted line and 10 people they want to have redeemed below the dotted lines. All born  children should be included as well.
Every living man woman and child is to be redeemed. This includes individual that are incarcerated as well.  This is not saying everyone is going to be released from prison, however they are considered part of the 7 million to be redeemed on this planet.
After you have completed the (Redemption, Protection and Restoration Signature Page) form for this particular Prosperity Package, it is to  be emailed to  (the email address is also listed on the form) or you can fax to 501-330-2707 You can also include the information in an email and send via email your list to the same email address.

How will people be contacted to receive their Prosperity Package?

Each person will receive a telephone call prior to receiving their redemption  funds. Funds will be sent via courier with instructions on how to access your funds.  This will ensure that the person will be present to receive their redemption package. When you are contacted by phone call you will be asked if you have been foreclosed upon and if the house if still available.  If the property is still available and no one has purchased the property, then you will be allowed to move back in.
If the property that was foreclosed upon and is no longer available or has been sold, you will be restored according to Levitical law which will be 7 times your property.  Phone #’s will also be used to let each recipient know what the id badges of the couriers will look like  so the courier can be verified. When the courier arrives they will have all the information you will need to have access to your account.
Many things are going on globally now, that everyone can’t understand. Much talk about secret societies, conspiracy theories, etc.
The World Global Reset is not a group. Their  purpose is to reset everything on the globe and planet. They are connected to 197 nations.
In 2012 letter went out to explain that a certain group of people were not in charge and have been asked to step down, and according to Dr. Henderson, they have.
The entire universe needs to understand and over stand,  according to Dr. Henderson that the entire fight to this whole world of wars, disagreement, racial dissension is based on one commodity, Land. Mr Henderson states that everyone understands that “who has the land has the gold, the people, oil, diamonds, gas, that comes from the earth.  Whomever owns the earth owns all of the rights to those minerals.  The Land is owned by the people whom God (Yahwh) created or the Moors. Dr. Henderson is a member of the Moors.
According to Mr. Henderson,  in July 24, 2002 he gave declaration to reinstate every person…..The Global reset  is not reparation but restoration. The Global reset is to be return what is originally “ours” (the Moors). World global reset will be reset by replacing what has been taken.

What is the time frame for a person to receive their Prosperity Package via the Bathsheba and Esther Trust?

According to Dr. Henderson, the Redemption Packages will be delivered this year, 2014. He has not however, given a specific date.  This will be an ongoing project until all 7 million people on the planet are redeemed.
Do you feel this can happen? Have you redeemed yourself and at least 10 more?  For more information on Dr. Henderson and Shelley Bolling Redemption Packages, come back to this site often for updates. You may also go to their for updated conference calls where you can call in to ask questions. The updates are listed on the blue link labeled NEWS on the site. You may also click here for more info. Please share with your family and friends. Encourage them to sign up to redeem themselves and claim what is rightfully theirs.
Link to call for 1-15-2014 with therealtruthcall2  

For more information on the prosperity packages go to their website for more information. The Redemption documents can be found on the site under the link Bathsheba and Esther Trust .

Surf Photographer Clark Little on Staring Down Shorebreak to Get the Perfect Shot



Mi Pueblo Dinarista, volvi rapidito y con buenas nuevas ! Ya esta todo set en Iraq y en Puerto Rico para el Reset de los Dinares, los Dongs, la Ruphia, el dolar Zimbabwense, entre otras... (Se habia cometadoi en el pasado, todas van a salir juntas.. o por lo menos la mayoria). 

Ya el Banco Santander a puerta cerrada esta llenando sus listas de intercambio aqui en Puerto Rico. Ya los multi millonarios aqui en Puerto Rico ya cobraron sus dinares... Jaja verdad Richard... lo investigue y lo averigue.... la semana pasada. 

(Sorry gente, por l;a tardanza pero estoy sin computadora y sin internet. Esta pobresa me esta matando... y esta computadora es prestada, asi que no podre contestarle rapido alguna duda o inquietud). Ya solo cuesta esperar un poquito mas... y se los comente, Julio seria nuestro mes y sino pasa nada en Julio pues ni modo... pero de que no pasa del 2014 es de seguroo...!!!

 Como me entere lo de Santander ? Tengo amistades que tienen amistades internas en Santander que estan haciendo este tipo de trabajo, (Por favor, no llamen como anormales al Banco Santander, que por logica, todo se lo van a negar, ya que este trabajo es como dije, a Puerta Cerrada). Asi que los dejo y hablamos pronto...

 Compren los billetes de 100 trillones de dolares Zimbabwenses que posiblemente por cada uno de ellos les den $ 1,000,000 de dolares Americanos. Ya esta todo mega set y prontito viene el Fuetazo !!! JAAAAAAHHHHHHHH....!!!! Cuidense y con calma que ya mismo cobramos el mega chequesitooo !!!


My People "Dinarista", I returned quickly and with good news! There is all set in Iraq and Puerto Rico for the Reset of Iraqi Dinar, Dongs, Rupiah and Zimbabwe dollar, among other...(had been discussed in the past, all the currencies (IQD, VNG, IDR & ZMB) are going out least most).

Already the Santander Bank behind closed door is filling their lists of exchange here in Puerto Rico. Already the multimillionaires here in Puerto Rico , exchanged their Iraqi Dinars...Jaja True that yes Richard!!...I investigate and find out....the last week.

( Sorry people, for the tardiness but I am without computer and internet.This poverty is killing me...and this computer is provided, so I will not be able to answer quick some questions or concerns). Already only cost wait a little more...and I said you, July will be our month and if nothing happens in July, then neither mode....but that this not will pass of 2014 is sure..!!!

How I found out about Santander Bank? I have my internal friends in Santander Bank that are doing this kind of job ( exchanging iraqi dinars etc) ( PLEASE DONT CALL LIKE ABNORMALS THE BANK, THAT FOR LOGIC THEY WILL DENY ALL, BECAUSE THIS JOB IS LIKE I SAID YOU : BEHIND CLOSED DOOR). So I let you and we talk later....

Buy the 100 trillions of Zimbabwe Currency that conceivably per each one of them, they will give you $1,000,000 USD. Already is all mega set and soon come the "fuetazo) ( The HIT)!!!!! Jaaahhhhhh!! Take care and steady, that soon we will be receiving our mega CHECK!!!........

THIS IS NOT GOING TO END PRETTY - Civil Unrest Rising Everywhere

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
THIS IS NOT GOING TO END PRETTY - Civil Unrest Rising Everywhere
Posted By: Nemesis [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 29-Jun-2014 10:34:21

Posted on June 23, 2014 by Martin Armstrong
The greatest problem we have is misinformation. People simply do not comprehend why and how the economic policies of the post-war era are imploding. This whole agenda of socialism has sold a Utopian idea that the State is there for the people yet it is run by lawyers following their own self-interest. The pensions created for those in government drive the cost of government up exponentially with time. The political forces blame the rich and this merely creates a class warfare with no resolution for the future. Even confiscating all the wealth of the so-called rich will not sustain the system. Consequently, we just have to crash and burn and start all over again.
The Guardian reported that some 50,000 people marched in London to protest against austerity. They cried: “Who is really responsible for the mess this country is in? Is it the Polish fruit pickers or the Nigerian nurses? Or is it the bankers who plunged it into economic disaster – or the tax avoiders? It is selective anger.”
The exploitation by the bankers has been really a disaster. They have been their own worst enemy and in the end, they have become the symbol that inspires class warfare if not revolution. They are not the representatives of those who produce jobs. They are merely those who wanted to trade with other people’s money for free. When they win, it is their’s, but any losses are passed to the taxpayers. Bankers should be bankers – not hedge fund managers who keep 100% of the profits using other people’s savings.
Glass-Steagall Signing-Repeal
The repeal of Glass Steagall was the final straw that broke the back of the world economy. That was the single worst act that could have ever been done and we are now paying the price in spades. The collapse from 2007 has wiped out even the liquidity of the markets. The second worst act was the creation of the euro when the real goal was the federalization of Europe from the outset. That undermined the entire European banking system and has led to a serious undermining of the entire global economy.
The solutions from politics will always be the same – grab more power. We are in a downward spiral of liberty and how far we go down this path to the future will be determined by the people and if they at least wise up and see this is not class warfare, it is the people against government. This is why I say career politicians are dangerous for they can be bought way too easily as Clinton was to open the flood gates for the bankers.
This is not going to end pretty. The question is when does society wake up? Just how high will this price be that we have to pay? They will blame the rich and the idiots will cheer – get them. What will happen when there is no more wealth to hunt? We end up with a communist state by default – no wealth, just career politicians who blame everyone but themselves.
The Armstrong economics blog is really worth your time:
Civil Unrest Rising Everywhere – Including the UK
Posted on June 23, 2014 by Martin Armstrong

"News From an Iraqi" Posted by Kermit53 at TNT

"News From an Iraqi" Posted by Kermit53 at TNT

Kermit53:  News From Iraq...from Real People.....June 28

News from an Iraqi....

Here is a summary what I have from my Iraqi friend as of this morning. His relatives ALL have the Qi cards, both in Tikrit and Baghdad, they have been told that their cards (which as I understand are loaded now, but meager amounts) are to be increased or re-loaded (not clear on this) after the first parliament meeting, scheduled for July 1.

This is no secret, it seems the news is being sent to everyone, and it is raising some excitement.

How this is being communicated ranges from TV, the mosques (which DC has spoke about), and radio. They have been told a couple times before that this would happen.

Now, with some purpose behind it.
They are 'anticipating, cautiously anxious and extremely happy' at the very thought of having their cards be of significant value. They have so little to go off of now, he said we (US citizens) really have no idea what basic necessities the people over there have.

The ISIS rebels are still not an issue, they laugh at all the hype still over this in our media. They ask "where?" and believe it is all propaganda from M.

They really don't like the guy. The govt being seated, the new PM and having the media at the parliament meeting are all key.

They are tired of M and want him out. It was stated a year ago from Turki that the currency would go up in mid-year 2014...they believe this is coming to fruition, the people want it badly. Good for them, good for us.

He says life is moving along steadily, but the people there are very much anticipating the events over the next few days.

Ramadan also started last evening and he said that will be a much needed break from the events taking place to spend time with family.

This is all I have for now.
We enjoy getting his little tidbits, puts a little reality into what's stated and read about...

For You! A Scenic Song of GOD

Sananda: A Just New World

Sananda:  A Just New World


You are going to see the RV in a matter of days, at last.  As you know, there were several times when we thought it would go through, but obstacles intervened.  In the interim, the world has changed.  We now are in a much better position to have an orderly and uncomplicated exchange for the people, without worries that the banks will be able to steal your blessings with hidden fees, threats and secret small print.

It is truly a new day, Beloved Ones.  Everywhere the Light is permeating the darkness, in the corners where the shadows have lingered for generations.  Even in the Middle East where the dictators threaten and plot to maintain their power, the people on the ground are no longer taking them seriously.  There will be a few skirmishes, then peace will settle upon the land once and for all.  We are overjoyed to see the many places where soldiers are finding it less and less appealing to follow a hotheaded despot into battle.  The news will not be found on your media, but I assure you that the conflicts in the world are diminishing, and a new feeling of hope has begun to spread across the globe.

Around the world you are also seeing changes in the leaders of major powers, who are taking new initiative to combine forces against the banking Cabal which has had a stranglehold on Europe and the United States for hundreds of years.  Unfortunately, there will be an interim during which much reorganization will be required, and it may cause some upset in the American psyche to find themselves lagging behind during the restructuring of financial and legal systems.  If you are prepared by knowing this, you will ride it out joyfully, without fear, and you will lead others to do the same.

This is a complex and delicate process.  It is being orchestrated behind the scenes with great care and concern for the stability of the countries which are now receiving a jolt of reality as the dark systems are being dismantled.  It is a difficult position for the leaders of the "free world" to have to walk the fine line between protecting their people who would be the first to be affected by a major shift in the financial systems, and preserving the system which keeps the majority enslaved to the few who have been in control.

As much as we are looking forward to the shift which will return the power to the people, these are the very same people who will be most affected in the short term by economic upheaval.  Those in the middle and working classes who manage to keep going with little in the way of savings or long-term security are most vulnerable.  This is why it is so important that the revaluation of currencies provide the means for Lightworkers to offer a buffer with their personalized efforts to protect and provide for those in need when the changes take place.  There is no governmental agency which can provide as quickly and as personally when real need arises.

Yes, it is you, Beloved Ones, who will stand as the safety net for your neighbors and family members who find themselves in temporary difficulty because of the massive shifts and changes.  You are resourceful, creative and most original in your abilities to act spontaneously with good will when the occasion arises.  Your attitude of wanting so much to help out and to be there when others are in need will come to fruition in the days ahead.  You will become the mainstay of happily administered programs to bring good food, shelter and great comfort to those who are frightened by the changes - those who know nothing about the Ascension, except that they have been feeling the opening up as well.

It will be suddenly easier to accomplish the things that were so troublesome and difficult in the past because of red tape and bureaucratic foot-dragging.  Those who are suddenly powerless to help or to hinder those who used to be completely at their mercy will find themselves unseated from their positions of power over others.  From the smallest motor vehicle office to the largest social services facility, it will become clear that a bureaucracy which creates obstacles for their clients rather than serving them does not deserve to exist.

Your leaders have a wider range view of national and international conditions than you do, Dear Ones, since you are completely deprived of accurate reports from within your own countries as well as from abroad.  In fact, those reading these messages are far more informed of the real conditions in the world than any TV watcher.  I will give you an example.

It has been the clever campaign from the dark side over the past 40 years or so to revile everything having to do with "government," blaming big government for all the ills, debts and problems in the nation.  This was a clever ploy to deflect the rage away from themselves, the secret government which was siphoning off taxpayer money by the trillions of dollars, while programs which would provide for infrastructure, education and social services became the target of blame.  Their real fear was that those in Congress who refused to knuckle under to their bribes and their demands might actually be able to stand between them and their profits.

There have been courageous elected officials who used what small influence they had to make the public aware of the disastrous misuse of funds and the takeover of the elected government by the manipulators and propaganda generators who loudly forced themselves into every discussion, every attempt to place regulations or boundaries on their freewheeling greed and the laissez-faire policies which protected them.  It has truly been a secret Gilded Age, unbeknownst to the general public, who, directed by the propaganda machine, blame their elected officials.

In the midst of this downward slide into a free-for-all greed fest, the Supreme Court of the U.S. allowed the "Citizens United" law to stand (really the euphemism for Corporations United), permitting nearly unlimited amounts of money to be used to buy new politicians so that they could rid themselves of the bothersome renegades who insisted on questioning the EPA, FDA, FAA, FBI, HAARP, the CIA and other arms of the cabal which were operating mostly outside the control of the elected government, including the President.  A richly funded attack campaign featuring historically unprecedented slander, lies and brazen accusations of wrong-doing where none existed has become so constant and so cleverly constructed that the population has become unable to distinguish fact from fiction.

Note that these attacks are not funded by the usual political fundraising but are created by anyone with enough money to buy airtime and enough anonymity to say anything they want without regard for decency or the preservation of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."  They are entirely motivated by self-interest and personal gain.

These underhanded tactics are not new; they are however newly approved by the federal government under the name of free speech for corporations and self-interest groups, which now have more protection than individuals.  In fact it is the individuals who are the focus of these attacks who have the least in the way of truth-finding support or the means to counteract the onslaught.

Why do I bring these things to your attention?  Because there are good people under attack in every area of life, as the cabal plays out its last gasp.  I have always been a defender of Truth and one who stands for those who are most vulnerable.  Now, the attacks have become more public, and therefore more widely experienced.  A kind of numbness has allowed acceptance of the most outrageous manipulation of information and reinterpretation of "facts."  The anonymity of the media and the internet have allowed an unprecedented veil between the accuser and the accused, to the extent that most libel and slander goes unaddressed and uncorrected.

There is a rule of thumb which I want you to consider.  The brighter the Light, the more resentment and bile is likely to be directed toward that person.  The goal is to cast doubt on the person's integrity and credibility, and the more extreme the allegation, the more believable it seems.  Beware, Beloved Ones, that you not be caught up in the lure of the outrageous.  It is a strategy which has been used to great effect recently.

The more outlandish the "expose," the more it titillates the imagination and places the seed of doubt.  For instance, Obama is a Muslim who was not born in the U.S.  There is proof, because the accusation has been repeated thousands of times.  His wife is really a man in drag.  Photoshopped pictures prove it.  A plane hit the World Trade Center, because an animated video shows an airplane melting into the building rather than actually hitting it.  If it is shown enough times, with a voice-over describing something else, people learn to suspend judgment and believe what they are told.

How often have you been told that someone you initially admired and trusted was actually a puppet for the cabal, or under the influence of the dark side, or has lost their mind or their courage or their heart?

Here is what it means to use good judgment under such circumstances. (Judgment is not a bad thing, by the way.  It does not make you mean or judgmental.  It means you are making wise choices. It is the effective use of intelligence and Heart.)  First, free yourself from the prejudice against making a reasonable judgment; it is how you protect yourself and others. 

Before you begin fact-checking or asking others whether they believe the accusation or innuendo, ask yourself:  What does this person have to gain by invalidating the one they are pointing at?  How much do they have to lose if they do not discredit the person they are trying to tarnish in your eyes?  Is there money at stake, or is it an issue of power?  Why are they using a negative approach - disparaging the other - rather than demonstrating their own skills and competence?

And most importantly, why have you all, as a culture, come to accept the negative approach to winning a point, or defeating an opponent?  Why is it ever acceptable to accuse without evidence, to weave fantastical insinuations based on hearsay (which was once inadmissible as evidence for anything)?  You call it being tried in the court of public opinion.  It is no different from public stoning in the village square. It is a misdeed which should bring dishonor to the aggressor, not the accused.

As we work with you from the Higher Dimensions to bring an end to the dark days of old, we are here to help you, you who will be the creators of the new Planet Earth, to free yourselves from these contrivances of injustice, lest you allow it to hold you in lower vibration.  If you have even once taken part in a gossip-fest or a public trial by accusation, you must sit down with yourself, take yourself in hand, and reach deeply into your heart to ask forgiveness of the one you have dishonored.  Ask yourself if you have contributed to the negativity by remaining silent, increasing the energy of the attack by entertaining it in your thoughts, or by spreading the word, sending doubt and fear outward to poison trust, placing yourself in alignment with something dark and destructive.

There is a New Age device which is often used to cover up meanness.  A person sends a letter of insults, accusing their former friend of being a fraud, a cheat and a charlatan, then signs the letter with "I send you love, that you may be able to change/awaken/see the light."  This nonsensical juxtaposition is anything but loving.

If you wish to send someone love, just send it from your heart, with kindness and joy behind it, and say nothing.  Do not take it upon yourself to create pain - it will only drive the person toward defensiveness if they are truly of bad character, or it will invite damage to the person of Light if they are innocent.  You are not a God who condemns.  Instead, be yourself.  Your most loving, kind and uplifting self.

You have the power, Beloved Ones, to create or to destroy.  You live still under the agreement of free will.  You are therefore adding your energy always to the Light or the Dark.  Be aware, be mindful, be focused always on the highest and greatest good, which is Love.

I come to you as the one who has known injustice, and the one who has known God. It is now our time to turn the wheel full circle, to embrace our just and loving hearts, to fulfill our destiny as those who create anew, never to return to the dark ploys and ruses which intended failure of every endeavor, every relationship and every effort to rise up.

We will overcome darkness by being Light; we will join together because we gain strength and joy from each other's Love.  We will build our New World on a foundation of kindness, not conflict, divisiveness or war.  Ours will be a labor of Love, and its fruits will be Unity.

We are One.
I am your Sananda, and I speak with my heart filled with Love and anticipation for the celebration to come.  Namaste, Dear Ones.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, June 29, 2014, 3 am, New York

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