Thursday, February 26, 2015

Video: "You're Fired - Now Get Out Of Here! Ok, Who's Next"?

Dancing around it does not get it done.
Choice is a funny thing sometimes.
It's either this choice or that choice - neither one pretty.
Still, here we are.
All of us damned if we do and double damned if we don't.
"It's a fine mess you've gotten us into, Ollie."
OK...Bottom Line:
These folks in positions of power are some really screwed up individuals.
They are truly freaken' crazy.
What made them that way is beside the point.
We can debate that all day long and get nowhere.
What WE have to deal with is their insanity.
These folks will get worse as time goes on, and worse as they catch on that WE have caught on to the fact they are insane.
Have you noticed lately, how everything they do is to protect their own necks from the hanging rope?
Have you noticed that the closer WE get to understanding WHAT they are, the more they go on the OFFENSIVE against rational Human Beings?
Have you noticed that the more afraid they become, the more ramped up, militantly fascist dictators they become?
It is enough they are demented and ga-ga insane to begin with.
If we could leave them babbling to themselves in a strait jacket behind a 10 foot thick - 20 foot high brick wall, we might find some peace.
But the reality is, they walk free, and go on TV to boot.
So we have to fire them, just for starters.
These entities present a grave, clear and present danger to society, and remain a menace to the public at large.
We can lock them up and away from Human beings soon after firing them - to protect the welfare and safety of ALL Human Beings from these vampires - but we MUST get them the hell out of their positions of authority first.
The battle of wills is raging, but when you offer no logical, or humane reasoning for your point of view, the superficiality of hiding behind your title or position wears pretty thin pretty fast.
Have you heard what their talking head mouthpieces say in the lamestream media?
Have you heard what their "State Dept" spokespeople say?
Have you heard what their Pentagon Generals say?
And these individuals have control over weapons of mass destruction??
God help us all...
WE the People Hereby Fire our Corrupt Government
Published on Jan 10, 2015 By John Best
Do you want your freedom back? YOU have to open your mouth.
When WE all unite to give this order to our government servants, they have to obey us.

To anyone that may be interested in the private corporation UNITED STATES Conservative Political Action Conference 2015 - Day 1 Recap

Yellowstone National Park: Old Faithful Geyser Timing Secret Figured Out By Scientists [Video]

Posted in: Discoveries

Yellowstone National Park: Old Faithful Geyser Timing Secret Figured Out By Scientists [Video]



One of the mysteries of Yellowstone National Park is what gives Old Faithful its well-known timing for blasting its geyser. Scientists have figured out what makes Old Faithful tick, and it turns out the explanation is all bendy.
In a related report by the Inquisitr, Muslim terrorists operating in the United States attempted to hatch a plot to artificially trigger an eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano in order to destroy the country.
A UC Berkeley earth sciences professor named Michael Manga reported on their findings regarding Old Faithful’s geyser in the February issue of the Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. The short version for why the geyser has such stunning regularity turns out to be related to the plumbing. Any kinks or twists in the pipes cause pressure to build up along the way, resulting in a schedule that tourists can plan their day against.
“Most geysers appear to have a bubble trap accumulating the steam injected from below, and the release of the steam from the trap gets the geyser ready to erupt,” Manga said in a statement. “You can see the water column warming up and warming up until enough water reaches the boiling point that, once the top layer begins to boil, the boiling becomes self-perpetuating.”
Manga came to this realization by studying geysers in both Yellowstone National Park and Chile. They also built an artificial geyser out of glass and tubing in order to test their hypothesis in a lab setting.
“At many geysers it looks like there is some cavity that is stuck off on the side where steam is accumulating,” Manga explained. “So we said, ‘Let’s put in a cavity and watch how the bubble trap generates eruptions.’ It allows us to get both small eruptions and big eruptions in the lab.”
Over the long term, Manga hopes these studies may be applied to volcanic eruptions due to their similarities. It’s certainly easier to drop instruments into boiling water and steam rather than the molten earth produced by a volcano. But that does not mean the existence of geysers like Old Faithful are not interesting in and of themselves.
“One of our goals is to figure out why geysers exist – why don’t you just get a hot spring – and what is it that controls how a geyser erupts, including weather and earthquakes,” he said.
Berkeley has released the Old Faithful video which explains why geysers erupt in the first place. Check it out to see how their do their research in action.

Yellowstone Volcano A Terrorist Target, But What Does The USGS Say About A Supervolcano Eruption?

Posted in: Science

Yellowstone Volcano A Terrorist Target, But What Does The USGS Say About A Supervolcano Eruption?

We have been being duped again....We now know who to listen to..... there have been plenty of idiots posting about this and some that really were suppose to know.... Now you know the idiots not to listen to....            

Yellowstone Volcano: Eruption

“Wouldn’t it be great if my enemies’ worst national disaster could happen?” asked the alleged Via Rail terrorist Chiheb Esseghaier. The FBI says the man intended to artificially create a Yellowstone volcano eruption as part of a terrorist plot to ignite the supervolcano sitting underneath Yellowstone National Park. But what does the United States Geological Survey (USGS) say about the likelihood of the Yellowstone supervolcano erupting?
In a related report by the Inquisitr, we asked several scientists whether or not it’s possible that earthquakes induced by U.S. oil fracking could affect the Yellowstone supervolcano. This idea is not merely hypothetical since an alternative energy company is already hydro fracking a dormant volcano out west in hopes of siphoning off some of that geothermal energy being produced in mass quantities.
In 2014, rumors surrounding the Yellowstone supervolcano reached a fever pitch when conspiracy theories suggested the USGS was lying about its data and animals were supposedly seen “fleeing” the areas surrounding Yellowstone National Park. According to Vocativ, even as recently as this month the Zvezda TV channel, which is run by the Russian Defense Ministry, claimed the “super volcano under Yellowstone Park is about to explode, and the Americans need Ukraine as a place to settle after the explosion.”
Perhaps it’s this type of hype that had two Muslim terrorists named Chiheb Esseghaier and Raed Jaser seriously considering making the Yellowstone volcano a terrorist target. Esseghaier was studying in Montreal at the UniversitĂ© du QuĂ©bec for his PhD, and during this time he was “waiting for the green light” from jihadist leaders while researching how best to make the supervolcano blow.
“He was passionate about the the volcano in Yellowstone. He’s passionate about everything and he had done some research on the topic,” recalled undercover FBI agent Tamer el-Noury according to the Stratford Beacon Herald.
Scientists have concluded that if the Yellowstone supervolcano erupted it would create an explosion with the power of a nuclear weapon and spread layers of ash throughout the United States. The worldwide consequences would also be severe since the volcano could spew enough matter into the atmosphere that the Earth could dangerously plunge in temperatures similar to a nuclear winter.
In the end, Esseghaier is claimed to have told the undercover FBI agent that they gave up on triggering the Yellowstone volcano eruption since they were afraid any attempts at an attack would be discovered. They also noted the practical difficulties since the seething caldera is thousands of feet deep and would be difficult to access, never mind blow up.
Fortunately, the USGS agrees the likelihood of a Yellowstone volcano eruption is unlikely at this time. The volcano alert level is currently green and seismographs detected only 178 earthquakes in the region, with the largest registering at a magnitude 1.9 on January 20, 2015. The USGS also calculates the odds against a Yellowstone eruption as 730,000 to one on an annual basis. As a comparison, the odds of a royal flush in poker is 1 in 649,740, so perhaps that’s not too comforting.

Iceland kicked out the banksters. Now they're mocking McDonald's by displaying a burger & fries that won't mold or rot

Iceland Did Something Especially Clever With The Last McDonald’s Meal They Ever Sold In 2009
Jeff Roberts
Feb 22, 2015
Up there in the ranks of dinosaur bones and Renaissance art comes the star of our daily cabinet of curiosities (#AMH). And no, it’s not a petrified mummy or a two-headed anomaly, but rather, something more relevant and clever.
In a move that will likely one day see future generations looking back and gasping in horror, Iceland has taken its last McDonald’s meal ever sold and placed it on display at a bus hostel in Reykjavik.
McDonald's Meal Left To Rot In A Museum Remains Mold Free
Feb 2, 2015

link: "Lawsuit Claims Purina’s Beneful Is Poisoning, Killing Dogs"

From the Stage2Omega Nightly Digest:

Lawsuit Claims Purina’s Beneful Is Poisoning, Killing Dogs

By dt on Feb 25, 2015 10:52 pm

A recent lawsuit filed against Nestle Purina PetCare Company is claiming that one of the company’s most popular dog food brands contains toxins that are poisoning and even killing people’s pets. The lawsuit, filed in California federal court earlier this month by pet owner Frank Lucido, alleges that thousands of dogs have become ill or [...]

AS EXPECTED: FCC Adopts Net-Neutrality Rule Backed by Obama for Internet by a 3-2 Vote

FCC Adopts Net-Neutrality Rule Backed by Obama for Internet
by Todd Shields
Bloomberg Business
Feb 26, 2015
(Bloomberg) -- U.S. regulators invoked broad powers to ensure that Web traffic for all users is treated equally, adopting net-neutrality rules that supporters say will preserve a wide-open Internet and that opponents vow to fight in court.
The measure approved Thursday by the Federal Communications Commission prohibits companies such as AT&T Inc. and Comcast Corp. from blocking or slowing online traffic and from offering faster service in return for payment. It also brings wireless Internet service fully under the rules for the first time.
The 3-2 vote on party lines by FCC commissioners enshrines a regulation backed by the Obama administration and opposed by cable and telephone companies, which say the rules risk stifling a fast-growing Internet and will lead to rate regulation. FULL REPORT

Double Red Alert - The Bell Tolls

I don't even know where to begin. First up, California. Just like Dallas surged 6 weeks prior to the US's first ebola case, now the west coast is rising quickly in dream consciousness, and words like "Bell" and "Flag Time" make this run particularly poignant and meaningful.
The first Red Alert has to do with this morning's dreambot run:
The second Red Alert comes on the heels of Drudge's front page today. The obvious old news is that Obama is expanding authority. But the new news is that one of the biggest signs of the guaranteed financial end game is nearing. Find out why at this link:
Be well and take care of yourselves.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio: "We Can't Surrender, Must Continue Fighting for this Country" | Restoring Liberty



Inline image 1    Image result for HIGH TREASON IN WASH., D.C.

Image result for HIGH TREASON IN WASH., D.C.   Image result for HIGH TREASON IN WASH., D.C.   

   Image result for HIGH TREASON IN WASH., D.C.   Image result for HIGH TREASON IN WASH., D.C.   Image result for HIGH TREASON IN WASH., D.C.

 I wrote and posted yesterday with NESARA NEWS my national report OBAMA TRYING TO PUSH RUSSIA INTO NUCLEAR WORLD WAR III. FROM ERASMUS OF AMERICA - FEB. 25, 2015 . While my report on OBAMA committing high treason against America by trying to force Russia into fighting a nuclear World War III with America was quite valid, it was also a trap for Obama. I figured in advance the only person or persons who would want to call this report nonsense would be a federal operative who freely commits high treason against America when Obama wants him to. I had one critic who attacked my character with nonsense claims in order to try and turn away the attention of the public from the warning I had given that America likely faces a pending nuclear World War III with Russia if they don't shut up that idiot Obama in the White House before he pushes America into an all-out nuclear war with Russia. 

     Now a new very prominent source has joined other very credible sources I listed in this report warning that Obama is trying to push America into a nuclear war with Russia. This new source is shown below. 

  1. Inline image 1
  2. Paul Craig Roberts
  3. Paul Craig Roberts is an American economist and a columnist for Creators Syndicate. He served as an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration and was noted as a co-founder of Reaganomics. Wikipedia

  4. BornApril 3, 1939 (age 75), Atlanta, GA

From: <>
Date: Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 3:31 PM
Washington Has Destroyed Trust Between Nuclear Powers, Thus Raising The Specter Of War

Paul Craig Roberts

I spoke today to an international conference in Moscow hosted by the Russian Academy of Sciences.  I warned that life on earth is at risk unless the world quickly confronts “the evil regime that the neoconservatives--the Sauron of our world--have created in Washington.”

     Only because it won't threaten national security for me to state more about the following which this Obama plant critic said I was arrogant and thought I was a super man to dare say such a thing, I quote from my report yesterday on Nesara News 



     Now I supply the missing explanation that was the basis for the above comment. People from other nations often liked me and respected me because I understood their cultures, respected them which many in Wash., D.C. intelligence do not, and was an honestly idealistic person on a practical level which they could respect and identify with based on their own personal experiences in the nations that they came from. While they would not trust those normally who had come from Wash., D.C., they knew that I was the person I presented to them as my character and they wanted to strengthen my hand in America. 

     I had this defector from the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies who told me that he considered the leadership of the Pentagon to be "asses" and could not be dealt with nor trust his life from being murdered by the KGB if they in the Pentagon now knew where he lived. Pentagon security being sloppy would tip off the KGB where he now lived. But he trusted me and so turned over to me all the nuclear warfare secrets of the Soviet Union then. He had trained Soviet generals in these nuclear warfare tactics, was rated a top Communist military commander before working in Moscow and finally got tired of the "Cold War" and no longer believed in Communism and neither believed in the Western side either. He was just tired of the "Cold War" so quit and disappeared from the Soviet Union to the Western side without letting the Pentagon, etc. now know that he was now living in the West. He trained me in the top secret Soviet tactics of nuclear warfare and all the key ones were aimed for the annihilation of America due to the "Pearl Harbor" doctrine of if you let America survive a Pearl Harbor type attack, then America might rally, rebuild itself  and later defeat you in world war instead. 

     He told me of the guaranteed nuclear ace how to annihilate America and America would have no military defense saving America from nuclear annihilation if this method of nuclear warfare was used on America. It was a very clever, totally ruthless concept of nuclear warfare which the Soviet generals figured that the American generals could not stop from annihilating America if used. Having spent eleven calendar years in military academies and also heavy background in military intelligence and contact with key top Pentagon sources no one knew I had access to, I respected the Soviet annihilation concept as a "son of a bitch" totally practical method of attacking America that the Pentagon could not stop if used on America. With my unorthodox thinking in many military issues, I took my knowledge of the American side of nuclear arsenal, methods of attacks, etc. and came up with an American version of the Soviet "Doomsday" concept of how to annihilate America if world war ever came between America and Russia. I judge that the Soviet "Doomsday" concept of annihilating America could be amended to the resources of the U.S. Armed Forces and suddenly within even 24 hours the U.S. military could have set up the Soviet Doomsday attack system set up by the U.S. military if I show them how this system works. 

     If after my proposed Omni Law is passed, I suddenly show the Pentagon generals how this Soviet nuclear system works, first the Pentagon generals would grin as they would now understand why Moscow was so sure that it could defeat America if nuclear war came between America and Russia. And if this Soviet Doomsday attack system was now set up and operational in America in a crash program I would set it up with, then if the Russian generals were shown that America now had the same Soviet system for the Doomsday annihilation of Russia if world came came, they would be forced to a grin that that "son-of-a-bitch" showed America how to do this also and likely would say in Russian or else English to me if there when they were shown that America now had the same Soviet system of total annihilation, "You are a son-of-a-bitch too!" And end of pending nuclear World War III between America and Russia. I can do it,  for America, Obama can not, because I know how the other side fights and Obama does not! I don't think that Moscow ever shared this nuclear warfare concept with China as they did not want this nuclear warfare concept to be learned by other nations on this earth and things could get out of hand if too many nations learned how to fight this way in nuclear warfare. 

     I have a very practical approach to warfare. What works works! And I don't care if the Nazis thought first of using lightning war tactics with tanks. If it works, I would use lightning tank warfare tactics also! If the Nazis pioneered first large rockets to attack enemies in other lands, if it works, I don't rule out using their military rocket tactic to help win American wars with. In an amazing break of good luck, I was dealing with a Nazi clique in exile from Nazi Germany after World War II. Maybe they were trying to recruit me as they thought I was very bright in science and military, but they let it out that they had the top secret ultimate weapon design left over from Nazi Germany and was supposed to give future Germany conquest of the world after the Nazis came back to power in Germany many years later. I got the secret weapon design and technology from them and I don't think they realized that I ever got this from them. I pulled in the most brilliant American defense engineer in 25 years of top secret work and never wrong in any engineering stands in military project even when 20 top American defense engineers said that he couldn't be right in his stand. He forced his stand to the test and he was right and 20 top national defense engineers were wrong in calling him a fool with a concept that couldn't work. The concept worked and he saved America from being militarily defeated by the Soviet Union during the Cold War. This super genius defense engineer and I jointly worked on completing the Nazi ultimate weapon technology and ultimate weapon design. 

     He was amused when I showed him based on my years in military academies how we could write a military instruction textbook on tactics that could be used in standard warfare but using this super weapon system for large or else small wars in the world. And he wrote a public letter for intended backers to a potential project we could work on later on saying that he rated me to be the new Thomas Edison of America in potential inventive genius after working with me. I told him not to lie and he said that he really meant what he said there. He didn't know this but Charles Kettering while still alive who was rated one of the 20 top inventive geniuses in earlier American history had once seen 920 of my inventive concepts I came up with in a 2 week period while in military school. He told me that I had independently duplicated the top secret guidance system for American ICBM's and he wrote that he rated me to be the brightest, most original inventor brain that future America would ever see. However, Wash., D.C. always savagely fought me when I came out with concepts for new, major industries in America. If Wash, D.C. had not stopped me when I came up with new industrial concepts that bright people understood, I maybe could have given America something like 1,000 to 2,000 new national industries to boom the American economy with and jobs for all who wanted it in America. 

    Due to dealings with these jackasses in Wash., D.C., this convinced me that America would have no great industrial future if these corrupt bureaucrats were not stripped of their powers for intended tyranny for corrupt reasons. Thus was finally born the Omni Law to be passed by America to end the tyranny over the bright, talented, and brilliant in America. It has been my great privilege for many years to get to know brilliant Americans across America and see them suppressed and crushed by the bureaucrats in Wash., D.C. who for corrupt reasons did not want to see the new industries they would create in America if not stopped by Wash., D.C.

      No one has a monopoly on good brains. That is among the reasons why it is stupid to underestimate your enemies and think them stupid when they are not stupid, but a deadly enemy to fight if they get the upper hand over your side. God has blessed me with some good brains in areas that can help and bless the people with answers that would make their lives better. But the really smart person is the one who can always work with other smart people and collectively as a team they can come up with great answers to bless the lives of the people if their answers are used in society. I like the quote of Thomas Edison that "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration." Thomas Edison had a team of talented people work with him. He got the germ of a clever new idea as an invention to serve society with and then his team worked with him in finally making the idea work and right for use for the use of the people in society. As he said, his group helped improve the economy of the nation with those answers they came out with for the benefit of the people. 

     Pass the Omni Law shown on my website and America has a bright future as you find out how many brilliant people you have in America who if not held back by a corrupt government very tyrannical towards the rights of the American people, then your geniuses across America will skyrocket the American economy for you, make America too strong to be defeated in warfare, but if you are that gifted in warfare, use it only for good moral reasons and not for the cheap lust of evil people who want warfare to give them power but they want power for evil reasons and  tyranny rather than for good moral reasons and freedom and prosperity for the people. Like Albert Einstein, I believe that all people who can think and read have the potential to be geniuses themselves, but just need to find what field they are good in and then develop their God-given talent where they are good at it!

      My website for passage of the Omni Law is My email is Mailing address for orders and financial support not sent through our website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the money is for that you are sending to us. Money raised helps speed up passage of the Omni Law on our website. The Omni Law restores control of the federal government back to the American people by national referendum over the laws and polices of Wash, D.C. which does not care what laws and polices the American want and do not want the American people to govern over them. The American people have lost control over Wash., D.C. The Omni Law makes the federal government once more a government for, by, and of the American people, not rule by masters in Wash., D.C. who do not respect and secretly do not like the American people as a whole. Full name of the Omni Law is The Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America and will be added to the U.S. Bill of Rights once passed!

     The tongue-in-cheek critic of my previous report on Obama trying to engineer a nuclear World War III with Russia was silent on the issue of Obama trying to set up World War III for America with Russia, so approves and backs Obama in starting a nuclear War World III with all that implies with Russia. His style on con writings sounds like the Obama operative who has run the website trying to engineer the overthrow of pro-Western Arab governments in the Middle East. A source identified him and his associates as working for C.I.A. which in turn in this case means that he works for Obama at the White House. He and associates have never been arrested for backing ISIS type activities and trying to overthrow American allies in the Middle East. He boasted how great he is with electronic hacking of computers on the internet. He may be the same C.I.A. operative who it was just reported to me from a talented internet source is trying to infect all American accounts involved with the pending RV of foreign currencies so when the reported RV occurs, then the federal government can mass steal the exchange money from the banks, etc. This would be through information obtained from this C.I.A. implanted virus in your computer to supply all required information for federal thieves to steal your money from your bank accounts in America once you have exchanged your foreign currency. 

     Once the Omni Law is passed, if federal thieves try to steal from you your money received through exchange of your foreign currency, we have a pretty good lead on who they would be. We would use intelligence tactics to track them down and once caught, turn them over to grand juries for mass criminal indictments. We would treat this attempted federal hacking of your accounts by Obama operatives as a modernized version of "piracy on the high seas" and a hanging offense once caught and prosecuted. Also, we would treat this as "high treason" to undermine the American economy by Obama operatives who have no loyalty to America at all and despise the American people in general even though technically Americans themselves. We know which federal agencies would know who these Obama operatives are working in federal agencies and mass cut off the funds or else abolish those federal agencies which did not fully cooperate with us in arresting and prosecuting the guilty to the full extent of the law for attacking and trying to steal from you the money you receive from the RV of foreign currencies. 

    Pass this report around. There are millions of Americans who would want to be warned of what Obama is apparently up to and planning and will try to pull off in America now if the American people don't stop him in time by passage of the Omni Law. 

      To accelerate our drive to pass the Omni Law, from now Feb. 26 through March 7, 2015 we now offer a 5 times credit in our Omni Law Loan Program for those who put in loan money in it in time. This starts with $25 loan credits or multiples of these $25 loan credit units such as $25 loan credit unit, $50 loan credit unit, $125 loan credit unit, $525 loan credit unit, etc. If we reach our quota of money to be raised this way, then this offer is then no longer available to raise further money with and we go national with what we have on hand. If we play our full hand, then we likely will have from 100 nations to nearly 200 nations to back us over passing our Omni Law and now or else all these nations will sue Wash., D.C. and their leaders for such large sums as to be history making in lawsuit history. Once the Omni Law is passed, then your $25 loan payment becomes $125 in loan credit, your $100 becomes $500 in loan payment credit, and so on your $25 loan credits get multiplied by 5 times through March 7, 2015. 

     We have a plan how to pay you in full for your amount of credit in our Omni Law Loan Program. If you have $125 in loan credits, you will be scheduled to be paid $125 for your loan credits once the Omni Law is passed. You have a $1,000 loan credit total, then you are scheduled to be paid back $1,000 soon after the Omni Law is passed, and so on to whatever amount of loan credit you have accumulated whether straight time credit for number of $25 loan credit units you had from before or even 5 times multiplier what you put in now in the Omni Law Loan Program. Our Omni Law Loan Program is on our website and you can see how to place loan money through our PayPal account or else send in by mail postmarked by least March 7, 2015. We cap off our quota at $100 million received or amount of what total $25 loan credits add up to. These are not securities as they can not be sold or transferred to others. After passage of the Omni Law, we could change their legal status if we wanted to to securities which then gives title to your money here to give or else sell to others if you so choose. But that decision as to change of legal status will be made later, not at this time if we do decide to do this or not. 

    We take your $25 loan credits and what percentage of the total in $25 loan credit units you have in our total $25 loan credits gives you a pro-rata share in the 10% net profits before taxes for 30 years on the Vatican endorsed industrial food process we have and no one else on earth has as this is a trade secret how it is done. My father invented this and was endorsed by Pope Pius XII as having created the great food discovery so important to mankind as to be potentially be the most important news for mankind since the coming of Christ to earth. It could potentially solve the twin problems of starvation and malnutrition in the world. The Soviet Union during the Cold War endorsed this as the greatest food discovery in human history. Ezra Taft Benson, Secretary of Agriculture and later head of the Mormon Church in America, endorsed this as vitally important to the national health of America and many other prominent endorsements backed this great food discovery of my father. A prominent national university did tests on this when the super health bread was available from my father and they said that university tests with lab rats indicated that the entire human race on earth will later die if this great food discovery was not added in time to the human diet in America and the rest of the world. 

     A large collection of medical lab reports from all over the world said that if an antidote was not found fast enough, then the entire human race on earth will soon die off and be extinct like the dinosaurs of old. My father had the great food discovery called for by these medical labs from across the world. I do not agree with the Global Warming position of Al Gore (I judge solar cycles explain what causes changes in world weather) but to his credit, he wrote the foreword to the science book which had compiled the medical lab reports predicting the end of the human race if the food antidote was not found in time to save the human race on earth from pending extinction.

      The Congressional Record tells of the U.S. Army tests of long ago with my father's great food discovery. The Vatican newspaper publicized this great food discovery of my father worldwide. The Catholic Digest reported on the Soviet Union trying to buy world rights to this great food discovery but my father would not sell them the trade secret to it. Stalin admitted to my father that his advisers told him that he could win the entire world to Communism if he had this great food discovery as it would solve the food problems of the world if available to the world through the Soviet Union. 

     Wash., D.C. serving corrupt interests never wanted the colossal size national and world industry this would have given to America if they had not blocked it at key times in America. And it probably would have made America maybe far richer than oil produces wealth for the Middle East in comparison. Everyone on earth has to eat and this would be wanted by all people on earth! But repeated again Wash., D.C. served corrupt interests and did not care how greatly this would build up the economy of America and make America the undisputed leader of the entire world in the process! And Obama used his office at the White House to use secret means to try and block this Vatican endorsed industrial food process from being established again in America. 

     Washington ruined my father's industrial setup by corrupt tricks before even though maybe thousands of bakeries were already using his unique bread flour to make bread with and their sales skyrocketed across America due to the great taste the final bread had. Senator Everett Dirksen of Illinois (1950-69) told my father in private that $20 million in bribes had been passed around in Congress and to heads of federal agencies so Wash., D.C. would sabotage this growing food industry in America set up by my father.

     Okay pass the Omni Law now and end the endless corruption in Wash., D.C. This is the only practical answer that can end corruption in Wash., D.C. and restore honest government to America in our age and time in history.

     Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that American the corrupt in Wash., D.C. would love to murder if they thought they could get away with it and not get caught! They don't want an end to corrupt government in Wash., D.C. I am too honest for Washington standards and can't be bought off, but loyal to the American people and America as a nation! 

     And I have heard from sources reporting on Wash., D.C., they definitely do not want to pass the Omni Law and restore control of government back to the American people. But with enough political heat, they will have to do the right thing and let referendum government be supplied to the American people so they now control Wash., D.C. instead of corrupt interests behind the scenes. I lived in Wash., D.C. for years, am very familiar with how corrupt Wash., D.C. really is, and only passage of the Omni Law is going to restore honest national government back to America today!)