Sunday, March 29, 2015

It is CRUCIAL that everyone understand the basic structure that was created by the Founders

Before Things Get Out of Hand......

Judge Anna von Reitz, Alaska
March, 2015 

It is CRUCIAL that everyone understand the basic structure that was created by the Founders and which has endured ever since

There are two entities called “the United States” --- the Continental United States comprised of fifty (50) geographically defined nation states acting as a federation (The “United States of America” was never a sovereign nation, just a business association, folks. It’s the land-based States that are separate sovereign nations.) and the Federal United States comprised of fifty-seven (57) states---the fifty Federal States plus the Federal Territories and Possessions which are counted as “States” of their union which is supposed to operate exclusively in the international jurisdiction of the sea.
• Continental United States = 50 Separate Nation States operating “as” a nation on the land jurisdiction.
Federal United States = 50 Incorporated Franchises of the “United States of America, Inc.” operating the international jurisdiction of the sea, plus seven “nation states” --- Guam, Puerto Rico, etc., operating as “the United States of America (Minor)”---for a total of 57 states.
This is the way it is, and the way it has always been!
The Federales and their “Federal State” agents are not supposed to be trespassing on our land jurisdiction, except to serve and take care of and monitor their own citizens and attending to their duties as contractors.
The confusion and the fraud began in earnest in 1911 when banks operating as a private association of banks deceitfully calling themselves the “Federal Reserve” bought the “United States of America, Inc.” –a governmental services corporation---and took over the agencies of the Federal United States. They literally bought such familiar agencies as the “United States Department of Transportation” and began operating them as subcontractors without telling anyone.
They then proceeded to pull off a criminal fraud gambit against the whole nation—and eventually the entire world--- beginning with the “Federal Reserve Act of 1913” and continuing through the 1933 bankruptcy of the “United States of America, Inc.” to the present day.
The United States defined as “…the District of Columbia et alia” went “Bankrupt” in 1933 and was declared so by President Roosevelt in Executive Orders 6073, 6102, 6111, and finally, as consolidated in Executive Order 6260, (See: Senate Report 93-549, pages 187 & 594) under the “Trading With The Enemy Act” (Sixty-Fifth Congress, Sess. I, Chs. 105, 106, October 6, 1917), and as codified at 12 U.S.C.A. 95a.
The several Federal “States of the Union”—purely incorporated political fictions created as franchises of the United States of America, Inc., represented by their respective Governors pledged the “full faith and credit” of their States and their citizenry, to the aid of the National Government represented by the “United States of America, Inc.”, and formed numerous committees, such as the “Council of State Governments”, the “Social Security Administration”, etc., to purportedly deal with the economic “Emergency” caused by the bankruptcy.
These organizations operated under the “Declaration of Interdependence” of January 22, 1937, and published some of their activities in “The Book of the States.”
The Reorganization of the bankruptcy is located in Title 5 of the United States Code Annotated. The “Explanation” at the beginning of 5 U.S.C.A. is most informative reading. The “Secretary of Treasury” was appointed as the “Receiver” in Bankruptcy. (See: Reorganization Plan No. 26, 5 U.S.C.A. 903, Public Law 94-564, Legislative History, pg. 5967)
As a Bankrupt loses control over his business, this appointment to the “Office of Receiver” in bankruptcy had to have been made by the “creditors” who are “foreign powers or principals”. As revealed by Title 27 USC 250.11 and elsewhere, the “Secretary of the Treasury” being referenced is the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico, an Officer of the Federal United States who was designated as the “Receiver” in bankruptcy by the Foreign Creditors (banks).
The United States as Corporator, (22 U.S.C.A. 286E, et seq.) and “State” (C.R.S. 24-36- 104, C.R.S. 24-60-1301(h)) declared “Insolvency” according to 26 I.R.C. 165(g)(1), U.C.C. 1-201(23), C.R.S. 39-22--103.5, Westfall vs. Braley, 10 Ohio 188, 75 Am. Dec. 509, Adams vs. Richardson, 337 S.W. 2d 911; Ward vs. Smith, 7 Wall. 447)
A permanent state of “Emergency” was instituted within the Union and the Federal Reserve has acted as the “fiscal and depository agent” of the “creditors” ever since. Please note that the member banks of the Federal Reserve are all privately owned corporations, 22 U.S.C.A. 286d.
The government, by becoming a “corporator” (See: 22 U.S.C.A. 286e) lays down its sovereignty and takes on that character and status of a private citizen. It can exercise no power which is not derived from the corporate charter. (See: The Bank of the United States vs. Planters Bank of Georgia, 6 L. Ed. (9 Wheat) 244, U.S. vs. Burr, 309 U.S. 242).
The Corporate Charter adopted by the “federal corporation”, aka, US Corp, included the Constitution of the United States of America as its By-Laws, which are of course, as By-Laws subject to change and interpretation just like any other corporate By-Laws. The Constitution of the United States of America also remains as a public commercial contract which is being “traded upon” by corporations claiming to be successors and holders in due course of the original contractual agreement known as The Constitution for the united States of America.
The real party in interest in the bankruptcy proceedings is self-evidently not the de jure “United States of America” or “State”, but “The Bank” and “The Fund.” (22 U.S.C.A. 286, et seq., C.R.S. 11-60-103) These acts committed under fraud, force, and seizure are many times done under “Letters of Marque and Reprisal” i.e. “recapture.” (See: 31 U.S.C.A. 5323) in behalf of Foreign governments at war. This is an important point to remember as this discussion goes forward in time.
On March 17, 1993, on page 1303 of Volume 33 of the Congressional Record, Congressman Traficant stated: “Mr. Speaker, We are now here in Chapter 11. Members of Congress are official Trustees presiding over the greatest reorganization of any bankrupt entity in world history, the U.S. Government."
The “U.S. government” is the government domiciled in the District of Columbia, which at various times purports to represent three distinct entities:
1. the US Corporation formed as we have just seen and as documented at Title 28, 3002, (15) (A) (B) (C).
2. the Continental United States defined as the 50 States United –a confederation of separate nation states operating the land jurisdiction, and
3. the Federal United States defined as the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, et alia along with the corporate franchise “Federal States” set up in each of the land-based states. In this comment Congressman Traficant was including all three primary meanings of “U.S. Government” as the term “General Government” or “U.S. Government” with a capital “G” is traditionally used in the Congressional Record when this meaning is applied----however, and this is the supremely salient point, there is no indication that the Several (now) 50 States United were ever bankrupted except as “presumed” voluntary adjuncts.
FDR and his Buddies pulled the semantic deceit of all time.
The actual entity in bankruptcy in 1933 was the foreign government of the Federal United States allowed under the Downes and Bidwell decision and several other Supreme Court cases known as the Insular Tariff Cases circa 1900-1904. Like “South America” these Federal “states” can claim to be “American” and they can form a “Union” of their own---and they did so. They have been operating as “the United States of America (Minor)” and as a “constitutional Democracy” since the 1980’s.
The problem with a Constitutional Democracy is that if 51% of your neighbors want to eat you for breakfast or steal your home, they can do so—and that is the form of government operating in the Federal United States now.
We, the people inhabiting the Continental United States, are owed a Republican form of government which upholds the sacred rights of individuals and abhors mob rule. And therein lies the rub. That, and the gross deceit involved in having two separate nations operating under the same umbrella by the same group of people (the “United States Congress”) and under virtually the same name.
Often, the only way you can tell the two entities apart is the word “the”. It’s The United States of America (Major) and the United States of America (Minor).
Using the same name, “United States of America” allowed a great deal of self-interested confusion and corruption, including Confusion at Law.
Its immediate effect during the onset of the bankruptcy of the Federal United States was to transfer control of these States and – completely by semantic deceit and misrepresentation---the de jure Continental United States, too, as they appeared to be named as parties to the bankruptcy--- into the hands of the Creditors (the Federal Reserve Banks and later IMF and IBRD) and their Agents administering the bankruptcy under the authority the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico.
The perpetrators of this plot deliberately misrepresented their Employers--- the landed States and the Continental State Citizens as “voluntary sureties” for the debts of the bankrupted “United States of America, Inc.”---- without telling us one word about it, without making any clear and honest disclosure of the circumstance, without even admitting that an international banking cartel had interjected itself as a “middleman” between the actual States and People who pay all the bills of the Federal United States and the agencies responsible for carrying out the duties owed.
This “misunderstanding on purpose” allowed the banks to loan the perpetrators vast sums of credit---which the banks created out of thin air merely by entering numbers on a credit ledger--- based on the assets of all the States – Continental and Federal --- and all the people --- Continental State Citizens and Federal Citizens, too.
All this credit made available to the “United States Congress” was based on hypothecation of the perpetrator’s debts against the assets of the States and their “citizenry”.
Hypothecation is a stealthy process by which the perpetrators pretend that a Third Party has “volunteered” to stand good for a loan for one of the originators. Think of co-signing a car loan for Cousin Billy Bob---without ever being told that you and your property were ever offered as collateral backing his debts. The bank quietly takes a lien against your property on the “presumption” that you have agreed to pay the bill for Billy Bob if he doesn’t pay off his own loan. That is exactly what the Federal Reserve did in 1933. It placed maritime salvage liens against every “person” and real asset in America, “securitized” them--- that is, placed a dollar value on you and your land and your State---and loaned the Congress all sorts of vacuous credit based on your assets and your labor.  **
Another way to imagine this situation is to assume that a big corporation with lots of franchise operations –say something like Burger King or Sears---went bankrupt and offered its customers and their assets as collateral backing its debts. The colluding Federal Reserve Banks eagerly agreed to this scheme, full-well knowing that none of the supposed “Sureties” had been informed under conditions of full-disclosure and consent. They did it anyway in criminal collusion.
The result now is fully recognized under The Doctrine of Odious Debt. The supposed “debt” owed by the States on the land and the American people was created by blatant criminal fraud of which they were unaware and from which they did not profit.
The proceeds of this cozy arrangement between the Congress, the “government agencies” and the Federal Reserve Banks were poured into whatever projects the banks and their puppets in Congress wished to pursue for profit—such as the entirety of World War II and all the nasty, unjustified wars-for-profit that the “United States” has engaged in ever since.
The people never received even the goods and services they contracted for, but all expenses related to this fraud scheme were nonetheless charged off to their account and held against their labor and assets---their land, their homes, their vehicles, even their body parts.
So, folks----“odious debt” is debt of exactly the kind described above and neither the Continental United States nor the people living in the fifty (50) States are responsible for it. The corporations and institutions and corporate officers who created and benefited from this mess are 100% liable and we are not obligated to care if they like it or not. It is their mess and theirs alone.
Futhermore, they are not allowed to use credit and assets that they purloined and siphoned off from the Continental United States and the people to pay all the debts they authorized above and beyond the nineteen enumerated services they were supposed to provide the States under the original equity contract known as “The Constitution for the united States of America”--- a completely different kind of document apart from the deceptively and similarly named “Constitution of the United States of America”. ***
These hyenas siphoned off the vast credit created by the labor and resources of the Continental United States and the people on the land and passed it on to “secondaries”---- which they named as our ‘fiduciaries’---conveniently without telling us and instead telling us and the rest of the world that we are bowed under by a vast $20 trillion dollar National Debt.
Their corporation no doubt owes us a $20 trillion dollar credit --- which they are trying to avoid paying by shuffling off their assets to collaborators and seeking bankruptcy protection for themselves—but we are on to their ploys now and heading down the home stretch.
We know where the credit side of the “National Debt” went and we have filed UCC-1 claims to tell the rest of the world the truth. We know the lies and chicanery that the banks and the members of Congress engaged in and the false, unauthorized misrepresentations that these criminals made “in our behalf” while pretending to “represent” us. We are now presenting ourselves.
To bring things up to modern times, the Federal Reserve (Association) bankrupted The Federal Reserve System, Inc. in 2009. Prior to that the colluding banks and “government agencies” divvied up the spoils. The Federal Reserve kept the liquid assets, land and human chattels and gave hard assets (gold) to the World Bank/IBRD as their share.
Then, in 2011, China remembered that the Federal Reserve Bank of New York was holding a large stash of Nationalist Chinese gold from 1928 that had never been returned, so they raised their hand about the gold owed and the interest on that gold. This made everyone else remember the German gold held by the same bank and, hey, what about all the gold “confiscated” from Americans by Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his thugs?
Ah, so....
The hunt was on, and the World Bank/IBRD were and are in the most uncomfortable position of being in receipt of stolen goods--- gold stolen from us and many, many others over the last 150 years.
The Federal Reserve was on the hot plate too--- still is.
Money and credit don’t just “disappear”, though the bankers would like us to believe that. In a debt-credit system there is a credit created somewhere for every debit. And we, the American States on the land and the living people inhabiting those (50) States, are the Priority Creditors of this whole shooting match and you.
The witless thugs in Washington, DC right now are intent on saving their bacon, somehow retaining their ability to create and borrow more and more and more “money” out of thin air, and continuing to charge it all off against the labor of the American people. They haven’t realized yet that the game is up, but the bankers have.
Yesterday (March 18), it was reported that the “IMF and China” are discussing making the yuan the international reserve currency instead of the dollar---- please bear in mind that the “U.S. Treasury” is the IMF, which is an agency of the UNITED NATIONS, CORPORATION. See Presidential Documents Volume 29—No. 4, page 113, and 22 USC 285-288. READ THAT AS: The U.S. Treasury is talking to China about buying into the BRICS alliance and accepting the yuan as the new international reserve currency to do it.
Once again, as always, the rats in Washington are intent on selling the American people out in order to preserve their own hegemony, and to avoid paying their own debts to their actual creditors--- us.
It isn’t going to work, because too many people know the truth. More are learning every day. The days when the Good Ole Boys could go to Jekyll Island and secretly plot the downfall of our nation for their private benefit are gone. No matter what they do, we know who they are, we know what they have done, we know how they operate, we know all their tricks and excuses and relationships with other corporations and criminal syndicates----and they stand utterly exposed.
Pope Francis recently announced that an International Year of Jubilee will begin on December 8, 2015---that is, 74 years and one day after Pearl Harbor. This is an Ancient Hebrew practice. Every 70 years all debts were forgiven and those who had lost their ancestral land through indebtedness were allowed to return and reclaim it.
That is a big step in the right direction; however, it is not truly equitable and it does not solve the continuing problem of operating governments as corporations.
All these various governments on Earth are incorporated entities (with a very few exceptions, like the governments of North Korea and Iran) and they are all incorporated as governmental services corporations under the auspices of the Holy See and the Vatican. The majority of these governmental service corporations – especially those associated with the British Crown--- have knowingly functioned as criminal syndicates and have preyed upon the people they are supposed to serve. By the Pope’s own published laws and rules, they must make amends and they must come into compliance with their charters----or they will be liquidated and their assets will be distributed to their creditors. Period!
So what happens if the current brand new kid on the block calling itself “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC.” and being operated by a newly reconstituted “FEDERAL RESERVE” being operated as a franchise of the “UNITED NATIONS, CORPORATION” is just more of the same old rubbish? ---As it appears to be?
Then the pathways lead to Rome once again.
We must make these facts and circumstances absolutely clear to the “County” boards and the “State” legislatures and the “Governors” of these Federal States, so that they have a clear view of what has gone on here, so that they have no excuse for failure to understand the situation, and so that they recognize their obligation ---not to a mostly foreign-owned, for-profit governmental services corporation --- but to the land jurisdiction and the people who have been so outrageously abused.
First, they must stop usurping upon the land jurisdiction and pretending that Americans of the land jurisdiction have voluntarily accepted the status of “Federal Citizens”---- nobody we know volunteered to give up their birthright status and the guarantees of the original Constitution in favor of debt slavery to foreign commercial corporations.  ****
Second, they must honor the equity contract they are trading upon--- The Constitution for the united States of America”---which includes honoring the Bill of Rights, providing lawful money for the use of the States on the land and their inhabitants, facilitating the people’s access to their resources and their own Common Law Courts without obfuscation or delay, ceasing all false claims of indebtedness against the property and assets of the people who employ them, and immediately correcting the citizenship status of all the Continental United States Citizens who were hoodwinked by the endless semantic deceits and fraud schemes. All American State Citizens who have been convicted of so-called “victimless crimes” and “statutory infractions” and who claim their birthright status upon being fully informed must be released from Federal prisons and Federal State correctional facilities.
Third, they must reveal all the slush funds and pockets of credit and accounts that they have secreted away from public view via operation of a dishonest government accounting system. The GAO has been operating under a “double entry bookkeeping system” --- popularly known as “keeping two sets of books”. This was a system pioneered by Al Capone’s accountant, Easy Eddy O’Hara. That should be enough to tell you all what kind of “bookkeeping” it is, and why the governmental services corporation has to be brought back to good, old, common everyday accounting.
What they have done is simple enough. They have separated income into “budgeted” and “non-budgeted” income streams. Then they cobble up a “budget” portion and let people fight over that, while the bulk of their income never sees the light of day. They have also indulged in crazy accounting “factors”--- such as calculating how much debt they will owe on a pension fund thirty years from now and claiming that as an expense this year. The net effect is to hide vast amounts of investment wealth and real asset wealth from the people it actually belongs to, while the rats continue to poor-mouth about “budget deficits” that don’t exist in reality.
Fourth, there must be an end of harassment of American State Citizens under false pretenses by the IRS, FEMA, NHS, etc., and the Federal State Courts. We are not under their jurisdiction and never have been. Any pretension that we are is merely criminal self-interest and profit-extortion on their parts. We have acted in good faith and shared our resources unstintingly with the “Federal Citizens” and it is now time for them to move over and let us get on with our business--- which includes running our own “State” court system, our own Law Enforcement, our own Sheriffs, our own Law Guilds, etc.
Fifth, anyone who wants to exercise the powers of public office must actually occupy that office. That includes taking the proper Oath of Office as a deputy, not a “representative”. Deputies are true fiduciary agents, operating under full individual and commercial liability. They stand behind their actions in behalf of the public and if they fail their duties, their own protection is the bond placed in behalf of their office. All these people who are now occupying “Federal State” corporate offices that are merely named the same or similar names as actual public offices have no authority to do anything either to or for anyone outside the narrow confines of the corporation itself.
It should be crystal clear to all that J.C. PENNY employees are not allowed to go onto private property and evict people from their homes. It should also be clear that nobody but Walmart employees are obligated to obey the policies, procedures, rules and regulations of Walmart, Inc.
In the same way, we are NOT obligated to obey “Federal State” courts about any matter whatsoever, and we are only obligated to obey Federal Courts when the subject matter involves their jurisdiction or a crime took place on Federal property. This is true now and it has always been true. The rats have finagled to misrepresent us as one of “their” citizens instead of honoring our true birthright status because this enabled them to continue their false claims of indebtedness against us and our property. They have been loath to admit the truth and stand down, but that is what is required of them. They must make the effort--- the honest effort--- to determine the birthright status of each and every man and woman and those who were born on the land of the American States must be accorded their due.
Now, when the options are fully disclosed, and the jurisdictions are made plain, each man and woman is free to choose whether they wish to operate as State Citizens on the land, or as Dual Citizens of the United States.
Your ability to contract is unlimited.
If you want to agree to be a debt slave and donate all your labor and property to a mostly foreign-owned, for-profit corporation--- there is nothing stopping you.  If, however, you wish to retain your birthright status, that is what you are owed and any pretension otherwise is a violation of human rights of the worst kind.
One of the peculiar truths is that the Federal United States operating “our” international jurisdiction of the sea has been at war since the outbreak of the Civil War. All their personnel ultimately operate under the Lieber Code, which baldly declared (Article 40 and 41) that “All laws are suspended...” ----and they are all prosecuted under Martial Common Law. That is the other Draconian Law form that has been misapplied to American State Citizens as part of this gargantuan fraud scheme---- administrative law (statutes and regulations) that is only the internal “law” of the corporation(s) involved, and secondly, martial common law.
This is what is called “Special Admiralty” or “Executive Admiralty” ---- it is international Law of War and in these “COURTS” the perpetrators of the fraud drag innocent American Civilians in on the pretense that they are “enemy combatants” or “Prisoners of War” and proceed to do whatever they like to them. This is the source of the gold-fringed flag in the Federal and Federal State Courtrooms.
This practice of claiming that Continental United States civilians are instead Federal Citizens has resulted in systemic, chronic war crime and abuse of the civilian populace on a vast scale.
It is a terrible infraction against the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and against the Universal Right of Self-Declaration –both of which the Federal United States is obligated to honor, but even more important, it is a violation of the Geneva Convention Protocols of 1949, Volume II, Article 3, which makes it a war crime punishable by death to change the nationality of civilians.
Please note that President Andrew Jackson three times publically declared the Continental United States to be at peace. He admitted that the land jurisdiction is at peace and it has been at peace for 150 years.
All the living inhabitants of the land are known to be civilians and the military full-well knows that the civilian authorities---meaning the people on the land operating their nation states---are the only ones competent to direct the American military under the American System.
As stated at the beginning--- the “united States of America” is a federation of actual nation states and has never been a sovereign nation. The Federal United States operates a foreign, international jurisdiction of the sea that has no right or reason to be involved in the affairs of the Continental United States on the land.
The United States of America, Inc., the UNITED STATES (INC.), and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. are all big commercial corporations and in nature and status are no different than any other large corporation. Think Exxon. Think GE.
It follows that the only entities competent to Declare War are the individual States on the land, as they are the ONLY “nation states” present here and also that the only civilians present competent to direct the Armed Forces of this country are the Citizens of the united States of America---that is, citizens of the Continental United States who are serving as properly sworn Deputies of the States, not employees of any “federal corporation” and not “Federal State Citizens”, either.
When the “President” isn’t a Natural-born Citizen of the Continental United States acting as a duly sworn Deputy of the united States of America, when he or she is a Bar Association Member accepting the Title of “Esquire” (forbidden under the Original Equity contract), or who adopts Dual “Federal Citizenship” (also forbidden) and ceases to be a fiduciary officer of the Continental United States---- he has no right to command any American State Citizen to do anything, much less command them go to a foreign country and kill people.
It isn’t possible for a federation of States to act as a sovereign nation, nor is it possible for a corporation to “Declare War” except in fanciful and euphemistic terms. Period.
No member of the United States Congress has acted as a lawful Deputy of any of the Continental United States since the Civil War, therefore nobody in Washington, DC since that time has had the right to Declare War in behalf of any State of the Union, no “Commander in Chief” has had any lawful standing to Declare War as a result of Congress’s inability to do so.
Every single “war” and action declared since 1860 has been a “police action” and there is no reason nor is there any basis for Americans to tolerate this circumstance any longer.
Our sons and daughters have been sent to slaughter in wars for profit engaged in by criminals who have manipulated governmental services corporations behind the scenes and pulled off an illusion of authority that neither the Federal United States nor the various federal corporations possess.
Our armed forces have been commandeered to operate as commercial mercenary forces in the thrall of private business interests--- and we have been paying for, staffing, funding, and supporting this circumstance---and we have been extorted and fleeced and imprisoned by our employees when we objected.
Enough of this nonsense.
Every American with eyes, ears, nose, and a brain needs to come forward and tip off the other Americans---- ALL Americans. This has been foisted off on us primarily by the British government and the City State of Westminster, the Crown Temple, and the Lords of the Admiralty.
The Popes from 1845 to 2009 (Benedict XVI and Francis have done the right thing) and the British Monarchs are particularly to blame for the gross Breach of Trust and Disservice and Dishonorable behavior they have exhibited and permitted against Americans, Canadians, Aussies, English, Scottish, Irish, Japanese, German, and many other people throughout the world.
Contrary to the British veneer of civility, they have proven to be rapacious and unrepentant predators upon the rest of the humanity and their government is monotonously at the root of all the evil and violence perpetuated throughout the world. It isn’t enough to say that the British Government is not America’s friend now or ever.
The British Government has not been a friend to any other nation and has raped and pillaged its own people for the better part of three centuries.
The Brits are always at the bottom of the dog pile when one searches diligently for the source of the discord and violence and there they will secretively remain until we and all the other people on Earth recognize the problem and recognize it for what it is: Satan worship, which has always been identified with the jurisdiction of the sea.
In pagan times, Satan was personified as Poseidon, the God of the Sea---scaly tail, horns, trident and all. Where does the Great Serpent lie? In the sea. Who is his henchman? The Leviathan. It is all clear enough. Let those with eyes, see. Some of those who live in the jurisdiction of the sea still worship the god of the sea. Many of the complaints of child molestation, ritual sacrifice, and related crimes bear this out--- because these things were all part and parcel of the “worship” of the Satanic Mystery Babylon Cult and always have been.
Worship of Poseidon/Satan/The God of the Sea is always in tandem with worship of his consort, Semiramis/Isis/Cybele.
Semiramis is a Babylonian goddess famous for promoting idolatry, harlotry, and all the “abominations of the earth”----portrayed as a naked fertility goddess with rays of light coming out of her head--- just like the Statue of Liberty, just like the Columbia Pictures icon, “Columbia---Goddess of Democracy”.
“Isis” is just the Egyptian version of Semiramis---- so, why, you must ask, are we being conned to believe in a supposedly Muslim terrorist organization named “ISIS”-----??? Obviously, no Muslim in his right mind is going to join or support an organization named after a Babylonian-Egyptian fertility goddess. It’s absurd and obviously true.
Any group calling itself “ISIS” is Satanic in nature and its members are Satanists, not Muslims---- yet not a single member of the American Press Corps is raising their hand to ask, “WTF?”
This is because American media is absolutely controlled across the board by six multi-national media conglomerates--- all of them foreign, and all but one run by Satanists.
We Americans have made every mistake there is to be made. We’ve been asleep at the wheel like Rip Van Winkle. We’ve been chumps, marks, idiot savants. We’ve been sheep, goats, cattle and everything else for these vampire-like and evil men----the Rockefellers and Rothschilds and the rest of the bankers and the members of Congress and the members of the “American” military who have stood around with their thumbs up their rectums and played host to this.
It’s all true. It’s all known. It’s all verified. No doubt about it all, whatsoever----but we can wake up. Earth to Sleeping Giant! Wake up! Pass the word!
These brief pages encapsulate just about all that a thinking, breathing American needs to know about the present situation and the history and Who’s Who of it. This information provides plenty of information and references you can research for yourselves--- and you are fully encouraged to dig, dig, dig.
Bring more of the pieces of the puzzle forward and nail it down. The house is built, now all we are doing is finishing the paint.
It’s because other Americans before you have researched and dug and worked hideous long hours under conditions of threat--- often going hungry, being ridiculed, losing their homes, suffering imprisonment, or in too many cases being murdered outright--- that you have this document in your hand. While everyone else slept, groups of Americans all over this country were awake and alarmed and working feverishly to uncover their piece of the puzzle.
Now it has finally come together. You have this thumbnail version handed to you for free. Honor the sacrifice.
Do your due diligence and then come forward. This is your country, your nation states.
Expose the rats. Denounce the fraud. Gather your brethren together. Explain it all. There will be no great need to prove that you have all been victims of this con game.
You all remember when you were told that you “had to” sign up for Social Security in order to have a job in America----a BIG Fat Lie. You all remember when the vampires came and snatched your children at the hospital---forcing you to sign paperwork that they never explained, but which handed over ownership of your children as chattel belonging to a foreign, for-profit corporation. You remember being forced to get a license to travel in your own car from Point A to Point A and another license to get married....
A “license” is official permission to do something that is otherwise illegal....
Illegal to travel? Illegal to marry? Because you and your family are being “mistaken” as Prisoners of War and Enemy Combatants in a war that ended 150 years ago. You are being “administered” under martial law that doesn’t pertain to you and which never has pertained to you and yours.
And it is all because some criminal elements in the banking industry committed the fraud of all time against you and every other American and because the members of the criminal “Congress” have refused to declare peace. THEY have promoted and prolonged and advocated war, war, war for profit for themselves and their banker buddies at your expense for 150 years and they claim that they “represent” you.
Do they? Maybe it’s time you let them know that they don’t represent you and that if they don’t do their job and declare peace, they will never represent you. They might represent Jacob Rothchild and they might represent David Rockefeller and they might represent Queen Mab, but they do not and they will never represent you.
And because of that fact, you are under no obligation to pay them a brass farthing ever again. (Reference:  the IRS!!!)
They want to “securitize” you? Well, Johnny, maybe it’s time to “securitize” them---seize their assets, nationalize their holdings, lock down the Golden Boys of Wall Street tighter than Ten-Penny Drums. Arrest the “judges” that are sitting as imposters on your bench if they won’t admit the truth and play ball and open up the Public Court that the people of this country are owed. Just do it. Order the Clerk and the Bailiff to arrest that man as an imposter. Charge him with impersonating a Judge of the Continental United States, specifically the ______State, such as “Colorado State Court” or “Iowa State Court”.
Explain these facts to the local sheriff and his deputies, to the local provost marshal and the judges and the court clerks and the members of your “state” legislature. Ask them which “County” and which “State” they represent?
Explain this to some of the lawyers you know who have been so proud to carry a Bar Association Card. Ask them why they are putting up with this and betraying their own families, friends, and neighbors? Why are they working for the Federal United States when they could just as easily work for the Continental United States?
All they have to do is tear up their Bar Card and foreswear the title of “Esquire”. Whoopee-Ding-Dong, right?
Stop being attorneys “at” law and start being attorneys “in” law.
The Bar Associations have operated as closed union shops for three generations and gotten away with fleecing their members and demanding that lawyers go along with all this fraud and “keep silent” about it, or be threatened with fines, “disbarment”, abuse from the judges, or worse.
If the “American” Bar Association and the “State” Bar Associations won’t listen to reason and come to heel, it is time to outlaw them--- they have all functioned as criminal syndicates on our shores and in violation of the treaties that allow them to operate here at all.
American lawyers are the ones who should be leading the pack and bringing this destruction to an end. They should be burning their Bar Cards like feminists burned bras, if they want any credibility or respect as advocates of the Rule of Law.
With or without a Bar Card they have every right to use our court buildings and facilities and to operate our lawful Public Courts. They are completely competent to set up their own fraternal organizations that don’t worship Satan, tell lies, and commit crime in the sanctity of a courtroom.
Start the ball rolling. Now.
Real Americans need to claim their Natural and Unalienable Rights as a peaceful living American State Citizen flying the Civil Flag of The United States of America (Major) and standing on the land jurisdiction of the united States of America.
Because there are two jurisdictions — land and sea — it is entirely possible and appropriate that the land jurisdiction is at peace and flies the civil flag, while the international jurisdiction of the sea remains at war and flies the war flag.
You have a choice as an American born on the land whether you stay at peace on the land or go to war on the sea as a “United States Citizen”.
When you go to war, you lose your constitutional guarantees and become subject to the United States and all its foreign international and statutory laws.
If you stay at peace, you retain all your Natural and Unalienable Rights and guarantees, are subject to your own conscience, and operate under American Common Law.

NOTE:  See comments below……..

**  That number stamped on the back of your Birth Certificate
*** Senator Harry Reid’s deal to provide the land of Nevada to the Chinese (of windmill farms).  OH REALLY?
****   Senator Harry Reid and those working with him; the EPA attacks against the farmers, attacks against our water rights, free range rights, etc




The Cure For Morgellon's Disease....

The Cure For Morgellon's Disease....


Dr. Mount looks like he found out about our website leading to pulsed magnetism to cure Morgellons...
We are really excited seeing people be able to cure themselves from this hideous cabal mad nano disease....
We have found that all the potions and lotions do not work....please look at both videos to see why....

Published on Mar 26, 2015
You Are Not Crazy If You Have Morgellons. The disease is deigned to sterilize Planet Earth. It is now in the underground cities. Please - you can fight back but you must realize if a Doctor Treats you he goes to jail.

Morgellons CURE, Remedy, HOPE, Healing, HELP, Relief, LOVE, Solution...REALLY WORKS!

TPP – A Closely Guarded Secret

Has anyone heard very much about the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement? An agreement that is going to affect 40% of the world is under lock and key. Does anyone else smell a four day old carp? Leaders in major corporations, with a great interest in gaining profits from this agreement, are actually involved in writing TPP, but our own elected officials have very limited access. Kind of like the private bankers who created the Federal Reserve in 1913.
US Senator Bernie Sanders office confirmed that our lawmakers are only allowed a quick look at the text of the agreement (which is still subject to more change) and only in the Trade Representatives office by themselves. No staff or any experts are allowed in with them. They are not allowed to make copies of the agreement to take back to the Hill where they would have the time to read and dissect the content or call in any experts to view it and give their opinion.
Why all the secrecy if this is such a good move for America? Well, does anyone remember the fanfare, yet all the secrecy surrounding the Affordable Care Act when it was first proposed? First of all, it was so weighty, no one could have waded through it before it came time to vote. Do you think that was an accident? And our brilliant Democratic lawmakers voted it in anyway as their aging bubble headed cheerleader told them they'd have to pass it to be able to read it.
I'm still wondering about the water supply at Capitol Hill. Is it possible the fluoride content is higher than normal? Yet, not one Republican voted for it. Were they being obstructive? That's what they were accused of by the left leaning Lame Stream Media. In light of the 'train wreck' that is Obamacare, I can't believe any member of Congress would be willing to take another political shellacking by voting for the TPP without full knowledge of it. But hey, the American voter apparently has short term memory loss. (That damn fluoride!)
However, in spite of all the secrecy, you just know someone is going to leak the content to outsiders. One leak showed that the United States – to provide a more level playing field, no doubt – is proposing to allow corporations to overturn domestic regulations. Another leak exposed a provision that would help Big Pharma inflate the price of medicines in poorer countries. Just the ones who can least afford a price hike. But, what the hell, they are mostly brown or black skinned people, of no value, right? Like I've stated before in many articles. The Anglo-Saxon Mission and don't forget that. I'm sure that Oprah thinks she has a ticket to ride because she is now a billionaire and was invited to the Bilderberg meeting last year. She will never be white enough to really join that inside club and needs to be very cautious. But I digress.
The question still remains, if the TPP is so great for America, why is it being held in such secrecy that even our lawmakers have only limited access to it? Yet they will still be expected to vote and pass it into law. My guess would be if the American people knew what Obama was up to, there would be such an outcry from the herd that their elected officials would have to back down. We can't have that as the 'King' would be displeased.
As for that Trade Representative, Michael Froman, hmm, would that be another Zionist? He's a lawyer (big surprise) and Obama's principle adviser on the TPP agreement. He's also a Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. But best of all, most of his career was within the United States Department of the Treasury, where he became the Chief of Staff to – OMG – Robert Rubin. Rubin's financial advice on a debt based economy is part of the reason we are in such a wonderful financial shape today.
After Fromans stint at the Clinton White House as Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Adviser for International Economic Affairs, like a good little puppy, he followed his mentor, Rubins, to (drum roll) Citigroup where he became the President and CEO of Citi Insurance and headed Emerging Markets Strategy at Citigroup, “managing infrastructure and sustainable development investments.” (UN Agenda 21).
According to my research, he received at least $7.4 million from 2008-2009. Pretty lucrative job. But wasn't Citigroup part of the 'Too Big To Fail' corporations/banks that we bailed out in 08 to the tune of 700 billion dollars? Yet he was worth that kind of salary? Now he's advising Obama on the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement? I feel so relieved that someone with his pedigree and background is in charge of how my life will be impacted by TPP.
He was quoted as saying, “We can always do better on transparency (Ya think?) “But there is no area of policy were there is closer collaboration between the executives and Congress than trade policy.” I bet he even said that with a straight face. Since Congressmen are only allowed limited access to this 'New World Order' agreement, I have to question his veracity. Maybe he's drinking the water in DC too.
Heads-up people. Demand that your representatives learn and share more about this trade agreement and if it's what I suspect it is, vote it down. Remind them that they will be the ones that take most of the backlash if this is implemented and impacts badly on Americans, which it will. The corporate executives only stand to gain from TPP. Of course they want it. And with the level of insulation from the people, they have no incentive to reject TPP.
As for our top executive, Mr. Obama, he's already proven that he's reached his level of incompetence and ignorance at the best or his evil Marxist agenda at the worst with no reelection campaign to worry about in the future. How much more damage can he do in the next 21 months?
Like Obamacare, this is another train wreck in the making.

Breaking News! Project Cirrus/GE Manipulating our Skies since 1947!!!!!!

In the following article, Eugene Irvin dismantles the compartmentalization around the chemtrail agenda.
Project Cirrus "initiated on February 28th, 1947.... was established to cover "research study of cloud particles and cloud modifications."
Connect the dots folks. GE was contributing to modifying our skies all the way back in 1947!!!!!!!
Click below for the full article!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

"Capt. USAR: "UPDATE: Special forces set to swarm Southwest...

  "Capt. USAR: "UPDATE: Special forces set to swarm Southwest...

Even as they Operate undetected among civilians...
If your are interested in this subject above ,
go to the Drudge  report for for Friday 03/27/15.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DRUDGE REPORT 2015®

In reality, there should be no surprise in their  "operating undetected among the civilians ". This is what  probably every government has always done !

 It is not hard to believe there is an "expected  need" for martial law in the future.
 The  Bundy Ranch / BLM ,  Federal debacle of  " over reach" with the American  
 Patriot's  reaction, comes immediately to mind) 
 At that situation a  number of agents were  sent in.  Some more than oblivious , some not.

As far as I am concerned, I don't care and expect it, as I, nor anyone else  I personally  know of, has anything  to hide. .(
That is, as long we still will have a U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Rule of law ,
that  actually remain functioning as originally conceived !
The next obvious question:
---What is anticipated coming from Washington in the future,-- ,
that it expects
a significant  back lash from American supporters (AKA "Patriots")

Giving what we have been seeing from this Obama Administration,plus weak "acting" Republicans, and what you are seeing  this Obama Admin is doing right now today,--creates great doubt among many of  the "informed".

---It would appear, only the most naive, low information Americans are still oblivious to what is  and has , taken  place
incrementally and over time !!

These are  my opinions
Stewart  Reeves
Captain USAR (ret)  

UPDATE: Special forces set to swarm Southwest...
Operate undetected among civilians...
Massive military exercise...


RUBIO GETS READY... Books Miami Freedom Tower for 'undisclosed event'... April 13 eyed as campaign launch date... PAPER: Obamacare 'death spiral' begins...
Preview by Yahoo

"There is no greater tyranny, than that
which is perpetrated under the shield
of law and in the name of Justice"
~ Montesquieu ~

The Most Dangerous Force on Earth is 100 Million Armed Americans with Nothing Left to Lose!

(An Ultimate Line in the Sand)

All Federal, State, and Local Elected
and Appointed Officials and Employees;
All Public and Private Media Outlets
WE THE PEOPLE, the Free Citizens of these United States, of the Several Sovereign States, and of the Counties, Cities, and Towns in those states;
Notice of Non-Compliance, Declarations and States of War, and
Citizen’s “Rules Engagement.”
WE THE PEOPLE, the citizens of these United States of America, individually and collectively, hereby proclaim certain specified and unspecified usurpation's, laws,  regulations, policies, practices and actions of elected, and non-elected public servants and employees are unconstitutional, unlawful abuses and excesses of power, control, and manipulation, often to the detriment, safety and security of citizens, and  without just cause or legitimate, lawful authority; and that such violations  will no longer  tolerated.
Henceforth, any and all violations of the Constitution of the United States of America as written, amended, and ratified by the several states, by any public servant, whether elected, appointed, or employed by federal, state, or local government shall be deemed to be unlawful acts and as such shall be prosecuted and tried in appropriate judicial jurisdictions.
To Wit:
  • Any and all violations of the Constitution of the United States of America through and by legislative action, collusion, coordination, cooperation, financing, monetary management or assistance, or other mutually beneficial legislation, actions, contracts, or agreements;
  • Any and all laws, mandates, legal requirements, codes, and penalties enforced against any public or private commercial entity or enterprise that causes or forces said entities or enterprises to violate in actuality or in effect the Constitution of the United States of America;
  • Any Executive Action or Order, either at the federal or state level, that forces any and all political appointees, staff, or employees to violate the Constitution of the United States of America or act in such a manner that the constitutionally protected, God-given, natural human rights of the citizens of the United States of America are violated or denied, or that puts the safety, security, and lives of said citizens in possible or imminent danger and jeopardy.
WE THE PEOPLE, the citizens of these United States of America, after countless and repeated offenses and violations of our rights, both individually and collectively, as guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America
  • We will no longer comply with any law, Executive Order, regulation, code, treaty, or other mandate that violates our constitutional rights, forces us to violate the constitutional rights of our fellow citizens, or puts our lives and well-bring in jeopardy or imminent danger, or violates and invades our privacy or property without a warrant issued by impartial judicial authority.
  • We will, when aforementioned violations and actions are attempted with, and by, the use of armed force or aggression, oppose and deny said force and aggression with armed response, as is our right and duty under the Constitution of the United States of America.
  • Any action or attempted action by any government entity to use any armed aggressor force or any armed military unit(s), whether foreign or domestic, to control or force compliance of American citizens, will be met with armed resistance. Any and all such actions WILL BE CONSIDERED AN ACT OF WAR AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, AND A STATE OF WAR SHALL EXIST;
  • Any action or attempted action by any government entity to declare a general  state of “Martial Law”  without due process and lawful  justification, or without a clear failure of state or local government to fulfill their function to protect the citizens, WILL BE CONSIDERED AN ACT OF WAR AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND A STATE OF WAR SHALL EXIST;
  • Any action or attempted action by any government entity, whether by legislation or Executive Order, to “Suspend the Constitution of the United States of America” SHALL BE CONSIDERED AN ACT OF WAR AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND A STATE OF WAR SHALL EXIST;
  • Any action or attempted action by any government entity, whether by legislation or Executive Order, to specifically disarm, deny, confiscate, or otherwise violate the right of citizens to keep and bear arms, as guaranteed by the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, SHALL BE CONSIDERED AN ACT OF WAR AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND A STATE OF WAR SHALL EXIST;
  • Any action or attempted action by any government entity, whether by legislation or Executive Order, to arrest, detain, or hold beyond a lawful period, without warrant, due process, or probable cause and without access to or representation of legal counsel, for any reason, any citizen or group of citizens, in any jail, prison, work camp or facility, or detention center or camp, without the express permission or request of the citizens, SHALL B E CONSIDERED AN ACT OF WAR AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND A STATE OF WAR SHALL EXIST.
      American Citizens’ Rules of Armed Engagement
  1. If representatives of a government agency, or members of an armed force, come to you or otherwise engages in any activity that denies or deprives you of your constitutionally protected, God-given natural human rights, and does so with violence or the threat of violence, and further, does so without a warrant issued upon presentation of probable cause by lawful judicial authority, armed resistance and engagement is authorized.
  2. When, due to an unprovoked assault upon your person that puts your life in immediate jeopardy or has the potential to inflict great and serious bodily harm, armed resistance and the use of deadly force is authorized.
  3. When, due to an unprovoked assault upon other persons that puts their lives in immediate jeopardy or has the potential to inflict great and serious bodily harm, armed resistance and the use of deadly force is authorized.

    Date___________ Location­___________________

    Note from the author
    Please do not erroneously label the foregoing document as a threat; it is not. It is a “line in the sand” that, hopefully, will be understood by all for precisely what it is. The widest possible distribution of this document is authorized, including personal and mass emails, with specific emphasis to all government personnel and agencies at all levels and functions, citizens’ organizations, and the entire spectrum of media outlets and Internet sites including Face Book, Twitter, You Tube and other social media.
    Douglas Lamb
    Patriot Militia Call Sign FIREHAWK
       Director, WRAM

ISA_Private Emails Reveal Ex-Clinton Aide's Secret Spy Network ...

This story was co-published with Gawker.

Starting weeks before Islamic militants attacked the U.S. diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya, longtime Clinton family confidante Sidney Blumenthal supplied intelligence to then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gathered by a secret network that included a former CIA clandestine service officer, according to hacked emails from Blumenthal’s account.
The emails, which were posted on the internet in 2013, also show that Blumenthal and another close Clinton associate discussed contracting with a retired Army special operations commander to put operatives on the ground near the Libya-Tunisia border while Libya’s civil war raged in 2011.
Blumenthal’s emails to Clinton, which were directed to her private email account, include at least a dozen detailed reports on events on the deteriorating political and security climate in Libya as well as events in other nations. They came to light after a hacker broke into Blumenthal’s account and have taken on new significance in light of the disclosure that she conducted State Department and personal business exclusively over an email server that she controlled and kept secret from State Department officials and which only recently was discovered by congressional investigators.
The contents of that account are now being sought by a congressional inquiry into the Benghazi attacks. Clinton has handed over more than 30,000 pages of her emails to the State Department, after unilaterally deciding which ones involved government business; the State Department has so far handed almost 900 pages of those over to the committee. A Clinton spokesman told Gawker and ProPublica (which are collaborating on this story) that she has turned over all the emails Blumenthal sent to Hillary.
The dispatches from Blumenthal to Clinton’s private email address were posted online after Blumenthal’s account was hacked in 2013 by Romanian hacker Marcel-Lehel Lazar, who went by the name Guccifer. Lazar also broke into accounts belonging to George W. Bush’s sister, Colin Powell, and others. He’s now serving a seven-year sentence in his home country and was charged in a U.S. indictment last year.
The contents of the memos, which have recently become the subject of speculation in the right-wing media, raise new questions about how Clinton used her private email account and whether she tapped into an undisclosed back channel for information on Libya’s crisis and other foreign policy matters.
Blumenthal, a New Yorker staff writer in the 1990s, became a top aide to President Bill Clinton and worked closely with Hillary Clinton during the fallout from the Whitewater investigation into the Clinton family.  She tried to hire him when she joined President Obama’s cabinet in 2009, but White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel reportedly nixed the idea on the grounds Blumenthal was a divisive figure whose attacks on Obama during the Democratic primary had poisoned his relationship with the new administration.
It’s unclear who tasked Blumenthal, known for his fierce loyalty to the Clintons, with preparing detailed intelligence briefs. It’s also not known who was paying him, or where the operation got its money. The memos were marked “confidential” and relied in many cases on “sensitive” sources in the Libyan opposition and Western intelligence and security services. Other reports focused on Egypt, Germany, and Turkey.
Indeed, though they were sent under Blumenthal’s name, the reports appear to have been gathered and prepared by Tyler Drumheller, a former chief of the CIA’s clandestine service in Europe who left the agency in 2005. Since then, he has established a consulting firm called Tyler Drumheller, LLC. He has also been affiliated with a firm called DMC Worldwide, which he co-founded with Washington, D.C., attorney Danny Murray and former general counsel to the U.S. Capitol Police John Caulfield. DMC Worldwide’s now-defunct website describes it at as offering “innovative security and intelligence solutions to global risks in a changing world.”
In one exchange in March 2013, Blumenthal emailed Drumheller, “Thanks. Can you send Libya report.” Drumheller replied, “Here it is, pls do not share it with Cody. I don’t want moin speculating on sources. It is on the Maghreb and Libya.” Cody is Cody Shearer, a longtime Clinton family operative—his brother was an ambassador under Bill Clinton and his now-deceased sister was married to Clinton State Department official Strobe Talbott—who was in close contact with Blumenthal. While it’s not entirely clear from the documents, “Moin” may refer to the nickname of Mohamed Mansour El Kikhia, a member of the Kikhia family, a prominent Libyan clan with ties to the Libyan National Transition Council. (An email address in Blumenthal’s address book, which was also leaked, is associated with his Facebook page.)
There’s no indication in Blumenthal’s emails whether Clinton read or replied to them before she left State on February 1, 2013, but he was clearly part of a select group with knowledge of the private address, which was unknown to the public until
Gawker published it this year. They do suggest that she interacted with Blumenthal using the account after she stepped down. “H: got your message a few days ago,” reads the subject line of one email from Blumenthal to Clinton on February 8, 2013; “H: fyi, will continue to send relevant intel,” reads another.
The memos cover a wide array of subjects in extreme detail, from German Prime Minister Angela Merkel’s conversations with her finance minister about French president Francois Hollande–marked “THIS INFORMATION COMES FROM AN EXTREMELY SENSITIVE SOURCE”—to the composition of the newly elected South Korean president’s transition team. At least 10 of the memos deal in whole or in part with internal Libyan politics and the government’s fight against militants, including the status of the Libyan oil industry and the prospects for Western companies to participate.
One memo was sent on August 23, 2012, less than three weeks before Islamic militants stormed the diplomatic outpost in Benghazi. It cites “an extremely sensitive source” who highlighted a string of bombings and kidnappings of foreign diplomats and aid workers in Tripoli, Benghazi and Misrata, suggesting they were the work of people loyal to late Libyan Prime Minister Muammar Gaddafi.
While the memo doesn’t rise to the level of a warning about the safety of U.S. diplomats, it portrays a deteriorating security climate. Clinton noted a few days after the Benghazi attack, which left four dead and 10 people injured, that U.S. intelligence officials didn’t have advance knowledge of the threat.
On September 12, 2012, the day after the Benghazi attack, Blumenthal sent a memo that cited a “sensitive source” saying that the interim Libyan president, Mohammed Yussef el Magariaf, was told by a senior security officer that the assault was inspired by an anti-Muslim video made in the U.S., as well as by allegations from  Magariaf’s political opponents that he had CIA ties.
Blumenthal followed up the next day with an email titled “Re: More Magariaf private reax.” It said Libyan security officials believed an Islamist radical group called the Ansa al Sharia brigade had prepared the attack a month in advance and “took advantage of the cover” provided by the demonstrations against the video.
An October 25, 2012 memo says that Magariaf and the Libyan army chief of staff agree that the “situation in the country is becoming increasingly dangerous and unmanageable” and “far worse” than Western leaders realize.
Blumenthal’s email warnings, of course, followed a year of Libyan hawkishness on the part of Clinton. In February of 2011, she told the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva that "it is time for Gaddafi to go.” The next month, after having described Russian reluctance over military intervention as “despicable,” Clinton met with rebel leaders in Paris and drummed up support for a no-fly zone while in Cairo. On March 17, 2011, the UN Security Council voted to back Libyan rebels against Gaddafi.
It’s this buildup, which Clinton still proudly recalled in her 2014
memoir, that Blumenthal appears to join in on 2011. In addition to the intel memos, his emails also disclose that he and his associates worked to help the Libyan opposition, and even plotted to insert operatives on the ground using a private contractor.
A May 14, 2011 email exchange between Blumenthal and Shearer shows that they were negotiating with Drumheller to contract with someone referred to as “Grange” and “the general” to place send four operatives on a week-long mission to Tunis, Tunisia, and “to the border and back.” Tunisia borders Libya and Algeria.
“Sid, you are doing great work on this,” Drumheller wrote to Blumenthal. “It is going to be around $60,000, coverting r/t business class airfare to Tunis, travel in country to the border and back, and other expenses for 7–10 days for 4 guys.”
After Blumenthal forwarded that note to Shearer, he wrote back questioning the cost of the operation. “Sid, do you think the general has to send four guys. He told us three guys yesterday, a translator and two other guys. I understand the difficulty of the mission and realize that K will be repaid but I am going to need an itemized budget for these guys.”
“The general” and “Grange” appear to refer to David L. Grange, a major general in the Army who ran a secret Pentagon special operations unit before retiring in 1999. Grange subsequently founded Osprey Global Solutions, a consulting firm and government contractor that offers logistics, intelligence, security training, armament sales, and other services. The Osprey Foundation, which is a nonprofit arm of Osprey Global Solutions, is listed as one of the State Department’s “global partners” in a 2014 report from the Office of Global Partnerships.’
Among the documents in the cache released by Lazar is an August 24, 2011, memorandum of understanding between Osprey Global Solutions and the Libyan National Transition Council—the entity that took control in the wake of Qadaffi’s execution—agreeing that Osprey will contract with the NTC to “assist in the resumption of access to its assets and operations in country” and train Libyan forces in intelligence, weaponry, and “rule-of-land warfare.” The document refers to meetings held in Amman, Jordan between representatives of Osprey and a Mohammad Kikhia, who represented the National Transition Council.
Five months later, according to a document in the leak, Grange wrote on Osprey Global letterhead to Assistant Secretary of State Andrew Shapiro, introducing Osprey as a contractor eager to provide humanitarian and other assistance in Libya. “We are keen to support the people of Libya under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Finance and the Libyan Stock Exchange,” Grange wrote. Shapiro is a longtime Clinton loyalist; he served on her Senate staff as foreign policy advisor.
Another document in the cache, titled “Letter_for_Moin,” is an appeal from Drumheller to then-Libyan Prime Minister Ali Zeidan offering the services of Tyler Drumheller LLC, “to develop a program that will provide discreet confidential information allowing the appropriate entities in Libya to address any regional and international challenges.”
The “K” who was, according to Shearer’s email, to be “repaid” for his role in the Tunisia operation appears to be someone named Khalifa al Sherif, who sent Blumenthal several emails containing up-to-the-minute information on the civil war in Libya, and appears to have been cited as a source in several of the reports.
Contacted by ProPublica and Gawker, Drumheller’s attorney and business partner Danny Murray confirmed that Drumheller “worked” with Blumenthal and was aware of the hacked emails, but declined to comment further.
Shearer said only that "the FBI is involved and told me not to talk. There is a massive investigation of the hack and all the resulting information.” The FBI didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.
Blumenthal, Grange, and Kikhia all did not respond to repeated attempts to reach them. Nick Merrill, a spokesman for Clinton had no comment on Blumenthal’s activities with Drumheller.
Whatever Blumenthal, Shearer, Drumheller, and Grange were up to in 2011, 2012, and 2013 on Clinton’s behalf, it appears that she could have used the help: According to State Department personnel directories, in 2011 and 2012—the height of the Libya crisis—State didn’t have a Libyan desk officer, and the entire Near Eastern Magreb Bureau, which which covers Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco and Libya, had just two staffers. Today, State has three Libyan desk officers and 11 people in the Near Eastern Magreb Bureau.

Reached for comment, a State Department public affairs official who would only speak on background declined to address questions about Blumenthal’s relationship to Clinton, whether she was aware of the intelligence network, and who if anyone was paying Blumenthal. Asked about the Tunisia-Libya mission, the official replied, “There was a trip with the secretary in October of 2011, but there was also a congressional delegation in April, 2011. There were media reports about both of these at the time." Neither trip involved travelling via Tunis.

911 CALL - "Amazing" 12 Year Old Girl Shoots Intruder with a Glock During Home Invasion

Share this video and inform others about this alleged child ABDUCTOR who breaks into a home and this amazing 12 year old girl shoots and defends herself! GOOD JOB!!! The intruder was ALSO ARRESTED arrested in 2011 for allegedly abducting a 17 year old girl.

This story occurred in October of 20, 2012.

Here are the details:

BRYAN COUNTY, Oklahoma -
A 12-year-old girl took matters into her own hands during a home invasion in southeast Oklahoma.

It happened on Wednesday when the girl was home alone. She told police a stranger rang the doorbell, then went around to the back door and kicked it in. She called her mom, Debra St. Clair, who told her to get the family gun, hide in a closet and call 911.

That was when St. Clair dropped what she was doing and raced home.

"I drove home at a really fast pace to try to get to her, and when I got here the police were already here. And they had the suspect," she said.

During that time, the intruder made his way through the house. St. Clair's daughter told deputies the man came into the room where she was hiding and began to open up the closet door. That was when the 12 year old had to make a life-saving decision.

"And what we understand right now, he was turning the doorknob when she fired through the door," said the Bryan County Undersheriff Ken Golden.

The bullet hit the intruder, who deputies identified as 32-year-old Stacey Jones. He took off but did not get far before officers took him down.

"He was sitting down, the policemen had him apprehended at the end of the block. All I saw was some blood coming down his back. I'm not exactly sure where his injury was, but I saw some blood there," explained St. Clair.

Jones was taken to a Texas hospital by helicopter after the incident. An investigator on the case said Jones was released from the hospital Thursday and extradited to the Bryan County Jail.

The 12-year-old girl was not injured during the ordeal.

CRITICAL ALERT: TONIGHT -- TUNE IN - The Wait is Over! American militias Strike Back! - PLEASE POST NOW

 Emailed to me by a reader~

Sat, Mar 28, 2015 3:28 pm
                           The Wait is Over!
American militias Strike Back!

To: All Wram Members
From: Firehawk
Subject: Critical Alert (See Below)
The wait is over! America’s Militia Getting Ready to Strike!
In this Firehawk Report exclusive, two high-ranking militia officers reveal, for the first time, planned “push back” actions to commence within days! Every American needs to hear this revolutionary message. The wait is over – it’s time to take our county back!
Join us tonight, March 28, 2015 at 9:00 PM on Blog Talk Radio.
This FIREHAWK REPORT SPECIAL is brought to you by New Colony Network on Blog Talk Radio. We'll be talking about your future!Don't miss it!







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FIREHAWK REPORT: The Wait is Over!

The FIREHAWK REPORT The wait is over! America's Militia is Striking Back! In this Firehawk Report exclusive, two high-ranking militia officers reveal, for the first time, planned ?push back? actions to commence within days! Every American needs to hear this revolutionary message. The wait is over – it's time to take our county back! This FIREHAWK REPORT SPECIAL is brought to you by New Colony Network on Blog Talk Radio. Join us at 9PM at:
  • in War
  • today at 8:00 pm

Pentagon Launches “Jade Helm”: Troops To “Operate Undetected Amongst Civiilian

     Pentagon Launches “Jade Helm”: Troops to “Operate Undetected Amongst Civilian Population”…
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  Constitution Loving Patriots,

This is a situation we've been watching closely. We have warned you about it many times. Those who choose to ignore it are in for dire consequences.

Martial Law is coming. I can't repeat that enough. The signs are everywhere. Just open your eyes and look around!

If you want to be part of the movement to stop Martial Law click here.

The latest move is police becoming increasingly militarized against good citizens who firmly believe in the Constitution. They are even receiving strike force training. It's shocking!

Look at Spokane, Washington. The sheriff came right out and publicly said they have military vehicles because of Constitutionalists and people with guns.

The Spokane police department is preparing for alleged violence from these Patriots who they are deeming terrorists. That is pure insanity!

When I heard this I was floored! That was not all. This same sheriff recently said,

"I, with the stroke of a pen, can affect your freedom and I can take away your life in certain circumstances your rights."

It's an outrage alright...but if fits. Clearly the sheriff of Spokane and Obama share the same poison pen.

Obama has been carefully laying out his plans for Martial Law for several years now from the fake cities and training areas across the country to the gun-grabbing, ammo stockpiling, body bag ordering and now even heavily armored ambulances, labeled "tankbulances."

There's one in the Bay Area out in California. Guess where they got the money to do that? Department of Homeland Security. $200,000 bucks.

If you're thinking, "Well that is understandable, they need something in times or unrest" then here's something that will make your skin crawl.

That "tankbulance" has 11 gun ports, a roof hatch with a rotating gun turret and a battering ram capable of deploying incapacitating gas.

What has America come to?
If you weren't worried about Martial Law before

by God I hope you are now!